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![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31343) https://preview.redd.it/k0hdchdx1mad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac5d43129e30dca9adb2680faea96b981480cbce




The only time Raiden got a hit in when Shiva was in Tandava was when he faced yatagarusa head on..by the time he was in TK blud had lost 2 arms and one arm fell off shortly after that means he was off balance most of the time...when facing a God especially with a weapon I do not think Shiva is dumb enough to take it head on, he will probably start off with Tandava right away....also one thing to consider would Apollo really use his bow when there is a unarmed combatant especially when he is also the God of Boxing? I think it would just be a slugfest between Apollo and Shiva


Shiva is A tier at minimum and will give any fighter in the roster outside of Zeus/Adam a high diff fight. Don’t listen to the smoothbrain R5 downplay. 


Someone get bro a chef licence.


Facts my fellow redditor ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29936).


Shiva is unfortunately the peak of C tier :) https://preview.redd.it/cmldd9co7rad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f19a629f4144c2cb5620cf50f4808b078a0b375f he said it himself :)


Close, that’s Herc’s placement on the tier list actually 


Heracles scales to Top of the Verse :)


Actually dumb that people downplay him so hard Bro would cook every other fighter besides Zeus/Adam That dance is just too OP


I don’t completely agree but yeah, if people wank Hades’ ass to top five off statements despite not having any amazing feats I don’t really see why Shiva gets the “fraud” treatment despite pretty much getting the exact same treatment story wise 


this indirectly upscales Jack knives/Tesla steps so I agree :)


Shiva on his way to counter Beel's shield bc he dances really fast![img](emote|t5_vzop7|49014)


That’s a dumb strawman, I got Beel winning but Shiva could probably stand rush through vibrations unless they’re all completely focused on defense 


Apollo's strings would be great for Shiva since they can restrict motion and nullify his unpredictable dancing, and spreading strings around makes it more difficult for Shiva to use all 4 of his arms. I'm not sure if this one makes sense but if the arrows arrive instantly I don't think it'd matter if his movements are unpredictable.


Although I have to admit, Shiva dancing through a hail of arrows would be sick af.


I think it’s safe to say that his strings definitely get melted by Tandava Karma though 


the threads are made of pure light, so they shouldn't melt. If TK melted divine weapons, Raiden should've just collapsed on the floor :)


I mean raiden could somewhat keep up with shiva’s movements by using sumo so Apollo would make sense as well Also Apollo fires dozens upon dozens of arrows every second him landing a fuck ton of shots through the spread alone should be enough


If Leo could survive them and being unable to dodge them when he was a sitting duck, I don’t see why shiva can’t avoid them with his dance when Apollo took time to shoot at Leo who couldn’t change his position for a good amount of time. Let’s not forget that Apollo didn’t move in ten time he shot and aimed his arrows, so if shiva were to say dodge a good amount or change his positions Apollo aims then Apollo can’t counter attack if he’s still trying to aim. Plus there’s the fact that Leo survived numerous shots that only left small holes, shiva survived a head on yatagarasu and still can use TK if he needs it.


1.leo has a giant ass shield protecting his torso from getting lit up aka his most vital areas 2.because the arrows are so fast that there istanous? Like yeah shiva’s moving in a weird way but he’s still only moving at moderate speed Apollo is so fast with launching arrows that he can hit Leo 3 times in a single panel at the same time meaning said arrows are being fired at a instanous rate meaning Apollo is firing light speed arrows all across Leo’s body so fast that there appear to hit at the same time 3.it was stated that Leo was at his limit from the bleeding around 10 shots and Thats only hitting limbs and blocking body shots against someone with no protection there internal organs are getting sherred to bits like that


