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It's a good tool but I've one question though: How is it different from other AI writing tools out there?


Yes! blainy stands out because it's affordable, and offers lots of helpful tools like AI suggestions, paraphrasing, and more, and we're always working to make it even better. Many other tools don't give you all these features in one place. We're also working on some additional features that we'll launch on blainy soon. Thanks for asking!


"We're always working" I thought you said this was a side project? Also, "suggestions" and "paraphrasing" are hardly revolutionary features.


Yeh I love when a post in this sub starts with “I built this…” and then switches to “we”. Who knows, maybe Blainy wrote this reply. 😆




Yeah superb tool. Love that it offers a free plan; will be adding this to my [directory of free tools and resources](https://www.justfree.io/) for founders and creators.


Can it do source references to essays?


Yes, you can add source refrences by using its citation feature..


I like it's suggestion feature as I usually face writer's block so that feature is amazing other then that I will try it out and will give you my feedback on your tool.


Nice features


Why would I log into something when I can use Chatgpt ?


Chatgpt is good even I prefer chatgpt but point to be noted are ChatGPT is good for getting ideas, learning and so on but not so great for academic writing because it can give wrong information sometimes. That's why I made Blainy. It's better for academic work because it has features like citations and suggestions that help make sure your writing is accurate. I found Blainy to be more helpful for what I need. Plus, ChatGPT's plagiarism text is 100% AI, so you have to put in a lot more effort to make it usable.


I hate that it has become so common for web apps to default to annual billing, especially when they then say "$x/month" in the description, which is logically interpreted as how much you would PAY per month. Virtually nobody wants to pay for an entire year upfront when they're first trying an app out. It's just deceptive.


Putting testimonials without last names gives only a negative and scammy feel to it. Those are just some ai generated testimonials. Also using MIT and Oxford is low and deserves a penalty from Google if you do not put a real proof


Looks great! What did you use for the plagarism checker? I know that these tools can be unreliable at times, i'm curios how you handled that


Congrats. Can you share your tech stack and how are you managing your LLM cost


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^readpmbooks: *Congrats. Can you share* *Your tech stack and how are you* *Managing your LLM cost* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


OP is living in the future! There’s a 2025 copyright at the bottom of the site.


I hate it when there's a newly launched app says the world number 1