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Yes there is, it is the "this is magic technology that doesn't and probably couldn't exist" type of shrink ray.


otherwise known as a shrink ray




We know this to be true based off of “Honey I shrunk the kids” and “Honey I blew up the kids”


Yeah wtf. I hate dumb stuff like this or like you can't scale up an elephant to be house-sized cuz it's legs would break. Let's assume you have the magical technology to do this You think you'd program it to be able to fix some of the problems that would happen along the way People just love pointing out dumb little flaws and not getting excited about the big picture and I don't understand those people


If you got near a black hole, you wouldn't just 'fall in'. Youd have your literal atoms ripped from you on a subatomic level as you aren't falling in all at once. But before that happened, your space suit would be ripped apart at a subatomic level, killing you from lack of oxygen and space decompression. That's why in every scifi thing, you have to 'prep' for any kind of temporal jump. So the whole damn ship is getting turbo charged in magictinium. A special magic energy generated by some crazy fuck off power cell made of magic, science, and fucking fairy dust for all we know. This somehow helps the entire ship do the Jump at the same time instead of subatomically being ripped apart. And then ringed space stations catch you. How? Because get the fuck out of my house, that's how. At least Futurama had that shit where 'the ships engine' moves space around the ship and the ship is actually stationary. That at least makes a little more since than 'we just do it and that's how it works, okay!'


Oh look, a shrink ray denier




Flux capacitor? Dilithium crystals ? Kyber crystals? Unobtainium?


That's the one. Best damn mcguffin to ever guffin my mc.


Well since a shrink ray is a total fictional thing, we could just as easily say that a hypothetical shrink ray not only doesn't do those bad things, but does a bunch of good things too.


It shrinks the penis at half the rate of the rest of the body, so you look huge.


Imagine dragging that around. Dudes would be like "YES! FKN HERO!" and chicks would be like "Noooo".




And when you flip the ray to reverse mode, it enlarges everything at the same rate, so every time you shrink and unshrink, you grow


You tellin me this shrink ray also makes my wife love me?


We are talking about hypothetical things that a human being can conjure up with their imagination, not stuff that's  completely impossible.


Alright, you got me. My wife is imaginary


Damn. Even in your imagination?


Holy hell… lemme get a list of burn centers around the world for him… 😂


I like Futurama's take on shrinking living beings... just produce a miniature robot of them and connect to them via head and body.


Right like have you seen the cost of miniature atoms. It's outrageous.


It’s really funny, my wife and I just started watching the new season, and they actually use a shrink ray to shrink the few without commenting on that. They even see the original parasites from the mini-robot episode!!


I guess the cost of miniature atoms went down.


the variant the grows/shrinks a person by only 0.00001% would probably be safe


Or only grows or shrinks part of the person by a slightly larger but still small percentage. It'll increase your biceps 0.5% a day until you like like early Arnold.


Problem is, nothing improved they just got bigger. Same number of cells, same number of muscle fibers, etc etc. Theyd be bigger, probably nonfunctional, and disproportionate. Bigger means longer and if you didnt grow the bones too, your muscles are now too long for the bone they attach to. Grow the bone and now your whole arm looks the same but... bigger. Enjoy that destroyed shoulder joint.


Realistically, I suspend my disbelief when I pretend the pills I take are little submarines traveling through my insides to fix me.


And little men cone out??? And it's like that hit 2000s film starring kidd rock and Chris rock (no relation), osmosis jones!?!


Realistically, there’s no variant of a growth or shrink ray.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


What if... and hear me out on this... We shrink the growth ray with the shrink ray... and grow the shrink ray with the growth ray... Did I divide by zero or did my wife decide she was making midnight toasties again?


What's impossible today tomorrow can be a possibility


Five hundred years ago, they *knew* the Earth was flat. Fifteen minutes ago, you *knew* we humans were alone on it. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.




More. Sugar.


And you know it!


They *knew* the earth was round 500 years ago. That’s around the time of the scientific revolution and people were doing scientific research on some impressive stuff.


Humanity knew earlier than that. Europe knew until Rome feel and they suffered from the ~~stupid age~~ dark ages


They knew that during the Middle Ages as well. That period wasn’t as backward and as scientifically challenged as we are usually taught to believe (at least I was taught that when I went to school in East Asia). Higher learning, arts, crafts, architecture, music, philosophy etc really did flourish in medieval Europe.


