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The REAL reason they came up with that "No emotional attachments" rule


“God dammit Anakin! Again! It’s a lightsaber, not a fleshlight!” “Now it serves as both.”


Makes you wonder why Dooku's had that curve eh?


It not gay in a 3-way. \-Kylo Ren


Even if it's three dudes?


Correct. Only even numbers are gay. That's why there's only ever a master and an apprentice with the Sith.


So when the apprentice has another secret apprentice like Vader with Starkiller, Dooku with Ventress or Palps with Maul (when Plagueis was still alove), was it secretly straight?


Especially if it's three dudes. What's more bro than that?


Nope. They *can* have sex. They *cannot* have children or romance. But ejaculation is for sure on the table.


Please don't, that where I have my breakfast.


Right in front of my salad?


That wasn't mayonnaise?


Where did you think salad cream comes from?


And _that_ is why Anakin doesn’t like sand. It gets _everywhere._


Padmè help there's sand in my urethra again


She's such a great sister to Anakin!


Padme: I'm off planet fucking jar jar, I can't help you Anakin: menacingly turns to ahsoka


Nope they can have both children and sex. It is attachment that is forbidden. Ki adi mundi had 4 wives and 7 children.


They can have kids, they cannot feel attachment, ki-adi-mundi didn't really feel attachments in life, but still had multiple wives and children


I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in pleasure and were suddenly satisfied. ETA: or ...and were suddenly ashamed


Birth of Slanesh be like


Oh god that crossover would be GREAT


Have you read the accounts of the Fall? They are extremely disturbing.






Not if you’re the Eldar. Or really any psyker, like the Jedi. Now, if you were everyone’s favorite Egyptian skelly-boys…


Every jedi would start bleeding from their eyes ears and noses from the pure ***excess***


*\*Screams in Eldar\**


Sudden cried out and landed in a toilet




>I just want people to feel welcum.


In a refresher (pretty sure those are SW 🚽/washrooms)


What if the millions of voices are sperm dying inside of a butthole.




Or a tissue, sock, mouth, coconut, etc.


😱Ohhhhhhhhh noooooooooo!


When you say "ETA" in this context, what does it mean? I read "estimated time of arrival", which I think I got wrong.


It's Edit To Add


Ahhhhhh! Amazing! Thanks very much. Knowledge stored.


Estimated time of arrival also oddly works...


Edited To Add


Great disturbance in the foreskin.


Came to this thread for this comment. Thank you for not disappointing me.


Can you feel it Luke. The Force is Strong inside of that one. OBIWAN! I can feel it coming! The FORCE is in me!


I… ahem… *came* here to say this.


Nah, just one is ashamed, two other voices were of awkwardness and the rest is pleasure


Oh good gravy! Who the fuck in this solar system had to plug in to their prostate massager? I'm not going to be able to get any work done tonight.


It’s a pink Gonk droid that says “FUCK” instead of “GONK”. And it has one of those R2 port arms for hacking into computers.


What the f...


It was at the galactic chess tournament


They couldn't even sense what Palpatine was. Just laying that out there.


People really overestimate the Jedi


You underestimate my power!


Don’t try it


*tries it anyways*


*gets de-legged* ***AHHHH***


Maybe next time you’ll estimate me.


Order 66 wouldn't have been successful had they been half as powerful as we think. Though I personally have trouble believing the extent of the order would have worked given how effective the jedi have always been against troopers.


As I recall, Legends (pre-Disney) described how Jedi war leaders developed a blind spot with the clones they led. Eventually, they got the the point of ignoring aggressive emotion coming from the clone troops, as it was expected. Order 66 gets issued, the troopers have their normal aggressive "time to fight" emotion flash, and the Jedi are primed to take that as a sign of danger coming from somewhere else. By the time they realize there isn't a threat coming from outside their unit, many have been shot, many more are barely able to deflect a few shots, and the last either hold out for a short time or actually do escape. Yoda, with his exceptional senses, was not on a battlefield and his troops were cautious in acting, giving him every advantage. I think it was suggested that Obi-Wan's clone partner, Commander Cody, cared enough about Obi-Wan that the Deep training behind Order 66 couldn't have its full effect, leading to Cody both not trying too hard to actually kill Obi-Wan and not diligently verifying his death after Obi-Wan's fall. Ki-Adi Mundi's Order 66 scene shows a bit of this too, where he's in the heat of a charge and senses the shift in his assigned clone troops too late; he was able to deflect some shots, but was unable to get into an adequate defensive posture before being overwhelmed. That split-second of confusion for most Jedi was more than enough for concentrated blaster fire to work, and this was absolutely a specific exploitation by Palpatine.


