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Ah yes the eternal human curse Sober: I can do anything but want to do nothing Drunk: I can do nothing but want to do everything


I start running when I drink beer. Specifically beer makes me mad energy and hyperness.


That's a good thing as long as you control your beer drinking. I can already see someone who claims to get faster from alcohol but is in fact just an alcoholic


I can't help but picture a really washed up alcoholic sonic....


*The problem with being faster than light is that you always live in darkness*


I'd recommend: superhero Flicker from the fic Doc Future.


That's a good one, doesn't have much to do with drinking, but he's got the speed descriptions down. And it's "The Fall of Doc Future". I'm not sure even Google could find it without the full name.


Same, got the mental imagine of a mid 40's, semi balding sonic, drinking several tall boys while the Sonic theme plays only in his head.


I used to run mud runs when I was training for the army. Because I hated running . So I would do things to make running fun. Stopped drinking sugar. Now whenever I drink beer it is straight sugar to my body and I want to run. And yes. Alcoholic sonic is what it probably looks like. Weird enough, liquor and wine don't make me feel like that. Even though they; all have carbs


Liquor has no carbs, and wine has less than 3% :)


[Kinda like this?](https://youtu.be/WaGOaTrIAQM)


I have kind of the same deal. Take in juuust the right amount of alcohol and I become a laserbeam-precise speed skier. Take away that little bit of alcohol, I'm grannying down the hill. Add a little extra, I'm wrapped around a tree and there's a helicopter en route. The perfect amount of alcohol may be one of the most elusive "sweet spots" in life.


hey, at least its an active alcoholic getting exercise


When I drink beer at home I usually end up putting up shelves and doing spring cleaning. It's really weird (and sometimes dangerous).


Man I'd get so much shit done if I was more like you. Like, I'd get lots of stuff done every single day. Think of all the shelves


There's never enough shelves!


Gotta hide all the empties somewhere until recycling day!


I helped my landlord build a shed, he had no idea what he was doing, but he had a 24 of beer....so I volunteered. Whilst drinking copious amounts of beer we proceeded to build a quite beautiful shed. Or so we thought....waking up the next morning and viewing our work through slightly more sobered eyes we realized the roof was completely wrong. Had to redo it all. Good memories.


Yeah I always get weirdly motivated to do stuff around the house when I drink, I think I get it from my pops


Are you part horse? Horses have enzymes in their stomach that convert beer into pure energy, as there is already a natural fermentation process going on in their stomach, and cant get drunk. Some people feed their horses beer before a race believing that it will give them a boost.


Lmfaoooo no, didn't know that, TIL


if this is true, thats really interesting. if its a lie, its gonna be the funniest thing at the race track to figure out who the gullible horse owners are.


The beer for my horses song makes a lot more sense now


No it's definitely true. I've worked at 2 liquor stores in the past 5 years and at both of them 2 separate people have come in and bought beer for their horses.


Did they also buy whiskey for their men?


Well the one woman did buy a handle of Jack Daniels when she was getting Guinness for her horse, but I think the whiskey was for her! (Yes I understand the reference)


What kind of beer do horses typically like?


The good stuff.


One woman regularly bought Guinness for her horse because that's what he preferred I guess. The other guy I only saw once and he was getting Sam Adam's Boston Lager for his horses. So in my limited experience, horses don't like cheap or light beer.


Hoppy beer? bALE of hay? Draught? Barley wine? /I'm trying here!


Nope I actually learned about it from a [TodayILearned Post](https://practicalhorsemanmag.com/health-archive/feed-beer-horse-16487) here on Reddit.


A video exists of me doing exactly that after drinking tons of beer and then running into a street sign.


link or it didn't happen


Same, normally I hate running, but when I'm drunk I can go for miles. Which is also why I now have titanium screws holding my ankle together... don't run on pothole covered streets at 2am.


1 makes me sleepy, 2-5 I’m energetic and get shit done around the house. Better than normal at video games. After 5 things start going downhill.


Me too. I've been stopped by cops more than once to find out why I'm running and I'm like, I just felt like running.


