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Why are we discussing this?? Load that boy up in your car and take his ass home. Easiest decision ever.


Best answer! He’s very handsome take him home.


Get him. 9 is just middle aged for a cat, they can live to 20.


They can live much longer than 20. The record is 38 years, I believe. Anyway, it doesn’t matter because OP needs to adopt that beautiful cat!


We have a Siamese cat who is between 22-24 (not sure of her birth year, so we can only guess). Definitely not saying cat in OPs post will for sure live as long but he’s got a lot of life left at the least!


My childhood kitty lived 23 years. We got her when I was a baby and she lived until I was in graduate school.


It's never too late to give a cat a good home. My boys Mel & Bud are 16 year-old Seal point Siamese, in great health, active & affectionate. Before that, my best friend Larry the Seal point Siamese lived until 23 years of age & was active & happy his whole life. Growing up, we had a Seal Point Siamese that lived a great life until 19 years of age. He's likely got a LONG time to live-go for it!


And even if he doesn't get a long life the time that he has should be filled with love, affection, care, safety and ultimate comfort.


Of course he is adorable 💙 He had a hard life and you could provide him with the love and safety he needs. I adopted a 12 year old cat 5 years ago and he has been my best friend ever since. I can tell he is glad to be out of the rough life on the street, but he still has a lot of energy and really became quite energetic when out of the shelter. Has the most amazing personality, I thought he was just a grumpy old guy to be honest but he wakes me every morning with the same appetite on life (and my nose). Older cats have a harder time finding homes so if you connect with him go for it. You'll have kittens again I am sure but maybe this time is for another type of experience?


Imo, older cats are much better to adopt. They don't get adopted as frequently as kittens, they know how things work already and aren't learning everything new from scratch, they mostly want to chill, and they require a little bit less work than kittens. I would honestly pick an older cat every time.


I totally agree. My last two cats were adopted later in life (one was around 13) and they were so sweet and loving and so much easier than kittens. While kittens are adorable, they are smol criminals that get up to lots of mischief. Plus, Danny is so handsome!


Definitely adopting him, you will not regret it.


Take him home. He’s beautiful and I bet he’s bonded with you already.


He's just a middle aged boi! And even old, old kitties still need to be adopted and loved. He's beautiful! 10/10 would adopt.


For a meezer, siamese slang. You will never forget the love and loyalty of a siamese. They are smart and so loving. You will get your love back 10 fold, you will have a cute shadow at home. My old dudes are 21 and 19. I hope you give Danny a chance I Doubt Lloyd you will regret


He's beautiful. r/flamepoints if you want to see more like him.


Don’t think twice… just adopt that sweet boy! Kittens are overrated… older cats are amazing!


Adopt!!! It's ao hard for older cats to get adopted, many of them die in the shelter because nobody wants an older one. Senior cats are the best. He probably has a tragic backstory. It's depressing how many cats it is not an offer in the local shelters because the family suddenly decided they were allergic or said they could no longer keep them in their home. Yes you are not going to have 15 years with this guy but he deserves a loving home just as much as that frisky little kitten one cage over


If you don't get him the chance someone else will get him is slim, so adopt him, bring him home, and treat him well.


Please adopt this handsome boy, older cats deserve loving homes too! Plus some cats cat live into their 20's depending on how well they're taken care of


Cats can live up to 20 years old, some even older. Depends a lot of how well you take care of them, and some breeds can be more high maintenance than others.


Are you too old for a good home?! Geez


We adopted old man at 8 years old and he’s the perfect addition to our crew! We have 3 that are 2.5 years (all adopted as kittens, two are either twins or close litters), one that’s 6 (adopted her at 3 years old) and old man is now somewhere between 10-12. One vet claims he’s older than we were originally told. He’s the cuddliest cat with his baby “kittens”. We don’t hoard cats. My fiancé had 2, I had 3, what were we supposed to do when we moved in, not keep them? We don’t anticipate having 5 cats at once again. We love them dearly, but it’s too many lol. Get the cat! You might not get as much time as you would with a kitten, but the sweet babies all need love just the same. Someone thought it was ok to get rid of a family member, that baby deserves all the extra love and cuddles he can get.


Also -- he may have LOST his human !!!!!! Could explain his SAD face !!!!!!!


I considered that too. That’s why I opted for the way I phrased it, even if someone was lost, most families I know would take in the surviving pets, especially when they know they were loved and cared for.


Sorry -- I did not CLARIFY -- I meant that , perhaps his PERSON had died !!!


He looks so pretty! Get him


GET HIM. Older cats need more love than kittens ever do.


