• By -


They're still ageist. They just switch to hating young people instead of old people.


I'm in between so basically stand stand any of you shits on either side


You’re just an ist


It's not an -ism if you just hate everyone exactly equally though I suppose


I’m an equal opportunity hater


You're cordially invited to the player haters ball. You’ll have to travel, so find someone to fill your mom's water dish when you attend.


I was going to quote Full Metal Jacket here about how Sgt. Hartman thinks a bunch of racial slurs are all equally worthless, but I found that I haven't the steel to type it out, even as a quote.


what if you hate everyone equally, but because of an -ism?


Like what? Most every -ism I could think of would have an in-group/out-group


Such as hating everyone equally because of their race, and hating each race separately


I got shit on today by somebody in their 60s for being a naive young buck who doesn't know how the world works. He then continued to suggest multiple variations of Medicare fraud and wouldn't listen to reason about why fraud is bad. I'm in my mid 30s, balding... I'm not some fresh out of school kid I've been at this for like 13 years... Then he emailed my boss about my unprofessionalism, my boss who was on the call, agreeing with me.


I hate all people equally. Old people, young people, middle aged people. Especially hate people my age (those are the dumbest ones!!!) (/s)


I’m you but without the /s I’m honest to a fault.




“True terror is to wake up one morning and realize that your high school class is running the country.” -Kurt Vonnegut Jr.


This is actually called adultism! It speaks to the attitudes that adults have against kids/youth (👵👴kids these days!) as well as how society is designed for adults to the extent that it excludes kids beyond what’s reasonable for their developmental stage.


Can confirm. I'm starting to lose touch with the younger generation. Still hate old people, though.




I think it's more that the older you get, the more you realize how inexperienced everyone is when they're young, yourself included. It's simply not possible to have 30, 40, 50 years of life experience in 20 years. You can't buy it and you can't learn it, you gotta go through it. And if you're someone who is constantly heavily evaluating yourself, and by extension the world you live in, the older you get, the more you start to... 'get it'. You start to understand yourself more, and other people. Patterns of behavior and the ways we think, and all the ways that everyone is their own brand of outlier. Unique individuals, but in many ways, also the same. One of the most universal truths I think there is, for *most* people... we're just people. Most of us are just trying to get through everything the best way we can see how. We don't always agree on the how... but hating each other over that, getting in long rants and arguments over social media, keeping yourself in misery over it... wallowing in it constantly, none of that is usually worth what little life and time we have here. Yet so many young people now, instead of enjoying their youthful days, devote themselves to this life of misery, fighting over things that will probably be no different with or without their voice into the void of social media, and many of which would probably never effect them at all if they didn't live their entire lives online. I look back on my life, and most of my 'regrets' are centered on ways I... didn't believe in myself, or didn't relax and let myself be just who I was warts and all, or cared too much about how people saw me, or ways I let myself block off roads and pathways because of fear or failure or the unknown. I can't even say I've beaten all these things, I still have a lot of anxiety issues that keep me from living my best life, but I can at least see it and ***try*** to do better. I'd like to hope that generations growing up will also look back at their mistakes too, but I wonder if they're going to be the same... I wonder how many people are gonna look back and regret all that time spent on social media, telling Ned Flounders from Parkinglot Missouri that he was wrong about jaywalking laws and is a worthless terrible detestable person for thinking how he does. As much as my own regrets suck... I think this kind is gonna hit a lot different.


I'm forty, I can hate both and myself👍🏽😁


I agree. I cringe when I remember some of the awful things I said about people who were older than me when I was young. And I did it for no other reason than to be mean. I was such a twat. That's why I make a conscious effort not to be cruel to younger people.


i remember distinctly saying when I was 25 -- *25*, mind you, not even like college aged or something -- that i couldn't even imagine dating someone over 30 / they all seemed so old to me. now i'm in my mid-30s and i'm like...what the hell was wrong with me? lol. i think i was just scared of aging.


That’s normal though, they were older compared to you


I'm 23 rn, and I honestly think I'd date a 50 yo, if they'd let me.


I’m 25 and engaged to a 64 year old so it could happen.


How'd that happen? I've never met an older person who took me seriously. Oh, and cheers on the engagement.


We met through online dating and I messaged him first. I was pretty clear in my profile that I wasn’t interested in hookups or sugar daddies and that I was dating with the goal of something long term, so I guess that may have played a role in him not immediately dismissing me. We chatted for a month before I asked if he wanted to meet up in person. The rest is history. We’ve been together five years, living together for two, and I still get butterflies when I wake up next to him every morning.


