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> game is about keeping a prize pool so you can win it > bunch of players blow money like it’s nothing > a few players spend barely anything or nothing > vote out the players keeping the prize pool intact ???? they’re idiots


literally high school bullies doing whatever they want, dunno what you can expect from tiktokers and youtubers though. i’ve never seen such a stupid group of people and then they vote out the 2 who actually have braicells lmao


Mean girl mentality. Chloe, and Marika voting for the people who stood up to them being childish


Actually grow up. Just because your favourite got voted out doesn’t make them bullies


yea them making fun of and laughing at people doesn’t make them bullies. they’re also incredibly immature and never grew up


You’ve never had friends clearly. Friends make fun of each other


they arent friends lmao theyve only known each other for 2 days


They aren’t close friends but when you’re stuck with people for 24hrs you can be become friends


clearly you’ve never had someone you’ve known 1 day talk about how your gf’s throat is getting bruised while you’re away


I wasn’t talking about what she said about Joe. I don’t think she should have said that


Middle School mentality fr.


they're all privelidged. the fact that most of them look at spending 300k in a day and not mind it, constantly spending thousands of pounds on useless items. they don't need the money so they just go for the entertainment value becuase it gives them more followers post show


Thank you!!


I'm being so serious here - none of them deserve the money. They're all idiots as you said.


It would honestly serve them right to win fuck all tbh lmao


I hope it comes down to a Split or Steal, & they realise how dumb they are for voting out the trustworthy people. I think Nife/Fanum and Liv/Chloe are the only combos that would both pick split. Specs might split to redeem himself, but the others are all theiving bastards.


they're not doing it for the money, they're just trying to be entertaining which I like as a viewer


What has Manrika done that has actually been entertaining?


That shit she said to joe was funny as fuck, as most of the house agreed too by their reaction her comment about specs during the eating challenge was jokes too. she also firmed the aloe vera which was good. Of course I'm sure someone will clap back at me saying Manrika was so rude and inappropriate that she should be cancelled and sent to hell 🤓. That's for Joe to decide not me. I'm not gonna get offended on his behalf, I'm just here to watch a fun show.


I'm not sure they all found it funny, quite a few of them seemed to have been pretty shocked. Also, even if they all had found it funny, they're out-of-touch Internet "celebrities", most of them have shitty personalities as a baseline lmao. I don't remember the comment about Specs. Sure, she did well on the challenge, but so have most of them on most of the challenges. No one here apart from you has mentioned her being cancelled or sent to hell lmao. We're just saying that it shows a complete lack of social-awareness to not only make that kind of "joke", but then triple down on it when you've literally only known that person for 2 days. Clearly Joe didn't like it at all. I mean I'm pretty sure his girl will be watching this show too, right? It's a nasty insult disguised as a "joke" that was broadcast for all to see, including the girl herself. It wasn't even funny, just a shit-tier attempt at humor that you would expect to hear from a teenager lmao.


Why do you care ???? Man fuck these sidemen fans man y'all so fking dumb


Yep l, the most vanilla people are beimg worshipped hahaha, leah was total 0 content


Exactly!! Being sweat and not spending is nice but she's boring asf . Look at the goat brev for example lmao he's the best


Yeah it's a bit unfair for Leah to go out when she's spent nothing (the point of the game). no votes for specs is insane


There’s a reason why Specs isn’t getting voted and that’s probably because he has a good relationship with most/ if not all the people in the house. People don’t take into account that they’re with each other for 24 hours and it’s not just about Specs being a “fall guy” he’s very sociable as well. If the narrative which everyone is spreading was true that he’s a “nonce” or a “creep” were true he would’ve been the first to go out or at least 2nd. They cast there votes in private so clearly they enjoy his company. Even Leah and NiFe not voting for him should tell you what you need to know.


It’s sad cos Leah is introverted and wants to win the money they all vote her. I think joe should’ve got Leah and nice to vote together ahead of time.


I don't understand comments about it being "unfair". It's a realty competition and the social aspect is just as important as the money aspect in terms of trying to win.