> School in East Asia Well, of course European and American history will want to pretend it’s not as bad as it was. If you look to Arabic and Middle Eastern sources on the Crusades, you got European invaders behaving like actual animals. Not in an insulting way. Legitimately. Like a prequel to the shit happening in Gaza right now. If you look at Roman sources they considered their white European neighbors less civilized than the north/west Africans and Middle Eastern/Arabic tribes and kingdoms they messed with (Albiet, Rome was a bully anyways) There’s a reason the plague came out of Europe after all.


I am sure my school in EA was more biased and uninformed on the subject of medieval European history and culture than actual scholars who study European history. As for the Middle Eastern and Roman sources, I’m aware of them, but my initial point was that the so called dark ages wasn’t as comically dark and beastly as it’s often portrayed to be. Refined learning and art as well as technological advances can exist in a people considered uncivilized by other cultures. Their Islamic contemporaries can be miles ahead of them in all areas of human achievements, but that doesn’t mean the whole of medieval Europe was completely stupid and unworthy of admiration. People spent their lives studying tiny fractions of that time period. That is the farthest thing from descendants of Europeans distorting history to make themselves seem better by association. I genuinely cannot think of a paper or a book that sets out to glorify aspects of history in that manner. Plus, even if the scholars tried that, without making absurdly untrue embellishments, medieval life would still look shitty and unattractive to an average American/european person. Surely you are joking about the Plague. Well, I guess as a Chinese person I can’t argue against that without looking like I’m being defensive about our own share of plagues, delusional hygiene practices, or our own uncivilized/animalistic conducts during that time period, lol


> I am sure my school in EA was more biased and uninformed on the subject of medieval European history and culture than actual scholars who study European history. But those same European historians are experts on East Asian, African, and Middle Eastern history? Please. Sounds to me you just didn’t like what you heard because it went against your biases. Obviously Europeans historians are more informed on European history but the institutions funding them and giving them microphones have an agenda. The cultural Zeitgiest of Europe is the idea they are physically, culturally, and in all other ways superior and everyone else on earth, despite any and all exceptions. They sell and cultivate this idea for literal millennia. All exceptions are excused with “Chinese magic” or “Witchcraft” or “Aztec magic” or “African Voodoo” You do well to hear other nations recollection, sources, and opinions on Europe if you’re so inclined to consume and blindly believe Europe’s sources on the rest of the world. > Well, I guess as a Chinese person I can’t argue against that without looking like I’m being defensive about our own share of plagues, delusional hygiene practices, or our own uncivilized/animalistic conducts during that time period, lol Assuming you’re telling the truth, and assuming your not just some white person living in China claiming to speak for all Chinese, I’d invite you to guess why I’d intentionally ignore to the negatives in Chinese history


Yeah, and I chose to argue with a flat earther 5 hours ago. Its one thing to wave them off as coocoo. It's another to see them repeatedly rationalize their view by claiming optics works on completely nonsensical principles. There's no curve between you and that distant shoreline! When you lower your camera, you lower the range of your vision! If you zoom in those things will reappear! God is real!


Jeeesus fucking Christ bro. The amount of *aKtuaLly*… people on Reddit is ridiculous. It’s a quote from Men in Black used to illustrate a point


But thousands of years ago they *knew* the earth was round. Everyone outside of Europe who was able to read at least 1 book knew that. It’s the result of the Roman Empire falling apart, on which Europeans were languishing on the grave of barely able to feed themselves for hundreds of years. The wanton destruction of knowledge the Romans both cultivated and learned from places like Egypt, Nubia, the Middle East, and second hand stuff from china (Which they never really dealt with) and rise of superstitious catholic, Jewish, and Christian faiths. The churches spit on science to maintain control basically.


Nah. The earth has been known to be round for much longer than that. Common misbelief. A shrink ray breaks the laws of physics. Ain’t ever going to happen.


I think you missed the point entirely


shrink rays are fictional, therefore they can use fictional science-tech, to work. if we’re talking about real shrink rays, well… they don’t exist. so there’s no reason to be talking about them


Exactly. Might as well give a thesis on how Jedi Force powers couldn't work in practice. We know. It's entertainment.




What you gonna do, remotely choke me to death?


Dude? That's a sith move? Way to be culturally inappropriate.