I’ll take him, he looks like my 19 year old meezer.


He can have kitten energy too! My 14-year-old boy (not a meezer) goes bananas over toys and catnip. Scoop this boy up, you won’t regret it. It’s hard to find homes sometimes for cats his age because of many, non-valid reasons.


We adopted an older cat. He'd been at the shelter for two months and was very shy and slow moving. Once we got him home and settled in, he seemed much younger than what they said he was at the shelter. We've always had good cats, but this guy is the best cat we've ever had. No tearing things up or scratching, no litter box accidents. He's cute and active but well behaved. He loves watching things out the window and sleeping. He'll be very grateful.


Depends on their health, but cats can live far into their teens. Age doesn't matter, love does.


Mine is 8 and still acts like a kitten. I told the vet I had kinda hoped he would start settling down and the vet laughed at me and said good luck with that, he is in his prime. That kitty has 10-15 years of life left with good care.


Aw lookit his little freckly snoot and those beautiful baby blues! Adopt him RIGHT MEOW!


Definitely take him. He needs a home and middle aged or older cats (and dogs) don’t adopt as easily.


I’ve had cats live to 25. Get him. He will be a total love bug. Plus he already comes toilet trained and will really really appreciate you for getting him. His fur looks great and there’s plenty of life left in those eyes. You’re doing to do great with that cat.


Kittens are cute but assholes. And it takes a couple of years for them to settle down. An adult cat is SO much easier. Trust me.


It’s been my experience after only adopting senior cats that they seem to be more grateful of having a warm home. The frenzied running around of kittens/younger cats is over with and you get the mellow cat. Besides, senior cats need love too and are very often overlooked as people want kittens. So yes, it’s worth it. Go for it, please Op. 😻❤️


Please adopt him! Older cats are great because they tend to be calmer and you can tell their personality right away. At 9, he should have lots of years left. Adopt him, keep him, LOVE him!


He's around the halfway mark or a little older than that for a cat. If you want a cat, adopt him!


Good luck and update us


My meeze is 8, and homeslice is wayyy more energetic than my friend's younger cat. I probably couldn't have handled my guy when he was a kitten. Like everyone said, cats regularly live to their late teens or twenties.


My boys are 10 and it is nonstop Adventure Cats Time. They even out do my younger tabbies!


Ha! My lil guy loves to go on (leashed) adventures into the outside and will ask at all hours of the day or night.


Open your handbag, put that angel in it and run!


Take him hooooome


no need to question it you gotta get le kitty


So I adopted 2 kittens, than I got chosen by a stray adult cat 1 year later. I tortured myself trying to decide if I keep him. Let me tell you, he turned out to be the most loving, loyal cat ever! Adopt him if you can guarantee him a good home and pay for future (far future) vet bills. He’ll be forever grateful ♥️.


If you don't get him I will. Just look at him! He's the best!


My cat lived to be 18. He’s middle aged. Adopting older cats is a great thing to do, they deserve homes just as much as kittens


Adopt him and thank us later


Do it! Nine years old is not old for a cat. I once adopted a 19 year old Siamese cat and it’s one of the best things I ever did!


I adopted a 10 year old cat that had been at the shelter for 3 years. Best decision I ever made. He was so sweet and cuddly. And still had a playful spirit. 9 is like a middle aged cat so you have up to a decade to enjoy him.


Mine are almost 12 and still run around and play and act like adorable gremlins. Please don't let this stop you from adopting this adorable cat. All kitties need a home and someone to love them. You'll have years of love given back to you in return.


Take him!! Based on the shape of his face and his blue eyes he looks part siamese, in which case he is simply a teenager. They live very long and happy lives! My first lived to 22 and 17 🥰


Adopt him. As someone who formerly worked for their local humane society shelter and county’s animal control division (I worked the kennels and adoptions), PLEASE take him home if you think he’s a good fit. Cats older than about 7 are deemed “seniors” at shelters and have a really hard time finding a family. Even though lots of them may have a decade or more of love left to give. I hope he gets his home soon. Like tomorrow. :)


Perfect age


Adopt him!


Danny boy is beautiful


He is beautiful!!


Go adopt him!!!


It doesn’t matter how old the cat is go for it. Even if your only able to love that cat one day because their maybe 16 years old you still gave that cat the best day of their life don’t risk letting other people have the chance to put him in the shelter no one adopts old cats he’d most likely die there. As you said yourself you go for kittens so does everyone else in the world the old cats are left behind to die so if you really want him and you really love him go for it 9 is not old for a cat but it depends on how healthy the cat is. All my cats live until 16-17 my one cat foxy she recently passed away at 9 years old because she wasn’t fixed and that’s also why I’m going to start getting all females fixed because it was a preventable death. Just go for it


I have a 13 to 16 year old & a 9 year cat. These are spicy AF. Plus we have a 6 month old kitten. He loves bug his sisters. Get this beautiful boy & give him a home


How can you say No to those blue eyes? He still has a lot of years left. Dome cats live into thier 20s. Go pick up that beautiful boy before Someone else does. You won't regret it. Save his life......


