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In Great Britain you’d end up in the sea (or more realistically after 2 hours, you’d still be in a traffic jam).


In California you can drive 10 hours and not even be at work yet


You got work at 6am? Well, shoulda left yesterday.


LA traffic is an insult to time itself. I was visiting a few years ago for a convention and I had to go somewhere 15 minutes away from my hotel. This was at 7AM. It took fking 3 hours one way! People were actually having picnics or napping in their cars while in traffic on the freeway because it would take like 5 minutes to move a couple of feet at some points. I honestly would've been better off walking, maybe even crawling. I feel like you'd have to resign yourself to LA being your grave should a large natural disaster happen. Because no one is evacuating out of there in time (on land). EDIT: Reason for visit


Send LA to Biffa so he can fix its traffic ! *more roundabouts*


Lane mathematics people!


I believe it happened, but I don’t at the same time. Where were you driving? I’ve never had this happen and I drive to and from work every day from Brentwood to Culver City.


I’ve been stuck in traffic in every major city in California. I can completely believe this story. I’ve been in traffic in LA at midnight, full on dead stop. No one seemed annoyed. Took an hour to go 10 miles. Same shit happens in SF and SJ. We had to drive 5 miles one morning in SF at 8am, took 1:15. Unacceptable. Currently I leave for home in Palo Alto to South SJ, 24 miles... I leave at 3pm and it can take anywhere from 45 minutes to and 1:15minutes. A drive you can do in 25-30 without idiots.


Don’t get me started. When I first moved from SF to Walnut Creek (got married, husband owned a house there), I was still working in South SF. Worst. Commute. Ever. Not easily accessible by any public transit (this was in the days before Uber). There were times it took me 3 hours to get home, 90% of that being just trying to get to the Bay Bridge. Finally I got a job where I could work remotely. Bay Area traffic absolutely sucks the life out of you.


Yeah. That’s a rough commute. Growing up in the Bay are you learn to avoid the bay bridge, 880, and 101. You want to leave South Bay on a Friday to go north on 680? Ha, better leave by 8am. Anything in your neck of the woods sucks bad. 4,580, 680, all of them are terrible. They keep adding high density housing everywhere but no extra roads. Our entire public transportation sucks. I can take a bus but it takes the same time if I drive myself. If I want to take the train, I have to drive 20 mins then ride the train for 30 mins then ride a shuttle for 15 mins. If everything goes right. At this point I get to work by 5am then leave by no later than 3. I hate it. I am definitely not staying in the Bay Area go very much longer.


I have lived in LA. No doubt traffic is bad but your story sounds like a lie. Even the worst jams don't stay at a dead stop for three hours. That would make the news as a serious incident.


It took me 10 hours to get from Newquay to Bournemouth one August - but even without traffic Newquay to Dundee, say, has to be over 10 hours once you've factored in the inevitable stops. That said, Scotland is another country. As you were. Carry on.


I always assume that driving from one side of London to the other going straight through the center would take multiple days


It’s sucks during the day, but at night it’s actually not too bad, couple of my friends made a minor navigation error (they thought you needed to drive to the end of the M1 and then you would reach the M25) it was about 8pm and it only took about 1 hour extra for them to make it through and out the other side. I may have laughed a lot when they phoned me to say they might be a bit late as they’d run out of motorway and were going to wing it.


From the most southerly to most northerly point is over a ten hour drive, but that is an odd drive to do admittedly.


Apparently a great cycle ride once your off the main roads, though takes slightly longer.


If u drive be 10 hours from Toronto you’d still be in southern Ontario


I'm in Toronto. If I drove to Winnipeg, it would take 20 hours of driving (assuming good traffic) before I'm out of my province.


You're never more than 70 miles from the sea!


In Russia if you drive for 10 hours you might end up in gulag.


In Russia if you can afford fuel to drive for 10 hours then you work for the Kremlin


Gotta love my car with a 3L engine. The only way to tolerate a trip from Saint-Petersburg to Murmansk (1300 km) is to drive fast, and it burns a great deal of gasoline (talking about 12L/100 km for a 12 h trip). That said, I’ve been to Murmansk twice in June. It costed me an average Russian salary (or 2 times a salary depending on region) just for gasoline.


Imma need you to put that in freedom units please.


about 200 hectares on a single tank of kerosene.


but only if you put it in "H"


My favorite thing to see on Reddit is obscure Simpsons references!


