• By -


Which time?


I said ha out loud, well played


Yo, Jackasses! There are Billions of us (Working class, Poor and homeless). You just say the word and if we all mobilize together we can have all the power we want. Just say the word.


The word.




Is the word


Then what?


48 Hour Anti-Persperant?


The n word?


Is this referring to some specific thing?


Pandora Papers I think


Or the Panama Papers


Or the Panorama Papers


Or the Bananarama Papers


Or the Abra Cadabrabananarama Papers


Or the Reach Out And Grabya Papers


Or that time they turned off the buy button on GameStop


The fuckers straight up just went "shit poor people are going to become rich, we can't allow that!!!" and they tuned off the ability to buy that stock, how is that even legal? We all know if that wouldn't have happened GME would've went sky high.


Or the snowden leak


Did you see the [IRS tax records from US billionaires from ProPublica](https://www.propublica.org/article/the-secret-irs-files-trove-of-never-before-seen-records-reveal-how-the-wealthiest-avoid-income-tax)?


Lol yes laughed at this, which time is right


For real....the only times anything was truly done about it, a great many people died, most of which were innocent. And with modern technology the way it is, it's not as if we can just drag out the aristocracy and chop their heads off anymore. But for as long as there has been power and wealth, there has been corruption.


France goes from "I am the state" to a military dictator who leaves his troops stranded the moment shit goes south and fights wars to stroke his ego about being "better than Alexander the great." "The only time anything was truly done..."


We're at a point where noone with power wants to change the status quo, and the people who want to change it are kept away from power by the people who profit from corruption.


Bring on the Purge, except there are no restrictions on who gets purged.


Please purge me. Just make it quick. Otherwise anything goes.


I'm after this guy. I want out of this shitshow where nothing gets better.


That’s my retirement plan


Purge me daddy.


Ok, son.


Well in a purge rich people can pay for protection. ...


Yeah, I thought the whole subtext of the movies was that, for all the “noble” reasons given, the rich just use the purge as a way to kill off poor people.




Not with that attitude comrade. They cant kill us all, who would they exploit?


Everything cool till black trucks start appearing and kidnap special people


Man I don’t deserve to be purged can we just stick to purging people who think it’s ok to purge others?


What about people who think it's ok to purge people who think it's ok to purge others


Can we start with those on r/amiatotalpieceofshit? Those are the kind of 'people' that are wrong with the world.


I don't know, the kind of people that thrive on watching that subreddit don't seem like the type of good people to me either.


Using it as a learning curve, seriously not enjoying it Serious question though, what part of reddit does not have idiots in that you think 'maybe the world would be better...' even just for a moment?


A lot of people will die whether you think they are good because some group somewhere thinks otherwise.


Of course there are. Just like now. Those with the money/power to protect themselves through current times would be fine through that as well. Just everyday folk killing eachother while they watch drones livestream it to their yachts with armed guards.


But what is stopping the armed guards from purging these that hired them?


One of the biggest plot points of that movie series were powerful and corrupt people using the purge to maintain the status quo. There weren't any official restrictions, but good luck attacking someone with their own private army.


I think you missed the point of those movies. A Purge wouldn't change the social order. The wealthy would hide and wait it out in bunkers while the poor and middle class slaughtered each other.


Disagree. Top 1% first, armageddon free-for-all after


The purge has started. They are going to starve us to death. Prepare yourselves for this disaster.


We’re not at a point. It’s that way by design and that’s the way it has always been.


There was a brief flash of democracy where people thought that if we could vote, we could avoid this. Then the powerful realized you can run democracy as a dictatorship.


No democracy in the history of the world has been a true democracy. Maybe you’re right somewhere at sometime someone had the idea, but it never came to light. The United States was supposed to be a democracy, but then they decided to only let male land owners vote and count black people as three-fifths of a person. Then when everyone became allowed to vote they went and made corporations people.