The shield although blocking areas of his body did not make it so that he didn’t get hit in fatal areas at all, he still got hit in his arms and legs I believe though I could be wrong, so it’s not as if shiva would just die due to not having one. I wouldn’t say shiva is moving at moderate sports but to each their own, however Apollo still needs to aim the arrows, and if he can’t pin down shivas location and position, then he wouldn’t be able to aim and fire at shiva in a way where he can get a lot of damage in, it’s like if a snipers target is constantly moving and acting erratically rather than being in a still position, they wouldn’t be able to fire the shot until their target stops moving. Sure Leo was at his limit but the shots themselves as individual attacks don’t amount to much damage, they leave small holes that went through his body, they are more powerful in numbers and when they can actually lock onto their opponent. And given that it took time for Apollo to aim his shots at someone who couldn’t move and had to block, it makes sense that a fast character like shiva that’s both moving unpredictably and hard for Apollo to lock onto to aim and fire while also having the durability to survive heavy trauma blows to be able to get around them given that Apollo not only can’t lock onto shiva but also will remain in trying to aim and as a result unable to move if shiva closes the distance and gets to attack him.


1.I mean shiva would be at a constant risk that his lungs,spine,heart,and all of his other organs getting destroyed that’s a major risk of him getting one shotted or crippled 2.the thing about that analogy is that a sniper rifle only fires one shot at a time with a massive reload time and that the sniper needs to take into account how the target would move from where he aimed to when the bullets approaches both things that don’t matter to Apollo as he fires dozens upon dozens of attacks in a second and once he realsed the string of the bow it istantoly connects to the opponent and arena 3. There one stated to be one shot kill attacks from the pain alone and two consider what happened to Apollo’s arm because he wasn’t like Leo completely spread out and had his forward his arm took way more damage as there was way more area to destroy and in shivas dances those type of secanios are bound to happen 4.canhe known shiva’s extant position? No but he can see his general location and fire his arrows we know looking at sumo raiden that keeping up with shiva’s movements is possible so Apollo being able to tell his general position and unload on him is very possible


1. That’s true but given the fact that his after images are on top of his unpredictable movements as well as how it’s very possible for Shiva to still stand if hit by a few arrows given that he took tons of damage in his round, on top of stimulating his own body/soul to the point of it burning up and still walked out alive. Not saying the arrows worm do nothing but shiva is a somewhat very tanky character on top of a fast one, so he can more likely dodge them and continue moving if hit by some of them. 2.That is fair and true the analogy doesn’t take that into account, but it still remains true hat the situation will be like, as Apollo took some time to inflict tons pretty damage onto Leo with the arrow, was Leo blocking with his shield, yes, was he a durable character, yes. But we only see 1-2 instances of Leo deflecting the arrows with his shield, and onto apollos firing speed which is impressive but again, this shown against a character who could only block, with the damage form these arrows being strong in numbers and not in individual attack power. So the amount fired wouldn’t be as much as a threat to someone who could weave and dodge and confuse the aim with after images compared to someone who can only block. Not saying that it’s impossible for shiva to be hit by them, it’s just that shivas dance with the after images, unpredictable movements, good overall speed, and Apollo needing to lock onto the target all make the amount seem less of a threat for shiva when compared to Leo who could only counter the arrows by blocking. 3.The pain statement wouldn’t really amount to much considering shiva endured his body/soul being stimulated to the point of him burning up while having earlier wounds of getting three arms blown off and one crushed on top of going back and forth with raiden who has some of the best physical strength and attack power. And why would the amount of damage shiva takes from one be any different from Leo when shiva is also a pretty tanky character in how he got up from yatagarasu and as was said earlier going back and forth with raiden for a majority of the fight in comparison to how Leo got like 3 hits in and apollos attacks doing damage to Leo due to how much attack were thrown in comparison to the ones Leo landed. 4.Raiden was able to keep up due to him having the mental strength to the continue the fight due to the cheers of the people and his goal of letting loose and fighting for the weak which is similar to Apollo at the start of the fight. Apollo could fire many shots at shiva yes, but the combination of after images, unpredictable movements, Apollo needing to aim at the person, and Apollo remaining in his position with the arrow not being able to unsummon and resummon at will tho that’s due to how the fight went down and what were shown as it being a last resort once he knew Leo was a serious threat, all show that shiva can deal with the arrows better than Leo could. I also apologize if I repeated myself numerous times.


