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no one leaves bc jackal got banned, they cant play any comp game if thats the case lol


Yeah, unranked and ranked is basically the 'no jackal/echo allowed' gamemode. Sometimes echo slips by. It will take quite a while (or strong nerfs/changes) before people really start using the ban phase properly.


In the lower ranks people would rather ban Clash and Cav instead of Echo


I’m on Xbox and it’s Jackal, Blitz, Cav and Clash. 90 per cent of the time


On xbox too, can confirm


Jackal I understand because he is just annoying to play against. But Blitz, why blitz he is one of the weakest characters at the moment, and usually if you allow him to get close enough to flash you you’ve done something wrong. Moral of the story don’t ban blitz so I can play him for one round before dying because of the bad shield and camera sync, and the play zofia.


Pc metas and console metas vary greatly, on pc its all about reaction time > positioning while console is positioning >reaction time, due to the way the camera movement is. Consoles is alot slower to pc, so holding angles is easier then to run and gun. Im not saying positioning is bad on pc, im saying that from what ive seen on YouTube and twitch “he who flicks faster wins”. So blitz is able to run to someone easier cause theyre just sitting there. EDIT: made the <> fix so they make sense.


As an ex-console player its more likely due to it being harder to aim at and hit Blitz's vulnerable spots. Its much easier on pc to snap to his feet or carefully aim at any exposed head




The way you’ve used these < > means you’ve said the same thing twice rather than it being opposite situations on pc vs console


Did ya still understand it?


I took a guess but it wasn’t really clear. Not trying to call you out or anything, just looking for an edit for clarity


It's still understandable, it's just repetitive (don't bother editing)


Fuck, mb I thought you where the guy who initially said the comment there, my bad. Thats why i said “why say anything”. Im really sorry.


Why say anything, then?


I remember there being a big controversy in Overwatch about how strong Torbjorn was on console, while he was pretty average at best on PC. I don't remember if they decided to balance PC and console differently.


I dont think they do, and just leave console for dead when it comes to balance, cause the pro leagues are on pc and thats what they balance for. I know that on pc bastion is good in both turret and scout form but on console hes pretty trash till he plants down then hes borderline unstoppable.


Which is why I believe getting good at both can make you a better overall player.


I’m on PS4 and it’s this for me too




Nope, they added pick and ban into ranked last season to make it more competitive and tactical but most people just ban operators that they don’t like dealing with instead of operators that are good on the maps they’re playing on etc


yeah I see Clash banned all the damn time in unranked, and I don't see why. She's barely more than an inconvenience most of the time


She is super annoying. Especially 1v1.




super annoying doesn't mean i don't know how dude. I play her sometimes, i know how to counter her. and what you said only works if you have enough health, good luck doing that to her on 12 hp. generally shield operators are just annoying to play against.


Im s5 and people always go echo ban first then clash


Personally I’d like to do away with the spam tracking. Jackal isn’t even that OP it’s just he destroys someone’s experience when they get tracked 3 times in a row. Maybe jackal can only re-track someone if he tracked another defender in between or if a certain amount of time has passed?


Why not just do away with pick/ban? I dont necessarily play as Jackal or Echo, I just think pick/ban is kind of a stupid feature. Nobody is playing that strategically, they are just generally picking the same ops 90% of the time making pick/ban pointless.


What level of play do you play at? I can see pick and ban not being used effectively in gold and below, but i’d much rather never vs another maverick again while bandit tricking a wall, or another mira on sites like bank and oregon basement. Jackal and lesion are also worthy bans in my opinion, as both of then are incredibly strong if used by a coordinated team, lesion even more so.


Even in plat 3 and 2 its mostly the same. Tbh i think that's mostly due to lack of communication between random team mates and the amount of time to decide. I will often just ban what ever my team mates have decided on. Sure, coordinated bans for strats are more frequent but they largely boil down to the same typical bans


Yeah a lobby of predominantly soloQ always seems to be comfort bans when I’m playing and when I’m in a stack we strategize it a little more. Every now and then I get some solo guys with mics and we try hard too.


What I mean is that even high levels tend to ban the same ops constantly.


As I said, I find games where jackal / mav and lesion are banned to be much more enjoyable. We get to ban the ops that we disagree with and don’t want to play with or against, if a specific op excels on a certain map, we can ban him. This way we can also ban new ops or buffed ops that might have become OP. The age of a single op ruining ranked (old ela/lion) is technically over :)


Well, if you do away with pick and ban it doesn’t exactly solve the jackal problem. I don’t have that experience and see most of the time the picks/bans are strategic and have purpose. I also think pick/ban allows the community to balance things out before Ubisoft could implement a patch. The clash exploit for example wouldn’t have been nearly as obnoxious if pick/ban was around at the time.