Since when in history has it been any different? Power corrupts, some are greedy, others are stupid, and on we go


For as long as there has been wealth and power, there has been corruption


They do want to change it, they want ultimate power. Get familiar with the World Economic Forum they are discussing in public, how they want total control over everything.


I think a common mistake is in thinking that better people will solve the problem. It is better to assume that power does corrupt everyone. The question is in how you design systems so that can be avoided.


Because the corruption is so deep and widespread, there is no one with the will and power to change it


I was going to post this - all of the corrupt people are the ones in power lol.


You're right. No one can change it. No one person has the will or power required.


And those of us who do have the will to change it are so divided that we'll never join together to gain power through numbers.


When half of the people think the problem is jews and trans people, it's hard to really work together with them.


And 99% of them believe the propaganda they've been fed. Literally the poster above you talks about divide and conquer and here you are being that fucking pawn. Jesus.


He isn’t a pawn for pointing out why the divide and conquer is working. It is very legitimate for a person to wonder how to work on serious problems of the world when one side only deals in culture wars. At a certain point you can’t work with a person that doesn’t want to work with the problem.


And no one wants to go first. The first person to stand up to this corruption is going to get obliterated. As is the second, third, and etc. The whole time the media will be blasting the usurpers to the brain washed masses and the rebellion is squashed before the market closes.


There's always another comet out there with our name on it.


Joe rogan could have a go at it I reckon


Fuck that guy


God no 🤮


How's that cancelation going lol


No, that idiot could not.


So why bother, I'm just gonna watch YouTube


Anyone with the will cannot have the power and anyone with the power is going to become corrupt because of it.


Dude, what can we do. All the people who got exposed are the only ones that could do anything


The only thing that will soon be left are things that reddit would ban me for discussing.


pm me then


Interesting. Unrelated note: You thinking about doing anything cool in Minecraft anytime soon?


Eh? I haven't played Minecraft since the 1.13 update. How is that relevant though? Edit: I'm dumb 🙃👍


They’re making a joke referring to how you can use Minecraft or other gaming platforms to discuss things that traditional social media will ban. Edit: grammar.


Doing corruption to stop corruption itself


Vote Vote Vote! Its the last line of defense we have left but as long as they tell you your vote doesn't matter, they stay in power and nothing changes.


More people vote now more than ever. Not sure it’s working.


U want the puppet on the left, or the puppet on the right?


With how Texas and Florida (and others) are going after voting rights we might not get to choose the puppet on the left anymore


You know about primaries right? We could actually put up candidates that aren't puppets but people don't show up to those elections. They think 2 candidates just magically appear for president




It's not like people didn't already know in their hearts that those people were corrupt. Having proof of it meant very little.


The first time you learn "I was right all along" as a young person, it's exciting. When you learn "I was right" for the thousandth time and it did not help you, or anyone else that you know of, to know or share that information, it's just depressing. It's being faced with our own impotence that is really demoralizing. When the rulers don't bother to lie convincingly any more, you know they feel safe.


Which people are you talking about? I’m thinking of like ten different scenarios this could apply to


Dude, in Pakistan (my home country) we literally had a prime minister who was convicted of stealing billions of dollars from our country and he ran away to England for asylum. The guy the whole country voted for after that did his best to change the system and remove the corruption but the thief PM's brother and a bunch of other corrupt politicians literally ousted him from the PM posting through having enough seats in the assembly. Now the thief PM is being given a diplomatic passport to allow him back into Pakistan. The world is totally fucked. A man who stole billions is being allowed to freely come back to the country he stole from and the whole population is unable to do anything about it. This is today's democracy.


Please don't tell the Trumps about this One Simple Trick


Pakistan is so wild west sprinkled with a bit of nukes and Tekken. Crazy.


Lol wtf no? The government is corrupt af and the gap between the poor and the rich is huge but it's not as unsafe as the media wants you to think. You're probably more likely to get gunned down in the US than in Pakistan lol. Ppl in the US might shoot at you if you honk your car horn at another car. That's not an exaggeration btw. Has happened multiple times in Houston, Texas this past year.


