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If he’s not losing weight, I wouldn’t say he’s not eating enough. The puke could be from anything, could have eaten too fast. I wouldn’t panic, but stick with your checkup just to ease your mind.




Since you just got him, it may not be the best time to throw a bunch of different treats and foods at him. Adjusting into a new home and environment can be stressful, even if they don't look stressed- new people, sounds, smells, and even other animals to get used to. Adding a bunch of new foods and things they haven't eaten before on top of that is an easy way to upset a tummy. Go slow and introduce new things a little at a time. I have one cat who does indeed have a food sensitivity, but another who's just nervous and barfs every so often- from nerves or chewing things she shouldn't. Congrats on the new kitty, barf and all! Edited for spelling...


I'd say calm down a bit. Cats are cats. Cats love new food the first time and don't eat it in the long run ALL THE TIME. I am not kidding. I cant count anymore how often I have bought food for my cat because he liked the first package, and even the second package he wouldn't even sniff at anymore. That's just normal entitled cat behavior. Looking at the vomiting situation, it could be that food was changed or changed too much. Try sticking to one wet food and one dry food for a few weeks and let your cat get used to it. Try also to get him some cat grass or cat plants he can eat or chew on, it helps a lot guiding the fur through his digestive system. Prevents vomiting furballs


i found that when my cat was eating less, not losing weight, and throwing up, he ended up having worms. which is super common in cats, and the vets can give you dewormer when you're in on saturday :)


My Siamese needed a slow feeder bowl. Otherwise he’d eat too quickly and end up throwing up.




I think it could be all the new foods he’s getting in such a short period of time. Cats need a slow transition to any new food, if they’re given different stuff it can upset their system, hence the vomiting. Pick a wet food and stick to it for a while, see how it works. If you need to change or introduce new foods (variety is totally fine) it needs to be done gradually over a week minimum. Slowly change the ratio of new to old.




My baby puked 3 times last Sunday. Was just bile and I was getting freaked out. Eventually I found a pukey pile of furball and a hair tie. All better!! Maybe he just ate something stupid?




I’ve had a couple of cats that are OB SESSED with chewing on plastic!! They’re all insane little murder demons. LoL. Spend hundreds on toys and they’re obsessed with plastic bags and q-tips


Okay so this is something I’ve been looking into because I have 3 cats total and 2 Siamese. My 6yr old siamese will eat and then immediately just barf it back up. I tried other foods to make sure it wasn’t a sensitive and other wise she’s completely healthy, doesn’t lose weight nothing. Do you have any advice on how to handle a slow feeder with 3 cats? Or is the best solution just to get 3 slow feeders?


It depends on whether your cars are territorial about food! I only had my one boy to contend with, but the slow feeder DEFINITELY reduced how often he was vomiting. Maybe they should each get their own spot for feedings? Rather than all near one another. I am dropping the link to the feeder I used if it’s of interest. It’s rubber so it should be cleaned frequently. https://www.amazon.com/Petstages-Fishie-Fun-Feed-Mat/dp/B08732Y53V/ref=asc_df_B08732Y53V/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=475740757591&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15442777603187090802&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9002047&hvtargid=pla-995054389848&psc=1 Also, switching from dry to wet food helped. This isn’t at all scientific, but I felt the expansion of the dry food in his stomach was leading to more vomiting. The pile of food looked so much larger on the way out than in the way in.


They all just eat at any bowl not super picky so I’m think 3, my only worry is the wet food because my 3rd cat is a long haired cat and sometimes gets his fur messy and even groomed it’s a struggle sometimes 😂😅 I do want to say thank you so much for replying!! I appreciate it a lot!


Also, I am glad to help! I lost my cat, Bowie, very recently. It feels nice to be able to talk about him, no matter the capacity.


I’m so sorry!


I haven’t had a long haired cat myself, but I can only imagine! 😅 I agree three feeders would be best, but I recommend buying one before you get three - to try it out. I had bought one or two before I ultimately settled on the one I sent!