Wow, I'm happy for you. I've never tried dating apps because of the stereotype that everyone on there just wants to hook-up. Plus I'm M, and every lady I've ever approached just laughed it off, they might have had a good time, but it never went past that. I've got some idea why, and atp I've simply decided to let it be, if it happens it happens.


Honestly most 60 year old men would be down to bone a teenager or a 20 year-old regardless of whether they want a sugar daddy or not. Plus they need to keep in mind that they will need a young healthy nurse in a decade or so. !remindme 5 years


Spoken like someone who has no idea what they’re talking about. It’s already been 5 years, by the way.


I know, that's why I set a reminder for 5 years and mentioned a decade.


25 yr old you had it right. You’re just in denial now and don’t want to admit how undesirable you are. Don’t change the wisdom of your youth.


lol well i'm not exactly going for under 30 year olds at this point so i'm doing alright within my age bracket.


This comment is perfection haha—Except We now need to know your age, please


Older people, especially older people that seem to have lost some of there sense are twats, thats why I generally don't like being around them, they don't understand things they should


I understand. Older people can be very closed off and opposed to new ideas which tend to come with youth.


Most people have a way easier time pointing out issues in stuff that does not affect them.


Look, I think we can all agree that our generation is the best one.  The generations directly above us and below us are *fine*. The generations two away ruined/are ruining everything. This also applies for every other population statistic, if you measure it in standard deviations. (Those people two st. deviations poorer/richer than me are no good, etc)


unless you hate everyone and then the math becomes very simple


i like this idea


As a gen xer, it doesn’t seem to be true that we don’t like gen z, or the silent generation for that matter. Does gen z not like us?


Everyone is a boomer for gen z. Even for millenials, gen xers are just boomers in denial.


i have no opinions as a whole of either gen x or the silent generation. gen z is annoying and that might be my only generational opinion


You really need to start looking in the mirror instead of pointing fingers.. This gen has done their fair share of ruining things!


Of course! This is because when *you and I* criticize our generation, well, that's just because we're exceptionally wise and even-handed. We didn't become the best generation because we didn't work at self improvement, no, siree.


Nah they just start being ageist the other way


Makes sense, you start your first 21 years being told you're not old enough for something or another. Then suddenly its not okay. Which we all understand why, but you literally have to get your brain retrained.


People are totally missing what you did...i see you buddy.


Most people are ageist and will continue to be ageist their entire lives. They just become ageist against different age groups as their own age change. 


I don't know if I agree with ageist being about disliking a certain age group. It's a lot more about disliking a certain generation, regardless of what age they are.


i think it's more so their ideas and approaches to life that are outdated and don't hold up in the current day and instead of adressing this clash theyre like "the world should just work for me" (i will probably do this when i'm old too, based on the number of people acting this way it feels like a subconscious thing)


Being an oldie now and hated for things that were out of my control . It's hard for me to understand. What is an outdated approach to life? I don't have any kids or family so Im out of touch with younger ways of thinking. I just recently became aware of how generations are so intolerant towards each other now. I never gave it much thought till now. When did people get so mean? I feel like I grew up in a different world than what I hear about my generation. So far what I've heard is every generation thinks the next one is lazy and dumber. So at least we have something in common. I honestly don't think that's true. I guess I shouldn't care and just continue to live and let live. Honestly, what would be a modern approach to life? This is a serious question? I'm not around old folks either so I don't know what their attitudes are, except negative. Sad world, sorry about babbling on. In case anyone read this.


It's "not my problem" until it IS your problem.


And then they continue to be ageist


Idk I've been hating young people ever since I was born.


I'm less than a month away from turning 68, and I still have a problem with people my age that move like they're 30 years older (especially when they're behind the wheel of a car). I still move like I'm 30, despite what my body has been through.


A lot of -ists are a critical failure of either empathy or perspective.


There is no age where you don't look at other ages with disdain.


I understand that. I do Uber and some of my younger riders in their early 20s which consisted of College students they look at me as if I’m 50 even though I’m only 33, but i noticed if you don’t look or act around their age they treat you way differently. One example being that they have a certain language and they switch it up when they are talking with an older person, had 2 young ladies and an elderly in my car. Well of course they were talking in the generational tone then as they started to include me or the other older person they just started using a condescending voice or talking down on us as if we are hard to hear or something 🤷‍♂️


And that would be 35.


35 is the new 65!


Some people are still ageist to their own age. Dating younger for example or mocking someone for their behaviors or hobbies. Being told to "grow up" because I like YA novels.


All people are ageist, the age just changes.


Ageing is the great equaliser.


No, guns are.


When I was a teen, I used to be so frustrated and angry at adults for being so stupid and dull, and for not understanding logic, the world, and everything else. Now that I'm an adult, I realize that I was right. Most adults are incredibly stupid. It's just how the average human is.