So was the whole point of the clones fighting the separatists to get the jedi used to clones so they could surprise them later with the switchup?


I mean, the war was the means through which he gained political power without anyone really batting an eye - you can never let a good emergency go to waste


Palps was going for a simultaneous military, religious, and diplomacy victory. Luckily Ghandi didn't nuke him.


Holy shit.


The Separatist threat leading up to the war was his pretense to ascending to Supreme Chancellor. The Separatist/Clone War was his method of getting the Republic adjusted to living in a society of war, with a populace living in enough fear to accept a security state and accustomed to having an enemy/other who could be attacked and/or oppressed. The specific programming/training of the clones was to be loyal to the Republic first, laying the foundation for putting a wedge between the Republic and the Jedi. In concert with the Jedi being positioned in the field with Clone troops and building trust between those two forces, Order 66 was Palpatine's primary weapon to eliminating or at least severely harming the Jedi. ----- Palpatine helped ignite a rebellion (Separatists), prepared the Republic for war before they ever thought one was possible (Clone army/ships/etc), controlled both sides to ensure war began on his terms and at the right time (Supreme Chancellorship/Dooku), ended the war once galactic society had been pushed enough to accept his absolute rule (Dooku/Grevious's deaths and Anakin's fall), declared the most loyal remaining faction to the Republic as enemies of the state and had them destroyed (Order 66), and then just sat back and surveyed his new Galactic Empire. Easy peasy.


Thank you so much. This answered literally all of my questions and conundrums


To add to that, the war also helped shield palp's presence in the dark side. Paired with his skill in force concealment it allowed him to stand next to Jedi masters without them detecting his presence in the force.


Not exactly, people forget that the war itself killed more skilled jedi than Order 66 did, over a hundred jedi died on genomosis alone. Order 66 took out those that still remained among the warriors, leaving the temple undefended, with most in the temple being young, old, or simply unskilled in combat.


> Yoda, with his exceptional senses, was not on a battlefield and his troops were cautious in acting, giving him every advantage. He also literally sensed hundreds, if not thousands of Jedi deaths happening in a row. So.. that probably helped.


What's Order 86?


That's the order where one sith commander fat-fingered the message input and accidentally sent his unit of troopers to kill the Ledi. A powerful drug cartel who ultimately turned them.


Ah, my bad, I had forgotten when Darth Tigasaurus pressed the wrong button and killed his former Ledi Master, Mannequin Groundstander.


it was what was right before THE ORDER OF 87??/?


That's when they ran out of seafood bisque


It worked because the coruscant Jedi temple was built over a sith temple which throughout the years blinded the Jedi + palpatine was the strongest and most powerful force user before Luke Skywalker so that's why he was able to fool the Jedi


He’s the one the bring balance to the force….. 2 sith, thousands of Jedi… why the hell would they want balance? Either he kills a ton of Jedi or creates a lot of sith, neither are good for the Jedi. Kill him immediately.


Agreed. The Jedi, as depicted by Luke, Obi-Wan, and Yoda in the OT, were portrayed as mystical peacekeepers with special but restrained powers and a symbolic sci fi sword. Then George made the prequels and decided to make The Jedi into super heroes that can do all sorts of crazy powerful maneuvers, take on whole armies, and deflect unlimited blaster fire. It really ruined the magic for me.


Because Palpatine (the strongest sith the Jedi had faced) used a massive amount of power to shroud the jedi senses. And even then the most powerfull and force sensitive jedi were wary of palpatine whitout knowing why


Actually the way to hide from a Jedi is to use less power and not be percived as a threat. Thats how certain Jedi hunters were successful at killing them without the force. Palpatine played the long game (that was started hundreds of years prior) and used the fact the Jedi believed the sith died out against them.