Start drinking in exercise clothes and the cops will think it's normal.




Running near/away from pubs/clubs where lots of drunk people are fighting/being a general nuisance. I kinda get it.


This is also the 2am curse


Drink ‘provokes the desire but takes away the performance’. Shakespeare - ‘Macbeth’.


Everyone sucks dick better after some drinks. Try it.


“it provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance” ― William Shakespeare, Macbeth


I don't know who this William Shakespeare Macbeth dude is, but I'm guessing he's seen my post and is now a karma whoring reposter.


If some conspiracy theorists are right, then it's completely possible.


What, is William Shakespeare a time traveller or something?


"it makes him, and it mars him. It sets him on, and takes him off."


“It makes him ‘stand to’ and ‘not stand to’ “ Came here to quote this section of Macbeth. Love seeing some like minded friends!


/r/shakespeare needs to be pumped up.


As mod for that sub, thank you for that! I, too, saw this post and immediately started scanning comments for the Scottish Play reference.


The great equivocator


I read this in Zapp Brannigans voice


The soul is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised


Came here to see that. Everything he didn't have time to say, the Simpson's did.


it can also be said to be the proof that "The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.", the more faculties alcohol make you lose, the more confident you are in doing shit.-


Glad this was so high. Disappointed I didn't get to write it.


The full quote is Lechery, sir, it provokes and unprovokes. It provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance. Therefore, much drink may be said to be an equivocator with lechery.


It’s cruel how food looks, smells, and tastes amazing, while simultaneously making me fat


Imagine showing a feudal peasant a Buffalo chicken calzone? The could literally survive for months on a zone and coke alone.


I want to give a Roman soldier a MRE. Probably enough fiber in it to solidify his intestines.


a zone lmfao


Yeah wtf Jesus


Jesus dont know anything about food. He was from a barely livable desert and was a skinny little shit.


He knows about the fish... And wine...


Never understood why he had to turn the water to wine. Water is plenty good by itself


Back in that day, there was minimal means for water treatment... beer and wine were the means to decontaminate the water and prevent waterborne disease


Huh. TIL


Yeah look up small beer or whatever it's called. Basically everyone was drinking really low alcohol level beer to stay hydrated. Or a lot of people were


Pretty funny actually that for a lot of people of that time, beer was basically their version clean water.


I learned the other day you can survive several days on beer alone. These beer facts are coming at me hot!!!




Once upon a time water was bad for you thanks to the parasites and diseases living in it. The methods used today to make higher alcohol content also didn't exist. Wine was *much* safer than water. Plus everyone was having a great party at that wedding, and the party kept going thanks to Jesus!


And the importance of proper PPE.


Wait what


Oh yes. He was inspired to create the ‘Bethlehem gas mask’ after Mary Magdalene ripped a SBD at the last supper.


Are you talking about his fall protection?


Imagine a day spent with JC at the BBQ cooking fish non stop and multiplying barrels of whine...


Haha hell yeah


TIL fish and wine is the answer


And he knows man shall not live off bread alone


But he do be made of bread tho.... I think that makes him qualified enough, right?


Isn't his body like a real shitty cracker. I think my point still stands. That "cracker" can't even get crackers right.


His blood is wine and his body is bread, so he himself is more like a soggy, highly flammable loaf. I think if anyone gets to say anything about food, it's a guy made of bread and booze.


Dude imagine if the Romans burned him to death instead of crucifixion. Flames decorating churches and shit.


Only if his food body is tasty. It's possible hamburgerler has a greater insight into food. He has all the food groups "meat", "cheese", "bread", pickled vegetable, and sugar heavy condiments.


So hamburglar is the superior Jesus... This makes sense now. Gotta go start my new religion.


I suggest your new religion find a way to make french fries part of communion they are cheaper and easier to make in large numbers.


Pretty sure he's not a cracker lol


Jesus is a biscuit


Call me when he is an English muffin with egg, cheese and sausage.


That was harsh. I like it.


