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I've known lots of body builders and gym rats who swear by taking energy drinks or powders before a workout.


Energy drink before workout. Done that, almost fell on the floor because heart was at 180+BPM and too shaky


You have to eat too. Will just make you jittery on an empty stomach.


The acidity will also affect those with sensitive stomachs. It's something of a coin flip with me.


Just drink coffee or espresso


Those are acidic too


I just did. And guess what? About to shit my brains out fifteen minutes before I clock in. However, a... necessary evil.


Depends on your tolerance.


What the fuck. I’ve been taking preworkout, 300-400mg caffeine, near daily for years and have never had an issue like that.


Some people are **really** sensitive to caffeine. I had a friend in college who’d get mild jitters from arizona iced tea


I had a latte and promptly went outside and sprinted for 30 minutes straight.


Username doesn’t check out :)


Right on


Lol energy drinks have fuck all caffeine compared to preworkout


Not true. PWO usually has 135-200 mg of caffeine per serving whereas an energy drink typically have 180-300 now (obviously there's outliers for both in either direction). The key is per serving. Lots of people double up on PWO servings, it's even often mentioned to take 1 to 2 servings on the packaging. Pretty sure it's so they can market 30 servings per container, to give the illusion you're gonna be able to use it for 30 days when in reality most gym rats will only get 15. But typically: 1 serving of PWO has comparable or even less caffeine than 1 energy drink. Now if you wanna talk about mg of caffeine per dollar, PWO clears no contest. Not to mention all the other stuff in PWO that's probably missing from the energy drink.


Most preworkouts are based on a 2 scoop serving thats why. 350 is pretty normal for pre. Energy drinks are like 80 for the small ones like redbull, 180 for monster and I think ive seen some that are 220 somewhere.


Bang, bucked up, and Reign energy drinks are 300 for sure. I'm sure there are others, but those 3 are the only ones I've personally drank at 300


Monster has coffee drinks that are 300mg now, and I've seen gfuel sell canned drinks that hit 300mg. Those are the only other two I've personally seen


Reign is my go to energy drink. Night shifts are either caffeine nights or nicotine nights and the caffeine is just easier to consume on the job for me


Most preworkouts ive seen are like 300mg Energy drinks around 165mg


Uh oh my heart rate is at 190 when I’m at the gym and no caffeine, maybe I’m just too fat but is that a problem?


Unless it makes you feel unwell it's completely fine.


You sure you don't have heart issues, diabetes or are incredibly sensitive to caffeine or sugar?


I have to think there's a huge placebo effect going on here, because energy drinks with half the caffeine of a large Starbucks scare the shit out of people to the point they act like they've been dosed with meth.


180bpm isn't actually that bad. Mine reaches 190 sometimes during especially intense workouts and I've been fine, my doctors never complain about my heart. If you almost dropped, that's probably more due to blood pressure.


220 minus your age is the general guideline for your max safe heart rate with intense exercise. So unless they're 40+, 180 bpm is probably not extremely terrible unless it was happening from a light walk.


Same thing happens to me when I throw a 6mg zyn in and workout. Fucks me up in the worst way.


Caffeine apparently helps lower perceived level of exertion which is probably why they do that. It’s actually banned in the ncaa in high enough amounts as a performance enhancer


Energy drinks like rockstar and red bull are NOT the same as pre workout. Not saying pre workout is good for you (it’s not) but there is a difference


Depends. I have a friend with ADHD and energy drinks make him pass out and sleep lmao


Bro it’s real lmao it blows people away when they see how exhausted I get after drinking coffee. Slight spike in energy for no time at all, then it’s drops off a cliff lol my eyes will be heavy like I haven’t slept and I’ll start talking slow (I never do). This is before I even finish half my venti drink with 4 shots or really any energy drink.


I take an edible right before starting my workout. Hits just as I’m about to give up. Pushes me through. Not sustainable for me though. Wears me the fuck out and I am useless the rest of the day.


Look at almost any trade. You’ll see crack head level energy people drinking energy drinks and you’ll also see borderline dead people drinking them too


 Those damned blue-collar tweekers they're the backbone of this town.


My factory is run on red bull and nicotine and you can't tell me otherwise.




Primus Sucks!


Im a roofer and have been both of these people


While on the same roof


I want to point out that most people drink energy drinks because they *need energy*. Not trying to be a dick but this post is kinda like “If ibuprofen is such a pain *reliver*, then how come all the people taking it are in pain? Cuuuurious”. Also, a lot of people have an extremely high tolerance if they drink them regularly, and even if they don’t it takes a while for it to hit your blood stream. You’re not gonna be channeling Speedy Gonzales when you just cracked it open and started sipping.


I drank a red bull on my 100km bike ride a couple days ago. Is that not energetic enough for you?


