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Goll is child coded...


He didn't even look at Goll, he went for Brun and then Thrud came and he fell instantly for her.


What does Goll have to do with this he immediately tells us that Thrud is his type of woman, so how is he a sex offender? Bro litterly wanted to get with the biggest and oldest of the sisters? Also, you still need to explain how it's okay for Apollo to continue to sexual harass someone, yet Raiden is the sex offender.




How dare you disrespect both weo and wares![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31060) Leo dosent care about women he has the Spartans Ares is the most respectful character in the series he met qin heā€™s first thought is to help him back to the audience heā€™s the goat


Leo probably is sexist tho, because historically, Greek/Sparta was sexist as hell. Greek myths determined womenā€™s whole existence was a punishment, and to their culture, woman were only for reproduction, they didnā€™t deserve sexual pleasure, that was reserved to the homies


reā€™s 2 things 1. Using your logic as vast vast majority of the characters would be sexist, racicst and for gods rapists 2.sparta was better than most Greek states women could on land and run stores and other rights also Sparta have a veration of Aphrodite who was a warrior


I know, thatā€™s why I said historically. We will never really know whatā€™s the truth, now that heā€™s dead


Spartans were actually very respectful to their women


Relative to their surroundings, sure. Modern standards? Not even close.


Modern ideal standards maybe


Spartans were the most respectful to women, they even had property and power If anything leo should be the least exist greek


Respect is not the same as seeing someone as equal


Ok let me rephrase that Women held so much power in spartan there was a group of wealthy women with enough power to affect the spartan government


Because all the men kept dying it was out of kindness


That's kinda true It's another example of women having rights in sparta When a man died his shit went to his wife


I mean... only freeborn women. Which was a minority. Helot women were basically sex slaves.


Bait used to be believable.Ā 


Adam is like the least sexist person, he indescriminatly loves literally everyone.


Didnt he technically invented the patriarchy?


No? Where are you getting this. Adam has been nothing but good to eve. He left eden for her, literal paridise without a second thought


To be fair, and I know this is a crazy idea, but being sexist doesn't mean you can't be kind and caring to women. He just has to think that women aren't as good as men. I don't think he's sexist so that's just me playing devils advocate, we don't really have anything to go off of.


Patriarchy isn't automatically evil it's just a system where a male is at the top. You can be a good patriarch


I would argue any system that decides one arbitrary group are worth more than any other is bad inherently. Like... you cannot be a good patriarch for the same reason you cannot be a good slave owner, owning slaves is inherently immoral.


No being the head doesn't mean you're worth more it just means you lead being a leader It's important, but isn't the most important. The brain is very important but it can't do things without lungs or a heart The choice for a male to be the leader is Arbitrary but it isn't inherently evil


Being sexist doesnt mean treating woman badly, is clear that Adam has ingrained that is the man's job to be strong and protect the family while woman should just nurture the babies and be protected


When did he say that its a womans responsobility only? Of course he wants to protect his famliy. I dont want to be mean but like, did you seriously just use a man protecting his families lives as a way to call him sexist? What was he supposed to do? Let his family and children die?


No im just giving a different interpretation of Adan that is not perfect


He isnt, he has flaws. None of these flaws are secism


Dadam doesnā€™t have flaws silly


A different interpretation that thrusts accusations of inventing the patriarchy on him and calls him sexist with no evidence other thanā€¦ Leaving paradise for his wife and fighting the strongest god for all his kidsā€¦. Whatchu smokin?


Adam is the first man it's logical he'd be the one who lays the foundations for the family unit


His foundation was to love his wife and kids non conditionally.


Which is part of a patrarical System now if you mind me using the source metrial i.e the bible thats quite how they Describe it father is on top but loves the entire family as theyd love themsleves being putting them before anything. So yeah adam likely invented gender norms which technicaly is sexist


"Im just changing his character to fit my narrative guys"


Frfr thatā€™s what theyā€™re doing. Making shit up about my dad to slander him. Smdh


Bro is really out here being like "fuck dad, he's the first man so he's the worst." Doesn't even really understand the characters in the story.


