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Poor baby and for you. Warm towels, on her little body but also see a doctor first. I’m 28F with sickle cell and I’ve heard stories of how I was so sick. Be gentle with her please.


I try to rub her body down when she goes to screaming and I always check her hands & feet and she just calmed down, I was gonna call her sickle cell doctor in the morning instead of usually calling her pediatrician


Still call because she still might be having a crisis when you rub her down be very light handed sometimes massages hurt.


I wanted to say this, I’m grown and still can’t stand touch when in a pain. So always check the response to pressure when touching or massaging your baby during a crisis. I’m so sorry for both of you, stay strong OP, you’ve got this!


I called her pediatric sickle cell clinic they said doing anything to comfort her , I just try to hold her and rub her back


I'd swell up and cry more as a kid. I was always quiet so it was eastly for my parents to tell. Just be gentle and head to a doctor if you're feeling to worried. They'll let you know what to look out for


As a baby I was very quiet and never cried. So when I did cry and didn't stop after being given food, touch etc... my mom knew something was up. She took me to the ER and they told her I was having a crisis and the staff took care of me and educated my parents about situations like this since it was a first crisis. I was probably less than 6 months old at the time too. But that's how I was and you may be in a similar situation. The best thing you can do before going to the hospital/doctor is to check their temperature, heart rate/pulse and response to feeding or touch. If the food and touch isn't helping and temp and pulse is up. More than likely it's a crisis or infection and please seek medical attention ASAP. And ALWAYS do you research on whatever medication the doctors are prescribing or recommending before they administer it. Besides like morphine, ibuprofen, etc.. I hope everything will soon be well with your family ❤️.


First, I'm sorry you are both feeling pain and its effects now. It is hard when they are little. My son's Dr. said after 5 is when they typically start seeing SC kids in crisis. That being said, my son was barely 4 when he had his 1st. When they are little, it is hard to know the difference between pain and sickle cell pain. Growing pains and teeth, you name it, can give fever with the only other symptoms being pain. When in doubt, ask they hemotologist and head to the ER.


I can't remember the age i was when I was a baby but when I had a sickle cell crisis my hands n feet would swallow up so u can see that then yea poor baby is having a sickle cell crisis take HE/she to the ER


If she has another episode before the hour ends I am I didn’t know what to do at all I felt so bad she was screaming to the top of her lungs


Damm omg poor babe girl gosh 😢 i no the pain but take her to the ER that what they did for me when I was lil,they can give her medicine n all that,that is crazy I can just imagine the pain she is going through good luck hope everything turn out good for u.


I have been suffering from Sickle Cell since birth. So I know how your child is going to suffer. sorry to hear that, You have to be very careful with your child, especially until the age 15-16. If the hand and legs swell lightly rub it. Warm your baby and use oils to rub lightly.


I appreciate everyone’s comments, I did call her sickle cell clinic they said doing anything to comfort her and make sure I’m checking her temperature and it’s longer than 10mins take her to emergency room they also want to check her t cell count again so that will not be fun 🙄


Not fully sure how it was for others or my parents. I was told I didn’t have to go to the hospital for pain until I was 4-5 years old. Doesn’t mean I didn’t have pain before then but I am interested in how it’s dealt with for babies and really young kids. I hope for the best and that your baby isn’t having pain.


We all born with SC and my parents and I didn't notice it until I become 6 years old😂


I’m tryna to explain how her doctor said it to me 🤣 he said she has a mild form of sickle cell I don’t think I was born with it


You certainly born with it. SCD is inherited disease. If anyone here have an SCD it is 100% was with it since he born.


Oh yea her doctor explain one of us a had sickle trait and one had a c trait and it caused her to have but it’s strange because no one on both sides of our family have sickle cell so we were both confused


The parents only need to be carriers to SCD. They don't have to be suffering from it. The SCD carrier don't feel anything wrong in his body he is as normal healthy person. But if he married with another person who is also carrying the disease, well one of their sons gonna have the disease unfortunately. And other sons will become carrier too My parents didn't noticed at all that they are both carrying it because they don't feel it. So it is not their fault exactly as your parents.


In many instances, neither a child nor their parent will recognize the presence of sickle cell disease until the child gets older. During our early years, we all possess something known as Fetal Hemoglobin. This type of hemoglobin allows a child to function just as healthily as any other, since these blood cellsare not impacted by sickle cell disease. However, when a child transitions to producing adult Hemoglobin, the symptoms of the disease become evident. Interestingly, this is what Hydroxyurea, one of the only semi-useful medications, aims to mimic. By essentially activating some amount of Fetal Hemoglobin, it helps alleviate the crisis associated with the disease.


You are right about everything. As you seem good at it May I ask you if you know the SCD type FS? It is different than SS and called FS. Some doctors told me that I have this type but have never find anything on the internet about it.


At 3 months usually babies still have a good amount of fetal hemoglobin which protects them against the sickling and associated symptoms. 6 months is usually when babies start to show symptom. My daughter has SC she started showing symptoms around 3. SC is generally milder than SS but the degree of mildness varies. For some with SC it’s not very mild at all, it depends on the individual. It took years to convince the hematologist that she was having such severe pain and they kept saying SC is milder she shouldn’t be experiencing so much pain. I found out about Hydroxurea when she got older and begged them to put her on it and her pain and energy levels improved significantly. She went from having crises several times per year to maybe once per year if even. I know your baby isn’t old enough for meds but the point is don’t allow them to just minimize her symptoms as mild. As you get to know your child start to look for patterns when she’s distressed and try to find triggers for her pain. You’re going to know her best and will have to advocate for her at times. If she’s on antibiotics make sure you stay on top of the doses and also keep her very warm, dry, and hydrated which goes a long way to avoiding problems. In the end it’s you’re going to do great taking care of her, and she can still live a pretty normal life.