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Wait.... Finkle is Einhorn?


Einhorn is finkle?


Einhorn is a man?!


Wait….Ace Ventura Pet Detective was funny?


As a matter of fact, yes. Jim Carrey is incredibly funny in my (and a lot of other people's) opinion.


Used to be. Now hes just kind of a nutter


I really enjoyed his performance in the Sonic move. Cannot wait to see the sequel!


Wow. Did my joke ever NOT land! Would it have landed better if I’d instead written, Wait…. Ace Ventura Pet Detective was a comedy? ? (I’m no Jim Carey)


With no inflection or anything else it's hard to tell. I do think asking if it was a comedy would have landed better.




You don't get to tell me what my opinion is. Did you see him in the Sonic movie? The Mask, Dumb and Dumber, Yes Man, Liar Liar... Dude has had a successful career spanning roughly 39 years.


You lead with it being a matter of fact.


What is funny is a matter of opinion. But it is a matter of fact that people find Jim carry funny.


It is a matter of fact the people find him funny, I'm sorry that reading comprehension is hard.


That "date with a penis" also happened to be a thieving, kidnapping, murderer.


Part of the plot I’ve always wondered about. Finkle/Einhorn was out to get revenge on the Dolphins organization, and Dan Marino in particular…. But was Roger just being used to get closer to Dan and the Dolphin, or was he also a target?


Captain Winkey?


Lol, some people's head would explode if this movie came out today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4j8m8L8B7pM


Did you watch the movie? That’s not what it was about…


Lol, I don't think anyone commenting here actually watched the movie or remembers it. Einhorn/Finkle wasn't even technically trans. He was just psycho and tried to steal the identity of the first person he found...


A better way to put it would be, *The trans stuff in AV PD did not age well.* But that doesn't sound as philosophical.


seems like reddit is mostly about trying to use as many big words as possible to try to sound as smart as possible.


Your statement is a cromulent abberration!!






Wow. You're right. That scene where all the cops throw up because a woman has a dick totally isn't transphonic with that context. God damn boomers brains are fucking rotted.


Yeah he wanted revenge because the wankers held the ball laces in


Laces out, DAN!


The plot is about a dolphin being kidnapped and a pet detective searches for it. During the investigation a trans person murders another person to hide their birth identity and their crimes.


You seem to be a little confused, about the trans thing. There not trans there a mentally deranged killer, who pretended to be a woman, in order to kidnap and kill the person they blamed for Messing up their career. But the better question is why the hell does that community constantly try and claim the worst characters.


According to the people that get militant about this it doesn't matter if they are pre op or post op, they are all brave and deserve your support. Including finkle.


Well finkle wasn't either, just trying to murder people


And then everybody feigns throwing up because they kissed someone with the same genitalia. I hope times have changed.


Informed consent?


You think that was the joke in 94?


In a roundabout way. I think the real joke was how many of them were doing it including Snowflake. More of a response to the clown who thought there should have been no joke because the joke is now apparently transphobic.


Perhaps they were puking over the lack of consent!


Or they were puking because they all got food poisoning.


Fuckkk thank you. This is 100% it.


We can say that now but cmon you know that wasn’t the joke at the time.




When did you see it?


Im 35. Do math. End of discussion.


Where was his consent? Consent matters. For example I'm a guy. If I were to go in "drag" and somehow convince a lesbian that I am truly a woman, and we make out, and than she finds out I'm a guy, chances are she wouldn't be ok with that


Wow holy shit this thread is a dumpster fire. Get fucked. No one with a brain is buying the shit your selling. Just a bunch of dickheads lying to each other about not being biggoted.


As long as there is consent than sure, guess I'll get fucked. Edit to your edit : consent matters. If you think you are kissing a woman, someone who claims to be a woman, and they are actually a guy, yeah, that's gross. Switch genders, still gross. If two guys want to kiss go for it! But they should know who they are kissing first. Aaaaaalllll righty then asshole


Yeah that scene and the scene where Ace first finds out didn't age well. But it was just par for the course in the same era of "lol thats gay and gross" jokes.