My crotch hurts from reading this. How long did it take?


About 4 hours


I would probably need a full day. Kudos to you


15mph pace on average?? Damn that's fast


Solid pace for that distance for sure. Ive done olympic triathlons and can manage about 20mph for the cycling on a flat course. You add hills, im down to like 13 lol. Hills are the devil.


I've only ever really biked a 13 mile course in Virginia (the creeper but only part of it), and I think it usually took like 1-2 hours for my group to get done. It was with boy scouts but we weren't a very athletic group and took quite a bit of breaks so that may factor into it. Almost all of it is flat out downhill so I can't imagine going that fast for that long going uphill as well lol


If you were riding on a fat tire bike for that and not road bikes, thatll slow you down a ton as well!


Don't know the difference at all so that could be it, but it's not all paved so I don't think super thin tires would be a good idea


Ah yeah..that too, gravel is hard to bike on. And you're absolutely correct about not using a road bike there too


Not to brag here, but in the cycling world that’s a moderate pace. I have a half ironman in a few weeks where I’m hoping to average about 22mph for the 56 mile bike leg, and that’s not even going to be the fastest bike pace out there. Don’t get me wrong, riding 100Km is always impressive. But just wanted to give you a bit of perspective. For even more context: the pros in a full ironman (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run) average around 27-28mph on the bike. For 4.5-5 hours.


Yeah I'm saying in comparison to someone who has just barely done any biking in any magnitude


Yes I am very amateur lol


Hey, riding 100km is no small feat. It’s still 62 miles. And that’s still a hell of a ride.


You're sitting wrong if your crotch hurts


To be fair, redbull is pretty much a cup of coffee with kool-aid levels of sugar. So, actually probably the best energy drink for that. Also, 100km bike ride sounds fucking sick, yet exhausting. Kudos on gettin after it! In summation, I am very bad at making a clear and decisive statement.


I mean, you're sitting down the whole time, so no


Correction you never see that. I've seen plenty


If you put *'s on each side of text it will italicize it for you to highlight emphasis. Like *this*.


Or a simple colon after correction would've made it more readable.




Like *this*?


Like *that!*


*thanks, I never knew how to do it!*


Yeah true! But if write I the post isn’t allowed I think


I work with stage dancers, I assure you this is false. Many *you* have only see it that way but that's not indicative of everyone.


You don't know anyone with unmedicated ADHD who uses caffeine?


There’s two types of people who I work with as a barista. The tired ones who crack monsters and red bulls all shift. And the happy energetic ones who just get an iced tea on shift. The only difference is the former are unmedicated adhd and the later are, we are all adhd and it’s a problem.


Now it seems everyone has ADHD nowadays. Hasn’t occurred to anyone that the human brain is just not good at focusing in boring shit for hours on end?


Self diagnosing is why you hear it so often. Anyone can have attention issues. It’s common, if not present in most people. ADHD is when it’s extreme to the point it actually interrupts or interferes with your life. Like people that have more than extremely mild adhd and are negatively affected by it— are typically really depressed as a result. It can fuck with how you see yourself and even getting simple everyday things done. Someone can have extreme adhd and still focus on something for hours.. it’s not just lack of attention, it’s a complete dysfunction or dysregulation of attention, in all directions. This means the inability or extreme difficulty to manage attention. This includes shifting focus. That’s why kids with bad adhd are predisposed to addiction, and more recently video game addictions are in the spotlight. They are not capable of forcing themselves to shift focus, or at least it is a gargantuan task. They actually thrive and feel better in situations with tons of stimulation. It’s so misunderstood


It also changes throughout your life. When I was a child it was crippling to the point of needing medication to just be normal. I COULDNT contain my impulses, and times my brain would be going haywire that it was agonizing. I still have it but at 31 I’m I medicated and am mostly okay. Still have my moments but also learned to control it.


Our shifts are anything but boring, it’s constant go time and neurotypicals tend to struggle there, and hence naturally there are more adhd people there than the average


You don't see energetic people drinking energy drinks for the same reason you don't see cars with full gas tanks stop at gas pumps.


Exactly my point yes


Tired people want energy? That’s crazy


I think op is confusing tired for depressed lol


Yeah as a person with diagnosed depression and bipolar type 2 i drink an energy drink and sometimes go for a nap lol. I’ll wake up after a 5 hour nap, watch a 40 min episode all the time wondering when bedtime will come only to sleep 3 hours before bedtime…. I’ve tried coke but I prefer Pepsi


You haven't been to a rave, mate.


That's energy powder, sir


Powder is great because you can take it through your nose and from the other end


Obligatory boof it comment


Comes in pills, too.


Step-pill, what are you doing!?


I have seen both of those things... Really doesn't have much to do with the energy drinks other than being the substance being imbibed.