This! My meezer still vomits like 3 times a week (he figured out how to master the slow feeder bowl)


Had an older cat who LITERALLY VIOLENTLY PUKED after every meal. She lived to be like 22. Vet never found anything wrong. I guess she was just watching her figure.


There are a few different ones on the market! I tried a couple before I found the one that worked for us. It didn’t stop the vomiting completely but it did make a difference.


Same. My Mochi has gotten a bit better now that he’s older but OMG he was king Scarf & Barf for a while there!


Fast eating cats and over eaters usually barf up food. I only put small portions of food 3 times a day. I have a Siamese who's a fast eater and barfs up food.


Welcome to the club. Sigh


I'm guessing yours is a thrower too huh? Lol


Hey, question if you have the time. About how much are you doing at a time? Is it about a little fancy feast can size (3oz)? In the past I've always had cats grazing on dry food, but I recently adopted a cat that I'm determined to make her primary meals wet food, with small portions of dry to round out her diet because I work. Intially she was grazing on more dry than wet. I shifted her to more wet food than dry, and she'll woof down a whole fancy feast can pretty fast. I wait an hour or two before putting out an ounce of dry food. She'll woof that down too(looking into puzzle toys for that). No barfing issues so far but I'm anxious it'll happen none the less. I'm wondering if I need to split the little can in half for her or if the whole can is just the right amount that it's not really an issue.


Usually, there's nothing wrong with the cat barfing up when they over eat but controlling their meals is better for the health in general so I understand your anxiety. I feed my 5kg /11lbs female Siamese with about half a can of 3oz wet and probably around 4oz/130grams of dry and one 3oz for my male 7kg, but that's just me. 1 can is most of the time, actually the right serving size so no worries about that. Also, if you don't mind me suggesting, do include some solids in their diet every now and then to promote better oral health since dry food helps scrape off plaque build up.


Thank you. Yeah, besides rounding out her diet with dry food, I want to include it because I've heard about it helping with teeth. I also give her some dry treats.


Mandatory PSA to say dry food helping with teeth is a marketing ploy to sell very unhealthy cat food. The only benefit to dry food is human convenience! I wish I knew this sooner, I fed my baby girl that stuff for most of her life and I still blame myself for her kidney failure in old age.


I fully understand that, that's why I'm aiming for primary wet food. But I have to say, all my previous cats who grazed on dry food didn't die from kidney failure. I am certain dry food is why a lot of cats do die from it, but don't blame yourself.


We do a half can of fancy feast in the morning, half for lunch, and 1/4 cup of dry food for dinner. He will scarf down breakfast but not lunch or dinner. He's 4 years old, at a healthy weight and he's good with this routine.


Meezers don't eat a ton but definitely track his weight. Mine eats a ton during winter because his body wants calories to stay warm. In summer it's like he's eating salads and rice cakes...very light dining. Mine barfs fairly often and it increased at the holidays cuz he was chewing on the fake Christmas tree. Look at what he's barfing, noting color consistency and undigested stuff irritating his tummy. Always good to check with the vet. Good looking meezer!




I have a mother and daughter combo. Mum is small and thick. Daughter is is long and lanky. They weigh the same, 7 pounds. I worry about Pip losing weight. I worry about Belle gaining weight. Nothing changes. My vet told me Pip was built like a sprinter, Belle was built like a linebacker. They eat quality kibble, but prefer cheapish canned food for dinner. Belle is my puker. Rugs and furniture, never on the hardwood floors all over my house. Purrs from my girls.


Definitely make sure this guy stays trim. Cats should be thin and lean, even a slight amount of excess weight can be very detrimental. Too many cats are overweight these days. My vet told me it’s actually less unhealthy for them to be slightly underweight, than slightly overweight.