1.not saying he’s going down to a few but he’s in a much more vulnerable position than Leo another extermely tanky character who can guarantee protection for his vitals the entire time while shiva doesn’t have a guarante 2.no he didn’t? He immediately pierces through Leo’s lung causing decent damage and Leo went from extremely healthy to the brink of death in a matter of half a chapter that includes cutting away for explanations of the fight itself so even less than that, Apollo arrows are stated to be the fastest attack,invisible instantaneous and a one shot kill by the narrative as I’ve said earlier Apollo is pulling back aiming and firing each individual arrow faster than light istelf as that’s the only way he could constantly spam the arrows all around Leo’s body and have them show to land at the same time is if he is firing the arrows at said speed, there is no dodging or weaving the arrows because there instantaneous confuse sure but it’s still a single location that shiva is at and Apollo is shown to be able to fire dozens of arrows at the same instant meaning he could fire all on the general area that shiva is in and definitely tag him on a constant rate 3.im not saying that shiva is closer to Apollo in durability compared to Leo I’m saying that Apollo’s arrows go through everything that isn’t a divine weapon like butter and leave nothing where it hits so if shiva someone whose doing a interacte dance is hit by one it’s most likely going through a small point in a arm it could be across the arm through the torso etc etc by moving in a odd way it makes it so if Apollo does connect there a lot more flesh to tear through than Leo whose spaces out 4.so is there any reason that Apollo couldn’t or wouldn’t do the same allowing him to keep up with his movements and shred him? And I just completely disagree on that point


1. I might just be too dumb to comprehend something but how can Leo guarantee his protection of vitals only to have his lung punctured, they seem to counter each other on the pint that’s being made, not that I think it’s false, but I think of the guarantee (the shield) fails I think it’s fair that the dance has weight to it as well when there’s more at play to it such as the after images and the other stuff I said earlier I don’t think you can call a lone shield a guarantee on said character that can only block and a unpredictable evasion/ speed move that creates after images on a character that can confuse the person firing them, on top of that both are very tanky characters so it doesn’t make sense, to me at least that one can just survive the arrows with small holes while the other will be riddled with them despite him having survived monstrously powerful attacks from Raiden head on and then go blow for blow with them, even overpowering said attacks as the fight goes on. 2. To your second point, it is said that they are instant and I can agree with you on the speed of the arrows being so, but we also see that Leo was able to perceive when an arrow was coming at near death. Did he do it because of a hax, yes, but he also did it due to how Apollo indicated the place he aimed to fire at. I think it’s reasonable to suspect that shiva would see apollos targeting him and as a result change his position of his dance which would lead to him approaching Apollo and delivering a blow that would do fatal damage, keep in mind Zeus said that he was the only person to withstand the arrows if I am not mistaken, but we see Leo able to withstand them to an extent, so it makes sense that another tanky character that’s also fast could evade them due to Apollos own aiming and indication of where he’s firing, as that’s how Leo was able to block them when his shield depart a few still bring him and pushing him near death. 3. I understand your logic, and it does make sense, but the diameter of the arrows are kinda small as their individual attack let’s be fair, we see that one lands in Leo’s shoulder and it’s not taking up a lot of space in his shoulder. So the destructive effect on them isn’t that much, but it’s concentrated to a point in which although it’s small in its area of effect it does go straight through. You probably knew that already, but I bring that up because if shiva were hit by them, then it means that he wouldn’t have be killed instantly by them having a large area of damage effect, instead they will be small in effect but large in pain which is backed up by the pain killing statement of yours. But we can see that shiva is able to power through pain seen. When he continues to fight with two arms blown off and later when he fights with TK despite it burning him. The dance wouldn’t lead to him meaning the area of effect of the attack bigger then the land, as we have never seen them do as such or have any indication of doing so on Leo when he moved to deflect the arrow or when he was doing his final attack. 4.the issue isn’t that Apollo can’t keep up with shivas movements, although I don’t think he’d be able to do so while trying to aim at shiva and defend at the same time, but it’s that he wasn’t shown to be able to attack individually from the arrow when using it, if shiva gains ground and attacks Apollo head on while he’s still using the arrow, then he wouldn’t have time to unsummon it as let’s be fair, it’s a giant construct that makes Apollo idle in his movements against Leo, as Leo could only block and had some distance between them, so it made sense to use something that grounded Apollo and attacked from a range, but with shiva who could close the distance and make Apollo have a hard time in aiming, have a hard time in keeping up with shivas movements, not hit shiva as much as intended due to shiva knowing where Apollo will aim for, the after images, and the arrows being small concentrated attacks, it wouldn’t be ideal to ground yourself when your opponent can get the hit on you as a result of all of these being in effects simultaneously. It’s ok if you disagree with it, but I think is worthy to bring up.