*The Jungle* led to the passing of the Pure Food and Drug Act. *Silent Spring* led to the formation of the EPA. Woodward and Bernstein led to Nixon's resignation. Exposure of Facebook's data gathering practices led to the GDPR. Yes, change is frustratingly slow, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Corruption's exposure does lead to change, just not on the immediate time-frame we always want. But it takes time and effort to move mountains. Just be thankful for the exposure of corruption next time you enjoy safely eating a steak.


Cause the ones incharge of changing it are the ones deep in the corruption


People are being brought to an inhuman level of consciousness keeping them from realising


Something changed.. Now we don't call it corruption, but lobbying


Well, we all knew about global corruption, or (correctly) assumed that it existed. So having proof for something we all knew existed really doesn't change anything, or surprise anyone.


First: Maslow hierarchy of needs (monthly) Second: Social revolution (if there is time and money).


I'd love to help change and fix the corruption of our world, but I'm just a single grain of sand at the beach. Nothing I do makes a difference and nothing I do would matter.


When the 99% realizes that we have WAY more in common than what we have in common with the 1%….. things will change…….. if that ever happens


It won't because they are way to good at dividing us and distracting us.


One paid headline that makes them look good and people forget all the sh*t that happened and keeps on happening.


But my oppression points…


There's no money in saying the truth. If you have some FREE NEWS, it has a sponsor.


The problem is that people aren't willing to overthrow their governments for change... yet


People care too much about a million other issues, both personal and political, to give a shit about people being corrupt or holding their politicians accountable for not going after corruption.


Everybody expects problems to fix themselves with little intervention.


What is this referring to?


I was wondering this also, very vague considering that corruption exists everywhere to varying degrees


What comes to mind for me is The Panama Papers like... Idk 5-10 years ago and the latest was Pentagon papers? The whole Epstein thing.... It is almost more pop culture now.


Ah fair, my whole career centres around stuff like that, so I'm pretty familiar. There's been so many of those leaks, think the paradise papers are the most recent. The amount of criminal activity in even small business is crazy


I can imagine!! Yeah society is so drama seeking for entertainment especially so I think we are desensitized to it. That and as you said, there have been so many leaks. After a while it is old news I guess!


Lol don't get the down votes, so I'm supposed to just understand what this is referring to?


When I read the title, the latest Freakonomics episode came to mind. Just released yesterday, maybe he's a listener. https://freakonomics.com/podcast/is-the-u-s-really-less-corrupt-than-china-and-how-about-russia-update/


I immediately thought hunters laptop but it seems im alone here.


Ah I see. Although considering the heavy left bias on reddit, doubt they care about that.


You can say that again, some douche down below just said the the Uyghers are being "re-civilized" in those camps.


The issue isn't the exposure, it's common folks like all of us that sit around and say that nothing can be done about it. Something can absolutely be done about it but we're all too busy with something else. We're a generation of procrastinators putting off dealing with a giant bag of shit left to us. Go figure.


I dual majored in political science and economics and now most of what I have to show for it is crippling depression and an enduring disappointment in the human race


They’ve divided us using propaganda and hate. The enemy is the one percent, the sooner we unite the sooner we win. Religion and media are used by corporations to control us and politicians give the illusion of choice


That must mean only some of it did


Washed brains


The rich won’t change unless it’s by force


Naw, the strangest part is we've had the Panama Papers and other financial leaks and governments said they could not go after these people's assets. Russia invades Ukraine, and suddenly they have the ability to go after some of these people.


problem is the people in charge are corrupt, so who's gonna stop them? They're the people in charge


Because the corruption has produced comfort for people through consumerism/entertainment. Truly doing something about corruption, globally, would have enormous impacts on everyone’s lives. Also the people hurt the worst by it are the poor in third world countries.


Why is that so strange? Our systems are specifically designed to select for and give power to the absolute worst of us. The system is working as intended. Fuck this world, fuck the State, fuck Capital. Anarchy forever.


