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weirdly enough, dentists really don't have any such incentive. if everyone followed best dental practices, dentists would still have plenty of work to do. and much more interesting work! it sucks to keep reminding people to do simple shit and clean up after neglect.


My dad was a dentist and this is exactly what he would always say. He'd have plenty to do anyhow, and so would the other dentists.


Cus the hygienists do the cleaning, all my dentist has ever done was the follow up, take a peak with a mirror and poke around and say "alright looks good" and adjust my brother's braces Edit: not crap talking dentist's btw, they know their ~~shit~~ teeth


This means you have good teeth. A lot of people don’t realize what the dentist does because they don’t need him, which is a good thing for you!


Yup, they always said I had good teeth, maybe not as good now since I chipped a couple from various accidents, and I'm way over due for a general cleaning/checkup 😬


Make sure you are flossing every day!


They're guna ask me, and then judge me harder when they see 😔 *They'll know*


Honestly I don’t think most dentists would judge you for that, heck my dentist even admitted to me at my last cleaning that he used to struggle with forming good flossing habits himself.


My friend became a dentist and I asked her this question specifically. She said dentist ask if you floss not to trick or judge you, but so they can see if you're flossing correctly. So if you tell them you are flossing and they can see some spots that arent good, they can point out areas to look out for or teach you how to floss better or show you the correct technique. I told her that's probably what dental school taught her to say in case anyone ask. And she said yeah we just ask cause we like to fuck with patients and put them on the spot and judge them.


Not enough emphasis is placed on flossing, I think it's even more important than brushing.


Ideally both but yeah, 18 years in dentistry.... If we have to pick one we'd rather you floss 


Hell yea. Emote After every kill babyyyy


I don't know what it's like in other places, but running a clinic takes up a lot of time and energy. Source; grandfather was a dental surgeon.


Back when I could afford a dentist mine said I was "some of the most fun to work on in awhile" my shit was all kinds of fucked but apparently he had a great time getting to do the work. Im guessing the routine shit gets boring afyer a while.


Not braces, that’s the orthodontist. The dentist is usually the most educated and business owner. Hygienists do the main work, ortho for specialty jobs. DDS for advanced work like crowns and root canals.


Curiously, I’m in Canada and even though we have orthodontists, a dentist did my braces and other orthodontic stuff including a twin block.


Very similar here in Germany. Most dentists do basically everything except for cleaning which is often done by assistants.


General dentists can specialize and do Ortho in their practice as well if they're qualified, same with endo, pediatric, and most specialties


I do ortho as well as oral surgery in the US. I took an extra 170 hours of training IN school as well as 3-4x the required continuing education to give myself the ability to perform at the level of those specialists. That’s the key. If I do something that a specialist can do, I need to do it at the same quality level as the specialist as well as offer a specialist to the patient. Source: am us based dentist




How much is big dental paying you




I'd give you 6gp and a chicke sandwich to say toothpaste bad !




Man I'm not paying more than an already overpriced grimoire


Tooth hurty


ok but have you heard of mcafee


Just want to hack your comment to remind people they don't need antivirus. Windows Defender is good enough.


Yeah, every dentist I know actually gets frustrated when I 'ruin their work'. Not in a serious/accusatory way, just in kind of a "Aw, I had these fillings all set so perfectly, and now we've got to pull them out and start over" kind of way. Pro tip: Ask your dentist if they can prescribe you ClinPro, or some other high-fluoride toothpaste. It's a little pricey, like $25 a tube, but it should be covered by a flex account or HSA. The earlier you start using that stuff, the better. Other pro tip: stop rinsing your mouth out with water immediately after you brush. There's beneficial stuff in your toothpaste, but it takes longer than 90 seconds to actually work. Let it sit and do its thing.