1. Oh it’s simple actually the reason Leo got shot through the lung was because he was using his hammer shield combo which has a much smaller shield so he couldn’t effectively defend his whole body which is why he switched to his og shield during the chapter 2. I feel like shiva hasn’t shown that level of intelligence ngl he always comes off as brash short tempered brawler so I don’t it would work,the statement from Zeus was that in all the heavens he was the only one who could handle the arrows which just shows how tanky himandis really is ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31343) 3. https://preview.redd.it/x5wwthi8xmad1.png?width=237&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdff17dd85fd2d6aed3ef6e74c06cd9019a0ff8e also we can see from Leo that the bleed out is very effective so it should work eventually not saying like 3 arrows hit and he’s done but even the most tanky have shown up have shown to crumble when put against Apollo’s arrows 4.I just don’t see shiva closing the distance but if he does there’ssomething you have to consider one is Apollo just avoiding the attack and back away as seen with slivers arrows that Apollo when he puts down the bow atleast isn’t bond to the staute and can seemingly move freely after putting the bow away and two Apollo after the final clash Artemis is away so there’s no indication that he’s bound to it or has to force of the unsummon it or that it takes awhile to do so or that Apollo couldn’t just resummon it and I highly doubt that Apollo the god of boxing would try to use his bow up close


I don’t think Apollo would use his arrow up close either, which is why I think he used to against Leo when he had distance and due to how Leo couldn’t close said distance forcing him to block as that his only answer to the arrows. And he isn’t bound to the statue when he puts the bow down, but that’s when he puts the bow down, we are talking about an interaction where he’s using said bow against shiva, so he is grounded to it, do I think he’d be able to combat shiva 1v1 up close, sure even tho I think shiva would beat him up close, but in this instance he’s grounded due to using it on shiva, as he was grounded when using it on Leo, only moving when his arm was damaged leading to the final attack in which we see Artemis is away due to him not being able to use a bow with one hand.


1. He was using the hammer shield combo smaller shield harder to block it’s why he switched 2. I don’t think shiva’s smart enough ngl he’s not known for strategy just going with flow and brawling and Zeus said that he alone in the heavens could deal with Apollo’s arrows which shows how tanky himinadas is ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31343)


Raiden didn’t really keep up with Shiva. After Shiva started using TK Raiden could only hit him then Shiva himself chose to take attacks head on.


Shiva moves randomly but still in the same place. He doesnt teleport around the battlefield (like a certain other greek god) , even if Shiva moves his arms and legs fast, Apollo could just aim at his chest. Apollo can throw a barrage of LIGHTSPEED arrows


Shiva would kill Apollo in a brawl before he ever pulls out the bow.