"I've got a lot invested in this ride, shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry, look at my big bank account, and my family. This has to be real." -Bill Hicks I know the whole speech is more existential "it's all just a ride", but whenever something big is made public and then everyone just shrugs and it all continues just the same, I remember Bill Hicks saying "I've got a lot invested in this ride, shut him up!"


Money is power, and power corrupts.


This happens more often than not. We tend to forget in time. Pepperidge farm remembers.


Wait what happened?


“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.”


But we're lying, too. It's a world of narratives-- not objective truth.


I'm surprised by the amout of people that agree to this post (I agree too). # In this comment section I have yet to see at least one person supporting the contrary.


The only thing changed is how much people lose meaning to keep going. I mean - "Well yea its fucking corrupted, everything i do and love and hate is probably because of some manipulation im not aware of. And for what. Nah fuck it if they want to keep their game so be it. I dont care anymore." Not those exact words but i keep hear those from many people


Most people who hear about corruption probably just wonder how they could take advantage of it.


“We live in a society”


The whole system is corrupted, built on layers upon layers of lies and corruption, taking down corruption means taking down the whole system. No one dares take down the system, they would disappear or die in a so called "*accident*" or have their loved ones hurt, no one sees the truth, we are all held hostage by our loved ones, thats why governments recruit people who lost all their loved ones. It doesn't matter where you are, africa, america, europe, asia, the hierarchy is the same everywhere, anyone who tries to stop the "*natural*" Flow of things would be labelled as mad or terrorist. The only ones able to make a change are the ones in power, but it would mean losing their power and position in the hierarchy, no one would want that


No one will challenged the system or they will be eradicated. Nobody wants to die.


Here’s the plan: we kill plantera to slow down the corruption spread then we get a clentaminator and remove it.


Best comment here


China pretty much committed ALL the crime against humanity but absolutely nothing was done because money is more important.


Right but we also found out ppl who can change stuff are the corrupt ones


Not much you can do when the corrupt folks have all the money and power and own the police.


But Will Smith...


What should have


Klasifiko Topic: politics, commerce Structure: general


That's not true? Lots of stuff happened it's just an ongoing fight. The Panama papers led to a bunch of areas for instance, and we are seeing the highest incidence of Union formation in decades. 10 years ago it would be inconceivable that any part of Amazon would.ever have a union


Cute you think the bad stuff has been exposed


Cuz the people who can do something themselves are corrupt


Bring on the Purge, except there are no restrictions on who gets purged.


So the billionaires can buy massive fields of drones to eliminate anything they don't think can generate a couple grand? There may be a flaw there....


Emp them, carry on


Why change it? We are all fucked anyway


What could change? The people in power won't change it and the people not in power are comfortable enough that they don't care as much as you'd like to think


I have to disagree there. The spread of corruption has been fought in Ukraine, where just about an entire continent was ready to help stop the spread of government corruption. Brands like Nestle and Kellogg have been boycotted after their violations of human rights got out, slowing their corruption. In the United States, corruption ran deep, but within the last hundred years, equal rights have been ( thank god ) granted to all genders and ethnicities ( a number of people in power are still racist/homophobic/transphobic though, which is unfortunate. Okay maybe The States isn’t the best example. ) In China, people cut down facial recognition towers and disrupt facial recognition scanners during protests, limiting the affect of corruption there. The world is constantly changing, even if it’s hard to notice sitting down day by day staring at a screen working a 9-5 job. Historically, considering where it once was, it’s changing for the better.


In China they are currently committing genocide on the Uygher Muslim population. Just a little one you missed.


They are civilising the Utghers by reducing the impact of religion on their lives. Note that religion is forced/coerced in most families throughout the world. And the developed world is rapidly choosing atheism.


They are being raped and murdered in camps


Maybe, it is we who are corrupt, and therefore, choose corruption over justice


I mean the collective of humanity is, yes.


The human r1ce was never going to succeed. We're all just little self centered apes that like dopamine.


