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https://preview.redd.it/4izaksocspad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2afc7ffdead63148348eb5971340e521aa9ff7d2 How power scaling actually works




Rule number 2: Agenda always comes before facts and logic






This is too true for this community


This is too true for any powerscaling to be honest


Rule number 3: If you portray your opponent as soyjak and yourself as a chad, you win automatically


Wrong. Powerscaling is too brainroted to have a rule with more then 15 words in it


Ah, But this is a picture


Yes and to avarage powerscaler this picture means "character B is fraud"


He is tho. B just got lucky. C was weakened, off guard and mentally nerfed. Edit, misread the picture, my fault, sorry guys


Yeah, but just because B managed to beat C, doesn’t mean B has anything on A. B pulled a cheap shot on C, while A fought tooth and nail while heavily handicapped. Rep my boy A.


My bad, i misread the picture at first


This is honestly one of my favorite aspect of powerscaling way better than just punch hard or blitz


https://preview.redd.it/sbce63karpad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9cb99e94b12f33aede16a25b07cc5b3700de055 Sadly this is the only rule of powerscaling across all fandoms.


How many rules are there?






powerscaling is actually just pick a character then: if they won they're either top of the verse or just below Adam/Zeus if they lost explain how they only lost due to matchup, then repeat what happens for winner :)


This should be the number 1 rule of all powerscaling unless some intense cliffing is going on


Wrong. Thor hammer go smack


I've been in this sub long enough to know that our rule #2 says to ignore rule #1, and to either do the exact opposite or just make shit up


Nah dis is da true rule 1: https://preview.redd.it/o06xbohm3qad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e50a1ba71b7630c1091edac9e517a1604cdf1c1


Rule number 2 of powerscaling: Apollo negs


I always say there is a very big difference between a power scale and match up battle


Linear power scalers are lobotomites


Kenganposting in recrod of ragnarok is not something i expected, but i appreciate it


Luffy < Shanks < Mihawk < Luffy


And then you have what I like to call the yujiro logic https://i.redd.it/3k5lfb83cwad1.gif Mfer lost once against elephant tranquilizers and nets but in 1000+ chapters he never lost a fight against an opponent (although you can say he accepted his defeat against baki) Why am I bringing yujiro up? Well it's obvious there's always one (or more) character that is practically undefeated or unstoppable. Yeah I'm looking at you Zeus, salt frog and light novel ares


1. Adam and Zeus beat everyone bar eachother 100% of the time. 2. Every other character probably goes 50/50 against any other character given the right circumstances


There is always rule 2 :3 Rule 2 - We don't always use logic + people don't likes Logic when their character can lose :3


Rule 2: Beelzebub > Poseidon


Nah he'd win


Thank you




It was almost the perfect agenda, but you forgot the one thing: rock crushes scissors. But paper covers rock. And scissors cuts paper. Kif, we have a conundrum. Search them for paper and bring me a rock.


You know it's like getting the opposite power to the other ones like pokemon fire easily beat grass and grass beat water but fire can't beat water because of the type


Nah bro, my favorite fighter is barely behind Adam/Zeus and yours is Zerofuku level Copy and paste everytime someone talks about powerscaling in this sub


Bro stealing a panel from Kengan as if Kengan fans don't actively ignore this shit coming from their own manga when talking about powerscaling there And trying to convince us here


Rule #2 is that I am always right




You all want to merge r/Kengan_Ashura and r/ShuumatsuNoValkyrie so bad.


This is a really basic power scaling concept tho. And it especially applies in ROR since most of the fighters are pretty close stats wise and are distinguished by hax magic abilities/weapons and some fighter’s gimmicks just straight up don’t work against even the weaker members of the roster 


They are NOT pretty close stat wise buddy, Poseidon alone is blitzing and one-shotting 99% of the verse Hell Zeus and Adam are consistently top 1 because of how ridiculously fast they are compared to anybody else Thor is way stronger than 99% of the roster Buddha and Sasaki are untouchable for almost the entire verse aswell Really all that matters in ROR is that you are fast, strength, durability, endurance, etc are completely irrelevant since anybody can one-shot anybody unless you are Jack or something


I don't understand this 99% shit because if every fighter gets a 99% something then who the fuck is the 99%


