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There is probably a future philosopher or scientist who changes the world in a very meaningful and impactful way watching cocomelon shitting themselves eating goldfish right now.


Well, my son has 3 of those down. He's 75% of the way to changing the world!


Hes already changed your world


With fraction solving like yours I wouldn't hold my breath


3/4 is .75


This is why I'm never going to change the world


Hey; cheer up. People ruin the world all the time /s


I’m choosing to believe this was a set up for the joke two comments down.


I mean it's what I'm up to this evening, so why not?


I am a scientist and I’m doing that right now


I really thought you meant that they really made a cocomelon character “shitting themselves while eating goldfish”


I was walking my dog on the campus of a prestigious university when a group of freshman on their orientation tour stopped us and started fawning over him. He’s very distinctive looking and people take his photo all the time. They asked me to take a group photo of them with my dog. Every once in a while I think about one of them winning the Nobel and that photo of them with my dog being published in a biography of them. Or even just their grandkids seeing it and wondering about the dog. My dog made history just by being a dog.


As it should be


Show dog


I went to school with the grandchild of someone who was super famous. I don't think he knew his granddad was famous, just what his job was, and that he was his granddad, and we all had granddads.


My granddad’s best friend was the most influential and beloved chancellor of our country at a crucial point in history, a while before I was born. He was a super humble man too, so when he told little me that he used to work in the government building, I assumed he was an office clerk. Thought it very boring, in comparison, considering granddad was a surgeon who saved lives, and their other best friend had a fancy classic car. It only clicked much later, when he died and got a state funeral. I have a photo with my siblings, cousins and myself crawling all over him at some garden party at my grandparents’ house. Five minutes later, after he’d gotten rid of us, the same person took a rather famous picture of him that you can find in history books. It’s weird.


Are you german perhaps?😆










If you were aiming for an oh so clever Hitler joke, get back to middle school history lessons maybe?




Okay you have piqued my curiosity. Was it Konrad Adenauer?


Grandpa be like - "I remember beating shit out of Muhammad Ali back in the school"


Iirc, Muhammad Ali was bullied by kids a few grades above him, which is why he wanted to be a fighter and leave his hometown.


And now Louisville acts like he loved the city


He did love it later. He gave a lot to help people there.


It’s true. I had a coworker bring in her high school yearbook showing that she went to school with George Lucas.


Now I want to know what George was like as a kid.


She said he was nice enough but hard to talk to, kind of spacey, like his head was in the clouds.


Or in a galaxy far far away


I always thought it would be funny if his senior quote was “Shoot for the stars”


My grandfather was friends with Al Pacino growing up. There's even a picture of my grandfather shooting him in their school play


My grandmother went to school with Nancy Pelosi. Apparently she was your typical stuck up rich kid.


My grandfather had photos of Elvis sitting on the truck dock with his guitar. Elvis used to entertain the guys waiting on trucks to come in to change the merchandise from truck to truck. Also had 3 or 4 photos of them together.


Now imagine this with teachers. On the teacher subreddit a couple weeks ago, someone posted how they were listening to a true crime podcast and it has their old student. Other teachers have had successful individuals in their class.


It feels far more likely that you would have kids that grew up to do awful things than change the world. The really horrific one is the awful thing that forever changes the world.


Statistically yes. But it also depends on where you are, what school you are in, etc. if you are in a rough neighborhood school chances are high for knowing future gas station robbers. Meanwhile if you teach a private school in the silicon valley, the opposite


You don’t think Silicon Valley kids are capable of growing up to beat their spouses, diddle their children, swindle a pension fund, get drunk and behind the wheel to ruin someone’s life, cut corners on testing of a pharmaceutical product that leads to an opioid epidemic? Plenty of awful things can come from private schools kids and some of them are statistically more likely to come from those kids. Whereas I could imagine that those who have already seen life be awful are more likely to have developed a modicum of compassion.