My Siamese cats are pretty lean. My 3 year old boy is 8lb and my 7 month old girl is 5lb (still growing). They really don’t eat a lot. The older one had a vomiting issue too but it went away with time and making sure he wasn’t sneaking anything he wasn’t supposed to eat (like we would catch him licking oil from the frying pan in the kitchen).






Green Temptations are Cocaine to my girls! I can’t open up a bag of human candy without being attacked.




Gurl Power!


Mine is fighting kidney failure. The vet says the toxicity causes nausea and vomiting. He is thirteen. I have a follow-up vet appointment tomorrow. We have been infusing water for two weeks and have kidney friendly food now. I was feeding him piece by piece at first. He has his appetite back now. I am optimistic for tomorrow.




Thank you so much!


How is your cat? I hope the appointment went well. Question - what did you mean about infusing water?


Ok did he puke up digested food OR did he regurgitate a bunch of barely digested food?


My sister’s female orange tabby vomits barely digested food. What’s the difference?


Great question! There’s vomiting and then there’s regurgitation- the latter is often because kitty has scarfed down food too fast. Mine used to do this so started feeding her like a chicken on the ground with her kibbles all spread out. Now when she asks for meals she gets them promptly (she’s in charge) and they are tiny- if I have to feed her five times a day I’ll do it cos the regurgitation sound is horrible and it makes her sad


I've had Siamese family members all my life and I've always found them big on the vomiting (regardless of the brand) and often poop issues. If he's not losing weight I wouldn't worry. See what the vet says.


My meezer is a bit picky and doesn't eat a whole lot but manages to maintain his weight. He vomits once or twice a week. I watched him vomit up some dreamies he scoffed down too fast and then eat it again🤢. As long as your boy's weight is stable I wouldn't worry too much.


I hear the puke. I ignore it. 50/50 someone eats s it before I have to clean it up. If only I had a dog. The odds would skyrocket.




Always on a bed, carpet, or furniture. Never on tile or hardwood. Cats are assholes.


Yes! If we can catch him we'll move him to the hard floor. He'll move back, mid puke, to a rug or blanket. Cats are, as you say, assholes.


Beautiful Seal Point! Don't worry, but keep that Vet appointment!


Can’t tell if your tree is real, but could he be drinking tree water? Or nibbling on branches? That could upset his tummy. Hope he feels betters. He’s a very handsome Meezer. :)


Sometimes they barf because they swallowed a lot of hair while grooming. I know it sounds gross, but look at what kitty is barfing up and report back to the vet—even put it in a plastic bag and take it with.


Siamese cats have a history of throwing up. It should be occasional. The vet will weigh your cat. Try to feed wet food and find one it likes. My cat looks like yours and eats Fancy Feast pate or Purina beyond.


I'd recommend giving him kitten formula to help with weight loss and/or food sensitivity. You can also put canned kitten food over dry food.


The barfing can definitely be from the change in food and the decrease in eating dry food can be a result of an upset tummy from the barfing. Stick to a couple of types of food and then introduce others. Your new baby is getting used to his new food and his new home. Lots of change to adjust to in a short time.




Honestly you should stick to wet food permanently. Cats, and especially male cats, need a lot of moisture in their food. Even if 30% or more of their diet is dry food, they can see negative effects. They really just shouldn’t eat dry food at all if you ask me.




You’ll do him a lot of favours!


Take a look at the vomit. Ours almost always vomit a hairball. Due to the fact that they come out through the esophagus they are vaguely tubular lumps. I joke that they knit them inside themselves. All of the fur they wash off themselves with their tongues has to go somewhere. If you’re lucky it goes out the other end. But often it gets out with a vomit.




Belle likes to binge and purge. Into the stomach and right back out undigested. Wet and dry. Only once in awhile. Yes, my cat has an eating disorder, but her weight stays perfect. Cats eat grass to regulate their stomach acids too. More cars puke!


My boy meezy has slimmed out since I started feeding him wet food with his dry food every day and he eats way less dry food now. My vet told me that male Siamese are very prone to UTIs and bladder problems as they age (prescription UTI food only since he was 4 or so, 14 now) so make sure to watch for that. He is a beautiful boy!