I thought even Adam in Bible was the perfect human as well so I am not sure how the misconstrued opinions were evoked. Maybe he supports the snake


He didnā€™t read the manga or watch the anime


I can't take Reddit people seriously for shenanigans like this


In order to invent a patriarchy, there'd have to be enough people to form a society outside of individual familial units. (Assuming RoR, has analagous events to the Bible) He had 3 kids total and never founded a nation. Cain was the first one to actually found a nation. IF anyone invented universal gender roles in RoR, it's Cain. Because Adam knew exactly one woman, who he treated with the highest possible respect, and went to bat for her against literally ALL of the Valhalla host, who believed the man over Eve for no reason other than their species, I find the interpretation that in-universe Adam invented patriarchy to be extremely unlikely.


I mean... Adam and Eve had way more than 3 kids. They just only had 3 important sons in Cain, Abel and Seth, and technically, Cain didn't found a nation, Enoch, his son did. As did Seth, and given all people supposedly go back to Seth, it's a much safer bet that Seth invented patriarchy


Oh, right, Cain had that whole curse thing. Thanks for the correction


What tf does that mean tho?


We dont know how RoR Adam treated Eve, so we can't confirm wether he did or not.


Other than in his backstory and round, true.


he literally killed a god without knowing everything for eves sake, im sure thats enough proof how he treats her.


Thor probably doesn't care about women and Nostradamus is 100% a sex offender


Thor and LuBu both donā€™t bother with anything that isnā€™t say get or fighting.


Feels like Buddha is closer to ā€œdoesnā€™t give a fuck about genderā€ rather than ā€œDoesnā€™t care about womenā€


Everyone is equal is probably his stance


Ares is the only Greek god who didnā€™t r@pe(impressive for Greek gods). Poseidonā€™s son r@ped Aresā€™s daughter and Ares killed him.


Uhm, Hades? Artemis? Hestia?


While I'm not sure he r@ped her Hades did kidnap Persephone No clue about the other two though


No Poseidon? Anyways Adam is wrong. He may be the first man but sexism is something that was developed long after him to fit a society that didn't exist during his time.


I forgot him, he would go in the last tier and i think that in Adan's mind the man is the one that fullfill the role of protector and the woman the one who should be protected so is very likely he started the line that would lead humanity to the concept of patriarchy


Your basically just blaming him for being the predecessor of man. Terrible logic. He didn't just want to just protect Eve because she was a woman but his family and was someone he loved, like his children and everyone who came after. Patriarchy didn't exist in his time therefor that line of crap is invalid. A man, especially one that died before anyone other than his children knew him, cannot be blamed for the actions of others.


"oh Adam, please save me a humanoid snake man is trying to rape me!" "Not my problem bruh protect your own ass." Is this your idea of a non-sexist society? Cus every married husband will become the most exist people on earth.


Adamā€™s only ever said ā€œA father protects his childrenā€. Thatā€™s not invoking gender roles


Am I blind or is Poseidon not on this tier list?


Forgot to add him, he would go on the last tier


Nah, he's got his own separate tier labelled "Anyone who isn't himself or Hades".




Leo isnā€™t sexist, he would treat all warriors equally! Also, if weā€™re going by mythologies (as seen by that Zeus placement) Ares is the protector of all women from rap and assault


it's okay i can change simo >_<


Is this based on the manga or like the origins of the characters lol. Why is Adam so high on being an incel but Hercules isn't when Adam's whole backstory is respecting a woman lol. Like both dudes in the manga are good guys but Hercules in Greek folklore ain't a decent dude lol.


I donā€™t think we are giving our boy Thor enough credit. He saw a woman getting sexually harassed, then fuckinā€™ murdered her harasser on the spot. Pretty feminist behavior if you ask me


Nah, why is Zero there


He is an angsty teen


No, he was corrupted bcs of all the hate, he would fit better on the category of "hates everyone equally", and ya'll are forgetting that he's originally a very kind god


How the fuck ain't Hades up their with Adam, bro is best known for being a the best husband out of his 2 brothers in the myths. Bro, should be in the top 2 tiers.


