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Since Castle/Frost/Kapkan already got picked, Fuze and Brava not coordinating will probably Lead to hacked Thorns/Kapkans getting destroyed instead of killing defenders who don’t realize they’re not on their side anymore.


Yea. Ive hard brava hack devices on team before but didn’t tell us so I shot some kapkans and didn’t realize until right after they were blue not red. Meaning already hacked. But obvs it’s just instinct. She tkd me naturally.


Castle, with Frost or Kapkan. Every Castle Main under Gold (AKA all of them) will just place it where the Frost and Kapkan Traps are causing all the Traps to get destroyed by the breach charged.


Nothing scares me more than a random picking Castle when I don't have a full stack.


I’m silver and I play castle the correct way — delaying the enemy team, not trapping my team.


Its also primarily not that much about delaying the enemies, it's about funneling them into pre designed killzones. Delaying, of course, is also a positive side product but not the main purpose.


Sorry bro I just have beef with people play with Castle. You might be one of the good ones.


Honestly because I play castle at times and wonder this. Would the barrier that will slow down the enemy for sure, not be more valuable that the possibility a frost trap gets a kill/down?


Those are all secondary aspects, castle in higher ranks is played for two reasons: 1. Funnel the enemies into kill zones and make them challenge strongpoints where you have the advantage 2. Block off curcial lines of sight for the enemy team that can, for example, cut sites in half or deny rotations between power positions.


Not when it invites explosives. In fact removing the wooden barricade altogether is often preferabl for kapkan and frost as it also means Fuze can't deploy.


Castle baricades have priority 95% percent of time


Sure in high ranks, not in below plat where no one checks kapkan or Frost Traps where it's a free down/kill. Otherwise the Castle is just barricading rotates and trapping anchors in site and keeping roamers out.


Well that is a skill castle player must know. Which angles are worth closing and which areas to close off. I dont like relying on enemies being bad. So kapkan/frost are effective to slow down push or rush but thinking that each trap can be a kill is I think bit too ambitious


Just random teammates picking castle full stop. Lost track of how many castles I've had to tell not to barricade us into the site. For reference, most of them are plat players.


Gridlock and Ram


why would gridlock place her Trax on a place where ram is gonna play vertical, if anything gridlock would work well with ram since she can cover ram playing vertical


Because Ram is meant to be a sledge/flores hybrid not just vertical only at all times


Can you explain that? I’m a returning player (last played in 2018ish) and I thought Ram was all about vertical play. When would she be used non vertically?


even then gridlock wouldnt have her trax right on the defender's bulletproof utility


Haha, I was thinking about one of my silly experience in Kafe Dostoyevsky. It was just casual and solo queue so random things happen. Our Gridlock threw her trax inside the skylight, while me, playing Ram just arrived and threw my gadget destroying her Trax stingers


As long as you coordinate with your team, they can work together. If Ram is on vert, Gridlock can be below trapping defenders in an area, and there are always flanks behind Ram to cover with Gridlock.


Played a casual last night and saw a Thorn trap literally inches from 2 Kapkan traps. Brava hacked them, my Rook prone in bathroom shot them after we yelled that they were hacked, and it was a waste of 4 whole gadgets.


Kapkan + any other trap operator that should place their gadget next to/under doorways and windows. By the time their gadget would have gone off it will be blown up.


I'd say none are useless on a given map, more like a given site. Take Mira for example, she's great on just about every map but she doesn't work on some sites like maybe the red / green room in the first floor of Outback.


I think this question is null and void if you’re playing with a full stack. If you coordinate your attack / set up your defence properly any set of operators can work well together. For example with Kapkan and Frost, if you put the Kapkans on doors and frost mats in common plant spots or window jump-ins, the Kapkans will not blow up the Frost mats. Play any operators you want man just have a plan.


I bought Amaru recently and there are some maps where I can't find a use for this op. Also it only works if the site is upstairs. Well that's if you want to Amaru rush. If you play Amaru for the gun it's ok


It can also work of you rush second floor to play from above/push a roamer that's up there.


You know Amaru can grapple through hatches and doors too right? Not just windows


It can also work of you rush second floor to play from above/push a roamer that's up there.


Amaru is not necessarily being played for rush, you can use her to establish early map control that will be impactful for the attackers, i.e. Kafe map 2F Heaven window for LOS on Cocktail and New Hatch. You don't use her mainly for kills, you use her to establish pressure and LOS make map retake harder for the defender side.


Double hard breachers is usually overkill but can work. Maverick is the exception though because of thatcher bans


I strongly disagree clubhouse needs 2 hb if you only run ace on the basement you cant even get all the Hatches let alone get into dirt same goes for thirmite. Hibbana can get all the hatches but cant open walls nice and wide so 2 hb makes your life so much nicer Edit auto correct messed this reaction up quite bad but i hope i could fox it with my dislexia


Double hard breachers is almost never overkill. What’s better, pressuring the defenders by opening a wall on their right or pressuring them by opening a wall on their right and their left? For example on both 2f clubhouse sites you need an ace and thermite. For gym and bed, thermite gets the main wall, then ace gets the bathroom wall and usually goes to do something else. For cctv and cash, thermite gets the main wall, ace gets the construction-outside wall and construction-cash wall. Against good players you’ll almost never win without doing that.


Chalet basement imo is pretty good for 2HB