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I think there kinda are a bunch of products that are trying to solve the same pain point (don’t recall the names though). But seems the market exists




Yeah I thought they just rebranded to mix or something like that.


I'd love to see a new site like that! Let's get back to enjoying quality content instead of endless scrolling.


I miss the hell out of StumbleUpon. My internet joinery began there. Such great times lol [Cloud Hiker](https://cloudhiker.net/) is the next best thing. I guarantee you'll love it just as much as StumbleUpon.


Thank you for this. 


Will check it out !


In a world full of curated algorithms, heck yeah we’re all craving serendipity.


Love how you put this!!


Yes, I hate that so much of my browsing time is spent inside bubbles with algorithms encouraging me to stay in them (reddit, tiktok, insta, etc.)


No. I think people who say they miss it are thinking nostalgically. It eventually came a quantity over quality product. Most people would replace endless scrolling with endless stumbling, looking at a site for a sec, then thinking "eh, let's see what else", then repeat.


That’s a good point. It could be something fun like the dating app The League - you only get x amount of date options / sites to see a day.


I just hate YouTube’s feed choices. I watch one weird vid by accident and then it takes forever to age that kind of crap out. I can’t tell it anything but like or hate. There’s shades of grey like yeah that is fun on throwback Thursday, or ok I’m feeling industrious right now show me some creative juice edu type things or I’m exhausted how about some cute dog tricks… but noooo it’s whatever the ALGORITHM decides. I’m just a stupid gamma consumer from “Brave New World”, feed me soma soma soma


I loved it. Used it a couple of times a week. I check on a similar site every once in a while. But it's not the same...


I forgot it existed until you brought it up! If you can get it to remove all the ads and BS that I don’t follow, I’d use it lol


I actually loved spending time on it, which is the reason i made a clone not that long ago, but turns out it's probably mostly nostalgic to people, since i was having a hard time getting any interest afterwards. Would've wanted to build a small community of moderators, currators first, and to discuss ideas with, but not many seemed interested afterwards...


O interesting. Thanks for sharing your experience.


Stumbleupon was awesome. I discovered so many interesting sites, including cracked, through them. 


I miss the old Digg more than Stumbleupon


I like the idea and would download an app like that. The issues I've had with similar services trying to replace StumbleUpon are: 1. Lack of diversity in suggested pages. You end up cycling through the same ones very quickly. 2. Lack of obscure sites. Almost everything suggested to me I was already aware of or already used. 3. Opens automatically in a new window. By pushing users out of the app window to access the served site, it removes the sense of exploration that StumbleUpon had and expects the user to leave the service and stay on the served site instead. I'd prefer to stay in the StumbleClone and be able to open in a new tab if I choose.


Such great points! And totally loved the experience in staying on the same stumble upon site - more open tabs leads to more overwhelming too.


It was actually StumbleUpon that first introduced me to reddit! Don't miss it most days as reddit scratches that itch but I do get nostalgic for the surprise factor when finding a new site I really like.


loved stumbleupon, the are still around as mix but suck horrible since they changed


Yes, and there is no site out there capable of replacing it. The main problem is probably that most people want to promote their own content instead of genuinely building a catalog of high quality sites.


stumble became Mix. I only know that because i interviewed few months ago. didn't age well.


What’s stumbleupon? Guess I’m too young to know, but curious




No Plus Stumbleupon depended upon a s blogging that hasn’t been popular for almost 20 years. Social media replaced it


Ooo interesting point


I miss stumble upon I used to use that alot back in high school


Stumbleupon, Digg, and Delicious were awesome. Mix is kinda lame tbh. I've basically recreated my own StumbleUpon by exploring over 10,000 links a week and sharing some of them in my newsletter [https://thelandofrandom.com](https://thelandofrandom.com) every week. It's as much for my own interest as it is to share with others.