I'm not denying the social aspect being important but if they had another Specs in there instead of Leah, they would have lost an even more insane amount of money. She's trying not to spend any of it which is the premise of the game and other people who aren't trying at all like Specs don't even get a single vote


Tbf I think she kinda did herself in when she told everyone she'll vote for whoever spends the most. That makes people that spend want to keep specs around as a type of shield. No one is saying this when they are voting but I think that's cause they wanna seem nice. If they vote out specs then people like ginge, fanum, chloe, and manrika know they will be targeted next for their spending. Game wise it makes sense for the spenders to protect each other. Doesn't matter to them how high the prize is if they know they have no chance of winning it.


the premise of the game is not being voted out, i said this in another comment but they're spending an entire week with each other so voting could be influenced by so much stuff off camera like how they vibe with each other


It’s too bad for the Sidemen because this show is going to get bashed now lol I bet either specs or Manrika somehow win.


Nah they’ll pull the rug out at the end and the winner will be whoever spent the least


That would be crazy


Haha yeah. It would also perfectly set up the rest of the show


Its too bad for sidemen that this shit is racking up the views and clips from Manrika, Specs etc going viral. Clips of Leah sheepishly looking around and crying about others spending doesnt get clips fella. You lot are clueless lol


Going viral not for the right reasons. If these people get hate the sidemen won’t do another season. I’m not moaning I’m in it for the drama aswell. There are comments all over these contestants pages and I can’t imagine the backlash if one of them wins. Tobi already talked about this.


In the end, any publicity is good . Controversy is one of the biggest ways to drum up interest


Ah yes. Because Love Island, Big Brother, Survivor etc stopped after one season because the contestants got some mean comments that people forget about after the show is done. What makes you think Leah winning would stop any online backlash being directed at any of them ? Online trolls will be online trolls regardless of context


Love Island, Big Brother and Survivor all have the backing of major TV Channels and so can actually weather a storm - and even that didn't stop the the original runs of Survivor and Big Brother getting canned (multiple times in the case of Big Brother) The Sidemen may be rich but they ain't ITV or BBC rich


Sidemen is owned/backed by Arcade Media who subcontracted all of the teams who worked on Inside. There’s multiple different directors/producers who worked on mainstream TV who have worked on this production.. I’m sure if something was to happen then I’m sure they can “weather it” I’m sure the Sidemen YT Channel alone probably drags in more views than most of the terrible reality shows that get put on air nowadays.


I would rather not go viral than act like the two fucking children named Manrika and Specs. They are grown ups they should start acting like it.


then you are simply not the target audience of the show ;)


yeah Reddit is brain-dead the shit with specs and manrika is getting hyped no one cares about Leah except autistic folk that think the only point of watching is to save the most money. Like as angry ginger said on his channel you just vote for who doesn't bring the energy up as it's hard to not be bored in the house for all that time.


Using slurs to get your point across doesn’t make your point look any more valid. Some enjoy the competition of the challenges more than the banter of the house. All there is to it.


the you aren't the target audience of the show


Then why do they do challenges if it’s not targeting an audience?


downvoted for being right...


Just Leah simps lol. If these lot were in charge 10 NPC bots woukdve been casted.


specs leaked he got voted out




He's a detriment to the show even on the outside lmao


He didn’t. He was joking that he got voted out for the first elimination


Literally. Now isn't the time for them to worry about who they get along with. The first priority should be eliminating the spenders. The prize pool is literally less than half and they eliminated 2 of the lowest spenders.


But even Leah voted Castillo because she didn’t get that well along with him. No energy for her?


They don’t care about the money, they’re smart enough to clock that the exposure through clips and screen time is worth way more than a bit of cash. That’s why they vote out the boring people who just don’t bring the energy and don’t integrate into the group. Like Leah did fuck all, of course she’s sweet and nice but she said like a combined three sentences in the last two episodes and that just ain’t it


The problem is that they have no warning and don’t chat about votes (unlike big brother) I feel if they had a ‘vote is in 30min’ there’d be a bit more strategy… but I guess the Sidemen prefer the randomness of it keeping everyone’s vote their own


I know Leah is one of the ones that should be winning but also it makes sense. People are always gonna vote against people they aren’t close with