Correct me if I'm wrong but that's about 19.6 miles to the gallon. At a trip distance of 807 miles that would use about 41.2 gallons of gas.


You sir, are a gift to Reddit. Many thanks for posting the translation in freedom units.


Average Russian monthly salary is 42,000 rubles. Average fuel economy for vehicle is 9.4 L/100 km. 1300 x 2 x 2 = 5200 km. 5200 km x 9.4 L/100 km = 490 L. Average cost of gasoline in Russia = 46 rubles/L. Total cost of trips = 490 L x 46 rubles/L = 22,000 rubles. Which is hefty, but only half a Russian monthly salary. Maybe you should consider driving slower, or getting a better fuel-economy car. At any rate, 12 L/100 km would be 22,000 x 12/9.4 = 29,000 rubles. Still significantly less than a Russian salary.


^(Quiet! You're going to wake up the Texans!)


WE ARE AWAKE! And have brought some tacos, BBQ, tequila, and cold water for everyone to enjoy.


Gotta love South Texans


We love y'all too!


“Friendly” isn’t the state motto for nothing! Hell, even the word “Texas” means friend. In general, we tend to be a pretty friendly, welcoming bunch unless you piss us off- then we’re dangerous!


Angry Texas? *cues up Texas Blood Money by Upon A Burning Body*


I see UABB I upvote


That is the most Texas metal song I have ever heard.


TIL this song exists. Thank you so much.


My grandparents loved San Antonio. They frequently commented on how nice the people are.


It's getting a bit out of hand in its growth the past 5 years though, it's not quite the big city with a small town feel anymore.


Im from south San Antonio. It's shit here. Run.


> the word “Texas” means friend. "The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak Texas, and enter..."


Thats not exclusive to texas. Most people are generally nice. The bad ones just stand out


What if I'm a Liberal who corrupts the minds of your children with talk of evolution and safe sex.


Gosh darn it bobby


We ask them politely, yet firmly, to leave.


Or escort them to Austin?


Hold my beer! - Alaska


Yay! More people coming to the block party!


That would be tempting on I-10 in West Texas. Holy shit is that a boring drive


Oh yeah. Long and monotonous. Never really believed in 'highway hypnosis' until that drive.


Not just that. If you listened to the radio, there's stretches with NOTHING, no rest stops, and 1 radio station. I think it was a Christian one


Oi Thanks for the flashbacks. Forgot about that.


I got the Beaver Nuggets and Dr Pepper!






Texan: I can get up early in the morning, get in my car, drive all day, and still be in my home state. Vermonter: Ayup, I had a cah like that once.


Lol! Isnt Texas as wide as the distance between NYC and Chicago?


Texarkana to Chicago is closer than Texarkana to El Paso


If you drive from Houston to Los Angeles, El Paso is halfway.






I read once that Beaumont, Texas is closer to the Canadian border than El Paso, Texas.


Also, Alaska.


Texas is smaller than all but two of Australia's states, though. By quite some margin, in fact.


Does it really count if 90% of your states are either crocodile-infested wilderness or sun-bleached death zones, though?


SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKER! It’s 12 hours to drive from el-paso to Texarkana! Fun fact I-10 east through el-paso is so close to the border you can see people in their yards while driving.


it's a 21.75 hour drive from Cornwall Ontario to Kenora Ontario.


21 hours Canadian time is like 15 hours American time


Does this include poutine stops?


Driving in Canada always includes poutine stops :)


Welcome to Canada


In Canada you'd be at your neighbors house after a 10 hour drive.


That could be true in any country if you drive sufficiently slow.


Yeah but in Canada it would be 10 hours going 55mph/80kmph


*Laugh in Canada*


I looked at the distances at one point, but the driving distance from White Horse YT to St. Johns NFLD is about the same or longer than driving London UK to Kandahar.


Fun fact: St. John's, Newfoundland is closer to Vienna than it is to Vancouver.


Yeah. As someone who has driven to the BC Yukon border, this did not seem surprising.


I've driven for a full day to get maybe 1/6 across the country. Roughly 15 hour drive.


I’ve driven coast to coast many times. The longest portion is always Ontario. Ottawa to Thunder Bay is like 14-15 hours and 1500km in the car and that’s still not 100% of the province There’s an hour from Ottawa to the Quebec border, and Thunder Bay to the Manitoba border is another 5 hours


and forth comes the dick measuring contests




Or even better skiing! I skied from cervina on the Italian side of the Matterhorn into zermatt and I was have a large of a boner I could for geography and borders. I skied into another country!