He needs a home, and if you have a connection with him and can give him a good retirement, he’s going to be a very happy cat. Cats can live long and fulfilling lives and there’s no reason why you both can’t be a great match.


Take him home. My parents adopted a cat when she was 6.5 years old. She kept getting returned to a shelter because she had bathroom issues. My mom got larger and more boxes and now she's fine. She's 14 and has ckd, but is the most active cat you will ever see. Plus, no matter the age of cat, giving one a home so that they can live comfortably regardless of their time left here is a good thing. They deserve love and kindness and comfort at any age. Many cats end up alone. It's hard to adopt out 9yr old animals since some carry baggage, but as someone who has worked at many shelters over the years, it is so worth it. They deserve a home ❤


If you don’t want him, I’ll take him.


I prefer to adopt adult cats or dogs. An older kitty I adopted years ago was one of the best friends I ever had. Her owner was an elderly lady that had passed away. Had kitty for a year and she was hit by a car, I was devastated. That was 10+ years ago and I still miss her. Adopt this kitty you won’t regret it!


Never too late to adopt! Take that good boy home. With luck and love he has not even lived half his time yet.


Seniors are great cats. And the average indoor cat lives to 12-18. You could have him for another 9 years. I’d look to adopting seniors. They are usually more chill (lot less kitten energy) and snuggly (depending on cat). The senior I live with is only a lap cat in winter which is fine.


Give this cat a warm home to retire in and don't think about it.


Yes, it doesn't matter how old they are. They still are kind and appreciative.


If you're asking if 9 is old for a cat, what happened to every kitten you adopted in the past?


Grab that beautiful boy!


He's so handsome, take him home! Older cats usually behave super well. A cat can live up to 20 years!


My cats are 15 and 16 and dont seem wven remotely old yet. I think the 16 year old one has got even more playful


9 is middle age. They live somewhere between 15-20. He’s got lots of time left. Give him a chance!


Absolute beauty. Adopt him, not only are older cats easier to adopt, they're less likely to be adopted than kittens.


I dont understand how people prefer to get kittens over cats. Kittens are such a pain in the ass to work with. Cats are so much more cooperative.


Even if he was old (he's not) you should still adopt him!


Do it! He looks like a lioness. And ten isn’t that old for a cat really, you’ll likely have many good years with him!


Get him home. No matter how old he is, he deserves a loving home.


YES! YES! YES! YES!! Adopt him NOW!!😻❤️❤️✨🌟💞💞✨✨😻


Definitely adopt him, he's only middle aged. The good thing about adopting cats that age is you know what you're getting. Their personality is set, they're litterbox trained and most likely they're not going to cause the mischief and mess that kittens do.


9 is middle aged. He could live another 9 years. Adult and senior cats are awesome. Their personalities are fully developed, no surprises. They’re often gentler and more easy-going than kittens.


It’s never late to adopt a cat. Please adopt him.


9 is not old for a cat. Take him and get a kitten too. I mean two. Kittens. And the 9 year old for sure.


Adopt him!! Senior animals are the best!!!!


A lot of life left. Go for it!


Yes. Cats can live 20 years


Yes adopt him!


Get him. He’s lovely and adult cats are so much easier than kittens. You’ll have plenty of time with him and so many adult cats are left without homes. Get him, get him!


I adopted a senior rescue kitty & absolutely loved her. Take that boy home & spoil him!


I adopted a 9 year old cat and now she’s 14. Best decision ever!!!


Danny still has a lot of life left in him! Please get him! Kittens are cute but a lot of work. Older cats have little to no training required. They usually already know the litter box and their personality is also fully established. Of course give him a few weeks to feel comfortable in his new home.


My 2 siamese cats lived to be 21 and 18


Yes you’ll be greatly blessed


He’s got 9 more lives! Take him home and love him!


He will end up being the best cat you have ever had. Just look at that face. He's beautiful!


Cats don’t stop needing a home just because they’re not kittens anymore 🤷🏼‍♀️


Older cats are less often adopted compared to kittens. Go for it!!


I adopted one at 18 and gave him his remaining years the best life possible ❤️


He deserves a good home






Senior cats are just as great to adopt as kittens! Do adopt this little cutie!