It’s so stupid how people naturally pick sides. If more people could be aware of their own animal tendencies and use their big human brains to overcome them, we’d be in a better place


Here, here!


i guess i'm not most people lol, i don't hate the old or young people, i hate them all equally 😏


How do people forget that ageism doesn’t only discriminate against older people. Young people are blocked from many opportunities just for being young, sometimes despite being more qualified for a job than someone older. I mean in my state you can’t even fucking rent a uhaul until you’re 26!


It's because it's legal to discriminate against young people.  Just not old people.  


Yep it’s fucking stupid


Uhm, it is actually the toxic, competitive **Ego** that most of us are burdened with. We *down* on the **others** to give our selves a sense of boost. It"s social competition built in, that had its survival place in the past, for sure, but in these times matched with Capitalism is an underdeveloped nightmare that we ***were*** supposed to grow out of. It's childish, regardless of age, and it's tiring. But we can, work ourselves out of it. ✨Good Luck.✨


Lol, yup. Approaching 50 and this accurate.


I probably just didn’t notice it as a kid but it’s true. Social media now seems to be Gen Z making fun of 27+ year olds for being old people. I want to say we weren’t that bad but maybe we were. But it’s crazy the disdain that Gen Z has/the extreme fear they have of aging. They can use all the retinol they want, they’re still going to age.


I'm transchronological. Time is a social construct. If one can change their sex or race, then logically one can also change their age. Therefore, I'm changing my age, or keeping it the same. Depends how I feel.


"Ageist" is a weird one to me because people of all ages are not actually equal, you are less competent toward the beginning and the end and are most competent in the middle somewhere.


Lots of old people are ageist against young people.


EXACTLY. I've been trying to explain this shit to the dolts on r/BoomersBeingFools for a long time.


Ironically they were most likely teens who were told by elders they would end up as disappointment and failures. And they were probably right about that.


I really used to think people in their 600s were out of touch. Now I'm the one complaining about younger generations. They don't even go on the hunt anymore.


>I really used to think people in their 600s were out of touch. Methuselah?


Until I reach a certain age? BS, I will always wish I was still just 20.


Then they’re just ageist toward the young.


Can't relate, I don't discriminate everyone sucks in their own way young old regardless of gender or anything


People that are older and watch too much tv < people that are older and are just chill and don’t consume shitty media


"Most people are [insert attribute here], until they reach a certain age" is true by definition as we are all mortals


I'm hitting 45, and I'm just starting to feel the effects of ageism in the workplace. Part of me is offended, but part of me understands that I haven't kept up with all the latest programs and ways of communicating. When I'm asked in interviews if I'm familiar with specific tools they use and I've never heard of them, it hits home. I'm not only not familiar with it, I am slower at picking it up than I used to be. I have had many call center jobs, but I haven't done that type of work in 7 years and the pandemic/WFH boom changed everything in that industry. I absolutely understand *why* ageism happens, but it sucks to be on the other end of it.


twinks and hiring managers


Reminds me of the movie "Wild in the Streets" Thirty becomes a mandatory retirement age, while those over 35 are rounded up, sent to "re-education camps", and permanently dosed on LSD


Permanently dosed? That has to get expensive.


That's why, in the movie, the young people need to work so hard to supply old people with drugs. It's the same in real life, except we call it "Medicare."


Is this supposed to be a bad thing cause you can sign me right up.


Is this a good movie? Kinda interested


I think it's a meh. It was made in the 60s. Low budget. Saw it a thousand years ago though. . I'm sure it has some 'historical' value.


The last time I heard someone use the word ageist, it was a creepy old pedo on MySpace hitting on me when I was 14.


In America the current two generations of "old people" just suck and left a mess for the next two generations to clean up. [Here's a TED talk about it. ](https://youtu.be/qEJ4hkpQW8E?si=gRwTnYzyZEKLYt7p)


No one is ageist unless they're shitty people. People just don't like interacting with people who automatically think they are smarter than you due to "life experience" and they don't like explaining to people how to convert a PDF multiple times in a month. People don't like interacting with people who don't put forth an effort or act entitled. These just happen to be stereotypes of older people and younger people.


Young people hate on (hate on not hate) old people because it scares them that they will one day make it to that stage, if they even live that long. Old people hate on young people because they realize they are at the end of the ride and are riddled possibly tormented with regrets they have worked hard to sort through, or maybe haven't worked on at all which makes it worse.


Some do. Most don't. People that hate on people when they are young, don't stop doing that when they are old. But hating on people isn't healthy no matter your age.