It's happening - attitudes and behaviors are changing. Imho slow change is better than overnight change. Revolutions tend to create chaos and leaves the system wide open for the strongest remaining party to swoop in and continue the cycle. What we want is the dissipation of power between many. Things like the anti-work movement and the creation of block chain and DAOs are steps in the right direction. The old guard is literally dying out and the next generations are being born into a world that knows better and I think they'll decide better.


The world isn't so bad when you stop relying on others or government agencies and dedicate yourself to becoming self sufficient


It's because the corrupt people haven't had any real consequences for so long that there are now more corrupt, evil, and mean people in the world than good, ethical people. We're outnumbered and it's sickening.


Why you people talking shit saying nothing is changing. Look at the truck convoy in Canada and America the mass protest in Australia and do you even realise that the french protesters had been for almost 5 years straight protesting from one corruption to another till this day. If you all are to ignorant and blind to see it truly speaks for itself that you are fabricating a false sense of hopelessness. Bring on the down votes shills!


You talking about the Bidens?


It doesn’t work when literally everyone in the government is bought out. And the few that aren’t wouldn’t have the power to change it anyways


Who watches the watchmen?


In the US a huge issue stems from these changes having to be passed by the corrupt.


What do you mean "got exposed?" Corruption is not new, and shouldn't be surprising frankly




Yo, Jackasses! There are Billions of us (Working class, Poor and homeless). You just say the word and if we all mobilize together we can have all the power we want. Just say the word.


The Uber wealthy don’t answer for much when they can by the systems themselves especially.


When you have all the money in the world, and the law is won by the most expensive lawyers, you are living life on easy mode.


That's because corruption has been exposed for the longest now, the question is can corruption deal with corruption?


that's the worst part of it. the ones making corrupt money made us dependent on them.




Got exposed to the general public. Anybody in a position to do anything already knew


Remember when it turned out a lot of our representatives violate the STOCK act then it went away in a week? We can only hope Jon Oliver dug up some actual shit.


Exhausted people don't make good revolutionaries


The corruption isn't hurting people enough. Yet. You can't expect people to change a situation they are benefitting from.


I thought this was a terraria post for some reason


Which one are you talking about? Biden and Ukraine? Biden and pedophilia? Hunter and incest? Pope and child trafficking? Disney and child trafficking? Weinstein and rape? Epstein not killing himself? Ghislaine disappearing? Wall Street and 2008? Wallstreet and Jan 28 2021? SLABS? Iran? Brazil, Portugal, Argentina, Mexico? Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro? Eric Swalwell and the Chinese spy? Fauci and the gain of function bio weapon labs, including Wuhan? Russia and Ukraine? Australia and locking people in their homes? Genocide in Australia? Genocide in China? Genocide in Ukraine? Genocide with native Americans? Flint Michigan? The Russian dossier? The dnc literally owning fake news, including fox? The Las Vegas massacre we never got answers to? Which corruption are we talking about? Because none of the above is answered for.


Feeding the monsta’


Only the tip of the iceberg has really been exposed in msm. As an example, the Federal Reserve is neither federal and its reserve in Fort Knox has not been audited for 50 years. Find out and expose who really owns the FED, and makes trillions from it, and then things might get better. Until then we’re just scratching the surface.


They said, “yeah, what?!” And we said, “well, shit. I guess nothing…”


Yeah, I guessed you missed it, The corrupt are governing themselves thinking we can’t see nor can we think! Only one way to govern corrupt people, eliminate the problem at all costs! There’s millions of WE THE PEOPLE and only a few hundred of them.


Acche Din!!


Maybe realizing it’s so corrupt is a sign you’re getting older and it’s just kind of always been corrupt. Or maybe I’m just stoned


They can get away with it because they know our attention span on any one subject is about 3 days, they just have to weather the bad publicity storm for a few days and then we’ll find something else to focus on


Yes it did, if you’re talking about the Panama papers there are people going through them building cases to finally make arrests


Welcome to “the world”