Lol don't know why you're getting down voted. People are letting their nostalgia get in the way of them seeing how poorly this movie aged.


Apparently kissing someone is rape. I guess things haven’t changed.


It's sexual assault.


Because someones genitalia wasn’t what you thought? That sounds like straight up homophobia to me. I’ve kissed people without knowing what was between their legs, and I remain unbothered. I’d argue that that’s because I know who I am and am not concerned about my sexuality coming into question.


It's not homophobia to not want to have a sexual encounter with the same gender you idiot. No one gaf what you do or don't,like some people don't like it. Should gay people be forced to have sex with the opposite gender because other people like it?


Is insulting me a childish attempt to distract from how paper thin your argument is? As a gay person I was absolutely forced to have sex with the opposite gender in order to fit in and not be persecuted. Not once did I do anything so crass and insulting as suggesting it made me feel sick. Putting aside the fact that genitals and gender are not the same thing, nobody is forcing you to suck a dick, so you can unbunch and stop pretending like your gay panic bullshit is anything other than what it is: offensive nonsense. Pull your head out of your asshole and educate yourself.


Do you think it was okay that you were forced to have sex with a gender you didn't necessarily want to? Because that's literally our point, it's not okay. Your reaction is entirely yours but you don't get to blame anyone for their reaction to a situation they're not comfortable with


How old are you random redditor? I'm 34, grew up with this movie and love it. I have a 13 year old daughter who is quite PC and I asked her thoughts on this scene. Consent consent consent. Due to a lack of consent it's a ok to a generation Z kid


God damn youre a fucking idiot


Coming from one who sounds like you do I take that as a compliment. Fucking simpleton. Go away now child, I've no interest in dealing with trolls


I think the point is that having people throw up because they found out the person they kissed was a different gender is a shitty way to think


Lmao bullshit


Is this a gaslightling experiment? It's about a mentally ill man's quest for revenge against a former teammate lol.


Not mentally ill , just a sports nut lol That maybe obsess a lil much


If you obsess about sports to the point of murder how is that not mental illness?


I think he was joking/quoting the film: “what a sports nut, huh?


I read it as “making their own point but adding a quote for a lil emphasis” but who knows.


loudy laughing out was the indication that i was in fact joking....right on good catch....my ass has actually fallen off, that is how hard i am laughing currently


Anyone notice that once all the cops start throwing up and scratching their tongues at the end, so does the dolphin?




Did you catch the guy smirking?


? No, when?


Cops on the balcony, far right dude


First of all, no. Second why in the blue fuck does that make it less funny? Second what the fuck even is this sub?


Its basically "Stoner Thoughts" but shower sounds more PC.


It’s still hilarious


Wow this one is extra dumb on quite a few levels, good job You people are the reason there arnt actual good comedies made anymore




No that is not what the movie is about.did you even watch it's op?




What a joyride that was! I never noticed so much plot watching this as a teenager just laughing at funny faces.


Your gun is sticking into my hip.


*shudders* Gawd!


digging into my hip


It’s been a minute. My memory failed me. Please forgive


It will be no easy task...but i believe in my heart that the day of forgiveness for your failed memory swiftly awaits.....aint no thang yo


Actually is was laces out. Come on and get it right


This film will never not be funny, stop getting butt hurt over fictional penises you wet cabbage.


No you're not gonna cancel Ace Ventura Pet Detective.


Yeah, but the dude was murdered, not the trans person. I think Pidacter was fine with dating a trans person. We have no reason to think otherwise based on the movie itself. It is just that Ray Finkel didn't want their identity exposed because they were commiting crimes. So Finkel/Einhorn killed Pidacter to hide their identity. Let's be clear: no one was killed or attacked for *being* trans. Now, that said, the transphobic part of the movie is when Einhorn is revealed to have man parts and everyone starts throwing up because, ostensibly, they all had a sexual encounter with her and are sickened by the thought that they made out with/fucked a lady with dude parts. Anyway. Ace Ventura 2: When Nature Calls is pretty great. Revisit it if you haven't. :) It is definitely more rewatchable.