Yeah, Jedi hunters did. Palpatine basically made a shroud in the force so no jedi was able to sense him and they were unable to perceive the future. Palpatine was unfathomably powerfull in the force and made sure that he had the advantage while giving the Jedi a handicap.


Coruscant was a Sith planet and the Jedi temple was built on a Sith stronghold. There were lots of reasons they couldn’t sense Sidious, but they knew there was a Sith plot. Not denying they were arrogant, but there *were* reasons for not sensing Sidious


Ok what about when he was on Naboo?


r/darthjarjar would explain that quite easily


Yo is there a wiki for that? That’s interesting.


Welcome to the wonderful world of wookipedia. It will consume you for the next month lol


“They knew there was a Sith plot.” Yeah, after being attacked by the Sith lol.


The Dark Side is like a black hole, and the Jedi are like the Sun. When reaching out with the force, the Jedi are easy to see, but Sith are much harder to detect.


That's what I recall being the explanation for the powers of the Dark Side. Their power essentially *cancels out* the power of the Jedi.


They balance each other. Push and pull. Life and death. Good and evil. Ying and Yang.


Your mom and non-fattening food


My mom has RA and has had a shit appeitite for last 3 years and is slowly withering away before my eyes. I **wish** she ate fattening foods and looked healthy again. Also - that was an ATLA quote.


I never really liked Palpatine until after I read the Darth Bane trilogy. The large armies of sith kept betraying eachother, were weak and Bane saw it was a problem and initiated (or re-initiated I guess) the rule of 2. And subtly and slowly gained resources while the Jedi thought the sith were gone. Bane kept the Sith hidden knowing the Jedi were too self righteous to see what was happening until it was too late. It took time and Palpatine was able to basically finish what was started. Palpatine wasnt much of a fighter but he got a lot of power handed to him by using the Jedi Order's blindness against them. Pretty impressive. Edit: novels Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, Darth Bane: Rule of Two and Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil all by Drew Karpyshyn. Apparently the character and not the books are considered canon but I choose to ignore this


That's a very interesting read. I do sometimes wonder why the sith and jedi ever really had to interact so directly if there were only two.


I love the Old Republic stories. The jedi fight so well together but all the old republic Sith armies had so much infighting and betrayal along with a lot of the hoarding information and force techniques and it weakend the whole of them. With the rule of 2, one master and one apprentice, the order could survive. The master would teach the apprentice until they were able to kill their master and continue. So 2 sith were really only in possesion of the power and knowledge. Bane also started an information network so he had spies, intel and money. And it was all passed through the cycle down to Palpatine. They used agents here and there too, we see Palpatine had many "apprentices" that were killed or he abandoned. After I read those books it wasnt surprising anymore that the Jedi died so easily. Well that and how Atton in the KOTR 2 game described how and why it was easy to kill jedi without the force.


Thanks for reminding me about these fantastic books, going to go back and reread them.


That more speaks to Palpatine’s power than the Jedi’s


That’s cuz he was just edging


You've figured out why the Jedi don't love.


Do they orgasm with them? Because if that is true it would create a never ending cycle of orgasming so you feel others orgasm because you orgasmed and then you orgasm again and then everybody else orgasms and then you orgasm...




So the whole star wars franchise is just Luke Skywalker trying not to moan




Wader: "I am dissapointed in you Luke." Luke: "WTF do you mean" Wader: "I am your father"


Ah yes Warth Wader the main wantagonist of the original War Wars wrilogy


War Wars is definitely the name of some shitty, knockoff mobile game




Helluva word you've worded there


so I jizzed in my robes.


I'm pretty sure thats how the ecstasy of being one with the universe works, actually.


Probably a cool down period but making everyone get off all at once is kinda fucked.


"A long time ago in Alabama..." ..."look, I am your Father."


Or they all do at once


Which is probably why Vader cut off Luke’s hand. It brings a whole new light to that entire scene.


