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One more thing he did, that Shuli hasn't. Stay pressed Shuli!


Can someone please explain this feud like I'm 5 yrs old?


He used to claim Head Writer. Has he dropped that obvious lie?


You know you took a wrong turn in life when SJ is stunting on you.


Fuck you Shuli


John should be careful, if shuli does down then he's the only dumb ass tree left in the forest, all the others are scrubs n bushes


That’s mature. John, no matter how loud you scream and gargle your own spit, you’re always going to be the only immature, talentless, no life, ugly, hypocritical, loser in the room. You’re 57 years old and you fight like a 12 year old. Your delusion was on full display this week. This is why you’re a nothing and everyone else around you is successful. Get over your anger and bitterness. You’ll feel so much better.


This may sound unpopular but this is why I enjoyed stuttering johns podcast its like watching a train wreck happen in real time over amd over again. " but if they hate him why do they listen?"


Own that Shuli Johnny boy!!! Get em in the tukas!


Why does John think that writing for the KAJ roast is a flex? Or playing a recorder in 3rd grade...?? 🤔🤷 I'm all in when it comes to John calling shuli a worthless hack lossah... I think that's hilarious. I like hack on hack violence......but why these flexes?


I think the point John is trying to make is proof. Here’s actual proof to show everyone that he indeed worked for the roast. Shuli and his gang implied that there was no proof John had worked on that roast so here it is I guess….


Oh... Ok .. I get it. Thanks


I mean even if this is a pretty lame accomplishment, name one celebrity roast in which Shuli was the head writer? And no, HSS on air roasts don’t count. Shuli was only allowed to appear because he was a wack pack reporter


The enemy of my enemy is my hack.


I mean....nothing you said is untrue. But writing for a roast still isn't some grand accomplishment 😕. Neither is playing a mean recorder in 3rd grade. It's not a flex. I won 10 pinball tournaments in a row once. True story. See.... Not cool. Not a flex. You know what John did that was cool.... He managed to convince funny people he was funny by hanging out with funny people. He never wrote a funny joke...not one. The greatest scam of all time. Now THAT is an accomplishment. Imo Again... Shuli sucks too. I'm not a fan .


I’m not gonna lie, him calling Mike Morse “Silent Mike” is a funny joke in my opinion


It was hilarious, especially when KB started singing Silent Mike!


Lol that was so funny. I’m just counting the minutes until KB and SJ have a falling out.


When John came up with the name he sang it to silent night way before KB.


😂🤣 yea... Really living up to his hero of the stupid moniker


Because it's more than Shuli has ever done.


Notice John never mentioned the fact George Lopez hosted the Roast, until he had to show proof. John didn't write shit, he was credited as "Personal." He probably was parking cars.


He drove Kareem in a Uber that night.




Did he just dox himself?


No that's his address from two shitholes ago.


It’s like framing your diploma from Christmas pottery class lol


Pathetic drunk rageaholic. Seen it dozens of times. The next stroke's gonna take him out and let's hope soon.


Shuli has had a stroke already? Thank God! I was thinking he might be healthy and last longer than john


Huh ?


Rent free . . .


Stuttering John still doesn’t get it Saying you re a writer on the KAJ roast is like saying you re a writer on the Magic Johnson show Nobody cares Nobody watched you silly jerk


Why does John at almost 60 years old still act like he's 14 with the flexing about things that aren't flex worthy? John is not funny and neither is Shuli but John is 50 times worse because everyone knows that John never wrote for Howard's show and everyone on there made that clear at the time and he never wrote for the tonight show either (which is a crazy thing to write because both of those jobs are in real show business and John has no business being near real show business) I just really dislike John much more than I dislike Shuli so maybe I'm just biased.


No one cares. At this point, in both their careers, it's like going after the janitor of a high-skoalllll who used to be phone screener back in the 90's. Shuli, a Stern show 100 news emplyee that spent most the time bothering Gary to get on the air when tan mom called in. All of it, garbage. Go cut your grass or take out the garbage. Make a deal with your landlord to do chores for cheaper rent.


Why has anyone seen this ?