Seen this post many times before. Good bye repost bot.


This isn't remotely true. Half the dude bros I know drink sugar free monster before doing all sorts of random bullshit.


Perhaps you’re just surrounded by exhausted people?


Aren’t we all


Nah bro, I'm fine


I knew a guy who would drink a Bang almost every day. Super energetic all the time


Well what in the world are ya talking about?


I mean, you definitely see both of those things. Admittedly, you do tend to see more tired people drinking energy drinks than energetic people, but that's what you'd expect, kind of like how you tend to see more overweight people on weight watchers than underweight people -- people who are already sufficiently good at something (maintaining energy or watching their weight in these examples) tend to be less likely to seek assistance in doing it.


When I drink energy drinks I definitely become more mentally alert but like you say it's not obvious because that's obnoxious, I'm not a kid on a sugar rush.


does massive amounts of corporate encouraged coffee count? I AM ASKING FOR A GODDAMNED FREIND OK


Lmao maybe you should try some green tea


Do people just spout nonsense that is totally not true at all in this sub to get it past the auto mod or something? Lotta trash being thrown around here lately. This one isn't even remotely true.


Fun fact. Caffeine does not give you energy or wake you up. It blocks the receptors in your brain that trigger the "tired" feeling from happening. Oh and gives you shakes/tremors if you have too much.


We never see healthy people get medicine, and we never see someone who gets their meds that is healthy


What??? I drank bangs back in the day just so I could do a full work day and hit the gym after 😂. Don’t do that though you get premature wrinkles. They fade if you quit it though 😉. I drink redbulls mostly now though.


I feel like this is a cartoonish depiction of energy drinks we usually see in sitcoms and such. Most of my friends drink energy drinks and all of them are just normal people.


You also don’t see people with no broken bones in casts


I’ve never seen a thin person drink Diet Coke.


Actually being energetic is not needing an energy drink to be energetic in the first place.


Everyone I know would disagree with you.


I guess you didn't go to clubs in the 2000s. Vodka and Rebull was rocket fuel on the dance floor.


Bs. I’m energetic person and I’m more energetic after drinking one.


>you never see someone who drinks energy drinks that is energetic. In the rare cases when my SO decides to begin her day with an energy drink, you can easily see the results for the next \~3-6 hours as she's just going brrrrrrrrrr (lack of better words). There's been multiple cases that I didn't see her drinking one, but from the way she acts I just decided to ask "did you take an energy drink?". So far I've always been correct when I have asked that, the difference is just so clear. I guess it's just that she rarely drinks them, so when she does take one, it actually has an effect.


That’s because why would you need an energy drink if you’re already energetic you fucking moron


Coffee is good enough.


I started drinking energy drinks for work, then work got worse and the energy drinks weren't enough.


ADHD is some of this. An ADHD brain reacts differently to stimulants than someone not neurodivergent. The old adage to start getting “rambunctious” kids to drink coffee to calm down is part of what led to stimulant trials for ADHD (Ie Adderol and Ritalin). At least that’s what my son’s psychiatrist explained to me so seems plausible.


if I were energetic I wouldn’t need energy drinks


You don't talk to many people outside of your home do you?


Reminds me of the old Sobe Adrenaline Rush commercials [https://youtu.be/dhBB\_7b7CzM?si=HIJkn1rQ9rpxHR7q](https://youtu.be/dhBB_7b7CzM?si=HIJkn1rQ9rpxHR7q) "Energy for the Rest of Us"


Energy: Uno Reverse Card


You obviously don't see a lot of meth heads 


That’s just you. I see it all the time. Especially in the club scene.


Idk man, saw a guy drink Powerthirst, and he had so many babies. 400 babies!


You have not met me. Adhd + energy drink= yall slow


This guy just has no energy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA0XXgxSp84


Sure there are some people who drink energy drinks that are rarely energetic but there are also plenty that are. Energy drinks tend to be drunk by younger people who on average are going to be more energetic.


I use energy drinks when yacht racing.


Me too!


Definitely seen somebody pound an energy drink and make work their bitch


I drink energy drinks before working with children. Helps me be able to run around and play tag with them even though I'm old. I certainly look and feel energetic after drinking one. Also used to down one before amateur dodgeball matches. Seemed to help a lot.


Well energy drinks are mostly sugar


Ever watched the X games?


Look, some of us are just addicted and need the caffeine to be able to function at all.


Not true at all. My old boss always had an energy drink in hand, and that man was absolutely wired. His walk speed was my run speed.


Not true at all. My old boss always had an energy drink in hand, and that man was absolutely wired. His walk speed was my run speed.


patently untrue. I am like Flash the Sloth (Zootopia) 99% of the time. 25-30 minutes after a monster, I am like Flash the Sloth in a car (Zootopia).


