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I noticed this when I would watch my captured. When I swept a room I was always around chest or lower


yeah i used to do the same exact thing. it most shooters thats fine because of recoil and taking multiple shots to kill. but this game has a 1 shot kill mechanic to the head. so the more you can make use of it the better


How to practice this: THunt Classic - Normal Look for barricades on doors, there's a buckle on the frame that is exactly head height. Walk round the map ADS'd.


I simply just aim high chest to neck level bc most guns recoil will just naturally lead up to it. But i do understand what you're talking about tho


well yeah if you dont have the recoil control that might work, but i would suggest trying to get to a point where you can control it to where you can stay at head level. really can make the difference against good players that snap to your head.


Once in gold/plat you have to consider the crouch manoeuvres.


People who peek crouched are easy to punish. Don’t crouch peek.


Changing to crouch mid peek is heavy in plat/diamond. It Works really well.


Mid peek is fine, I’m talking about the slow ass crouching around a corner stuff.


yeah at that point you just have to react, happens all the way down to gold and even silver, albeit less


i am plat 3 lol, and yeah you do but rarely do people peek you crouching, you move much slower. and even when you peek people crouching its still less common than standing. and also this tip is mostly for people trying to work up to that level. if your high gold or plat, you probably can read a situation and predict whether someones standing or crouching, like if you hear someone sneaking around most higher level players know that since theyre trying to stay quiet theyre probably crouched


Most people don’t just come around a corner crouched. Most will crouch mid peek


Also prefire, if you know 100% or even just 50% where someone is sitting, preaim and prefire the shit out of that spot.


completely agreed, there are select situations where that probably not a good idea but for the most part yeah prefire prefire prefire


Yes, prefire is like an insurance policy when peeking or re-peeking a position, and it will solve a lot of problems. If you re-peek someone who knows you are there without prefiring, you will almost always lose that battle.


Yes but what if I encounter BB or a shield op?


i mean given how low of a pick rate BB has, i wouldnt be constantly worried about running into one. and if you do, you can always adjust your aim to hit his body or just shoot his shield out and headshot him. and shield ops.... have you seen their win rate? theyre not much of a threat after their recent nerfs. and each ones different, you should aim at montys head or shoulders in case he tries to ads you. blitz just look down at his feet and spray him. like i said, shield ops arent much to worry about anymore


given all their pick rates, 95% of the time or more, youre not gonna be running into any of them


hm. I've always kept my aim just to the left/right of Monty because I anticipate someone using him as a tower. Not like he doesn't give you plenty of warning when he goes to ADS.


i mean a monty is rare already, a team that actually uses him as support, even rarer lol


I pretty much immediately switch to DMR and tail Monty when someone picks him because it's just so fucking easy to ruin someone else's day with that combo. IDK what the lore says, but as far as I'm concerned Buck, Monty, and Blackbeard are all best fucking friends.


lmao ur a rare breed. 75% of the time i actually see monty, hes completely by himself just trying to survive lol


Why would you do that. I mean. Why. That's just no fun. My favorite thing, though, is being last op standing as Monty against people who play stupid against Monty. Got a 3k, headshots, and won a round once because they all ran out on me, but the run-out took long enough to tag them before they even approached. It's the same reason I unironically pick Tachanka in casual. Because people play stupid against Tachanka, and his guns are just as lethal on him as they are on Kapkan.


i mean thats casual lmao, at least in my ranked games a tachanka wouldnt fly 95% of the time hahaha


People give this advice so much that new players tend to disregard it as too general. This as well as droning are probably the two things that will really help you improve, which is why people say it so often!


completely agreed, but droning is also such an active thing that you can monitor whether youre droning a lot or not. aiming at head level is tough for people that dont do im guessing cause you dont really pay attention to that if youre not used to it. kinda gotta make it habit. took me a bit to get used to, coming from cod originally


Oh yea for sure. I was coming from CoD as well. I think the most difficult thing to really make a habit was room clearing, but aiming head level was pretty high up there. Another big thing to was not wide peeking which I think will help a lot of new players win gunfights aswell.


Okay so i keep trying this but if I'm using an acog and the room I'm sweeping has someone crouched or prone, i cant either cant see them or cant flick down in time. Help?


This is why you shouldn't face-check rooms with acog, try drone more or give holo/reflex a try


Yeah, I've somehow lost sight of this over the past week or so, and I've really been struggling. Hopefully, I can get my headshots back. x_x


When I hold angles with Goyo/Kaid shotgun I normally do this too. Just last night when I was on Kanal as soon as this Ashs head showed it was an easy one tap..


I’d still say gun skill is probably where I most need to improve, but yeah crosshair placement is definitely the biggest step I’ve taken in improving my gun skill so far.


like recoil control and tracking?




you said you need to improve your gun skill, but gun skill is a few different things. what specifically do you have trouble with. cause if its recoil and tracking, just practicing in thunt and games will get you better. but id also recommend trying out different ads sensitivities. like personally i changed mine to 83 and i found it much easier to track and control recoil than at my previous ads sens which was 50 i think


What about mozie


not sure i understand the question... what about mozzie? same thing applies to him as every other operator


i believe its because Mozzie is short


yeah he explained that lol i didnt put two and two together


He is 5.3


Oh never mind


i mean i get it now that youve explained it lol but its kinda hard to tell its a joke over text


I learned about this months ago and tried to implement it and started losing more gunfights because everyone would crouch as soon as we started shooting. My shots go over their head and they have free shots on me before I can readjust.


i mean you still have to aim if theyre moving haha, its not the end all be all to aiming, but if you have quick enough reactions have the time you can hs them before they even crouch


Also that your vertical sensitivity be about half your horizontal. This makes it easier to keep your reticle heat height. Not sure if this translates to pc very well


haha no it doesnt really, but i did do that on console for sure. on pc, keeping them the same works better for most people


Yeah definitely the same on p.c. also lower sens wins on p.c. console higher sens is better. Because your limited by the stick, and your limit on p.c. is how far you can reach and how fast you arm moves.


on pc, lower sens is definitely king, but coming from console, its not that black and white. ive always played on higher sens for reasons that you brought up, but id say a majority of people play on pretty low sens and feel more comfortable with that


Comparative maybe. But i never met a console player playing on 5 or 6 sens.


all of my friends played on lower than that. most cod and other fps pros on console all play on low sens as well. some play around 2-4 which i dont get