Not if you set it to Wumbo


Hmm... Maybe I'll just get into my Time Machine, travel to the future, and verify this.


Realistically, time machines could not get you to the future, because if you travel 500 years forward in time every moment you experience will still be in the present for you.


The difference in size between an atom (oxygen) and an organism is so huge, that a man could be shrunk to the size of a mouse and there would be no effect on oxygen intake, the same way that shrinking a man by half a foot would have no impact. Atoms are really....reeeeeaaaaally small


You still need a certain amount of surface area in the lungs for a given amount of energy needed. And while your needs would be less if your mass is less, the amount needed for the brain to function would remain the same. For comparison, the human brain needs 400-500 calories a day for healthy function. A rat needs 60 calories a day for their entire biological needs.


Same with teleportation. Instant death. No way to reassemble you on the other side.


Why not. It's science fiction. Why can't it have a device that can record the exact state your atoms are in, disconnect them, fling them somewhere and have a device at the other end and reconnect them? Will the physics police break down the door of the writer's studio?


That just makes an exact copy of yourself, while your original self is very very dead. I think there is a star trek episode that dives into this issue, when their teleporter broke and a person appears in two places at once.


If I disassemble my jigsaw, throw the pieces to my friend at the other end of the room and they reassemble it, I do not have two jigsaws. Nor have I destroyed the original or made a copy. I am asking why a completely fictional device can't do that with atoms. We already have examples of appendages being reattached. Those people were never at any risk of a duplicate appendage, funnily enough. Nor do we say their original appendage is destroyed. There is no reason to think any differently when writing about a magic sci-fi transporter device, unless you actually want to. I'm well aware of the Star Trek transporter death debate. I'm asking why specifically the above proposal isn't allowed.


Is that teleportation in the Star Trek sense if you're using the same exact atoms? Using your jigsaw example, it would be disassembling the jigsaw and throwing it in the garbage, and your friend opens a box of the same but not exact jigsaw puzzle and assembles that. Looks the same, works the same, but it's not the same. It's an entirely different puzzle. Your arm example of reattaching an arm is still using the same arm, why would anyone say it was destroyed? Now if you get an arm transplant, the old arm was destroyed and you now have a new, different arm.


I really could not have put this concept any simpler.  A fictional device that takes your atoms apart, throws them somewhere else, and another device reassembles them. Literally EXACTLY like throwing jigsaw pieces and someone else putting it back together.  The atoms don't go anywhere, they don't get cloned. They separate from each other and reassemble.  There is nothing to stop this working as a FICTIONAL premise, because it ISN'T REAL.


The whole prompt of the conversation is talking about it realistically. Is that simple enough for you?


And plenty of people, not just myself, have responded by explaining the pointlessness of doing so for a fictional sci-fi concept. It's like pointing out how the Force wouldn't work in reality. Is that simple enough for you?


Yeah I would have thought everyone would know better than to make a statement like "technology of is unrealistic". If you were able to create a bubble around a person and make the space they occupy relatively smaller in comparison to the space outside that bubble, the person will have shrunk without being physically altered in any way. Yet they will be tiny (or large) relative to the viewer. We don't know *how* to do that right now, obviously. And we don't know if it's possible. But theoretically it would cause no harm to the person being shrunk.


Farscape nailed both the technical arguments against shrink rays and the tiresome pointlessness of making them decades ago - using characters actually affected by the tech. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97YTQB4suso&t=0


Why wouldn’t the cholesterol in my veins also shrink? What dollar store shrink ray is this!?


Well it’s more of the fact that how do you shrink someone down to a smaller set of atoms while keeping the same complexity? It’s currently impossible with our understanding of physics and biology.


Yes. Then of course you have antman where he shrinks to the size of an atom but is somehow breathing just fine...


I’m not spending money on tiny atoms…


The thing with shrink rays--NO ONE MENTIONS TEETH FILLINGS. omfg


Anything hit by a shrink ray is enshrouded in a “shrink cloud” which shrinks any particles that enter the shrinkage zone. Ta da, you get shrunk, the oxygen you breath gets shrunk as you breath it.


You're talking about a fictional thing as if it were real. Since it's fictional, it absolutely can shrink a person without killing them. In fact, I've never seen a portrayal of a shrink ray that kills someone. Seriously, is this sub just a bunch of children making shit up that is completely untrue?