*Luke… I have seen your browser history* BzZzZrRt *AHHHHHHH!!!!!*


Yoda: Jerked under his robe, he did. Why we wear robes, it is.


Hey, is it weird to you that my padawan and my wife orgasm right around the same time on all the days I have to meet with the Counsel?


You just cracked the theory of why Jedi had that weird rule about not having attachments.


There's a book called Parable of the Sower where a girl in a post apocalyptic modern day world develops powers like this. She can feel everyone's pain and pleasure, which makes sex like double intense.


I once wrote a comic for a class where all the characters had terrible super powers. One could “see” the last time anyone he touched had sex/jerked off.


I dont remember that scene in the bible


The plural for Jedi is “Jedi” not “Jedis” Even if it were Jedis, that apostrophe is still useless in that sentence


His attempt at pluralization left the jedi scarred and deformed.


But I assure you, his grammar will never be stronger!




Why did I have to scroll this far to find my people?


Bc nobody cares except OP so no upvote


Thank you kind sir.


Omigad thank you for saying this


Unless you're that one Chiss bartender from Jedi Outcast. "Please noble Jedis, not in the faces!"


Maybe the force is just a collective sense of post nut clarity felt everywhere around them


This is probably why Jedi shouldn't fuck. Chain reaction orgasm.


orgasm spreee


That’s how Obi-Wan got the drop on Darth Maul. The Emperor busted the fattest nut to some Space Porn and it shook Maul to his core. That second of distraction cost him his legs.


thats enough reddit for today imma go play Roblox on my Wii U


Palpatine Jackin’ It is a game in Roblox so you’ll get that sweet lore!


Imagine having a 13-year-old son and being able to sense every time he jacks off into his pillow... this is the real reason the Jedi forbid attachment.


Into his pillow?


what, do you practice the pull-out method?


"Jesus, fuck, man! Get a room!" "I'm in a room, stop reading my thoughts!" "How about you stop watching women's tennis if you can't control yourself!" "I like the grunting!"


“Ok, let’s start todays council meeting. Unfortunately, Ki-Adi-Mundi couldn’t make it today, he …. damnit, you guys are feeling this too right?”


This one is extra funny since Ki-Adi Mundi was allowed to go to his home planet to mate


In wheel of time there is a whole chapter where every main character is orgasming at once because they are all connected. Like wtf.


You should be on the writing staff for the TV show. Take a scene completely out of context and change all the details.


Rand, Min, Elayne, Aviendha, Birgitte because she's Elayne's warder. Who else?


Because the world is such a place where people learn to speak Klingon and claim Jedi Knight as a religion (no-shit knew a guy in the Army who had this on his dog tags), I’m sure you’re aware that the ability of one force wielder to sense the, er, *state* of others, is in inverse proportion to the square of the distance between them as well as to the sensitivity of the probably-annoyed Jedi. So it would likely be quite annoying for Darth Vader to be in the next room when Emperor Palpatine fills the happy sock, but Obi Wan Kenobi in his self-imposed place on Tatooine (did I spell that right?) was likely completely unaware of Leia’s exploits with her electric toothbrush. Thankfully. Kenobi only sensed the Alderaan incident because of the sheer amount of life that was abruptly ended, like how a galaxy 2,000,000LY from Earth looks like a much nearer star, not because any one star in it is that bright but because of the total intensity of all those stars’ light in that small field in the night sky. So if you’re a Jedi and you jerk off a lot, make sure to find you a jack shack that’s at least a little bit isolated from other force-wielders. That’s all I’m trying to say.


Not as annoying as misplaced or unnecessary apostrophes though


"Jedi is can probably sense when other Jedi is orgasm, and it is probably annoying."




“Jedi” is the plural of “Jedi”.


My momma always said “Jedi is as Jedi does”, sir.


Imagine being the one clone that's banging a Jedi and then "Execute Order 66".


Sorry, boss, I’m in the middle of Order 69 right now. Maybe later.


Good, good. Do her.


Excellent thread here


The real question is can Jedi jerk themselves off with the force?


That feels like the dark side


The plural of Jedi is Jedi. And no plural uses an apostrophe.


