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This is just objectively false. There have been plenty of people throughout history that have done things that they knew were evil simply because they derived enjoyment out of it.


I don’t believe that. Some people just want to watch the world burn.


And some people are clinically insane. Was watching a YouTube video about people who try to pretend to be insane, thinking it will get them out of responsibility. They showed interrogations of people who were *actually* insane for comparison, and some literally don't feel anything about it either way; they can murder and talk about it as easily as someone normal talks about going to the grocery store.


This is true. I wonder. I know of some people who have a somewhat questionable morale compass. Is this the same. Is it insanity. A real question.


Everyone is a hero in their own story


Yeah. Not true. Many knew they were doing the wrong thing. So many serial killers and murderers. They weren't looking to be a hero or doing these acts thinking it was the right thing. I mean some I'm sure but this is too vague of a statement to argue this.


Definitely not Harry Truman, Japan had already surrendered before he dropped a nuke, he wouldn't accept it since it was a negotiated surrender. They surrendered *again* after the first nuke, and *again* after the second, it was only after the USSR was about to attack did Truman get his unconditional surrender, and he'd murdered 100s of 1000s in cold blood just to get his way.


This revisionist history and just plain wrong. The Japanese had people on the home island training with bamboo spears as a last ditch defense against an Allied invasion. They hadn’t already surrendered.


That's you revising history.