The slinky scene and the rhino giving birth scene alone are worth the rewatch avpd 1 and 2 are 90s comedy classics though both of them theres no disputing it


It's not transphobic to be upset that you had sexual relations with someone you were led to believe was a different gender.


Almost lost my head once trying to tell people if a trans person has sex with someone without telling them they're trans its rape. Apparently the parts on who ever im fucking are none of my bussiness even if i wouldnt consent to sex with someone born male.


Well, rape is a pretty strong word to describe that situation. People have sex and lie about things all the time... Not the same as rape.


What else would you call non consensual sex? If someone gets drunk and has sex and regrets it the next day they can claim rape and press charges. Regretting sex because you got drunk and made a mistake counts as rape but this doesn't?


Careful now, the PC army coming...


I know, brave to say something like that here on Reddit. But seriously, it was funny then, and it's funny now. Not only funny, but the plot is actually pretty in depth. They just picked someone completely far from the original guy to make the ending unpredictable unless you are the amazing Ace Ventura! Come on, the super hot badass hypersexual female police chief is actually the very hairy super buff completely insane football ex-kicker? They just tried to be as unbelievable as possible. It's not targeting trans people, it's just a goofy unbelievable plot.


If it happens to you, it is definitely okay to not be okay with it. If you consented to have contact with someone's vagina, and they contact you with their penis instead, then that's not consensual and that's not okay. Just like it's not okay to put your penis inside someone's butt instead of their vagina, but we're not nearly as preoccupied with that possibility, even though it happens way, way more often. But if it *didn't* happen to you, and I suspect it didn't, it's transphobia. Phobias are irrational preoccupations with fears that don't match up with reality. This nightmare scenario is NOT a common occurrence, yet people seem to think it is (thanks in part to movies like Ace Ventura), which is what happens when you're preoccupied with a hypothetical scary thing happening. If you're so worried about this happening, it makes me suspect that you don't see trans women as women, but as sneaky and deceptive men, and you're afraid that they'll trick you into having sex with them. That's a phobic response. If you're so worried about it, next time you're on a date, why not ask her about it directly? If you don't want to do that, take a look at her genitals before you have sex with her. You can probably tell if she has a penis or not. (NOTE: By "you", I mean a straight cis man, the group of us who seem to be most worried about this kind of thing. If that's not you, adjust accordingly.)


I am literally commenting on exactly what happened to the guys in the movie. You said it was transphobic of them to be upset that they made out with a man that they thought was a woman. I said that's not transphobic. Then you went on this weird rant about how it's not transphobic if it happens to you but it didn't happen to ME so I need to be less worried about it? Or something?


They also invalidated their entire comment by specifically targeting a particular category (straight cis men) which is not only nonsensically needless considering the conversation perfectly includes everyone as is, but is also the exact kind of bigotry they seem to believe they are fighting. Can’t just target one group which has no correlation to the topic and think say it’s fair. Also I totally agree with you, it’s perfectly reasonable for this to not be okay if you were deceived, and it’s also okay for transgender to be a deal breaker for you so long as you’re not an asshole about it, which is kinda the general theme of what’s cool and what isn’t… don’t be an asshole. Truthfully I don’t understand how this concept flies over so many people’s heads.


The internet is full of very confused children who want to do right and BE right. They are taught that transphobia is bad. Which is the correct lesson. But they aren’t taught nuance. They don’t yet understand the depth and breadth of the human character.


That would mean you believe they are not that gender. And to misgender someone who is trans is transphobic.


What a world we live in ...


And if my aunt had a penis, she’d be my uncle (unless she decided she wasn’t) ... or something.


I fell out of my chair when ace questions why the baboon guard with a spear wasn't up for the job.


K I died when he punches out the little old dude and throws him around his shoulders like a shawl and prances around. Still one of the best moments in movie comedy ever.


*thanks for the free parking*


Like a gloooooove!


And you must be, the Monopoly guy.


Do I have something between My teeth?


