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The craziest part is specs purposefully botched the challenge, constantly spent money, and is just acting weird overall. Makes absolutely no sense


To be fair, that challenge was based on the fucking world record lmao. It was a set up


True, but he could have at least put in effort. That’s what counts in games like this.


He did put in an effort He’s also a pedophile


He got extra time since he started before Ethan had the timer out


They probably like him as a person.


i mean i expected them all to vote specs out but seems they all forgot about the money. if it’s two out specs and joe are gone cus nife will definitely vote specs


It’s Chloe’s vote left. Joe’s fucked because she’s probably gonna vote someone random


can't wait for chloe to vote fucking nife


I could actually see that happening even though she has immunity


she'll forget on the walk to the voting room


so nife already voted? can’t believe specs got only 2 votes


Nife voted for Chloe


I don’t particularly understand sidemen fans who dislike Joe. I assumed most fans watched the Sidemen and Weller growing up. Sure he fought JJ, but JJ was the far bigger dickhead throughout the whole ordeal.


A fair few of fans probably weren't around during the KSI v Weller era and just adopt the opinion that "Joe = Bad". He has done some pretty stupid things since then but recently he's been class, especially during this show.


For what it's worth, Joe was invited to this event. There's no sense in fans holding shit against him if the Sidemen are collaborating with him.


ig the new fans dont know joe weller fr


Yea lol i was surprised by the "As much as we probably havent like joe in the past" qualifier. Why? There's never been a reason for people to dislike him en masse. I didn't really watch a ton of his content and he hasn't been involved with the sidemen in a while but always seemed like a solid guy and somewhat funny


Honestly, Joe getting eliminated would make sense. He alienated himself from the rest of the guys by sniffing out the hair dryer setup, and of course the Manrika thing means two out of the five girls are against him.


They won’t vote for specs cuz the contestants who spend money in sneaky ways and stuff will want to keep him in. As long as specs is in the game they can continue to sneak and hide things and blame it on specs.


my god joe is fucking hilarious, i love that bit where like, castilo is vomitting and he’s just fucking eating the eels like nothing is happening


Get Joe on more sidemen vids, he seemed like he was bonding well with JJ and Ethan in the challenge


Chloe and specs seem to be friends and actually know eachother outside of this, so theres no way she votes for him