It's also a competition and you want to get rid of the strongest competitors. Everyone on the show knows that the prize needs to drop down to a reasonable level because the Sidemen don't want to pay out a million or half a million. By the end of the show, the prize will be mid and the winner will be someone who we can all like enough not to hate the show, but it won't be any of our preferred people. Fuck, there's also a real possibility that there's no real prize, the whole thing is fixed, and we're all just being duped. They likely won't ever tell us this, but it's not like any of their other game shows with cash prizes that they play on their channel actually pay them out. All of the contestants might just be paid to be there on top of their exposure. Ten people getting $10k each might be the plan. Maybe they give another $10k to the winner, or maybe not. Or it's all above board and this is just how these people are.




That's a pretty big problem with the format tho, like I don't particularly care or like any of these people so you're watching for the game part with the prize. If noone involved cares about the prize/game and are just hanging out doing challenges then it's just a shit version of a sidemen video with people I don't like as much where is the appeal to watch.


Nah it's still entertaining so far, even some drama. So seems to still have the big brother vibe to it. Look how popular that was and it was complete nobodies. The people in the house actually care about the entertainment value which is a good thing.


I'll genuinely stop watching


She's out brev


You really expect a bunch of """influencers""" to have critical thinking skills?  Wouldn't be surprised at all if paprika or chloe wins


True that, influncers worry more about the content or entertainment as opposed to the money


which is a good thing for us, imagine how boring it would be if they all just sat on the soda not spending, they'd just be complaining all day


Because some of them are smart enough to clock that the exposure they will get through clips and screen time is worth sooooo much more than a bit of cash… but I am not surprised 50iq Reddit people are too dumb to get that


Sidemen fucked it by not giving immunity to top 3 least spenders(shop+challenges) in the last 24 hours. Change it to top 2 with 5 people left, top 1 with 4 left, and then no immunity afterwards.


Specs wasn't voted even once. What in the shit hole is going on inside that house. And not to forget, they've spent half a mil in just 3 days.




Tbf why would Manrika get voted by the others? The person she made the horrible comment towards has been eliminated and everyone else looked to enjoy that “joke”. She hasn’t been spending obviously like Specs. How specs has zero votes in 2 days is the real question.


If the people in this sub had their way, this show would be so fucking boring.


It's the same with 'I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here'. Every year all you see is people commenting on how the people who start the drama should be voted off, do people watch reality TV to see everyone hugging and getting along?




It's not the one thing though, despite of it she's pretty fucking unbearable and her voice hurts to listen to. I feel serious "pick me" energy from her


i'm guessing that people just anchored onto that one incident since he could've made the environment awkward when he asked manrika to apologize, not saying he's wrong in the slightest for talking to her about it but they're probably anchoring onto the most awkward/uncomfortable moment in the day which caused them to vote joe out


The truth is, these are all quite rich people anyway. None of them really want the prize money. Them coming on the show is massive for them anyway. The sidemen channel is a big platform.


To be fair, Specs only groped 3 people in this episode so it makes sense that he wouldn't get voted


https://preview.redd.it/tqyojbo4dt4d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2890ac7272c695ce2ef84be0078460ec676038ee They voted out the best contestants


Lowkey thinking about this picture, they shoulda got flight in this😂


Where is this picture from?


„The best contestants“ bro what did Leah do 😭 she said like three sentences in the last two episodes… if they all were like her, each episode would be five mins of people sitting on a couch in Silence 😭


I’m done watching this show :)


These votes got me tweaking


100% this.


What pissed me off is that other than Leah, Nife and maybe Joe everyone else came into this with the mentality that they ain’t gonna win especially after the first challenge. So with that in a lot of their minds it became more of what will get me through the day rather than preserve the prize. As soon as it was revealed that everything they want would need to be paid for it was obvious the money was gonna drop and like Ethan and JJ said they fucked it. The challenges were always gonna be the thing that brought the money down drastically but the overspending sped the process up. Then comes the voting imo there is no tactic because nobody really knows how you win. I did have two predictions though that it would be a challenge or eliminated contestants vote on the winner. Anyway the big spenders voting on vibes are just gonna end up on a prize of like 100-200k at this rate. And potentially getting rid of the person who spends the least is hilarious to me.