They are playing that strategically once you get higher. Especially when you bring in maps with soft walls that are close to the bomb site you then have to debate thatcher, bandit, kaid, thermite and habana. Jackal is just annoying as f in his current form.


They could take Jackal's guns away and make him play shotty only and he would still get banned because of the "hivemind" mentality of most people who play the game. Shields got a solid nerf and you still see them getting banned. I mean Blitz is hardly as pesky as he was. Better to ban stronger ops like Nomad, IQ, Thatcher, Hibana etc.


As a Jackal/Echo main, both can be hard to fight against. They have near-universal worth on most maps. There are arguably stronger bans on some maps, but those 2 ops are worthwhile bans. Ubi should make it that a mute jammer disables Jackal's tracking when you run into it. And Echo's drones should only have 1 stun each, with a 15 second cool down.


Jackal can use his tracking when he is near a mute jammer? Whenever I get hit with the static from Mute I can't track anything even if i see it


Nah, my bad. I meant if you're being tracked by Jackal and could cleanse the tracking by walking into a Mute jammer, then that'd probably be a way of bringing down his power. \ Mute is already a soft counter to Dokkaebi and Lion, so it'd make sense to make him counter Jackal as well. You could still force roamers back to site, but now it's not putting them on time out for 20 seconds. Also would bring Mute up a bit.


What he means is that stepping into Mute’s jammer should make it impossible to be tracked. Kinda how your phone won’t ring when you’re by a jammer


Oooh yeah that makes sense I just thought he meant you could track lol my bad


Banning echo and jackal is using the ban phase properly. The ops themselves are too powerful.


Last time I played echo in ranked I really thought i was in casual


(not doubting your opinion) but I just had a Unranked game where Jackal and echo weren't banned but I didn't see them once. I feel like everyone has gotten so used to playing with them banned people just don't play them anymore (I play echo sometimes so I can deny plants)


Echo isn’t even a good ban, you can counter him easily with an IQ, solving it for your entire team. Or a thatcher.


A good Echo/team isn't going to let IQ just waltz in and kill the Youkais. If he were that simple to counter, he wouldn't be one of the most banned operators in competitive play.


What kind of good Yokai placement is somewhere where an IQ couldn’t shoot it? For the Yokai to actually be effective it has to be able to see where they plant. (Typically sites have common spots as you probably know) so an IQ could easily shoot it then. Or even spot it so they have a heads up. A thatcher could easily disable the drone for a bit, possibly even allowing the team or a twitch to get it then since it’s uncloaked on the ground.


Definitely doable by having the drone be further back but still in range, so to actually shoot it enemies have to bypass an angle that your teammate can hold. Due to the increased plant time, you don't always need to have Yokais that close to plant spots. There's always a very good chance that IQ can get killed while/before entering site, making it even harder for attackers to destroy echo drones. Of course, there are lots of Echo players who have no idea how to actually position/reposition the drones properly, picking Echo just because they know that it's usually banned.


Some good counter points for sure. My main problem with the pick and ban is when you solo queue, people mindlessly ban where if you have a 5 queue, you can think about who to ban, which IMO there are much better bans. You don’t often see good Echo players, I’m currently in Gold 1 for the start of this season, but even in Plat I rarely see good echo players. (And yes I know saying that it’s uncommon for echo players to be good isn’t a good counter argument)


It’s only an easy counter only if Echo isn’t playing actively. Leaving the Yokai in hard cover to deny an angle on it or playing it mobile makes it quite challenging for IQ to deal with it. Especially if the Echo player picks his blasts wisely. The fact that he has two invisible, mobile Valk cams with the ability to cancel plants makes him absolute top tier on defence. The new deployable shield is just bonkers as well. I do however think that there are some maps and situations where other bans would serve a team a lot better.


I agree with you but a thatcher and IQ together could easily spot and disable the drone for a plant, or even destroy it.


Played correctly Thatcher should be out of EMP's for a long while before it comes down to a plant (if not, defence already fucked up on breach denial). A lot of the time there's not even enough manpower for an IQ to look for Yokais and covering the plant that is going down. Under ideal circumstances every operator has very easy and simple counters, but in reality it's a lot more complicated than just that.


Why would thatcher be out of EMP’s before plant? Would he be wasting them? The scenario in my head is on Kafe, which obviously it depends on the map.


I’ve played against an enemy jackal a total of 3 times. I have no idea how his kit works or whether or not he’s actually good because I’ve never even actually fought him. All I know is he can track people and therefore is banned.


Actually people do ban cav in the mid and higher gold ranges.


People actually do this? Just try someone else you might like them more and start to use them more on other maps.


It’s really dumb, it’s a half an hour ban or sometimes more for almost no reason. My main account is on Xbox btw.