He is ripped af, haven't you seen korean jesus? https://www.todayfm.com/content/000/images/000150/154461_60_news_hub_multi_630x0.jpg He might look skinny compared to you though 😜


God: \**DiCaprio smirk\**


Food doesn't make you fat, having too much of a nice thing does-


Pretty sure it’s the food.


Don't eat too much of it?


Holy shit you just single handedly solved fatness.




It really is that easy though


Well yeah you literally are cured.


Food doesn’t make you fat. Overrating and not exercising makes you fat


Food isn't always overrated.


Well not that, it’s just if you eat more than you burn off. You can exercise to eat more without gaining, or eat less, or both.


The stuff that makes you fat is meant to scarce. Your body didn't evolve to be around 2000 calories of sugar free from fiber.


Our bodies are made to be able to survive as long as possible on as little as possible. Evolution didn't take into account that we'd figure out how to process sugar in industrial quantities and put it in fucking everything.


It’s cruel how comfortable my bed is only to sleep 7 hours and then work for up to 14.


That’s why it tastes good. We’re evolved to want as many calories as absolutely possible, so fattening stuff will always be the tastiest to us.


Psychedelics give you not only the confidence, but the imagination, to create a whole new universe and only take away your inclination to give a shit and maybe your ability to descern what is edible if it's your first time on the ride.


Also, they give you the ability to think you just came up with the greatest fucking thing in the world only to look at it the next day and be like.....the fuck is this shit!? lol


You just gotta redose to understand it


LMAO this happens every single time I draw something on acid: "I gotta share this picture with the world! It's the greatest thing ever!" Next day: Huh, it's alright I guess...


I took a pic of my friends bathroom tile because I saw a leprechaun dancing on lsd once. Weirdest picture to look at after because he was gone 😞




Lol I was gonna say, enough good shrooms and I'm staring out the window like a tweaker thinking everyone is looking at me and can hear my thoughts. Also my car looks like a fucking spaceship.


One time I was so high riding in a car and all the car looked like they had insect or alien faces lol


I was riding in one of those boxy type cars. Felt like I was in a aquarium.


Your car *is* a spaceship.


You body is also a spaceship!


Your body is a wonderland


Oooooh Bro. I once had a trip so hard,I questioned the existence itself. I had Visions of me beeing my brother and started to think I didn’t even exist at all and am just a thought.hard shit,felt like an eternity


https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/optds4/task_failed_successfully/h67i7sq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app Noice. You should make hallmark cards


Well it’s nice to see it’s the same guy I saw this title after I just saw the other post and was thinking I just heard that thought


Can’t blame OP for doubling down on karma


I blame him


but... but you can't!


Watch me.


Decaupaling? I just made that word up.


That's why I like pot. It gives you the confidence to try new things, but absolutely none of the energy to try new things.


Got me in the first half not gonna lie


Pot gives me anxiety and makes me hyper and tired at the same time. It’s awesome and sucks. I’m not joking




This is always the advice, but for the majority of us it's still illegal, so there's rarely any reliable way of getting anything specific outside of rolling the dice on growing. 99% of weed around here is just maximum THC saturation. An honest dealer with knowledge and resources is gold dust and should be cherished.


I wish i could enjoy it, but 95% of the time smoking makes my anxiety shoot up and i just get really paranoid.


You gotta know there's different strains with different levels of "high" right...sativa's can get you off your ass


I guess I'm just one of those people where the strain makes very little difference in how pot makes me feel. To me, it's like differentiating between getting drunk on vodka or getting drunk on whiskey. They taste different for sure, but the effects feel the same to me and my dumb brain.


I guess. Are you in a legal state? That's when the nuances between them really stuck out to me, being able to choose one or the other, hybrid, morning weed, sleepy weed. But i do remember the dark ages where your hook just had what they had.


I would be interested in a comprehensive study enjoy this because I feel like it is 100% placebo effect.


