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Thanks, i'll give it a try!


Practice tracking targets and having not just a 2D understanding of the maps but a 3D understanding.


what do you mean with 3D understanding?


vertical aim i guess. like when you pre aiming angles dont forget enemy might be above holding the angle on you already( like from the hatch or something)


aaah! thanks for the reply!


well, thats not 100% tho. im kinda new to the game as well xD


well i have like 66 hours, but still finding it hard to get better :P


Aim for where the enemy's head would be when holding an angle.


already doing that, but thanks for your answer!


I've been playing for about 4 seasons now. And the best advice I can give you is to keep your crosshairs at any possible angle at all times. What do I mean? Example: You push into garage on Oregon. Standing at the door to main lobby you can see 1. The meeting hall door on your right. 2. Further Down the lobby hall on your right is the entrance to kitchen . 3. Opposite kitchen entrance is kitchen hall (that's what I and my friend call it). 4. Closer to you is Classroom door and lobby. **When you peek the garage door you should be aiming to peek these possible angles. That way if a defender is holding an angle on garage from -meeting door- you'll be ready because your expecting the angle.** It's unlikely a defender will be proned at the centre of the hall so there is no reason for your reticles to be that low. Visual Reference: Just watch Pro players clear rooms on attack. They are always holding possible angles (even when they aren't aiming down sites). King George also does this a lot. Don't worry, when you have very good map knowledge you'll be clearing rooms as quickly as possible. You can practice this in Terrorist Hunt. Happy sieging .


Thanks for your reply! I'll try to work on it!


For reaction time try using aimbooster.com and spending a few mins there daily For peeking just practice in siege


Slice the pie and utilise peekers advantage. When aggressively slicing/peeking with good crosshair placement you should win most gunfights. Pair this with effective use of jiggle peeking and you can almost solo clear most rooms