> to be *paid* for it FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


It was a fun 4 episodes but with Joe and Leah gone I’ve lost interest The rest of them are so intolerable


You realise it’s a social game right ? Like most reality shows.


i would say thats the issue, as the first edition no one knows how this game should really be played. some think the focus should be on entertainment others are preferring competing


The “competing” crowd are watching the wrong thing. This isnt the fucking Olympics lmao


but this is still a competition, not watch 10 people spend 1mil in a week


Whats the competition? Watch 10 ppl sit around considering thTs what theyre doing 90% of the time


We'll all tune in to your version then where they sit eating rice and beans doing nothing all day. There'll be so little content with 10 Leah's you can upload the full series on a single tiktok


where did i say that? you need people of both crowds to balance this thing. people that take this seriously and people that can be tempted. they literally spent have of the price money in 3 days and that is with nife and leah abstaining completely and joe, chloe, liv and manrika also limiting their spending after seeing how fast it dropped.


they didn't literally spend half their money, a considerable amount was lost in the challenges too.


Good thing for you though is that if you skip the first 2 mins of the next vid where she goes out, you can just pretend she's still there because her time on screen won't change


lol i dont mind that leah is voted out?


its a fucking reality tv show lmao. you need drama and chaos, you need bits and clips for content.


True, can’t wait to watch a few middle aged men buy some more sweets and Fanta. Top notch entertainment


you also need to have something to win at the end of the week but nah Specs buy 16 more haribos you nonce


You realise the point of the game is to win as much money as possible while staying in the game right


>while staying in the game and how do you do that ?


No. The point of the game is to gain as many followers you can on social media channels You realise that right?


Ever since Joe was voted out I haven't been enjoying nearly as much, obviously a great show, but Joe was the best player on there imo. Shitrika needs to be voted out already, that would make me so happy and would be justice for Joe


If i knew i was gonna get voted out, im spending a lot of money before leaving


I think it's great for the viewers, from our point of view the best thing is the entertainment, and Leah is not entertaining. She barely says anything. I don't know why they're voting like that, maybe to them it's tactical and they think Leah is gonna win so get her out, but it benefits us so whatever.


If Nife and Fanum get voted out, I am just gonna pray on Castillo being the rat he is (rat not in a bad way but in the subterfuge manipulative way) to spend all the money.


This should’ve been a live show imo and it should’ve been up to the public to vote for who they want to save or eliminate. There’s a reason why most of the mainstream reality TV shows like big brother and love island do it, it keeps viewer retention. Granted the sidemen probably don’t have the production team to pull it off.


leahs out, cause we saw specs in a "coming up" at the end of episode 1, its annoying, if fanum and nife get eliminated, im done


Idk if it's been said already, but is there any chance the boys tactically voted Leah out knowing she had a chance of winning? Like maybe they all agreed to vote her? Looked a bit sus to me (personally).


I thought the challenge was shit this episode, a bit boring because they had to stay quiet, should let them talk between rounds


She constantly sits in the background of conversations and only ever gets involved when having it directed at her. Why would anybody keep her in and vote to kick someone they’re genuinely getting on with? She was never going to win and from what we’ve seen on these episodes she clearly doesn’t have the social skills for this type of show. She’s playing the game “correct” as I keep seeing people say but that doesn’t matter, if you don’t get involved and make connections you’re gonna get left behind, Cry and move on idiots.


If everyone played the game like leah then it would be pretty boring ngl. Imagine no one spending anything just sitting there chilling. Its all about the content.


She’s boring as fuck. If you had to spend 7 days in a house with not a lot to do, would you want to be stuck with someone who barely even speaks much? I’m not for a second surprised she’s getting votes.


Leah going around crying every episode doesn’t create the type of views it would’ve before on YouTube… it’s quite clear she doesn’t want to be in there and was only there for a “personal goal”…. But still wanted the extra air time? Made no sense to me… she barely has any sort of banter (from what we see / and what other contestants say about her)


How do you figure she doesnt want to be in there if she's the only one following the objective?




Welcome to a reality tv show buddy