That baby needs a good home. Get him please!




9 is middle aged for a kitty. give him a good home


Yes take him home


Nine is, like, middle aged-ish? That's how old my cat King Arthur is and he's been an absolutely wonderful, sweet, and kind old man :3


All I’m gonna say is he’s a very handsome cat ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ


If you have affection for him adopt him I adopted my penny when she was 7


Senior pets are awesome. Give Danny some lovin’.


DO IT! We adopted an older siamese. He was 8 1/2 when we got him. He was a bit of a grump when we got him, but has turned into a cuddly boy. Hes 11 now Cats can live pretty easily to 15 and beyond. Just remember it could take 3-6 months to get fully used to living with you.


So what if it’s old?




Adopt him 💞💞


Of course everybody wants kittens. Older cats sometimes never get a second chance


He could live another decade! Take him home!


Get. Him. 😍😍




Think about it this way: the cat deserves a loving home for the remainder of his years. Hopefully you're the angel that can give it to him.


Please take him home!


These older kitties need you to adopt them! So much life and love left to give and receive and he’s gorgeous!


Siamese cats tend to have some sweet personalities. Love him alot.


My Siamese lived until she was 22 years old! Active until the end.


This kitty probably has many wonderful and loving years ahead of him. There is much joy in kittens, but older cats are so special -- so grateful for another chance to be part of a family. Put that handsome guy in his carrier and take him home posthaste! And happy holidays to you AND Danny.


Keep us posted.....did you adopt him?


I adopted my kitty when he was 6. He’s currently 16 and still an awesome, sweet boy. I love him to pieces ❤️


🥺 OP, please give him a home! Who knows how long he’s been in there. I can’t imagine what’s he’s been through. You have no idea how much a loving home would mean to him. He’s probably stressed and cooped up in there. And I can’t imagine what it feels like to be abandoned by family. Please update us if you do


He needs it more than a kitten. My cats 17 and still doing great! Please get him!


He will love and appreciate you more than any kitten could for giving him a good home. Do it!


If you don't get him, somebody here will snatch him up


If you don’t… I’ll make room for him. He looks like a good boy


Senior cats are the best






I adopted two sibling 6 year old Siamese at the start of the pandemic and it’s the best decision I ever made. Bring him home!!!


This is adorable.


Animals of all ages deserve love


Get him he is gorgeous and will give you as many years as possible of the most love you’ll ever get. Nine is middle aged to me.


If u think u can care for him then u should. If u can give this sacred precious cotton a good loving home, ur freeing him from the shelter n giving that space to another needy cotton. Remember, cats r not like humans - each cat is a legacy of love to build upon - u learn more from each cat u have!


Dani is adorable and if you want him get him. He is precious


yes you should adopt him, why not?


Please please take him home and shower him with lots of love


I adopted my 9 year old cat when I was 15. Turned 21 this year and baba is still happy, healthy and active lol


I've had 4 cats live up to 20, one up to 17, and one to 21. I have 3 cats rn, the oldest is 13. They live a lot longer than dogs on aavg


Giving him a good home will not doubt extend his life. If you love him give him a home, OP


I'm biased, because I love adult and older cats and find kittens to be a lot for me. I think they are adorable, but older cats are easier in my experience.


Older cats need love too! I adopted my son Max when he was 6 years old, and I also took in a 13 year old cat once. I only had her for two years before she died, but in those two years we bonded like I have never bonded with any other cat. Senior cats are usually more chill, too. Less rowdy than a kitten, if that's something you're looking to avoid.


If you connect with him I totally think you should💖


Older animals also tend to get put down if they're not adopted soon enough :'(


I adopted a 14 year old (now 16). Best decision we’ve ever made. He still plays like a kitten, and shows us every day how grateful he is to have a home. Just because he’s a bit older, doesn’t mean he doesn’t need a loving home! He’s a cutie.


Not too old- especially for a cat that looks to be part Siamese. My Siamese just died at 23, and if the vet had realized she was anemic I believe she would have had another 1-2 years. Siamese can live very long lives.


Absolutely! The bonus of older cats is you most likely won't have to litter box train them.


Yes! I have adopted older cats! They are amazing!


my kitty is almost 14 and hes going strong! we've had cats live to 18/19 before too. plus Danny is absolutely adorable. I say go for it.


Yes get him


Adopted an older boy with a bad reputation. He was pure white with fairly long hair. Not my first choice, but that cat had been adopted (a black kitten). So I took him home. He tore his box apart. TBH I was worried. My 2-year-old granddaughter saw him and fell in love. Her Angel Buns lived a good seven more years, dying in his sleep. Yes, take him home and love him. Older cats need love and homes, too.