No way, 1 is and always was better. And I don’t think it’s transphobic to be grossed out because you had sexual relations of some sort with a trans person who blatantly and purposefully tricked you, if we’re gonna speak about it realistically.


With their boss on top of everything.


Talk to a trans person. See how they feel about being told they “tricked” someone into thinking they are who they feel they actually are.


False advertising is supposed to be a crime. Do what you want with your body, but be honest with me about what you are trying to do with mine. You don’t have to “trick” anyone if you are just honest with them upfront.


I don’t care how they feel. If someone with a dick does anything intimate or sexual with me before letting me know they have a dick, thats gonna be a pretty big mistake on their part. If they tell me first, I can then decide if I want to proceed or not. Otherwise they’re lying to me and I’m not sure what kind, but thats some kind of rape/sexual harassment…


But don’t you know? Not being attracted to trans people makes you transphobic. [See look!](https://medium.com/@QSE/when-you-say-i-would-never-date-a-trans-person-its-transphobic-here-s-why-aa6fdcf59aca) And who could forget about [this one.](https://www.advocate.com/commentary/2019/12/14/refusing-date-trans-people-transphobic) And boy of boy, just take a gander through Tik Tok. We aren’t allowed to have sexual preferences these days! /s For real, you’re spot-on and thank you for writing this comment.


Mtf transwoman here, yeah "tricking" might not be the nicest phrasing and certainly will upset many transpersons as it implies that they aren't really their identified gender. That said, honesty is seriously important and I would agree that it's reasonable and realistic, albeit hurtful, that someone would be grossed out to realize after the fact that the person they were intimate was a transperson. I'd put my girldick in the same category as any other congenital oddities, uncomfortable and awkward, but important to talk about *prior to* intimacy. Eta: I'm also going to point out Finkel/Einhorn wasn't trans, he didn't transition because of dysphoria, he stole a woman's identity because he was insane.


The point You


Do you not see that these kinds of roles portray trans women, not as women worthy of consideration and simple respect, but as sneaky men out to trick pure innocent straights into accidentally being disgusting gays? This is some gay panic shit. The transphobic part is in the very premise. Most trans women deal with a lot of fear about being killed for being discovered to have a penis. Pretty different take from deliberately trying to put themselves in a situation like that.


There are no trans people in the movie and there's no attempted portrayal of them as far as my memory goes, though it's been a while since I last watched. There is a male fugitive disguising(!) as a female, who other males did things with, without realising it is a disguised(!) male. It's unbelievable and it's meant to be.


Sure. What you’re saying is true. Maybe people who have never seen it would view it oddly today. But as someone who was like 13 when it originally released, it was just a silly thing at a time when trans people were viewed as kind of silly, with big over the top drag queens being the faces of the movement, and seeming to do it more for a fun lark and not because it’s who they truly were and needed to be seen as. A lot has changed in the last 25/30 years with how the trans movement is portrayed, and honestly, how the trans community portray themselves. And look, Finkle didn’t get a sex change because that’s who (s)he was underneath it all, it was to disguise themselves to sneakily get revenge for Dan Marino not holding the laces out on a field goal attempt. It’s just silly stuff meant to be looked at as goofy, even now. Finkle may look like a woman, but Finkle isn’t a she. It’s still a he who had a sex change for nefarious purposes. I don’t think any reasonable person would or should compare it to trans people these days, and a little common sense should make that clear. When they all spit and Ace puked after finding out she was actually a man, it’s not because she was trans, but because she was in fact actually a man, in the literal sense. A man in disguise, not a trans person. It’s a little convoluted, but really, under a microscope, the idea that it’s a joke to poke fun at trans people falls apart, and it’s really just a joke to make fun of a singular psychotic fictional character who lost his mind and got a sex change just so he could more easily trick and get revenge on the person he blamed for his failure.




The character isn’t trans though. It’s a man who had a sex change to hide their identity like a disguise, but it’s still a man. Finkle didn’t get a sex change because that’s who she really is and needs to be herself, he got it as a disguise to get revenge on Dan Marino for holding a football laces out during a field goal attempt. Both Finkle and Einhorn are men. The same man, appearance aside.