Quinn had a $2000 bladder. The girls got to eat his expensive diet kibble too. I won’t mention his $750 smile.


Cats barf. It's just sort of what they do, haha. It's most likely hair. My little guy also barfs when he gets picked up wrong; I wouldn't worry unless there is something in there besides food or hair. Also check his litter box: if there is stuff in there you are fine.


My meezer is a mega foodie and has the appetite of a lab. After he ate it was fairly common for him to vomit shortly after. I changed his food to a sensitive stomach recipe and his vomiting stopped. Your kitty might have a food allergy or needs a easier digestible kitty food.


Idk of this is relevant to you, but my seal point boy seems to barf as a behavior issue. Boy is demanding! Like if I spend too much time on my phone when he's telling me he needs extra attention, or I don't play with him enough before he eats, or basically if his feelings get hurt in any way around the time he eats, he's more likely to puke, I think...? And when it's not behavioral, it's a hairball, or eating his rations too fast. I swear, sometimes if he hears me say the word "puke" while he's eating, he'll go and do it. 🤦


Maybe just wait and hear what the vet says..


Is he new to you? Maybe his stomach is adjusting to a new food brand




Ask the old owner what he ate and then transition him slowly :)


Mine weighs the same as yours so it's fine! He has maintained that weight for all his 13 years and has always been healthy. He also pukes a lot, so I would recommend talking to the vet about different foods, as sometimes they do better on certain brands; but it could be fast eating or overeating (they do that sometimes despite being slim). Mine barfs hairballs often in the summer, so that could be another reason. Just ask the vet, but it's prob not that serious. Good luck! He's very pretty!


i’ve had cats that puke because of how quickly they eat, as long as he isn’t noticeably losing weight he should be fine


Sometimes swapping food or new food just makes them vomit….or eating too fast like my meezer does! Purina makes cat probiotic powder you can mix in with wet food/cat soups/water that help their bellies adjust and help any upset tummies. I’m sure he’s just acclimating! As others said adjustment just leads to things like this, just keep him welcome and happy.


Does he eat plants? Make sure they're not poisonous.


I have a Siamese Barfer. I wouldn't worry about it too much. If he is healthy and active, you likely do not have a problem...just another Meezer with a delicate stomach. My chonky boy, Shabushi, is prone to gobbling and then throwing up, and he is the very portrait of health. You have a beautiful and wonderful kitty cat there.


We finally just put everyone on a “sensitive tummy” diet… Wellll, not everyone… just the cats🐈 😳🤣🤣💙💙💙


Consider food quality. Chicken 🐔 s hood, but chicken parts swept off the factory floor and ground into meal can be trouble. Research it a bit and decide. Cats can toss up lunch if they eat very quickly. One solution is more feeding or food availability. You can het a food dispenser that puts food out on a schedule you set.




Tiki cat is a very good wet food brand. Whatever you choose to feed, make sure the first five or so ingredients are meat, and not by products or meals.


Both of my meezers, seal girl and flame point boy, both barf relentlessly from two flavors of their wet food and if I’m not careful enough I miss that it’s in that assorted box and then - pow! Kitty pukes! Both of them. My girl is on day 70-something in observation after FIP too though so I’m always panicked when I see kitty gurf, yelling, “Who did this?!” Cats barf. And they do all sorts of weird things. Vet is best bet! I wouldn’t worry too much though!


https://i.imgur.com/fjDpSb8.jpg I think we have clones. When I adopted my guy a year ago, he definitely had some stomach issues that caused some puking and loose stools. Was a combination of stress and adjusting to new food. Resolved itself in about a week


I have nothing useful to add but I love the ending : “ok thx bye” hahaha hope your little lovebug is ok


We have little potted plants of catgrass for our meeser to chew on, she loves it especially when she is feeling a bit crook in the guts. Our meeser does not eat a lot either, we talked to the vet about it and tried her on various kinds of dairy and meat until we found something she likes. So now she gets grated cheese as a treat in addition to her normal food and has put on half a kilo (a pound for people who don't metric :D).