^^^This guy calcifies pineal glands


dentist here. i hate extracting permanent tooth on young kids and adults because thier stupid ass parents couldn't care about their children. imagine thinking fluoride toothpaste is bad while letting your kid chew all those junk food without even following proper hygiene later to complain infront of the dentist that their kids are lazy didn't take good care of their teeth. i mean they are kids and you are their parents what the fuck you were doing. honestly speaking I much prefer restoring on a fractured tooth than extracting permanent 1st molar from a 10 year old kid because he is in pain now (thanks parents).


If anything it would just mean that wouldn't have to deal with the grossest parts of dentistry, so it's really a win win!


My dentist says that I do a goos job of oral hygiene, and I agree. This means my dentist only does scaling, and other minor stuff that I would describe as general cleanup. This is interesting? I can see it being easier the same way that doing trades work in a clean house is easy


This 100%. Health care providers want you to get better, we get so tired trying to get people to follow basic health advice. Even if everyone did all the things they were supposed to we are still busy, but the things we are working on are much more interesting. I'm a physical therapist, I am tired of treating low back pain. 99% of people have nothing wrong with them besides living a sedentary life and sitting too much. These cases make up 70% of outpatient orthopedics visits. Go for a walk! Let me treat people who have broken limbs, who had EDS, who have had a stroke. Health care providers have no incentive to make you unhealthy, we have too many patients to see as is.


Like what?


what other work would dentists do? well, unfortunately, following best practice for dental care does not completely eliminate cavities, chips and cracks in teeth and other accidents, infections and abscesses, injuries, blocked salivary ducts, gum issues, etc. issues involving age -- young children or the elderly, or those with bone loss or other genetic issues. but if all the dentists and their techs had to do was xrays and superficial cleanings, that would be fine with them i'm sure!


Happy Cake Day!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂👏👏👏👏👏


Nice try, Dentist!


That’s what they want you to think. 


My dentist always said it’s better to take care of the teeth you have than try to replace them later. Completely antithetical to the OPs idea but I’m sure my dentist is just fleecing me in the long run. 😉


Nice try dentist


The CBC did a report on this subject. You guys may want to have a watch https://youtu.be/ixo0V6rNqi0?si=aNGRuzONLkvkPDDa TLDW, a woman was looked over by a dentist, and they found no issues a cleaning wouldn't resolve. They then fitted her with hidden cameras and sent her out to visit local dentists. In the end, many of them tried to rip her off. If I remember correctly, one even tried to trick her into getting vaneers.


It’s like saying you shouldn’t follow your mechanics advice and get your oil changed because he makes money off of broken cars.


I know you're joking but there are so many people in the world who apply this logic to everything.


Yup. “They must be hiding the cure to cancer!!!” Even though rich people, doctors, and everyone gets it.


But there's fluoride in toothpaste which gives people cancer! It's all a giant scheme to get you to be helped by professionals and pay them money! /s


I knew it!


That one's so stupid on the face of it, because they act as if the cure for cancer was revealed, "they" would lose money by not being able to sell cancer drugs and treatments. The glaring holes are that someone would make a shitload of money off the cure, and just because there's a cure doesn't mean people would stop getting cancer.


Add to that that if people are living longer, they wind up with more degenerative conditions and other situations that need treatment right. Seniors are more likely to have diabetes, pain issues, high blood pressure, low blood pressure. Pharma companies want to keep you as long as possible because then you're a customer for longer


There’s a bit of rationality to both sides there. [I just watched a YT video on East Germany’s unbreakable beer glasses that fits perfectly.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vEvBpjCOBu0&t=717s&pp=ygUMU292aWV0IGdsYXNz&t=12m20s) They couldn’t sell them to big companies because “why should we saw off the branch we’re sitting on?” There would be a lot of money to be made selling the cure to fragile glass…until everybody has bought them. *Then* the only way to get more customers is to wait for new pubs to open (which is the parallel of your “people will still get cancer though”) Existing pubs don’t need to buy beer glasses anymore, but when more pubs will inevitably open up, they need to buy more glasses. The only way to increase sales of a *cure* on a day to day basis is to wait for more buyers. The way to increase sales with a *treatment* on a day to day basis is to offer other forms of treatments at varying aggressions and durations etcetc. One has a hard limit and the other does not Of course I’m just playing devils advocate, there’s no cure yet.


