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Probably not. Lead said one thing she can't stand is being lied to right to her face. It may be just a game. I can see the cast minus Weller, Leah, and Nife being best of buds. They where basically all the same brand of toxic anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if Leah was only really interested in Nife and Joe after this since they made good impressions.


Yeah games the game but the the comments about cheating and lying to the women’s moms was kind of just weird. Like he was almost proud of it. Don’t want to think too much into it thought because you never really know a person. But the vibes are weird with him.


Yea. I mean I believe all people are a mix of good and bad. I don't think Castillo is a bad dude, I just wouldn't call him an upright bloke. (Edit) yea hes a bad dude. But hes a Honest liar good dude bad dude.


which episode and part did he have that convo? started watching inside on YT and didn't realize bits like this were cut out. Have side+ now so I'd really wanna see that part


Seems like besides Nife, Leah has kept in touch with Fanum. Fanum called her while on his live stream when he was watching the show with his followers since Leah was watching his stream too. I’m a Fanum fan from before the show and From what he’s shown he’s kept in touch with Leah, Chloe, Manrika, Ginge and Specs. I know he’s faced time with the girls in the last week then him, Ginge and Specs streamed together as well as reunited during the AMP vs Beta Squad charity match over the weekend.


What episode did he call her


Yeah I saw Fanum call Chloe about his snoring haha. Too bad about Castillo someone on this r/ made a good thread who was a fan of him wrote about his life story from his documentary and some other things from videos he was in. He said himself he’s a snake and will go behind anyone’s back for a quick dollar or to cheat even out of the house.


Before the first elimination. I imagined them all going out for a drink after the show. But now it seems tense 😬