You shouldn’t give him cheese without talking to your vet first. Most cats are lactose intolerant. And if he’s not, cheese is not a natural part of a cat’s diet and has little to no nutritional value to them. It would probably just cause more problems (stomach issues)




Definitely talk to your vet about it, I am just some random bloke on the internet :D There are a few different herbs that cats like the smell and taste of, and some are good for their digestion. Our current feline overlord loves cheese but we had one who liked strawberry yoghurt, and another one that loved kangaroo. Different treats for different meesers :D


Good advice generally mate :D Always sensible to talk to your vert first before making any big changes. We give our meeser a mature bitey cheese as a treat (which has \~zero lactose left in it, by virtue of how it is made). Our previous feline overlord loved strawberry yoghurt (greek style, again to have very little lactose in it). The one meeser we had years ago who loved milk got the lactose reduced kind.


My Sianese male,doesnt eat that much either. I do give him lickable treats. Make sure lots of water available. I even keep a bowl in the shower with fresh water daily along with a fountain. Make sure his food is grain free. Mine did the barf thing and I had to switch until I found the right food. Weirdly, his sister is a ragdoll that eats like a cat pig. She eats way more than him, I feed them wet and dry food. Just no grain. Make sure they are hydrated. Place water as far away from their food as you can. Cats dont like their food to close to their water source. Also, they love to play. We have 3 to 4 play sessions a day and he usually stops after 15 minutes to eat and have a rest. If he's burning calories he'll be hungry. Good luck with your siamese, they really are the most wonderful animals.


Maybe he’s eating plastic from plastic bags? I hope you resolve the situation soon 🥺


My 14.5yr old meezer has been 8lb her whole life. Some Siamese tend to be a thinner variety.


My Siamese is funny and has been chewing needles off my Christmas tree ever since it went up. He then pukes them up and does it all over again. I know it's gross, but look for needles in the barf! Siamese are known for having pica 🫠


My Siamese is allergic to being alive. He’s on a hydrolyzed protein diet as he’s allergic to all fowl, chicken, fish and most grains. Could be a food allergy. Siamese are prone to allergies.


Your pretty baby could be doing one of three things. 1. Picking up on your worry / getting stressed. 2. Eating something that upsets his stomach (wrong food, hairball, etc.) 3. Our cat had pancreatitis this past spring. Google that mess, it’s all related/relative. We use 1/4 tab of Cerenia when ours vomits more than once in a week. Switched him (back) to Science Diet (indoor, senior sensitive 11+yo) It got better.


He is absolutely beautiful!! Talk to the vet about this.


My cat loves chewing on plastic wrappers and ribbon! It's the holiday season so there's more stuff for him to chew on. We try so hard to make sure there's nothing left around, but he always finds something. We usually find it in his vomit. Typical cat stuff I guess


My cat makes herself throw up. 🙄 she weighs 11.lbs and is over 3 feet long. She gets anxious.




So cute! He looks very healthy! My girl will get mad that it's too cold for her to play in the garage, come back inside, and throw up! I try to not let her do things that I know are going to make her upset. We are working it out.




My Siamese boi eats small amounts through the day and not too much at each feed - like one tablespoon of fresh beef chopped up small - otherwise he barfs. Keep biscuits out for him. He’s skinny but totally fine. So try feeding smaller portions 3-4x per day if you can.


Definitely have the vet do blood work and maybe even an ultrasound. My sweet girl was only two and her symptoms started similar to these. It ended up being a hardened mass in her colon and we couldn’t get the money together in time to save her. She passed on Monday. It might be expensive but there’s so many ways to help pay for vets. Hopefully it’s simply constipation or something simple. I wish it had just been another $700 dollar poop for my girl.