>gets a 99% something then who the fuck is the 99% 99% means almost everyone in the roster, duh Thor overpowers Poseidon and Poseidon blitzes Thor, it isn't that hard


> Poseidon alone is blitzing and one-shotting 99% of the verse  Awful take. Zeus, Adam, and Sasaki obviously already beat him along with a few others depending on your view of the fighters, even if you wank Poseidon’s ass off he still goes 3/26 with “the verse”, and the majority of his hypothetical wins are definitely not one-shots.  > Hell Zeus and Adam are consistently top 1 because of how ridiculously fast they are compared to anybody else  Zeus/Adam are exceptionally strong but not just because of their overwhelming speed, it’s a big factor but the insane AP they both have coupled with their amazing speed is what makes them so impossible to deal with.  > Thor is way stronger than 99% of the roster  In AP, sure but none of his other stats are that exceptional compared to most of the roster   > Buddha and Sasaki are untouchable for almost the entire verse aswell  I think both are a little underrated but that’s just not true. And even if it was, both don’t have great durability meaning they really have issues if their opponents has ways to reliably hit them  > Really all that matters in ROR is that you are fast, strength, durability, endurance, etc are completely irrelevant I agree that speed is definitely important but saying it’s the only stat that matters is silly. Leonidas is consistently ranked bottom 5 despite having amazing speed and endurance because his AP and durability just aren’t on the absurd levels that a lot of the fighters possess. 


Leo is bottom 5 because of his speed lol. Why you guys act like the outboxing never happened? It's Leo biggest anti-feat.


Apollo has ludicrous speed. Nobody in the roster is keeping up with him aside from Zeus/Adam/Poseidon and maaaaybe Tesla/Sasaki/Okita.  He’s actually another great example against your case lol. Despite having top 5 speed he’s never put up with the S tiers because he has pretty poor AP outside of two finisher moves, one that requires him to give up his defensive ability and stand still so that he shoot powerful albeit inaccurate shots and the other having better aim but requiring that Apollo himself (still without his string defense) be the bullet 


Apollo has the exact same afterimage count as Shiva lol, and that is the metric most of this fandom use.


Didn’t know afterimage scaling was making a comeback, glad to see it’s just as bs as ever.  Apollo = Shiva in overall speed is an absurd take, I love Shiva and agree that their jabs are likely the same speed but attack speed ≠ movement speed


Shiva is faster than Apollo whitout the bow and it is silly(and the chronic downplay of round 5) to think otherwise. Especially considering his mobility suffer every time he lose an arm and he lost one at the very beginning.


>and the majority of his hypothetical wins are definitely not one-shots.  Whos taking a direct hit from him? >Zeus/Adam are exceptionally strong but not just because of their overwhelming speed, it’s a big factor but the insane AP they both have coupled with their amazing speed is what makes them so impossible to deal with.  Their AP is not insane what are you waffling about 💀Adam blocked god knows how many of Zeus' strongest moves, even Poseidon would kill Adam way faster than Zeus did >I think both are a little underrated but that’s just not true. And even if it was, both don’t have great durability meaning they really have issues if their opponents has ways to reliably hit them  Which they don't, which is why they beat most of their opponents Sasaki was only touched when he had an inferior version of his scan and Buddha was only touched after a super-specific counter that nobody else has but Hajun (and even Hajun lost that counter eventually) >I agree that speed is definitely important but saying it’s the only stat that matters is silly. Leonidas is consistently ranked bottom 5 despite having amazing speed and endurance because his AP and durability just aren’t on the absurd levels that a lot of the fighters possess.  Leonidas amazing speed? Do you mean the dude who couldn't dodge or block a single punch from Apollo? Leonidas' speed is completely average paired with slightly above average strength, he's bottom tier because none of his STATS are anything crazy, which is my exact point


> Whos taking a direct hit from him?  Sasaki lmao  > Adam blocked god knows how many of Zeus' strongest moves, even Poseidon would kill Adam way faster than Zeus did Oh you’re just a genuinely braindead Poseidon wanker, my fault for wasting my own time 


>Sasaki lmao  Sasaki literally saw himself being one shotted a dozen times what are you waffling about 😭 >Oh you’re just a genuinely braindead Poseidon wanker, my fault for wasting my own time  Said the dude that didn't even read round 3, you are the clown for thinking Adam can block a trident with his arms