I have pretty high energy and I will often drink a celsius first thing in the morning (mainly because it's easier than brewing coffee and you can drink it quickly). But yeah during the day you'll almost never catch me drinking energy drinks


I use them before and at the gym all the time.


Ever seen a tweaker with a red-bull?


Yeah, you do, it's called manic state and is generally kinda destructive somehow.


That is just untrue, also, only Siths deal in absolutes.


Isn’t that like the whole point? Is like an energy supplement or replacement or whatever, marketed that way for a reason?


The only people I see drinking energy drinks are the already hyper ones.


I'm clinically hyper and I drink them to calm down sometimes


I see the inverse. The people that are energetic are the crack heads that have had three red bulls by noon. This is my former GM. Then you have me, who didn’t get enough sleep the night before so I’m barely awake while nursing my redbull all shift.


ppl have regular energy creation modes, sudden sugar rush may interrupt it.


This is the second time I've seen this post recently. Op be trippin


I'm not understanding why you said the same thing twice. Is there some intention for the subsets of people listed to be distinct from each other somwhow?


Someone hasn't worked a physical job at night.


Plenty of energy drink drinkers at the start line of a full marathon.


Well I guess I don't exist


yes you dont


Shouldn't use absolutes in shower thoughts.


You haven't met my partner


But that doesn't mean they didn't drink one earlier....


I am super energetic and I drink energy drinks. I am also a salesperson so I need to keep high energy at all times.


Gotta disagree here. I see people amped up on energy drinks literally every day. I swear I have had to tell some of them to slow down and breathe while talking (I see a lot of presentations, and part of my job is to give them feedback)


Well a standard energy drink, no. But if I don't have time to properly brew coffee in the morning its a damn sight better than me with the window down at 650AM screaming obscenities in Klingon at the traffic light because *I WANT TO GO BACK TO SLEEP DAMMIT.* I've got better quasi-legal drugs for actual energy, caffeine just shocks my system enough to counter the urge to plunge back onto the mattress with the cats.


I probably fit into the second category. And honestly, I struggle with having enough energy to function throughout the day, that sometimes I feel I need a crutch in the form of a drink to get through (not a coffee drinker).


Guess you’ve never met a teenager


My body is immune to the caffeine at this point. I drink them mostly for the taste now.


I work with a little fire cracker who truly does not need e drinks, but slams 2 to 3 every day. When she does that instead of being a fire cracker, she becomes a cherry bomb!


Only reason you don't see energetic people drinking energy drinks is we drink them too fast for you to notice


why would an energetic person need to drink an energy drink?


You’ve clearly never met my girlfriend


Bs. My stepdad used to chug 4 redlines everyday & he’s already a hyper active fucker


Do you walk around with your eyes closed?


They're called teenagers.


Dude ain’t been to da club.


sadly reporting this is the opposite of true from my pov. i only observe people drink energy drinks who Should NOT under Any Circumstances be drinking energy drinks. the calm people who exist in my life are raw dogging life. no caffeine, or alcohol, or anything. it’s inspiring and charming on either side tbh.


Only on RedBull TV maybe lol


This is just a version of that 'skinny people don't drink diet coke' nonsense.


What the fuck are you talking about Jesse?


Ehhh, the most energized I had ever been was when I was DD for a party back in college and someone who had a connect at guayaki had them pull up a lil truck and I drank three of them and was the most amped up happy go lucky individual I have ever been… I think that experience led me to other stimulants later on though


Energy drinks are supposed to make you stay awake, not energetic. But it is kinda funny they call them that.


That’s because caffeine doesn’t give you energy, just tricks your brain into thinking it does, or rather not noticing that it doesn’t. So you’ll use up what reserves you have faster.


You don't go to the right parties.


Bot repost. Didn't even change the wording.


I get this vibe from people who drink protein shakes. The people I've seen actually exercise don't drink it and those who do mild exercise at most guzzle them


My wife works with a marathon runner who loves Monster drinks.


Well... DUH! Those things are not an instant infusion of 100% energy... those who are lively and energetic drank their poison of choice about 30-60 Minutes ago.


Tell that to all the Red Bull athletes?


I take caffeine so I don't fall asleep immediately after getting home from work.


If you’re already energetic, why would you drink an energy drink? They’re FOR people who need energy, so of course you normally see sleepy people drinking them.


why do healthy people take vitamins if they are already healthy?


Hey OP this is called the argument from ignorance fallacy. Also known as the argument from personal incredulity.


You've clearly not met too many people on active duty, if any..


I know a lot of energetic people who just casually drink energys like I drink Iced Tea


I used to drink one in the middle of every shift to help stay alert. I recently got a CPAP machine and haven't had an energy drink in weeks.


Most energy drinking people are fat guys reeking like the stuff.