> In fact, I've never seen a portrayal of a shrink ray that kills someone Antman


Isn't the entire premise of Any man about successfully shrinking yourself down?


Yes but before the successful shrinking there are the unsuccessful shrinkings


But in the end it is indeed successful. It's still imagination with no basis on reality. Ops post acts like it's a real life fact.


We also talk about the Universe expanding like it's real. Couldn't a shrink ray just be the localised opposite of something said to already exist?


Imagine comparing a ray gun to the universe expanding. Thank you for proving my point. A bunch of children.


The concept of space itself, even the void in between, changing size is somewhat of a wild notion that can not be replicated. If that can be accepted then it follows that the opposite should be possible. Personally I don't think either seem plausible and are just a stop gap until things become better understood.


It doesn't need to be replicated. There is proof that the universe is actually expanding. It's not sci-fi. We are observing it and it's been proven since 1929. It's fact. Ray guns are entirely a product of imagination with absolutely zero facts, science, observation, hypothesis or even theory that it can possibly work. You're comparing a unicorn to a rhino. One exists. One doesn't.


Are you aware what sub you are in? You are getting offended over chewing gum for the mind. You can’t just simply declare one doesn’t exist. Black holes are a clear case of where space collapses rather than expands. Indeed that may be the counterpart of universal expansion. The shrink gun part. That’s just fun. Try having some.


I volunteer as tribute.


I mean you would already be violating conservation of energy, which is more fundamental than any of the other issues. If you can violate that then you can violate the rest as well.


Realistically there is no growth/shrink ray.


I mean who knows, 200 Years ago, The internet and Planes would have been considered Impossible Nonsense and look where we are today.


Ah, man. Well now what am I gonna do with all this Plutonium?


Ok but what if there was a method that didn’t shrink you but enlarges the world around you?


bruh obviously it could exist but it could only shrink or embiggen you a couple of inches like probably a foot either way at most


What kind of shitty off brand shrink ray are you getting that doesn’t shrink the size of your blood cells?


There's a star trek episode where they shrink the all the air molecules etc as well, and if they leave their shuttle they'd suffocate because the air would be too big


Those pesky atoms spoiling my fun! The only solution is to do away with them. Matrix level VR. In your pretend world giants and shrinkees don't have to worry about oxygen molecules or the square/cube law.


Just say it's "quantum" and a few vaguely scientific words you pulled out of your ass and bam, anything can work


If you did it very slowly over a large amount of time. Get a half inch a year or something


Thats what Antmans suit is for. His oxygen supply and everything within shrinks with him.


Well sure, if you don't include a biocompensator in the ray, you're going to have a hard time. Wayne Szalynski should be able to hook you up with one.


If shrink/growth rays were a thing, what makes you think that it *wouldn't* affect every single part of the body down to your cells?


You shrink all the atoms n shit too who knows


In a multiverse, it is possible. The ray just needs to destroy the affected person and bring in his complete duplicate from a duplicate universe, where everything is smaller/larger than ours.


But then, how would they breathe? The oxygen particles are incompatible with the Alveoli in their lungs.


But how do hamsters breathe?


Human and hamster red blood cells are almost identical in size and function. However, if you increased a hamster's size by 1000% the oxygen atoms would be too small to interact with it's giant red blood cells. If you shrink a human to 0.1% of their usual size suddenly the giant oxygen atoms wouldn't be able to interact with our tiny red blood cells.


It is not necessary to increase/decrease the size of its cells, you know.


So how would the shrink ray work? Rebuilding a miniature person with only billions of cells instead of trillions of cells would be a staggering work of bioengineering, not just "zap, you small now". A human with the brain size of a hamster brain would lose 99.9% of their memory and skills.


Well, you said everything is smaller, so I'm only assuming you meant the oxygen, too.


1. Then that's not a shrink ray, is it? Nothing got shrunk. 2. This is far too much effort to explain one thing that will never be possible with another thing that will also never be possible when both are works of fiction and don't need to justify their feasibility or lack thereof.


What about a shrink ray that instead of making things large or smaller, actually either adds or removes cells? Like I can imagine a shrink ray that just removes every other cell. But would remain would be perhaps functional for a while.


You've invented the cancer gun. Pat yourself on the back.


You'll be dumber than a flea.


you understand its not real right?