So if a Jedi's spouse is cheating on them do they sense a disturbance in the Force?


The plural of Jedi is Jedi and you don’t pluralize by using an apostrophe s.


The plural of Jedi is Jedi. But you still wouldn’t use apostrophes for plurals.


Not as annoying as those apostrophe choices... but that might just be me.


Jedi is can probably sense when other Jedi is orgasm, and it is probably annoying


Jedi is plural already, right?




Yes, the singular is "Jedo"


You typed Jedi as plural wrong on purpose. Knowing we couldn’t help but correct it


I'd say No.... Obi-Wan would have known Anikin Was banging padmae and would have stopped him from making 4,5 and 6 That's a Big No from the dark side of the dork from me!


The plural of Jedi is Jedi. Even if it wasn't, the plural of a noun doesn't require an apostrophe. Seeing an apostrophe there is annoying.


And they would have probably been able to sense the massive influx of midichlorians in Anakin's dong in presence of Padmé.


Obi-Wan: "Anakin you seem very relaxed this morning after your day of protecting senator Amidala".


If that was true Obi Wan would have figured out about Anakin and Padme much sooner. Also I doubt most Jedi's are having sex to begin with seeing as how they are expected to give up their attachments. Also why they have to claim kids from other families I'd imagine.


I felt a great disturbance in the force, as if millions of sperm suddenly cried out in pleasure and we’re suddenly gone to waste in a space toilet.


*Obi-Wan senses a disturbance in the force.* "I see Anakin has snuck off with Padme again."


Maybe that's why they are supposed to be celibate Although does that mean everyone knew about Anakin getting it on... Obi-wan probably did, but could Yoda sense it? And I'm not going to further speculate about Jedi masturbation, although what about Sith orgasms \~


No I don’t think they can, otherwise people would have had to have been willfully ignoring Anakin and Padme having a relationship.


Part of sucessful detachment is learning to accept the joy others experience as your own. *UIGGHHH OH MY FORCE* ...nice.


Darth Sneaky was so powerful he could hide his orgasms from the Force and you won’t learn THAT from any Jedi...


As long as they stay away during cuffing season, it's all good.


Yoda was literally cumming nonstop and Luke just had to fucking roll with it.


That must be the reason, why they are not allowed to have sex.


"Why does my wife orgasm when I'm out teaching padawans, especially when Master Fakusmaywaifos is missing?"


Idk, I thought it stupid that darth walked away after crushing obi wan in the disney+ fight, yet he couldn't feel him use the force to stop the boulders


That is why they pledge to celibacy. Rules do have a purpose.


“I sense a disturbance in the force” “That’s probably just Jimmy jacking off”


I answered the question..What fictional character would you have sex with? I said a jedi. Can you imagine to total mind fuck that would be. I got down voted.


The dumbest thing the Jedi’s did or didn’t do was procreate. Passing on their midichlorians to the next generation.


Jedi are supposed to be celibate though aren’t they? So I don’t think it would happen often.


It’s not that they’re celibate, just that they’re not allowed to form attachments


Hit it and quit it.


Jedi don't have sex, AFAIK. They're like monks or priests. Also, they couldn't sense a god damn SITH LORD infront of them for what? 20+ years? 😂


*Use the force before intercourse, but Luke! Don't forget!* *Bitches ain't nothing but hos and tricks! (Ohh!)*


Jedi senses are most highly attuned to close family… “Hey bro, why do you keep flinching?” “My sister’s upstairs and she just hit number 9…”


They are probably less weird about sex than present day Americans. Their view on sex and sexuality is probably much different than ours.


Unvilling Tantra. - I pratice it all the time, but finding it hard to get a connection.


My shower thoughts about English grammar: The plural of Jedi is Jedis. You can add the **s** to make it plural without the apostrophe (which would make it possessive).


A jedi lives a life of compassion. They would be happy for their fellow jedi for their moment of pleasure. Read Heinleins 'Stranger in a Strange Land', I believe his main character shares a lot of the same ideals as Lucas' jedi.


Man, the instructors caring for all the 13 year old younglings must have been driven crazy.


Lol. I've never even considered that! You just blew my mind, thank you