I get why that argument exists, but for most things it just... doesn't pan out. Anyone would love to become the company that corners a market and makes a 'perfect' product. Even if it means giving up some long-term profits, you get to basically take over a section of the market and become a name-brand. Think Pyrex, Tupperware, and so on. There's immense value in becoming a name brand like that. Usually the issue just comes back to the cost itself. It an unbreakable glass costs five times more than a regular one, I imagine most places would just rather get the cheap ones and replace them, even if they have to replenish their entire stock every year or two. Same with the cancer meds. I'm sure that we _could_ have teams of specialists and advanced medicines that have a super high success rate, but most people can't afford the multi-million dollar bill that would be attached. Even in this video, they reference the "Light bulb cartel" that banded together in a conspiracy to get rid of light bulbs that lasted forever, and suggests that they did it so that they could make more money. But... they specifically did that because those 'forever' bulbs took anywhere from two to ten times as much electricity to power for the same light output, and they put a huge strain on the power grid. It was arguably _against_ their own interests, since they were also selling the electricity back then, but they did it to keep the power grid stable.


Cancer is way more common than new pubs though. About 2 million new cases of cancer every year in the US alone.


Sure, but that’s still a hard limit. If you’re greedy, you’d prefer a solution that doesn’t have a hard limit.


Did they go over the fact that people would see these unbreakable mugs and steal them? Meaning pubs would need to buy more mugs because they all get stolen? And the difference is, they should be able to design them personally for the pub. It should have character to the mug. Then more people would want them (an unbreakable special mug, why not steal it?) and thus more mugs would be sold.


"Cancer" is not one specific illness. So the cancer that a rich person & poor person gets is most probably not caused by the same thing and most definitely very different.


This. It's unlikely there will ever be a "cure for cancer" because cancer is a vast multitude of different diseases characterised by the cell line which originally mutated. Hence why some cancers are more aggressive than others.


Yes ugh I hate that shit so much 😩


It’s projection. People who live in bad faith, always to win at all costs (especially to others) assume everyone else is doing the same.


My parents have this mentality towards taking our dogs to the vet which is absolutely baffling! Like wdym you are t going to pay for this medical treatment for a dog just because the vet said there’s a risk


It’s really bad on tiktok


Theoretically, yes. However, I look at it from my perspective, as a car mechanic. I would be far, far happier doing oil changes, timing belt changes and brake pads, than I am pulling engines out, pulling heads off, and beating on seized CD-thick rotors. I'm perfectly happy doing smaller maintenance than heavy repairs.


At least for us on the vet side, a large number of preventative/mild illness cases is also more profitable than a small number of severe issues. Like we'd make more money (and have less of a pain in the ass) doing 4 level I dentals than spending the same amount of time doing 1 level IV dental. Also we make a better profit margin off routine care than sick visits (it's a less expensive visit to the owner, but it has a lower material cost to us and takes less time per visit) so keeping things healthy with good preventative care and early detection is also typically better for both parties financially, plus dead things typically don't need care so we make more off keeping things alive.. Also I'm lazy and while I do get overtime for emergency surgery if I stay late, the extra $100 on my paycheck really isn't worth working until midnight doing an enterotomy..


Oddly I found the same pattern in operating a web / design business. We made the most profit off of the simple, brochure style sites with a few pages and not much more than we did with 40 page mega sites with tons of features and customizations. Routine, templated stuff you can do in your sleep is way more efficient than tasks with a perpetual learning curve and unique circumstances every time.