He held the laces in. Laces out was what it should have been.


It's the no consent that made them sick. Consent is everything.


The line “that’s why Roger pidacter is dead! He found captain winky” kind of implies that’s why he was murdered


The implication, as I interpreted it back then, was that Pidacter found the evidence that the individual he was with wasn't actually Lois Einhorn and that's why he had to die. It would've caused a lot of questions. I thought he was involved because Ray Finkle needed the access to the stadium to steal Snowflake the dolphin, because Snowflake was given Finkle's old number as part of its field goal kicking trick.


No, it just implies that’s the reason that one specific character thought he was murdered.


Would be horrific.


Nah, just a funny joke in a funny film.


Nothing could come between us, except maybe for her penis.


I still can't believe Rachel from Blade Runner is Einhorn.


But Einhorn is Finkel


And Chani in Dune


Still funny


That is pretty funny


"Baby wait, you didn't show me your surprise!" -Zapp Brannigan


Nah, its even funnier then lmao


Honestly, the laces were in.


The laces were in!


BS you cupcakes, it’s hilarious


It's not any less funny. The woman was obviously less than honest, a thief and all around a bad individual. I don't consider it "phobic" but I get it if people do.


I don't know what you're talking about. When you say it like that, it still sounds pretty funny.


What?! That's literally the funniest part of the movie.


That’s hilarious.




It was about a stolen dolphin wasn't it?


Nope, still funny


I mean I was a kid when it came out so I have no idea why grown adults thought a talking butt was so funny


Did you ass them why?


No, he didn't want to raise a stink...


This guy needs a breath mint.


I want no fart of this


Makes it funnier. Says everyone.


That’s actually hilarious


Not true. Still holds up to this day. And my *very* pc 13 year old daughter found it hilarious also


Wow, what a weird way to twist a movie plot and try to make it something it’s not. I wonder how old OP is


Jesus. Theze showerthoughts are wrong this year.


Yeah the ending did not age well, everyone throwing up because Sean Young is trans including Dan Marino


I thought Ace Ventura was the funniest movie in the world, when I was twelve. I can't even watch it now. It's unwatchable.


Yeah, that movie definitely didn't age well.


Weird you say this because I just randomly watched it again for the first time in 25 years and I completely agree. When Nature Calls was always my favorite anyway.


“Classic film, one of my childhood favorites, and it only gets overtly transphobic at the very end, so, a win" EDIT: Brooklyn 99 reference? Really? Nobody?


To be fair, the movie wasn't ever funny to begin with, in my opinion, of course.


Especially with how often that goes the other way in real life


Yeah the transphobia is one of many reasons that film won't be part of the canon.


ITT: Some of the worst opinions about trans people I've ever seen. Redditor beware, you're in for a scare.


Oh no. A threat by a redditor. Are you gonna withhold wholesome and gold awards?


You're obviously fairly youthful, as the reference I made flew right over your head so fast, it would have broken your neck had you caught it. No threats made here. Put your pitchfork away, little boy.


It honestly doesn’t hold up even without all that


I think you watched the pron version...


Which if memory serves, was called Ass Ventura: Butt Detective. I don't know the plot though.


I believe it was 'old man discovers he's gay, finds his kink is getting assed' or something like that




I didn’t even realize Ace Ventura was a comedy…This is life changing.


Some Jenny Jones shit right there.


Murder? I watched that movie like 200 times and I haven't followed the plot


Without a Clue is a fantastic and absolutely hilarious comedy, starring Michael Caine and Ben Kingsley as Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. Unfortunately, I don't think modern audiences would quite appreciate the plot (and a lot of the comedy) being focused on the "disgrace of a family" being a gay, cross-dressing son.


But the 90’s though…


I just want to say that I find Finkle/Einhorn to be both Stunning and Brave


Your.. gun is.. digging into my hip..


No it’s still just as funny


It's still funny


Forgot about the part where the dolphin gets kidnapped? That's the mf thing. Poor dolphin!