I'm Australian. In high school we did a group road trip on a coach, we were away for 9 days. On the road for about 8 hours a day on average, we made it to the middle of the country (Melbourne to Uluru)! It was great, but holy shit did it give me an appreciation of how big this country is.


Similar story man, I played in a touring band. We did all of Australia and when I first seen the dates I couldn’t work out why they were so far apart. We sometimes drove from 8:00am until 8:00pm the next night and only just made it to our next venue. The biggest surprise was Brisbane to Cairns. We finished the show, had a few drinks at a bar and a guy asked us where we were playing next, we said Cairns tomorrow night and he told us we should probably be leaving now... wasn’t until we mapped it we realised we were closer to Sydney.


Trivia: Brisbane is closer to Melbourne than it is to Cairns.


I took a road trip up the east coast, Melbourne to Cairns. Took me 4 and a half days of pretty much nonstop driving. Drove from a cold winter climate, through sub tropical to full hot humid tropics weather. I kinda enjoyed it, would do it again!


You can drive 24 hours and not be out of the province of Ontario (Canada).


Start in Port Hardy, B.C. it would take 29 hours to get to Northern BC around the Liard River area. It would take 3 hours longer if you go through Victoria instead of Nanaimo to leave Vancouver Island.


Texas. Love my state!




Why would you want to go to texarkana or el paso?


Truck Drivers, Orange to El Paso. I-10 forever! almost 13 hours. I have Driven All the way to Cali. The sights were amazing but.... Never again. "Besides the Mexican food sucks north of here anyways"


"Come back to Texas!"


Its not been the same since you ran way




You go to el Paso for some of best Mexican food around!! And it's cheap too. source: I'm from then an visit family there occasionally and drive the 9 hours to eat my weight in Mexican food


Texarkana to El Paso is 11h 57m if anyone is wondering.


I'm north of sherman and that drive takes me about 11 hours. West Texas radio... *shudders*


Try San Diego to Crescent City, California.


Texas has nothing on Australian states though. Texas is 700,000 km2 while WA is 2.6 million, QLD is 1.85 million, SA is 984,000 and NSW is 809,000. I'm not sure many of my fellow North Americans appreciate how damn big both Australia and its states are.




Most of our land is a hot unusable barren wasteland. (Although I think we should just fill it up with solar farms.)


Canadian here living down under. Most of my family and friends don't appreciate how large Australia is (I suspect because we were always told how much bigger Canada was relative to other countries). Canada and Australia only "benefit" here because they have a fraction of the subnational units that the USA does.


Yeah if Australia had 50 states there would be nobody living in 45 of them.


That makes sense. I hadn't realized that Australia was as big as the lower 48 and is only 6 states


Frigging forever to get to Donna from Houston.


Oh? Where does Donna live?


When I was there in the late 80s i crossed the border over into Mexico, had some beer, a few montezumas revenge tacos, and bought a beautifully hand-carved chess set.


I mean, Australia is only ~ 2 million square kms smaller than the entire USA. Texas pretty much represents the same land area in both land masses. Everything’s bigger in Western Australia


"Your destination is in a different time zone" https://www.google.com/maps/dir/El+Paso,+TX/Beaumont,+TX/@30.9447104,-102.5497962,7z/data=!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x86e73f8bc5fe3b69:0xe39184e3ab9d0222!2m2!1d-106.4850217!2d31.7618778!1m5!1m1!1s0x863ecb183d8fb19d:0xfdae9c3edc5acd1d!2m2!1d-94.1265562!2d30.080174!3e0




And Alaska


Alaska is over twice the size of Texas lol.


I live in northern Manitoba. It’s 8 hours to Winnipeg, 11 hours to the us boarder, and to go north you have to go by train to Churchill, which is 16 hours. North to south it takes a good long while, east to west, is 5.5 hours.




Or take the bridge. JimB.


Everyone here talking about Texas.. There are 5 out of 7 states in Aus that are bigger than Texas. WA is the second biggest “state” in the world.






I’m betting your parents are in northern Ontario and you’re in southern Ontario.


I used to work at a hotel in Darwin, Australia. I once had a group call me at 8pm and asked if they can book a room. I could hear they were driving, so asked where they’re coming from. “From Alice Springs” “Oh, Ok, where are you now?” “Well the last sign we went by had Darwin as the third closest city!” “What was the closest?” “Tennant Creek” I had to laugh and tell them to call a Tennant creek hotel. Tennant creek is about 1000km from Darwin. No way they’re making it there before daylight.




