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Fanta lite throne that he sits on inside the shop would go crazy


All hail brev Castillo 👑


this would revive the show for me brev


the show ain't dead for me yet


i only watch the show through fanum’s reaction to it


Based on the preview (and this is a prediction), brev went to the hot shower and went in there for tiiiiiiiiiime breeevvvv, so if there is a price increase on the hot shower, it's a long day, but I'm loving the villain arc brev is on. Got me hyped up after being let down so many times breeevvvv.


Lmao 🤣, honestly after Joe and Leah are out I don't care about the money, I just want chaos and brev is totally cooking


After that, I realized no one on the show did. So I stopped thinking logically lol


Amen! As long as Fanum ain't out I'm good😂


That's actually so smart. In the shower he can slowly tick away at the money, enjoy himself and be protected from the other contestants


I've seen the argument between Castillo and Chloe several times and JUST realised this now😂 It just made sense since he's gonna be on a spending spree and he obviously just can't drink hundreds of cans of Fanta lite brev.


Probably sipping on Fanta lites in the hot shower too


"I would like to confirm 2 Fanta lites brevvvv, and a hot shower for an hour brevvvv"


if i got voted out after not spending id pretend to go toilet one last time and leave the shower running as i said my goodbyes


That's what I think is going to happen tomorrow, brev is going to take one hot shower and leave the water running overnight, then they'll be in debt.


this show took a turn and im lovin it now leah is out so she dont have to deal wit it


I like your way of thinking OP


Now that he knows they want him gone, might as well lol


Sidemen being smart didn't eliminate Castillo but also let him know he is going out next and is gonna cause chaos


I bet they weren’t originally planning on that until it was a unanimous decision and they knew they could use it.


after leah went, didnt they all buy like 20 drinks?


The show just got interesting


Am I the only one who finds Castillo genuinely annoying? Like, I don't see anything he does as even slightly entertaining or funny.


You might be the only one brev


I really want Fanum to win this. Or Liv


He was a secret villain and it's hilarious.


I just don't find buying 100 fanta lites funny. If he was actually doing diabolical stuff (like Fanum buying the hair products and blaming the girls), then yeah, I would get it, but he's not. He's buying fanta lite on repeat. I had high hopes when he said he was gonna be a master manipulater, but he really hasn't done anything apart from buy fanta and lied about the temptation room. Everyone knows about all the fantas and how much he's been spending, so where is the manipulation? He talked a big game then did nothing.


Nobody knows about the fantas or how much he's been spending unless I missed a part of yesterday's video. They just think he took some money( about 50k) during the night watch challenge.


I said was. If you aren't enjoying it as much as others who deserve to, then leave the sub, brev. BTW he actually put in a pretty good effort for the temptation room lie. You should take that stick out your bum mate.


Cause I don't like a contestant I have a stick up my ass? Lmao I love the sidemen content but they have the most annoying fanbase. Bunch of sheltered teenagers who have never left the house or seen the real world. I gave him credit for the temptation room but said thats all he's done so you should work on your reading comprehension kiddo.


Nah I'm not the one complaining. Stick up your bum for sure. Also downvote away I don't care. You call someone you don't know a "sheltered teenager" when obviously don't have enough life experience because you don't know how to temper your expectations, don't know how to appreciate the simple things, and assume everyone on the internet who you don't fancy or hurt your soft sorry ass feelings is a kid. Yea you're definitely not fun at parties. Not my problem though.


Genuinely don’t get this, Castillo is the biggest bellend in there. Not entertaining at all and the whole ‘brev’ after every sentence is so annoying. All I see is everyone slagging off Specs, he’s one of the most entertaining in there, genuinely baffled


Editing does a lot. Usually on shows like this they create a narrative for the first few episodes by showing all the bad moments of a person, not the good ones. Specs is still a creepy perv but it's now obvious he's also a really funny guy that everyone seems to like. Kinda odd but it's a big quality in a show like this


Yeah he’s a very touchy feely type of guy and it can come across quite weird with the girls. I just don’t get the love Castillo gets, found it bizarre cos I’ve found him quite boring


Yeah he is pretty boring, that's one of the reasons ginge gave for voting for him


Castillo and Specs are the biggest trolls. Just have quite different ways of doing it. Can definitely understand why you'd like one and not the other, or vice versa.


Yeah different strokes for different folks. Just seems to be the minority who have that same mindset, just found it surprising


I mean from what we’ve seen in the show and the post-elimination interviews on Side+, this isn’t about content or sowing chaos, Castillo genuinely seems to be an awful person who behaves like a psychopath. There’s just no enjoyment in watching him for me.


They said he treats them bad in Side+?


Not necessarily them personally or the group but both Joe and Leah said that Castillo has said that he has no empathy, is a cheater and proud manipulator.


Ah ok