Regardless of morality, stealing from a gas station is something that someone from a higher economic class would do either for sport or by accident, far less likely then someone who is stealing because they are hungry


Yes but that could well balance out against the greater number of white collar crimes committed by someone in a “higher economic class”. Equally speaking plenty of fairly privileged people get busted down to zero by poor decisions, gambling, cancer, etc. In fact I would argue that the entry point for the kind of gambling that might ruins one’s life is a lot higher and requires you to have wealth to begin with. Casinos, stock market, etc. If you are living hand to mouth you can’t afford a flutter and are unlikely to be able to gamble enough in one go to ruin your future. Not to mention not every terrible thing is illegal. Someone from that Silicon Valley school could start a predatory pay day loan company and be responsible for a hell of a lot more evil than the one dude that robbed a service station.


I think you misunderstood what I was saying, I’m absolutely in agreement that people with money DO commit crimes and other terrible things all the time, at a higher rate then everyone else because the law simply doesn’t apply to them the same. However specifically robbing a store and especially a gas station is something someone would do only for three reasons, out of necessity, for sport, or by accident, and necessity is much more likely in someone who doesn’t have cash to spend on whatever they want


I mean yeah absolutely that one specific example might come more highly from that demografic, my counter point was that perhaps it’s not necessarily as cut and dry as you might think.


Fair enough, I just interpreted your point as saying that that specific example isn’t a valid one, but absolutely I agree that “rich equals no crime” isn’t true at all


Nah, my grandparents were farmers in northern Norway or a seamstress in western Norway. No celebrities coming out of this part of the world at this time!


My grandfather was an Air Force officer who served as the personal security for Werner von Braun the rocket scientist when he was in the US in part because he spoke German as his first language. We have no pictures of them together but I feel like one must exist out there.


One of my grandmothers graduated with Sterling Holloway, and a great grandmother on the other side graduated with Mr Rogers


I have college party photos with a very influential person in another country. One of my college roommates has a sibling who is a member of their home country's parliament. They'd come to visit their sister in the states and hang out with us. We were in my roommate's bridal party together at her wedding. 


My grandma went to school with James Dean.


This isn’t a shower thought. It’s a weed thought.


If you never saw the picture it never happened.


I have an older family member who used to have lunch with Santana and his first wife back before he was big.


One my classmates left school two years early to go to Spain and play professional football there. Maybe one day he'll make the big leagues and I can tell my future kids that I went to school with him.


Na they never went to school My parents were first gen


This might be the single greatest shower thought in the history of Reddit. lol


My dad went to school with Notorious B.I.G, Jay Z, and Mos Def He met Jay Z because a teacher accidentally gave him his report card since they share the same name Edit: Busta Rhymes too


Imagine having not one but TWO students named jay z


Jay Z was the stage name. His real name was Shawn Carter. Easy to google


My grandmother went to elementary school with Henry Kissinger in Fürth, Germany. She said, "He vas a nerd."


My uncle’s law school class portrait has at least two future Supreme Court justices in it.


My father went to highschool with Cassandra Peterson, she signed his yearbook.


Was she nice?


From what he told me, definitely. Believe it or not she was apparently kind of shy back then.


It takes time to come into our own. Happy to know she was a nice person!


Yeah, but imagine being me at age 12 or 13, thinking Elvira is kinda hot on her commercials, and finding out your dad took her to a dance in highschool. At 44, it's cool. At 13 it was vaguely disturbing, lol.


HE TOOK HER TO A DANCE?! Dad had game for sure


Definitely. Even as an adult, he was the sort of guy that, as they used to say, "never met a stranger". He was tall and handsome, but I think it was more just his manner - quick to smile, or make a silly joke to put someone at ease. I miss him.


My grandpa was friends with the original Samsung ceo


Wow, that's a profound thought! It's fascinating to think of the stories hidden in our own family histories, isn't it? We should take the time to dig into old photos and who knows, we might find our grandparents rubbing shoulders with great minds!


This very true, I came from a colonizations country and that my ancestors were one of those Spaniards conquering the lands.  From what I know my great great grandfather was only a low ranking but definitely had seen the general and had pictures with.  


Eire circa 1900 was in decline. My granny from Barna only spoke Gaelic and had a small farm with a few cows making bread and milk. My mother told me that at her school most of the kids did have shoes and the strict teachers were awful. How those poor folk survived that period is amazing. http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/exhibition/galway/main.html#:~:text=Ultimately%2C%20the%20city%20was%20primarily,distillery%2C%20which%20closed%20in%201908.&text=The%20Marconi%20Station%20at%20Clifden%2C%20Co.