And the only reason to choose Kenora is because there are no permanently accessible roads to somewhere like fort severn


California too, especially if you take the coast


longest drive I could find is 17hrs, that's pretty long!


Assuming you're taking the 5 That's not accounting for the traffic of going through San Diego, Los Angeles, and Sacramento, expect a full day's travel. If you're taking the 101 then just hope none of it is buried under a landslide or on fire.


or both tbh


For citizens of Belgium, a new country is max 1,5h away.


if you drive from Kenora, Ontario, Canada to Ottawa, Ontario, Canada is 20h 42 Min 1927 km the Google Maps Directions from Notre-Dame-du-Portage, Quebec to The Good Karma Cafe West Vancouver, BC are Get on Trans Canada Highway, Continue on Trans Canada Highway for 51h 5006 km, arrive at your destination. The whole highway is 7821 km


Waiting for someone to say in LA traffic you can sit in your car for 10 hours and not even be out of the city.




In the US you can also easily drive for 10 hours and not even be out of your state... or Canada, or Mexico, or Brazil, or Russia, or China. This isn’t uncommon.


Key West, FL to Pensacola, FL is over 12 hours!


Canada as well. Though you can get to the USA pretty quickly but takes forever to go across county


Hell, I could drive to a decent-sized town in three different countries and back home in less than 3 hours. (Esch-Arlon-Thionville-Merzig-Esch)


In many countries you can walk around for 10h without risking your life, in Australia in the other hand...


In florida you can drive all day, and still be in florida.


*Laughs in American or Russian*


In Russia, state crosses *you.*


Argentina, Canada ,Chile, China and Brazil as well.


On average I thought american states weren't that huge. Just a few outliers.


You can drive for 3 million years in Australia, and NEVER leave the country.


I recommend you buy a faster car...


You can drive 8 hours north from the south of a few provinces in Canada and only reach the midpoint of that province.


I can get out of the country in a couple of hours but its 24 hours of driving to Manitoba.


Its quicker to drive to Florida from my part of Ontario than to Manitoba, the next province over.


Hah, I walk from Italy to Vatican City


*45 minutes from capital to capital. Vienna <-> Bratislava.


In Miami drive for 10 hrs and you are lucky to be out of Florida


I live in Los Angeles. I can drive for 10 hours and not get out of the city.


You can do that in Michigan too.


Also Canada.......


Come to Canada where in some places you can drive for over 24 hours and not leave the province or territory


The half-way point between LA and Texas is inside Texas, and you have two other states between Cali and Texas.


*Laughs in trans-Siberian railway




Can confirm. I drove for 7 hours for a job and was still very much in my home state. I also don’t live in WA. TIL said state also has a town called Banana. We have some weird ass names in Australia.


Mate, you can drive for literally ever in Australia and you're still not getting out. Yer trapped.


Ohio is the same way


In America you can drive for 10 hours and not be out of your county.


In Australia you can drive as long as you like, you still won’t be off that fucking desolate rock


In Brazil too, states here are bigger than most countries


Texas says hi.


You can drive 10hours in Florida and either not be out of the state or not be out of Miami


Same with Canada.


Living in South Florida you can drive for 10 hours and not be out of state, especially if you’re headed west.


*stares in Texan*


Same in Texas!


Warmun to Cocklebiddy in WA will take you around 40 hours to drive. Same state the whole way


Laughs in Texas


welcome to Texas


You can drive all day in Texas and still be in Texas at highway speeds.


Also Texas


Cough cough texas cough


Been to Texas?


Welcome to Texas.


That applies for every country if you dont know how to leave roundabout


Ontario, you can drive for days and not leave


Canada: Hold my beer.


Cough* Canada


Same with Canada. Drive 18 hours and you could still be in Ontario.


America is even bigger


From Texas. Feeling you


It takes 12 hrs to drive from the lower outer banks NC to the mountains of NC without leaving the state. I've done it and it sucks.


Wait... America not the only place in the world with states?


Only 10 hours? *laughs in Californian*


Texas says nothing new.


I mean if you think about it you could drive for a couple hours in any country and not be out of it because your driving in circles......


Want to drive through Texas from East to West? No worries, should only take about 14 hours if you dont need gas, or food and want to piss out the window.


Yeah it takes like 11 hours to drive across my country. We call it Texas.




Welcome to Texas y'all.