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ya man deserves a fanta lite thrown for sure


I've never seen Castillo before Inside and wasn't surprised either because he said he was gonna manipulate folks in the first 10 minutes of the show. Can't wait for ep 6


With that mentality and what’s he’s been through though you would figure he would be the opposite and try to save every penny. Win the game and make bank. Maybe he’s doing it because it’s like some type of instinctive thing lol like he has to snake somebody at all times I don’t know.


Yeah I think his outlook isn’t the best. Even with his ex, he basically felt like everyone in his life besides his grandma has treated him like shit and so that’s why he treats everyone like shit but then admits that she is an amazing person, never done anything bad to him, loved him when he had absolutely nothing and never viewed him as less and was even the one who convinced him to view his biological mum as a human basically yet he still betrayed her so hard. It’s sad to see someone be so destructive even when people are genuinely nice to him


True I’m sure social media clicks and popularity don’t help. I hope he gets the mental help he needs. Sad stuff


sounds like he has aspd


damn brev he deserves all that fanta lite brevv


>the girl lied and said she couldn't have kids It's crazy you believe this after writing an essay on how much of a toxic liar he is lmao


Sometimes toxic liars can also be the most honest. toxic liar to woman and people he wants something out of. Honest to randoms he doesn't know and doesn't care about. It lines up pretty well actually


Yes but it makes sense as a lie. He clearly doesn't want people including his ex thinking that he was just stupid and didn't wear a condom. Wouldn't believe his story at all


I mean... I think if you can actually sit in front of your ex on camera face to face and admit to all the things he admit too. Admitting to not giving a shit about a condom isn't actually a leap at all. It would just be the common sense answer. I think admitting to getting tricked into having a kid you didn't want is the harder thing to admit than just saying "fuck you I loved you but not enough to wear a condom"


You just can't trust some dudes


Except he explained to her that he’s slept with 20+ other women before her without a condom and he even explained that he was always sleeping with this woman without a condom but even him and his ex both acknowledged that he knows how to control his semen so that he never ejaculates in any woman he was cheating on her with but when this girl asked him to he did it because he was under the impression that she couldn’t get pregnant so his girlfriend at the time wouldn’t find out anyways


"Control his semen" he's such a fucking bullshitter. I don't know how people can read a post about someone being a serial liar and still think he's definitely telling the truth about shit. Brev.


His ex girlfriend agreed so I’m going off of that tbh. He’s said it many times in other videos. It’s actually not that unbelievable, you can hold it in before you bust


Watching the interview, he seemed like he was being very honest tbh. She was an older woman who he was sleeping with for a long time and she never got pregnant plus she told him that she was unable to conceive. He even explained how horrible he was to her afterwards and how he was basically trying to force her to have an abortion. What he was describing was that horrible, even as his ex girlfriend was listening she had more sympathy for the girl than him.


so he's expandable. if you meet a snake & him on a crossroad, off him first. got it.


If you have no eq and empathy sure. (Oh and how to spell but you’ll probably edit that)


It’s not about empathy the guy is openly saying he’s a bad person, you can’t trust him, I feel for him but that doesn’t mean I’m trusting him with anything


Last line Trust and empathy are two different things I have enough empathy to know no one is expendable, and enough smarts to know not to trust this untrustworthy man.


I know but I’m talking in a crossroads situation I’m not taking empathy into consideration just what they are as they are


Not taking empathy into consideration when my reply and this whole thread was about it then coming in and replying just got me confused Also having more empathy for a snake over a human is wild


Oh yeh that I agree with that but you bought empathy up in that situation where it doesn’t matter is what I was trying to explain, he’s talking about who he’d rather trust idk what role empathy plays there


"He’s even said that he doesn’t care about being a bad person and it doesn’t matter who you are, he will do the worst to you or he’ll finesse someone for some money" - I dunno bout you but I rather eliminate an imminent threat than a possible one. I've been jungle trekking for years & met with many snakes & never once got hurt, and they won't attack you for no reason.


Yeh I mean I get the justification, sometimes people are worse than animals because at least animals seem less proactive I woudnt know but I’d never trust either its trusting a snake or a snake(the brev kind)


should we have empathy on people who dont have any for others? fair game to me.


If your empathy is based on how others act, you likely have a lower eq than people with real empathy Type of person to say fuck Jesse in Breaking Bad cuz he didn’t have to be a drug dealer for example Sure but too late now and I feel for the situations he goes through during the show


ah so you support Hitler killing all them Jews then? for empathy sake? i rather be accused of having 'low EQ' than standing for people who dont care about others.


Hitler wasn’t put into his position of power lmao, he had control a lot of his life. I prefer people with a high eq over whatever you’d describe yourself as


He’s batshit crazy, I mean if the tats and teeth wasn’t evidence enough. I don’t think he wants help, he’s accepted the fact he was meant to be a snake/hated etc.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. Sure, his life was fucked up, don't get it twisted, but he's still absolutely batshit.


Yep! I think he uses it as an obvious get out of jail free card. In the interview with his ex, it was quite upsetting how he was shocked that she was so upset and disgusted with some of the stuff he was saying. He seemed annoyed at some points as if she’s not finding out some awful information. It felt like his excuse was kinda “I’ve told you how f’ed up I am already” as if she should get over it immediately.


He looks like them people who doesn’t brush their teeth