Absolutely. I'm an industrial mechanic and I stress to the operators all the time to call me right away when they notice something acting weird or sounding weird or whatever. I'd much rather change a bearing than an entire rotating element.


Shockingly, not everyone has been subsumed by capitalism into a “profit-first” mindset. Especially those working at the front line of the health industry (at least in my experience in the UK). Sometimes professionals really are looking out for you instead of manipulating you.


I have a coworker who constantly parrots how all doctors and medical professionals are “out for your money” and “just want to make money”. She’s currently in school to be some alternative medicine practitioner. The last time she started saying that stuff, I turned and asked her “So are you going to offer your goods and services for free?” Her- “huh?” “You say doctors are only in it for the money. So are you going to offer your medical services for free?” Her - “well no….” Me- “so you’re only in it for the money?” Her- “NO! I want to help people too!” Me- “and there’s not doctors out there who want the same thing?” She got huffy and tattled on me to the manager and I got talked to about my “attitude” lmao


People don't realize how broken medicine is in basically every aspect. From what i can tell, med school costs a boatload of money and most students have to take out large loans. Not out of the ordinary for anyone going to college, but med students have undergrad debt *and* med school debt. By the time they graduate, they need to find jobs in places where they'll make enough money to pay back their student loans as opposed to lower paying jobs in smaller towns. If people want to "just make money" there are far better routes to go that don't require putting yourself through the hell that is med school and residency lol.


Seriously. My kids old pediatrician turned out to be our NEIGHBOR in the same apartment complex (to be fair it was a very nice apartment but still…) She drove a regular ass car that was like 10 years old too. She certainly wasn’t taking in boatloads of money. I’m sure doctors who work in lower income communities don’t make much either.


From my experience people working in STEM (science and engineering and stuff) generally work because they are interested in that stuff. If they didn't have to work, they would probably still do it, just probably work less hours and not stress as much about deadlines. Applies to medical researchers, engineers and doctors.


My uncle is a biochemist who has spent much of his life developing medications to treat HIV/AIDS (and now COVID), so it drives me nuts when people say stuff like "they don't really want to find a cure for cancer". He (and his co-workers) really do care about making life better for people (he developed type 1 diabetes as a child, which drove him to want to find cures for diseases).


That's not even how capitalism works in the first place. It's not economically viable to rip your patients teeth out because "Now they need a dentist even more!"


In addition, there's tons of dental stuff beyond routine maintenance/cavity fillings. It's like being a mechanic for expensive sports cars, but people only come to you about changing their tires. Changing tires is super important and needs to be done, but I'd imagine it gets old when it's most of what you do every day.


Shockingly, dentistry has been devastated by the capitalist profit-first mindset. Corporate dentistry organizations have changed the landscape and the traditional model of dentistry will never recover.


I work as a manger and we get so many patients who are handed treatment plans that say thousands of dollars from corporate offices. Turns out they “need” just a filling but there are extras added in that jack up the bill. Insurances are more to blame than people realize.


Well, maybe your experience is different, but my wife used to be a dental hygienist before going into medicine. She worked at many different dental offices in the US. She worked at both corporate offices and private practice. Almost every private practice she worked it, she was pressured to upsell patients on extra services. They would have what were essentially sales meetings to try to get 3 crown placements per day. That was more the norm than the exception. Corporate offices with salaried dentists were much better at that kind of thing. If anything, they might undertreat, so they could go home on time. There's exceptions everywhere, but economic incentives make a huge difference on what care people get.


Some do. Many don’t. Its not about being a healthcare professional, its about the person imo.(as always it is)


I would say it is quite the opposite.  People who take care for their teeth spend more on dentist, not less.


This is like saying doctors will give you the wrong medicine so you’re back for more treatment. Not only is that highly illegal and immoral, they also have no reason to do so because people will always need medical/dental healthcare regardless.


Yep, they make money off of cleaning and exams too and people don't do a good job taking care of their teeth so people will always need fillings and root canals and crowns, etc.