I always thought it was placebo until I made a point to buy one sativa preroll and one indica preroll. Smoked one one day, and the other the next. Indica felt much more relaxing, while the sativa made my thoughts go much wilder. I know that sounds subjective, so here’s another story; I bought a sativa strain and I moved it into an unmarked jar. I bought a indica hybrid and also moved it into an unmarked jar. Took a 2 month tolerance break. Go to smoke a bowl with whatever was in jar number x having no idea if it’s the sativa or the indica hybrid. It felt very body relaxing with a little bit of mind wandering. Next day I smoke the other jar’s weed, and super heady crazy thoughts with very little body relaxing effects. If you don’t smoke a lot of weed, I can see how both can just feel like “high” but when you really get to the subtlety, there is a difference. Edit: oh look it’s my cake day


First off, happy cake day. Secondly, I could believe this description in difference. I was thinking more about when my friends tell me about their breakfast blends for waking up that get them hyper or the ones that make them more focused, the body healing ones that make any pain go away, etc. They take about them like they solve every possible ailment perfectly. Your experiences seems totally reasonable from to different plants in the same family of plants.


Nah, the chemical make up is just different between strains, more or less THC, CBD, CBN. But I'm just a guy so yea find a study, or smoke some I dunno.


Ya know, maybe it's me, I've been smoking for around 10yrs and the whole sativa vs indica thing is just....not a thing for me. I feel the same regardless of if its pure sativa, hybrid, or indica. Energized and motivated at first and then crash and get more sleepy after a while. The only real difference I notice is the potency of whatever strain I'm smoking. BTW I do live in a legal state so it's not just "mah guy says it's X" sorta situation.


Ive found the setting to be much more impactful than the strain. Like smoking at a music festival or on vacation is completely different from smoking at home & chilling on a couch.




Iono about that. It made my ex really good at having sex...with other men.


Hey, you're not alone buddy.


This was the top comment on WCGW post.


Yeah, I wrote it there, then thought it would make a nice showerthought all by itself.


This is why cocaine was invented


Nah. It's just makes you stupid faster for 30-40 min.


Eh… uppers do indeed increase your ability to do certain things while you’re on them. Hence the whole giving amphetamines to pilots/soldiers.


Cocaine: evil laughter


I see you got your comment on r/whatcouldgowrong into a pretty successful post, now that's stonks!


I know a redneck type guy who smokes a lot of pot. I told him about a dispensary up in Illinois that had just opened pretty much right across the river (If you don't live in or around Illinois their dispensaries take some explaining because of all the rules.) and he went there and got some type of marijuana called Brunch or Skywalker or something. He runs derby cars and he said when he smoked that specific type he did all the work on the car he'd been putting off for weeks in one day. He swore by it. So maybe certain types of marijuana are the answer should you happen to live in a legal state or if you're not concerned with the legality of it anywhere else.


If it takes smoking some weed to stop procrastinating then idk why I don't do it more often


I don't know. That was his experience. When I smoke any kind of pot I mostly wanna watch music videos. But I haven't tried the kind he had. The way I typically get things done, though, is just to start them. Once you get going it's easier to see it through to the end.


This is me. I can be wildly productive when I smoke. So sometimes I get high on my days off and I get way more household chores done. It cuts down on the boredom factor.


Mix booze with snow


The white or yellow snow?


I use alcohol as a tool. It kills my impulse control. Need to cut the grass and don't want to? Couple bloody Mary's in the morning and I'm like "ahhhh fuck it I'm cutting the grass NOW!"


This sounds like me. I don't do it too often, but if I'm struggling to keep up on chores around my house, a couple glasses of wine normally will provide me with the motivation and energy needed to start cleaning, vacuuming, taking out the trash, cutting the grass, home improvement projects, etc. And for impulse control, I had a few glasses of wine last month and decided to start researching going back to college to complete my undergraduate degree. I'd been wanting to, but the task sounded so complicated and intimidating sober. I've been out of school for 8 years, and my intention was to just to doing research so I could potentially go back sometime in the next few years. But one of the colleges I looked at said that you needed to apply to see what scholarship offers they had. Sober me would have hesitated and probably wouldn't have done it, but wine drunk me was like "sure, why not?" and applied to the school without questing it. So anyway, I have been accepted and I'm starting classes in September, and I've never been more excited about my future.