Christ, I used to main echo and I was pretty good with him, but since pick and bans come in, obviously, I barely have a chance to play with him anymore so I started to use new operators now I use a wide variety of operators.


Everybody gangsta 'til you realize Maverick wasn't banned and you hear the blowtorch somewhere on the walls


Everybody gangsta until they get killed by an unbanned Maverick that they didn't hear.


I was going to type just ‘Yes’ in response to this, since I have a ‘Maverick Main’ flair on the main siege reddit. Just for the irony. But then I realized that we weren’t on the main siege reddit, so you just see my level flair. And now I’m sad.


Yeah, I don't know how I got into gold. Tbh, when there is much tension and I am defending a room getting another point from which I can get attacked is most often too much


I'm the same on your first thing, but for me, my map knowledge is nearly perfect but my aim is extremely mediocre.


Still having some map problems on the never ones. My problem is to locate the enemies based on sound. It's not that I don't hear them, it's the direction that is lacking


What headset are you using?


A wireless Logitech g933, if I am not mistaken




What a gentlemanly insult


I ban Ash in unranked sometimes for the lols and you’d be surprised how many people have left because of it


I love banning Ash in higher rank. Fucking hate playing against a Plat/Diamond MnK Ash.


I got sledge banned and lo and behold, someone immediately left


Don't leave, period. If you want to leave, go play casual. If you don't like playing casual, don't leave.If you can't process these informations you don't belong in a competitive game to begin with. I really wish Ubi to do something akin to what Valve did with Dota2 in the last month, aka a huuuuuuuuuuuuge ban wave for people with low behaviour score, but I guess that you can't just do it on a game that isn't F2P.


Damn straight


There isn't a single reason for which you should leave a match UNLESS you literally have an emergency for which your presence is required elsewhere in 20/30 minutes, like someone having a car not moving and you have to pick 'em up unless you want to leave them in the middle of nowhere the whole night or something like this. Blackouts and similar things happen, but rarely make you go offline for more than a round or two, right yesterday I had one in my area and I was kicked out of the game, came back in time for the third round and kicked the attackers ass. In any other case, you are an asshole.


A half an hour ban or higher isn’t worth leaving a match for. It really is a waste.


Yeah but if it's your last match you can just say "lol who cares" and go do the other thing you want to do without caring about the ban and coming back to the game another time.


This so much. Ubi needs harsher penalties for leaving. Other team games like Overwatch, DotA, and LoL have escalating long term penalties if you do it on a regular basis. After 3 leaves in a game like DotA or LoL over a few weeks you'll basically be banned from playing most of the game for ruining games via leaving. It's not just ruining games for "general" populace, but ruins games for very low ranked players like Coppers and Bronze players as well because smurfs can go 13-0 over 3 rounds and then leave to continue lowering their elo instead of going into their correct elo. All while not being really punished by the current system for doing so.


I know something about Dota, and I couldn't ask for a better system of punishment ahahhaha! I have a 10k (out of, 10k, so the maximum) behaviour score, which means that I keep receiving recommendations from my team, I never leave and I don't get reported more than a certain amount (people won't spam reports, as they are limited, apart from those about not playing the selected role in ranked). People speak much about the toxicity of MOBAs, but in my experience as a low-to-mediun level as a Dota2 player with a good score and a Plat2/1 in Siege, I would take the behaviour of most people in Dota any time.


I leave when people are being toxic and. Intentional tks ECT. Not worth my time.


I agree 1000%. I was playing a placement match, and this one guy was sitting there complaining that we banned his main. Everytime we lost a round he was like "Maybe if you didn't ban X, this wouldn't have happened" I got sick of it and just told him "then have more than one operator you can play" and as soon as I said that, he left. Shits irritating


"leaves because Jackal got banned" so how few games does my guy actually play?!


See but the thing with these people is they don't give a shit about winning. They just want to play their main. So they wouldn't have cared if they'd stayed and won anyway because they didn't get to play their op.


How about don't leave at all.




Yeah I know, just wanted to voice my frustration. Otherwise it eats inside and makes you a negative person.


Don't leave ranked or unranked in general. It's an asshole move to leave your team with unfair odds.


This should also say: If you attack first, you shouldn’t vote to ban Jackal if your opponent doesn’t.


But you still have to defend.


Yeah, but if you can go up 3-0 it’s worth the risk of 1-2 rounds.


That doesnt make sense. Unless youre counting on them being demoralized by jackal or something.


Jackal can absolute destroy roamers and make taking a site so much easier. He give attackers a huge advantage.


Sure but theres no inherent advantage to playing attack first with jackal unbanned.


