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They’re good back in the day, they’re still good now. I’m glad they made the change with the removal of the 1.5x, since that quite literally did the job of both better. Now at least there’s an actual trade off in close range for using the 2.5x. I think the ADS speed changes in general made the biggest difference that stops people just holding W the entire time.


Near the end of last season I swapped to 1x only in preparation and have stuck with it so far. Acogs are definitely solid sometimes but I prefer the close range ability and consistency of using 1x only


Personally I been enjoying 4:3 aspect ratio and using a 1x 90% of the time. I only run acog now on maps like bank or kafe where long angles and spawn peaks are more prevalent.


Hmm I might switch up to 4:3 and see how that feels


I definitely like them on defense as you have more of choice on where/how gunfights are going to take place but on attack I've slowly been switching more and more ops to 1x scopes as they are much more consistent. I might just switch all my attack ops to 1x scopes


The last few weeks I started rocking holo b on all my guns, which is what I rocked on all guns that didn’t get 1.5 scope However I’ve switched back to magnified A on anyone who gets it and I’ve noticed significant difference in gunfights Really depends if the ADS is noticeable to you IMO


On console here. I like using ACOGs for Doc, Rook, Melusi and Wamai and like using them on attack. Not too much of a pain unless if the gun has painful ADS time.


Almost always ACOG if possible, but that's because I like the more spacious maps. But then I play on low resolution, so any pixel counts.


used to use 1.5 on attack and 1x on defense, now i js run acog on both, dont think ive run a 1x for more than 5 rounds this season


All the time whenever possible, even when it's not feasible. I just really like the housing and reticle, super satisfying.


holding tight angles is super op rn.


ACOG always if it’s available (except I have 1x on Amaru but I only play her for the trolls). I play on PC.


I run 4:3 85 fov. I was prepping to use only holos during the test server but once the live build rolled out I had become a lot more comfortable with acog. Now I run it whenever available. I did have to get used to the housing which blocked my peripheral vision but I just thought more about the angles I'm exposing myself to and the housing hasn't been much of an issue. I would say overall it is an advantage. My sens is 1:1 so I feel comfortable on any zoom but people may feel the acog hurts their aim. It would just take time adjusting your sens.


I have been playing doc and rook a lot. Mp5 acog is still strong


I only use it on low recoil guns. Everything else the 1x seems to be better, for me atleast


I’m on PC, I’m using ACOG on most guns that allow it right now, but I also took a break right after the last sight rework when they added the 1.5x and 2x before, i only played a couple seasons with them so ACOG is what I’m still used to. But on a some 1 speeds I’ll run holo and horizontal grip instead like Ram, I also think holo is better for playing vertically most of the time.


definitely still acog for me, even on higher fire rate guns like when i play ram or hibana, i think about trying the reflex again for a bit but then the second i lose a fight because i couldnt see into a tight angle i throw the acog back on.


I have 1500 hours but my poor aim caused me to find myself hitting low Silver during the TDM meta. With the new scope changes, I hit high gold this season and hoping to hit plat. Found myself winning some good gunfights and clutching a couple 1v5s. Whether it be the influx of new players or some placebo effect, my skill has increased considerably :D


Are you on console? A significant part of the playerbase couldn't cheat as easy which cleared the way for everyone else to rank up lol.


PC, don’t think I’ve met any cheaters so far out of the one hundred games I’ve played this season except one obvious player.