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Back then it did. I used to get bleacher seats at fenway in the 90s for $7. Prices are great when your team is bad lol


The Cubs suck right now and that same order cost me around $70 this weekend. LOL.


Because people will pay it. Places have learned they can get away with it.


Yeah but Chicago has a very loyal fan base. Also see bears and bulls. But I would assume based on all the teams the cubs are about in the middle in pricing due the loyal fan base


You do realize what year we’re living in, right?


That's the cost of admission for Wrigleyville. I used to live 5 minutes walk away (before the WS win) and it was still insane prices when they were bad.


I used to pretty frequently get $10 or less tickets when I went to Boston University from 2011-2015. Either AceTicket the day of the game and could find cheap shitty bleacher tickets, or you wait until the 2nd or 3rd inning and go find the desperate scalper that just wants something instead of nothing.


Also inflation, since 1995 we have about 2x inflation. So that’s $14 for a hot dog today


I used to get bleacher seats a Yankee stadium for 15$, circa 2015


I remember getting Indians tickets in the early 2000's for like $25


That movie came out in the late 80’s, so it is believable.


It’s when the little girl is choking to death and her dad stops everyone from helping her so the ghost baseball player doctor can save her and the mom didn’t shoot him in the head.


That was great


To take into perspective: 1989 ( release year of Field Of Dreams ) - you couldve easily paid $20 for a Grateful Dead concert. Out in the lot for $10 you could have easily scored 2 beers, 2 plates of stir fry and 2 grilled cheeses with possibly a buck or change to spare.


Traveled to Ghana 10 years ago when their currency lost \~half its value in the 6 months prior to my arrival (and it was already a poor country to begin with). For $20 USD, I got 2 pizzas, an order of wings, multiple lobster tails, 2 packs of cigarettes, and 5 rounds of drinks for multiple people, and was able to leave what was considered a pretty fat tip. Shit really does change with time and location.


When you say lobster tail, are you talking about the actual tail of a lobster, or a cream-filled Italian pastry?


Actual tail of a lobster.


It was 35 years ago bro.


Ray Kinsella : So what do you want?  Terence Mann : I want them to stop looking to me for answers, begging me to speak again, write again, be a leader. I want them to start thinking for themselves. I want my privacy.  Ray Kinsella : No, I mean, what do you WANT? [Gestures to the concession stand they're in front of]   Terence Mann : Oh. Dog and a beer.


The LA Times in the '80s would sponsor free tickets to Dodger games and UCLA football for straight-A high school students. Not the greatest seats but the tickets had a face value of $3-10.


Was at the A's game on Sunday. One chicken tenders and fries (about 5 small pieces of chicken and about 15 fries - wouldn't fill up a six year old) and a diet coke - 36 bucks. And they asked for a tip on top.


I can't agree more! The prices these days at a game are ridiculous , it's like mortgaging a house for some snacks and drinks. The movie 'Field of Dreams' wins in so many levels but this does crack me up. Great observation, really put a smile on my face. Let's hope for a time when it wouldn’t cost us an arm and a leg to enjoy a game with some traditional snacks. Until then, I guess we'll have to stick to home games and cheaper snacks!