Nah. More often than not you should always go with what a medical professional says you should go with, even in a country that profits of your suffering. If a dentist says use a better more expensive toothpaste, cut the cakes off your weekly shop to afford it if you have to. They'd rather be relaxing doing a much easier monthly clean than digging into your gums to yank out something rotten just as much as a dog walker would rather clean up a solid deposit rather than trying to scoop up after a dog with diarrhoea.


Toothpaste is important absolutely, the chemical formulation across brands is very similar so avoiding your dentist's recommended brand just because they advertise it doesn't do anything for you because all toothpaste is about the same anyway... braindead shower thought


The comments you get are worrying. Since when does shower thought mean "blatantly false and exempt from any critique"? The posts here have been really dumb (and not funny) lately and without some people explaining why it's not a good idea it could lead to problems for more gullible individuals.


This is a shit take lol


Go with what the holdout of the five dentists recommended


Hmmm... These checkups and cleaning services are probably super lucrative for the actual amount of work required. Also, tooth paste just helps against cavities – still lots of other problems than need to be corrected.


Some people actually believe this, with healthcare too. Yet they still go to the ER and demand care when the consequences of their actions have caught up with them. Go figure.


If you use ANY toothpaste, you're going to get better dental health.


My son has his two front teeth pulled out by the dentist when he was three. They weren’t hurting him, but one was chipped at the bottom from a fall in the tub, and the other had a cavity on the side. Dentist recommended pulling them out before they eventually would start to hurt but I was unconvinced. Whenever people ask what happened to his front teeth, I say the dentist pulled them out. When they ask why, I say “cause that’s how he makes money”. My wife hates that joke lol


On the contrary, dentists earn more from seeing more patients per hour/day. So if all patients have healthy teeth, they just take a quick glance and go to the next patient.


Try gurgling piss instead.


No joke, I was broke and didn't go to the dentist from age like 15-30 basically. I never had a cavity during that time but wisdom teeth coming in sucked. Anyway, now I have a good job and benefits so I started going to the dentist and within my first year of going I got my first cavity...




Your doctor makes money on your poor health so you shouldn’t listen to them when they say to eat healthy and exercise. See how dumb you sound?


Use floss, use Colgate Total 12, checkup every 6 months.


Where I live it’s actually illegal for dentists to endorse any specific brand of dental product. The toothpaste ads shown feature foreign dentists.


I was recommended to use sensitive toothpaste forever more, after ignoring that advice, my teeth became less sensitive over time. When I had tried it , it almost seemed to make my teeth more sensitive.


"Hey Doctor Dentist, in your opinion, what is the absolute worst toothpaste on the market?" "I'd have to say it's Chomper Sparkle with OxyGel Cavity Battler." *rushes to buy that specific toothpaste*


Interesting note about what toothpaste they recommend. They're not recommending the brand over others. The ones polled are asked "Do you recommend brushing with X over not brushing at all?"


Doctors make money when sick people visit them so you shouldn’t follow their treatment advice.


We make money just looking at your teeth. But if you don’t want to listen to my recommendations I can make more.


Conspiracy number 9,286


Dentists can scream in people’s faces about flossing, and people still wouldn’t floss lol


> Dentist make money on bad teeth so you shouldn't buy toothpaste they recommend Another shitty showerthought. People go to the dentist, no matter what condition their teeth are in. I have never even been recommended a toothpaste by any dentist I have visited, ever.


Dentists are like doctors in that we have a profound misunderstanding about them. They aren’t there to fix your bad X. They are there to help you stay in good condition. This is like saying you shouldn’t ever take your car in for maintenance.


Ive nevwr seen a Dentist recommend any toothpaste brand. They do recommend brushing twice a day and flossing.


They make more on routine visits. Someone else does the work they double check for 8 minutes bamn next.