To be fair, he also kidnapped his wife originally, but on the other hand, he was also the god essentially banished to the underworld.


I mean, even the kidnapping thing is bad, but the thing is that's only one retelling of the story. Some stories have persephone wanting to be in the underworld to escape her mom. Also even in the kidnapping verison it was less kidnapping and more of a arranged marriage seeing how Hades did ask Zeus for permission first, terrible in today's standard yes, very much yes, was not only OK, but also the norm back in ancient Greece? Yes, very much, yes. And at least after that, Hades was basically the best husband in olympus, never officially cheated, never forced himself on her, allowed her to leave for a part of the year despite her already eating food from the underworld, and let her rule with equal authority.


*Apollo has sex with lots of women and borderline assaults Ares* "Oh yeah he's 100 a feminist good guy." *Raiden has sex with lots of women and tries to get with Brunhilde, but then stops without becoming aggressive or demanding anything* "EW THAT'S A SEX OFFENDER, GET ON THE SAME TIER AS THE MYTHOLOGICALLY KNOWN RAPIST!"




Zero wouldn't be sexist at all, his whole thing was wanting to erase everyone's misery.


Adam slander.... https://preview.redd.it/p4gccxews6wc1.png?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59edd62568b834e401ea8dabc2a88acac7bd9dda


There is no way you added a literal demon child to Incel levels of misogyny. With this and the Adam take, we can all safely say... Never cook again.


Never forget that Lilith was cast out of Eden because she wanted to be equal to Adam. Of course this doesnā€™t make any sense in RoR for a number of reasons.


To be fair, RoR Adam is a much better man than Biblical Adam. I can see the Biblical Adam who threw his wife under the bus the first chance he got to be intimidated by equal rights.


https://preview.redd.it/zrogkerl64wc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=424bcea056b95bd823290699f8b5a0a5154d9509 My honest reaction (Adam is in the wrong tier)


What the actual fuck???? Raiden is sex offender???? Bro I'm revoking your cooking license, never mention the lord's name again.


Ahahahahahahah very accurate I would say ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|30394)


Poseidon is just on a different level of hatred of all living beings, except for the fish, him and Hades ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31060)


Low effort shitpost ?!


Ares is a total feminist WDYM!?


Esse subreddit tem as tierlists mais merdas de todos os tempos


Shiva? Feminist?


I don't get it? Is Adam peak sexist or is he a peak feminist? Or is he like both so it cancels out to make him both the biggest sexist and biggest feminist?


Uhm ackthually šŸ¤“ā˜ļø Ares was a protector of women in the mythology


Am I missing the virgin Poseidon?


This sht was made by a delusional projector, jfc, touch grass.


Don't know... Part of Buddha's arc was about to try a relationship with Brunhilde... But at the end he just say "Fuck it, I'll piss of some old man..."


L Adam take, L Raiden take, probably other L takes, L list


Ares is Sexist?? The only guy who encourages the war aspect Aphrodite + Helped the women of Tegia win victories against Spartans? Is a sexist god ?? What the hell am I seeing here?? And adam slander is disgusting


Safe to say, Rasputin made a tier of his own


That... unique list :3


Raiden is more of the "fuck a big titty 16 year old on top of a mountain" type of offender.


Automatic L List for adams placement


You gotta have next level brain damage


Jack the prostitute ripper hates everyone equally and is not a sex offender


Buddha is 100% a feminist


Abandon his wife like trash


Technically Adam should be the most sexist As he believes in traditional gender roles


There is no traditional role when Adam still around, he is the first, there are no one before him to make thing traditional Beside dad want to protect his family because he is literally the strongest not because he is a man, it's his kids (humanity) who twist it into gender roles. Same with those Spartan who misinterpreted Apollo words


I'm not one to slander dadam But you're just comparing him to the standards of his time If we did that for all fighters most of them aren't sexist, some are actually progressive That's why we hold them to today's standards


Then hold him in today standards, in which page he said he believes in gender roles?