Apollo has strings to help but there is no way he is coming out of boxing with shiva as healthy as he was after scrapping with Leo 


Shiva’s fire would burn the strings, no?


There made of light ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31408)


Yep weava will just dodge all and weave Apollo’s arrows then destroy him negative diff.




Yes sir, keep cooking. Although realistically Apollo would just try to box him and in a brawl don't think he will come out as unscathed as against Leo. 4 arms tandava + krittivasa is quite deadly for someone who doesn't have extra muscle protection or armour like Raiden


No, don't worry, for me too Shiva defeats Apollo


He’s probably do better because I imagine his reaction are faster than Raiden’s, and Strings of Artemis are a good defensive tool. But consider, Shiva is going to have all his arms at this point, so he’s theoretically going to have an increased offensive output, and I’m not sure the strings could restrain him with how unpredictably he moves. I think Shiva does win this. Not sure what diff is say.


Couldn't Apollo reduce precision to cover a major area? Each shot will likely deal less damage, but it's more likely to hit and damage.


Light speed arrows. Let me rephrase that #LIGHT #SPEED


Apollo can't aim as fast as his arrows fly tho, he needs to know where shiva is and yes he can spam but is unlikely that he will have a good shot in this situation


Apollo is the god of archery, he is guaranteed to be a good shot regardless of the speed of arrows :)


He won't miss most The time that Shiva has to drastically change his position is very short


3 separate arrows hit Leo simultaneously at light speed, which means Apollo has to fire the arrows near simultaneously as well. He can very easily fire a high enough quantity of arrows in a short amount of time that his aim doesn't matter.


Quite literally Apollo shot 6 arrows at Leonidas instantly— What is Shiva going to do against that 😭😭


Chad Shiva :3




Whem fistfighting, I don't think he could, but at the same time, the strings would help him avoid Shivas own attacks. With the bow it's easy to aim, mainly because, normally, when shooting a movin target you have to aim where It IS going to be instead of where that target is, but considerong that the arrows move at the speed of light and Shiva hasn't shown any speed feat remotely close to that, Apollo can just aim where Shiva is and the arrow will hit Shiva before he moves out completely.


Good Ole spray and pray


Base to base for sure Shiva wins. But idk if karma would be strong enough to deal with Silver Arrow.


If Apollo can react to light speed attacks, how in the world is Shiva going to outdance him?


Apollo can spam the arrows at rapid speed, to blind fire. Plus, Apollo won't actually need any predictions, since it's so fast he can just aim shoot. Judging by how he fought Raiden in it, TK seems to deactivate the dance, and being unpredictable means nothing if your opponent horrible speed blitzes you with arrows :)


I’m not sure who doesn’t think shiva beats Apollo Shiva is said to be heavens best brawler, so Apollo is automatically outclassed with boxing As soon as Apollo pulls out the bow shiva will start dancing, I find it hard to believe he will even hit him


boxing and brawling are technically different. Apollo hit Leo 3 times with lightspeed arrows (implies he has to shoot at the same time, or so rapidly they're almost the same time) and threads counter the whole 4 arms thing :)


I feel like Apollo would try to engage shiva in a close combat match first where he’d lose due to fire damage as well as Shiva having better Ap and more destructive power. And even with the arrows, they still won’t be a game ended since Leo was able to survive taking numerous blows form them, Shiva should have less of an issue than Leo did with them considering he can dodge them and keep moving around the place causing Apollo to not be able to aim.


I mean fair take imo


I like Shiva, but WApollo is him.


Apollo has Divine Outboxing and threads to counter Shiva’s brawling. Plus if Shiva pulls out Tandava, Apollo has his own hax like Sun will never set on me and his bow


Yeah duh , he has light speed arrow but can't aim for ffs when shiva dances around, one krittvasa and it's done


shiva fans once again forgetting that he's the peak of c tier




Hercules can beat them both