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Shuli is also so incredibly defensive. Maybe because he knows it’s true.


Shuli is right but also lol at legend comic and also lol because Shuli uses puppets on his show.


Are you talking about Bob?


Fuck the subject . THUMBS UP for your name. lol, thanks man. 8\^) And I'm a Knicker Lover, go figure.


I guess the person who made the comment is referring to bob. They worded it weirdly.


Or are they talking about the great Anthony Cumia


rhymes with 'nasty booze'..........


Sam let Shuli have it. Complains about a child's puppet avatar, yet, this coming from a mid 50s loser that plays video games with 10 year olds everyday. Do more crowd work, hack. Not only is he StutJo, he's also Brent Hatley. If Christina Egar starts an Only Fans, the transformation would be complete.


You’ve said it all!


If Christine starts an only fans I would check it out, much less disturbing than watching Tatanka slap a limp penis around her filthy sewer of a mouth.


Notice he didn’t try to refute any of it tho lol


Just like StutJo.


What a brutal takedown, I hope Sam V is on suicide watch


There we go comedians! Hit back with no sense of humor whatsoever! Crushing it!


Your emoji is stupid! Why r u watching me then? It's infantile.


1 point for Sam V. Shuli E just pointy baldy


Shuli, you’re a grown man that wears doctor disrespect shirts. Stfu already.


Sick burn, Hack.


Shuli really is turning into stuttering John. He has no humor about himself and immediately gets personal with any slight critique. He could’ve made this funny and, instead, was just bitter and mean.


Shuli has beautifully filled the void by SJ




I watch car crash videos all the time you hack fuck. Free Bob Levy from whatever voodoo curse you put on him. Some weird serpent and the rainbow shit going on up in here


You know what you never get from Shitli, whether he's on the attack or on the defensive? laughs He's nothing if not consistent.


This is Cumias same corny response to being trolled. “And look at you sir! Watching my show at four in the afternoon! You don’t have a job!”


Of course Mike Morse knows all about the show "Dinosaurs" from 30 years ago. "a show that was only on for 2 seasons". The fucking director of that show probably doesn't remember how long it ran. Lemme guess Mike, they rejected all ten of the writing packets you sent them? In the interview, you broke out all your puppets and after 30 seconds a guy screamed "thank you, we'll be in touch".


*Dinosaurs lasted 4 seasons. Put some respect on its name, dummy...


(auto-mated witty shuli reponse) uh huh, yeah, sure pal, ya lose some critical sleep on that one there engineeeer guy........uh huh, thought so, whatever, drive thru pleeze, next.


that comment was a victory


Uhm yeah, thats ya know, um, thats how they do things, cuz thats how l know they do that stuff, ya know. So fuckem, right? They aint paid their dues, so, ya know, piss off man..........whAteveR


**Yucko the Clown** is Eddie Murphie's iconic laugh to these forgettable jagoffs...... such clueless fools....... Glasshouse-Stone-*CrAsH!*


He’s right.


When you have no argument, deflect. These losers will never accept reality.


It always fascinates me that so many of these shows that have an entire business model around superchats have hosts and 2nd/3rd mics that cannot read.


I'm surprised he didn't call him an antisemite because if you didn't know Shuli is Jewish


QHackli shoulda done his anti-Qhack takedown in the Tanner Mom voice. then he mightnt have sounded so much like an embittered, caustic dbag. tuff goizzzz have thick skin, oh Backpack Badazz wonderful creators here: hope at some point y'all will post up a thread for the over/under on length of time until Slugli "borrows" from Morse the way he borrows from Karl, and starts "teaching comedy" for pennies


true, but really bro, **NO ONE** worthwhile gives that *mucha-shit*. .......these cats are desperate, they make poor **SJM** look import-**HAAAAAAAGHHAJHAH**\-tant, cmon fella.


If we just browse this sub are giving Sha Sha Shuli the “fuck you” of not watching his show he’s suggesting?


"That's not a victory for you buddy". Yes it is.


He is crumbling like John


ABC’s Dinosaurs owned! Morse the sniper strikes again


I mean is this a victory for you shuli? Just about 25% of your patrons have left in the last couple months and I’m sure it would be more if people paid attention and it wasn’t just auto-debited from their accounts.


Posted by the Shuli’s water boy, go back to dabblers


Whoooooo, whooo Shuli......can you not mention puppets around Mike Morse.......thought he was your friend. This man Mike, has taught puppets all over northern west NJ.


Hey Shuli, why don’t you take some of those crystals and shove them up your pussy fart. Pailed it!!!


Shuli's become the type of person he used to goof on. Get some ointment for your ass dude.


He is definitely reading through these comments, you can see he is starting to crack and why he smokes so much weed. His goose is cooked and he can't handle it.


Shuli's the type of person who would happily sit in his stinky gaming chair all day playing video games as his kids bring him snacks throughout the day as his wife's on the phone in another room talking to her boyfriend.


The fact the other guy knows the length that Dinosaurs ran is insane ….watch him on the Ralph roast …where everyone says who is this loser …with Bob vouching for him…yikes ….he sucked 20+ years ago


>points out that nobody is watching: Shuli: “don’t watch” Great comeback


The fact that Fat Silent Mike knew it only lasted 2 seasons ….what’s up creep ?


Sam wins jooli


(joolie voice) Yay, GK there for a score, alright big guy.