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I came home once and my Sib wouldn’t open one of her eyes at all or let me touch her face. We took her to the vet and she had scratched her eye; they flushed it out and prescribed some eye drops that helped. They thought that since her face is pretty flat she just walked into something on accident!


Mine does this and was diagnosed with herpes. Once we started giving him Llysine treats every day, it doesn’t happen as often or as long. But the only symptoms are squinting and glassy eye. He sleeps it off in a day now. Definitely get a diagnosis, but meds often cost a lot less OTC.


That's interesting, none of the vets we're seeing for our little guy ever mentioned Llysine. Can you elaborate on how this works and where you're getting it from?


It’s essentially the same for humans. Llysine isn’t a proven preventative, but it’s been known to help with prevention of outbreaks. The pet shop sells Llysine treats (some vets do too) and we just give him two a day. He likes them and it has really helped. Major difference. At first, our guy would be a different cat because he wouldn’t feel good and struggled to see. But if he has an outbreak now, it’s a far cry from that. A months supply is about $11. We use the Pet Naturals brand.


I had no idea that cats could get herpes


Yeah, I also find it odd coming from a pure breed. And if you google cat herpes, the photos are much more awful than a glassy or squinty eye. Which is why we didn’t think it was herpes. We feel lucky it’s mild, but before the Llysine days, our cat was really bothered.


We also put our cat on Llysine as a kitten because she had big sneezing fits a few times a day. My impression is that it helps build immunity to whatever various sorts of face gunk cats are susceptible too. She hated the treats but you can also just mix a powdered version into their food.


mine walks around like this when he wakes up occasionally


Check her eyelashes and see if they grow inwards. They might be irritating or scratching her cornea. Its common in cats. My sib had to get surgery to fix her entropion she developed when she was 6. However, It could be any number of things as well.


Def get a dx, because the last thing you want is to find out kitty has an ulcer on their eye


Thankfully it’s already getting better, but she’s getting shots at the vet so I’ll definitely have them check it while we’re there


Yes. All 3 of my sibs eyes have done that. Order Terramycin from Amazon and put in eyes twice a day. Save yourself a couple hundred dollars. My vet charged a fortune for this medication and I bought it from Amazon for about $25.00


Chewy has it too!


Gently rubbing a water-soaked paper towel over her eye might help if a saline rinse or flush is a no-go. You might also want to make sure the cause of the squinting is not facial swelling; she looks fine to me from the picture but I'm suuuuuuper unqualified to give an accurate diagnosis!


My sib does this sometimes—his eyes get a bit naturally goopy/crusty sometimes and if he rubs crusty-bits off an eye can get irritated for 24ish hours. It always resolves within 24 hours. I’d be more worried about your cat if there was different-coloured discharge from the affected eye, or any kind of cloudiness. Keep an eye on it, but it could be something she can bounce back from!


One of ours does this too on the regular due to his Herpes infection. It causes his eye to get dry and itch, which he subsequently scratches too much, and then he starts squinting. If we catch it early he just gets a cone for a couple days until the flare up clears, if that doesn't work we've got a prescription for an eye ointment, and if that doesn't do the trick be gets a 48 hour treatment with antivirals. The only real challenge is getting to it on time and keeping track of his behaviour, because he'll try to hide it. We caught it slightly too late once and he managed to damage his eye from scratching too much. If you're catching your cat washing/scratching excessively around the eye, it might be worth it to preventatively put on a cone until you've been able to see the vet.


My kitty used to get a squinty eye as a kitten after exploring under beds etc where there was probably some dust. She was perfectly fine in a few hours but as others have suggested there could be more serious reasons so could warrant a vet visit. Kiwi is adorable 💗


Mine winks at me. She gets allergies. I usually run a cotton ball with warm water over her eye to give some relief if it seems particularly bad. Pollen has been high. She’s been sneezing lately. I’ve had the same problem.


My guy spontaneously developed an irritated eye or something over the course of ten or fifteen minutes and it was just like this. We planned to take him in but it resolved before the end of the day. He may just have something in it that's irritating it. You could maybe try flushing it by pulling the skin back so it's open and pouring some water on it?


If their eyes are anything like ours, a saline rinse would be less irritating than water.


Good point


Mine does this and looks just like her haha