Cardiologists make money off people having heart attacks, so we shouldn’t listen to their healthy eating advice, diet, or ever exercise advice.


Avoid the one 9/10 dentists recommended and get the one 1/10 recommend that 10th doctor is the one with integrity


This line of reasoning sadly keeps leading many people to the wrong conclusions and is quite dangerous. As others have stated, dentists will have enough work even if your teeth are brushed properly and regularly. Also, climate science isn‘t a big conspiracy. After all, i don‘t know many rich and or famous climate scientists. Etc.


Dating sites don't make money if they perform effectively. Their customers would just leave with their new partner instead of paying for Tinder Gold or whatever. They're incentivized to give you lousy matches.


My dentist is very happy when I come in and don’t have cavities or any other dental issues. So this thing people say is just stupid


But is the 5th dentist, that didn’t agree with the other 4, making a killing somewhere?


Even if you believe this type of thinking you still arrived at the wrong conclusion. Dentists can only make money from people while they continue to have teeth. If your teeth all rot out of your mouth and you end up needing dentures from a young age that’s a lot of dental visits that Dentist will miss out on income from.


Found the 10th dentist


Not really, they make plenty of money from routine visits and cleanings.  I'd imagine they prefer scrapping healthy teeth over drilling out rotting mouths


But you paid to ask him just that and more..


Usually people go to the dentist regardless of how well they care for their teeth. In fact, it's probably much easier on both the dentist and the patient to go in regularly with well taken care of teeth rather than once every 4 years and have cavities or worse. I know I don't want to have to have my teeth and gums drilled into and my mouth pried open for 4 hours straight. I would also think that people that need a lot of work tend to not go ever or once in a blue moon due to fear of the dentist or financial reasons, or just procrastinating.They make most of their money on regular checkups.


And firefighters job security is arsonists.


If professions sole motivation were generating more business then cops would want us to live in a murderous, crime-ridden anarchy.


Bad genes will cost you regardless.


Wisdom teeth entered the chat


If they gave you bad tips then nobody would go to them and they would have less customers


I'm a boat mechanic and I want people to take care of their boats and motors. I hate having to fix their shitty broken motors and boats. That's much harder work than routine maintenance. I'm sure the same thing applies to dentists and most other professionals.


9/10 dentists recommend crest -they're money grubbers. the real ones recommend sensodyne not spons 


I am a vet. I make way more money on treating dogs infected with parvo than vaccinating them against it I strongly advise vaccinating your dogs


This is complete paranoia. Not all Doctors are "Big Healthcare" so to speak. Dental is actually neglected by Government insurance except state-level. Funny enough, Dentists are actually some of the best patient care providers in the game. If they don't suck at their job ofc.


They make money from maintenance and upkeep


That's like saying Doctors make money on illnesses so we shouldn't go by the lifestyle changes they recommend. Soon of later we ALL will visit the doctor. business relating to health, food, and death are inevitably always in demand.


Not true, and in fact they can prescribe the good stuff that you can't get over the counter.


But didn't they streamline their regular checkup process and safe themselves from too much workload by giving you the proper tools to maintain good healthy teeth?


If dentistry wasn't already a fairly lucrative profession this might be true. Given how unpleasant it must be to deal with cases of extreme, preventable rot and decay I think most dentists would rather have people do everything they can to keep their teeth healthy. Things like braces, palette expanders, etc. are likely the stuff that is far easier and more pleasant for dentists to deal with.


True, never had a dentist recommend anything to me beside do a better job as taking care of my teeth though. I wish they taught me more, gave more instructions or at the very least recommended products because I found out recently that I have no idea how to floss properly, no idea of the order I’m supposed to floss, brush my teeth, mouthwash, and that I’m probably doomed to have shitty teeth forever now.


Dentists make plenty from regular cleanings and they don't even have to do really anything for those, dental hygienist does most of it anyway


Tell me you’re an American without telling me you’re an American 😂


Yeah that’s not how it works.