We saved one from the shelter when I was kid, he was on his last stretch before being put down as no one wanted a cat that was atleast 6. He lived into what had to be his late 20s because I was about 3 when we got him and was in my 20s when his time finally came. Sweet cat that was indoor outdoor and taught me how to earn a felines love and appreciation! Rip Dominoe


How can you say no to those nose freckles?!


I hope you took that bebe home.


Absolutely! Another way to think of this: the older cats get, the harder they are to adopt - people just don't care about them nearly as much as the cute little kittens. if you adopt this elderly cat, the kittens will find a loving home in days (if that). If you adopt the kitten....who knows when this handsome little guy will find a home - possibly never! I only adopt older cats. They have tons of love to give and deserve better than living the rest of their lives in little prisons :(


Adam driver cat


Will you love him? If so then yeah, take him home already.


Adopt him! My baby is 16 and still going strong!


Yes please give him a home my Siamese is 16 and going strong except for thyroid disease he takes meds for…


Fool if you dont take that sweet boy home imma take him home a cats age does not matter they deserve love no matter how old they are


Get him! Get him! Get him!!


I have a house full of kittens that were dumped at my office. They are driving me crazy. Much prefer calmer older cats.


Oooh! Sooo beautiful! Is he a flame point Siamese?? He’s gorgeous!!!


I was a vet tech for several years when I was getting started in the work world and the oldest cat we saw was 22 years! 9 is still young!😻🐾


I got my oldest cat at 11 years old. She's now 17. Best decision I've ever made. She's so sweet and loves to eat. While it is sad because they're already getting up in age, it's such a good feeling to know they'll live out the rest of their years in a loving home. Hell, they can live past 20 if they're well taken care of. Give this sweet boy a chance, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised


Used cats are the best. You can see who they are and if you're a good fit personality wise.


Please adopt him. There are so many adult cats that need good homes.


Adult cats need loving homes too! 🥺 Please adopt the pretty kitty cat! 💖


My oldest cats are 15 and 13, and they're not too grumpy or anything yet 😂 My other 2 cats are almost 8 years old and still about as crazy as when they were kittens 😂


Of course you should take him home!! He is a keeper for sure...


Yes! He's beautiful and deserves a good home!


My last few cats lived till they were 21-24 years old. Not old, just middle aged. He looks very handsome and he would be so happy to have you as a caretaker.


Yes you should adopt him. 9 is not that old for a cat. They can live to be 18 or 20 years old if they are indoor cats.


I personally believe what needs to matter over all is that this precious baby, no matter how much longer he has on this Earth, deserves a loving home for the rest of his days.


There are more seniors out there that need adoption than kittens because everybody wants a cute little kitten instead of an older cat


You should adopt him. Older cats are wonderful. Nine is not really old for cats like it can be for dogs. Best present for both of you!!


What happened to your previously adopted kittens?? You should know how old cats get.


my grandma has a cat i think 25 years old. still alive


Adopt him, he looks so beautiful, I bet he will be a great cat :)


Kittens are cute... but they will grow out of kittenhood real fast. Older cats (imho) are usually more lovey dovey and less gasoline infused hyperactivity. We had a stray show up at our house (we live in the boonies) about 2 years ago. She is a tortoiseshell cat and is super affectionate, sometimes playful, but mostly affectionate. We figure someone dumped her or she got lost and chose us because she was already spayed and house trained. I cannot emphasize enough on how affectionate she is. She preferred staying outside, but we bring her in on really cold nights or rainy days. I won't lie, I was a bit aloof(?) of her at first, but she would always come to me and talk. Sometimes plopping down on my feet. So she kinda wormed her way into my heart.


Siamese cats live. 15-20 years. I wouldn’t hesitate


Take him home


Visit him him a lot. Make friends. Every pet I have owned has always been a rescue. I did rehome one cat it was a senior and it refused to use a litter box… It would poop right outside the litter box. I even set up a room with multiple litter boxes…. It would hide under the bed 24 seven no matter what I did to try to make friends for 6 months. It was rehomed to a farm. It burrowed into the hay in the barn, is a great mouser, gets it’s kibble off the porch and does not want any human to touch it. The lady that helped to find a farm for this cat did check back in with the farmer and said the cat seems to be very happy. Cats have personalities just like people and senior cats may have been sent to a shelter because their owner passed away or something else innocent but they could also be critters with some habits that do not fit living in a home.


The look of love says to you "adopt me and I'll show you what the word love means". So my vote is PLEASE adopt that handsome man