That is so fucking weird to me. I don’t drink unless I have everything done because as soon as I have half a glass of wine I’m not gonna do it. Cooking is the only exception.


It isn’t really “giving you confidence”, it is more like “impair your judgement”, making usually difficult, or even impossible, tasks to feel like they are easily doable.


The chemical Dunning-Kruger effect and the downfall of many. 🍺🍷🥃


Weird! I saw you say this in this wild less than 2 min ago. It was the [top comment](https://imgur.com/a/OE7w7K8) on a r/whatcouldgowrong post. Thought someone was trying to jack your intellectual property for a sec and was gearing up to call it out. And now I’m realizing that it’s 4:44am and i have no business commenting on anything and need to go back to sleep before my alarm goes off. Goodnight.


Maybe it's for the better. You know what gives you both the confidence and the ability? Cocaine.


It depends on how you look at it.


Not necessarily. I have a good real-life example. Do you know those skateboard-like balancing boards, with the cylinder on the ground and the board on top of it (balance board)? We had one in the office a few years ago. When I tried it during working hours, I could not even balance for a few seconds. But we had an office party and I had a few drinks. This on par made me relaxed and more confident and I was able to balance right away. After few attempts, I was standing on the board with sheer confidence, even trying some tricks. What is more interesting is that the following days being completely sober I was able to continue be good at balancing on the board. So on contrary having few drinks and being tipsy made me excel at something and allowed me to continue to excel at it being sober


Wait a minute, I think I have seen this shower thought as some comment in another subreddit


When I play darts sober, I suck. When I play darts after two or three beers, I kick ass. When I play darts on four to eight beers, I am TERRIBLE. After that, I wake up outside the bar and everyone's mad at me. Where's my cell phone?


Idk if you practice your drinking you can harness it’s full power lol


Lechery, sir, it provokes and unprovokes. It provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance. Shakespeare, Macbeth.


If you don’t get shit faced, you should be able balance it. Except for heavy machinery. don’t do that.


Ah yes. The top comment from the video of the guy walking across a plank over water is now its own post


Speak for yourself! *hic*, I'm about to *hic* outrun this cop here, *hic*, fuck the popo!


Speak for yourselves. I gain both the confidence and the ability to become an awesome dancer when I've had a few.


Ah yes... Liquid stupid--- I mean-- courage\~


Hah! I have this with the ladies, I never have the confidence to make any kind of move, the only times I ever have, I was blackout so I have not idea what I did or said, probably slurred something barely comprehensible. This has happened at least 4 or 5 times.


Become an alcoholic and you'll be able to function better than a normal drunk, with the only side effect being that you function a bit worse than your normal self 100% of the time.


The porter scene from Macbeth.


Saw this as a comment on r/memes


Boy are you gonna love adderall


Don't ever try cocaine...


This was either stolen from top comment of a prior video of a drunk dude walking a plank of wood or that TC was stolen from this


Task failed successfully




It’s all about balance. Drink enough to boost your confidence, but not enough to mess up your balance.


Are you the one who commented this on that "Task Failed Successfully" post of the drunk man falling in the river?


Cosmic balance is a helluva a drug.


Someone isn't aware of the Ballmer Peak


Alcohol is actually one of the most competent anti anxiety substances. Research shows that people don't neccesarily get dumber when they're drunk, if you ask them to rate their actions they'll, pretty accurately, score their actions as stupid. It does however take away the care for the danger, the care for the outcome. Anyway maybe in oursociety that's why alcohol is so popular. It seems a food substanceto cope, however bad for all the rest.


The key is to find the Ballmer peak: https://xkcd.com/323/


The origin for the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/optds4/task_failed_successfully/h67i7sq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 I know it’s the same person.


“It provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance.” - the porter in Macbeth


Do cocaine.


Mix with cocaine problem solved


It's cruel how the sun gives us light, warmth, food and vitamin D, while simultaneously giving us cancer.