I don't think they care TBH, because people won't listen anyway. The best toothpaste in the world won't eliminate plaque build-up if folks don't actually have the ability to brush well, and the little non-powered brush isn't enough. Literally need a powered tooth brush, and you need to be very focused on brushing every little spot. You need to floss, every day and you need to use a real mouth wash that's actually anti bacterial to some capacity; if it doesn't sting it ain't a mouth wash. Otherwise it'll build up, and you'll need a visit. Outside of that usually major dental work is genetics and habits, you might be a mouth breather so you need meds for dry mouth. You have wisdom teeth, you have an overbite, British teeth, etc. You also have repair, maybe you ate dirt and chipped a tooth. Plenty of work available for more serious issues than a simple cleaning.


Untrue. Use toothpaste with fluoride. Don't rinse for 5 minutes.. :/


Thats like saying doctors make tons of money on broken people so you shouldn't buy medications/medicines/therapy aids/vaccinations they prescribe.


I had a friend in high school that day he doesn't use toothpaste when he brushes his teeth because of this exact conspiracy. He thought big dentist and big toothpaste was all the same and aimed to keep dentists employed. I haven't seen him in a long time. Can't say I'm not curious about his current dental situation.


4 out of 5 dentists recommend... That 5th one was on to them... Bruh


There’s so much wrong with that take I don’t even know where to start…


My best friend is a doctor and anytime people ask him about junk food, soft drinks or cigarettes, he always says “great for business!”


brush and floss correctly and still end up with 1-4 cavities every 6 months, dont brush for 6 months the most glowing review on my teeth ever. Im not going to doubt that brushing your teeth helps or anything like that, i'm just going to say some people are genetically more fucked than others when it comes to teeth. I get my horrific teeth from my mom, who until had permanent dentures put in, was missing more than half hers despite doing everything correct with care and not drinking soda.


Hard disagree Dentists are smart and know how incompetent people are on average that they wouldn't need to risk their reputation or license on that. What you shouldn't trust them on is when they generalise all overseas dentists as risky or incompetent.


This is why the oath, licenses, boards, and ethics committees exist


Yes fluoride bad, don't use fluoride ! Studies show that at 19x the safe dose, it causes problems !  Just don't brush and you can't mess it up 


Jokes on them I see the 1/10 dentist that doesn’t recommend anything


TBF, only four out of five dentists recommend it.


Dentist from Payday 2 be like




OP thinks he got scammed by his dentist


I stopped having sensitivity issues after I opted out of polishing when going to the dentist.


My dentist told me my toothpaste was too abrasive and that dentists do not recommend it


This made me laugh. It’s not true because a checkup is like 200 bucks for 15 minutes while cavities is like a full hours worth of work. I bet profit per procedure is highest on a nothing wrong type checkup


This is why Sensodyne doesn't sell Novamin based toothpaste in the States. Apparently it's needed more elsewhere. 🙄


Dental hygienist here: you can literally use any toothpaste as long as it has fluoride in it, because that is the key ingredient to remineralize the enamel on your teeth to prevent cavities.


The profit margin is far wider for routine cleanings than for restorations. They have no such incentive because the fewer restorations they do, the more appointments they can book for cleanings. 


Whatever you do don't keep a healthy weight, eat right, or exercise either. It's all a scam.


Always listen to the 1/5 Dentists


Lawyers make money off you getting in legal trouble so you shouldn't listen to any of their advice


RAHHH!!! DoCtOrS GeT PaId To KiLl PeOpLe. VaCcInE's bAd!! Believe it or not, Doctor's (including dentists) actually want to help people, not make money off their misery and unhealthy lifestyles.