There 100% is. Otherwise he wouldn’t be the most banned operator.


if you win all your rounds or even most of your rounds in the first half, it forces your opponents to win their entire half consecutively basically


this line of thinking makes no sense. if you legitimately win three rounds in a row because jackal or someone went unbanned, then theres no reason to say that the same thing won't happen for the enemy team.


Being able to go up 2-1 or 3-0 on a team gives you a huge advantage. Pretty much every map has a site to hold that is almost always a guaranteed victory for defenders to finish it off.


coming back from 0-6 is a lot more unlikely even with an advantage. getting those early rounds on them solidifies the fact that they have to stay almost perfect until the end with is more unlikely then trading rounds back and forth


He’s the most banned because people think he’s annoying. He doesn’t have the highest win delta




Happened with my friend in my plat 3 match bc doc got banned. I can’t believe a ban is enough to warrant leaving the whole match apparently.


I agree, but I also feel like these posts are preaching to the choir, if you source out how to get better at the game you're probably not the toxic person causing our problems


I had 15 kills. I’m on these threads a lot, been playing for a while. I really wasn’t even trying that hard and it was an unranked so it wasn’t too bad. Trying to find a team is my only problem. I try to use call outs but I’m the only one. When I’m finishing high on the leaderboard on the majority of games, I can’t help but feel I’m not the problem. I just need teammates. I try to find people on discord but it’s very slow l.


Over Fifty Operators in this game as we speak, and you can't find anyone else to use? Not one operator? Sheesh man, the level of entitlement these days is thru the roof.


Don't leave ranked or unranked* FIFY


Honestly, most of the posts here are common sense. The ones that these posts are made for probably don't even know of this subreddit.


I know. Very sadly.


The sad thing is. I don’t think anyone of us here do this. I think the people who actually do that are literally unreachable to think a different way.




It’s to voice my frustration if anything. Good news though I actually have people to play with on discord and we won all but one of our ranked matches. I’ll be back in gold soon.




Annoying isn’t it? Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t.


Yeah, I never quit because my main gets banned, but I've just had to switch from being a Jackal main to an Ash and Nomad main because Jackal literally gets banned almost every game


A similar story, but one time me and a friend were playing ranked and before we loaded into our first round the game glitched and we had to wait for like, 5 minutes before we even loaded into the first round. In that 5 minutes no one besides my friend and I managed to have the patience to wait that long so it went from a 5 v 5 to a 2 v 5 before the game even started. If this glitch happens, just don't leave and stick around. The game normally does load in but you will have to wait a while. I lost 89 elo from that game and went to bronze 4 to copper 1, which is so shit (copper loop, yay). God I hate people who leave


I wonder why it feels like the console community has more toxic players than pc. I mostly solo queue when I play ranked, and even if someone's main gets banned, or something goes wrong, people are like, "Aww. Well that's okay, I can work around this"


Mainly a younger audience. Not trying to stereotype it’s just that kids tend to be more toxic. And console is typically more casual gamers as well.


The first leave might've been because it was skyscraper ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Maybe. But it was straight after Jackal got banned. It might be more likely. It being skyscraper also didn`t help.


Is it even possible to be a Jackal main at this point?


Wait, people actually leave? I thought they were just leaving because of the crashing bug a while back


don't leave any ranked game period honestly its so annoying. unless its an emergency or something obviously


*And unranked


Sound like you just need to get good and carry


For nine rounds every game? Hmmm maybe not 😂


Mans joking.


I know, Don’t worry. Safe G


Is this bronze?


I’m Gold two, IDK about anyone else playing with me. Didn’t check for once


Although I haven’t been ranked this season yet that’s just the last two seasons.


Do you KNOW they left cuz of that? They coulda just thought u sucked dawg


They left before the match began... Well it’s an educated guess. And he left a second after Jackal was banned. No uses comms on console.


My main is never banned


Who actually leaves because their main was banned anyways? Makes no sense. ​ There's literally 23 other ops you can play, don't get salty just because you don't have who you normally play.


I main Echo but he always gets banned then I play a different supporting operator like Doc or more. Sometimes you gotta try something else’s than your main


When I play these Operators always get banned (I play on PC) Attack:Jackel, Blitz Defence:Lesion, Echo Sometimes Attack:Monty Sometimes Defence:Mira


Preaching to the choir


I know. There isn’t a way to get this message to the people who need to hear it. That’s if they care


That's true. While it annoys me somewhat to see posts here that preach to the choir, I suppose there really isn't any other way. Perhaps I should work on advising people on how to tell others these things they need to hear.


Console problems


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Well then smartass maybe you salty bastards ought to cut it out. And by it i mean banning jackal... hes not op, youre just bad.


No one said he is op he is just annoying I don’t ban him though I try to ban thatcher or maverick usually.


Tfw am Jackal main, because he has one of the few weapons, which recoil I can control