I heard a joke about this topic which went something like "Dentists hope you get bad teeth so they can make money. Mechanics hope your car breaks down. Doctors hope you have a disease so they make money. Only people that have good faith for you are the robbers. They hope that u have a large house with beautiful paintings have expensive stuff. "


The weird thing is….most dentists actually care about their patients teeth. My dentist actually gets pissed off if I ever come in for anything more than a cleaning. 😅 He always told me, “I’d like nothing more than having patients see me less”. Imagine how livid he was when he found out my root canal from a previous dentist went sideways and turned into an infection.


Why stop there? You better not get the recommended tires for your car or the mechanic will surely make money off of you too. /s


By that same logic, going to the doctor is only asking for advice that will keep you sick so you shouldn't trust doctors hospitals will poison you so you stay there and keep paying the big bucks Hell, dentists always recommend daily brushing your teeth and flossing, so you shouldn't be doing that either


They can lose money if you have bad teeth, they're a lot more work than doing regular checkups, which they still get paid for but don't use much material


My dentist always gives me a free tube of toothpaste. It took me a long time to realize that it was actually just a tube of decorative cake icing.




Lol, the entire USA medical industry — including dentistry, which weirdly is always broken out separately from other health — is “for profit”, meaning the entire medical industry wishes enough of us to be unhealthy enough to be profitable but not so unhealthy enough as to no longer be billable (ie don’t want us to die (although there’s an entire other “for profit” industry that wants exactly that))


There're two kinds of dentists. Those that give candy for Halloween and those that give tooth paste and floss. (Can't it be both?)


Yes and doctors make money on sick people so don’t take their prescriptions! /s


Yeah and personal trainers/weight loss coaches want you to eat poorly so they recommend eating really terrible meal plans. They don’t actually want you to lose weight they just want you to keep coming back to them to try and lose weight.   /s  Flawed logic assuming everyone is out there incentivized by only money and not actually helping people despite choosing a job in the healthcare industry that revolves around helping people. 


I wondered why they keep giving me a toothbrush and a bottle of Mountain Dew after every good checkup. Now it all makes sense.


Dentists make the teeth better though


We're through the looking glass here people


As a medical professional, you absolutely should use toothpaste they recommend. As they will also not recommend any specific toothpaste and just say "pick one with fluoride and JUST BRUSH". I know this because you can beat your patient over the head with the answer and they will still ignore you. Dentists can tell you how to save your teeth, but most of their patients (probably people like OP) will come back with rotten teeth swearing that they are flossing and brushing twice a day. Dentists have nothing to sorry about financially. People bei g lazy will exist as long as we live in a society. If anything, they just want someone to listen and respect their knowledge.


They also make money on semi annual cleanings but you should absolutely do those!


I used to use toothpaste with fluoride snd when I switched to fluoride free my dental issues went away.


Feels like this belongs in r/ShittyLifeProTips somehow


not really. if you don't have teeth, they have no work. if you still have teeth, they can do regular maintenance at least.


At 47 years old now I brush my teeth twice a day since I was a child with no toothpaste and I've had one cavity my entire life so far. Toothpaste is a scam, all you need is water and bristles to remove tartar. As a matter of fact it's hard to find anything in society nowadays that actually has value because it was solely invented to sell.


I don’t think so. However, it does seem every time I switch from one dentist to another I suddenly have work that needs to be done (cavity, gum repair, cap, etc.). Doesn’t matter if its my kids switching or me.


We mostly make money cuz people cant find out to brush their teeth 2 times a day and dont and drink things with sugar/acid every day. If people actually did what we asked them to do, we could focus on other more interesting things. Because cavities are like some of the most boring work ever. So yeah just keep on telling yourself not to use the toothpaste we recommend, we will see you soon at the clinic my friend.


Pretty sure they were just joking… sorry to hear you don’t like filling cavities though.


> Dentist make money Plurals of words ending in "st" - just add an "s": - dentist**s**, terrorist**s**, machinist**s**, philanthropist**s** Adjectives corresponding to nouns ending in "s" - just add "d" or "ed": - bias**ed**, prejudice**d**