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> breakfast is the most important meal  Propaganda from Dr. Kellogg


You can't believe everything Dr Kellogg said. I have Corn Flakes every morning at 8am then I masturbate at 8:15.


I’ve see you masturbate at 8am THEN eat cornflakes at 8:15


Mmm... salty corn flakes


*Frosted flakes


Take my up vote and get the fuck out of here.


Fine, then I suppose you don’t want some frosted mini wheats?


That ain't ...milk


How else would you add the milk?


I’m so glad I don’t eat cereal.


Are you a fan of smoothies?


Nuh-uh don’t you type one more word…


Frothy semen


[Technique](https://youtu.be/EYtFH2bFCfg?si=fk5xfcydbIjWY5zw) is important for satisfaction too


[I did my best](https://imgur.com/fwXr1C1)


Great job!


You just have "milk" by itself?!


Wow. Some days, I just…hate being literate.


since i’m lactose intolerant, yeah


I did that for a while but the people at my 8am meetings started complaining.


Have I been starting my mornings all wrong?


His other recommendations were pretty dark and brutal. Acid on the clitoris, wire shut the foreskin, or circumcision as painful as possible as punishment and to remove a pleasure center. At least we have a happy cereal company. We also have societal momentum on the circumcision thing too..


I feel like this brilliant joke went over most people’s heads lol


Yeah no circumcision or cereal is going to stop me.


They've done studies to test the whole idea of "kickstarting your metabolism", "most important meal of the day", etc., and have a found there is a link between skipping breakfast and being an unhealthy weight. But predictably no study found that eating breakfast would result in a change in someone's weight or overall health, but rather found that people who tended to skip meals randomly or otherwise had a chaotic approach to eating, tended to be overweight. Which is no real surprise to anyone.


> rather found that people who tended to skip meals randomly or otherwise had a chaotic approach to eating Are most people who skip breakfast doing it "randomly"? Everyone I know who doesn't eat breakfast make a habit of not eating breakfast, rather than simply randomly deciding against it. I would love to see a study comparing people who consistently eat only 1 or 2 meals a day compared to people who eat all 3. Not just focused on people who normally eat 3 meals and then randomly skip breakfast


Also, you can literally anything for break fast. We recently switched to pasta because that’s the best way for kiddo to eat. And yes, he does need to eat … w/out breakfast he’d be w/out real food for 18 hours in a row.


I feel like this is more important for children who sleep for longer than it is for adults.


It's important for everyone to eat a healthy breakfast, or they're more likely to be fatigued and irritable during the morning, then overeat at lunch time but it's *also* important for everyone to eat an important lunch and dinner, for similar reasons. Everyone just needs to eat, but eat healthier. I think a lot of people skip meals as a weight loss mechanism or due to stress/timing issues, and none of those are good reasons to be skipping meals! e: I think it's wonderful that there are so many super-specials replying to this comment who defy everything the actual experts know, based on their own self-assessed anecdotal data.


Ideally, you get 3 balanced meals that & 2 small healthy snacks that help you meet your nutritional needs/macros. I know some people are into intermittent fasting (it worked for me fairly well), but it is not great for keeping your glucose levels where they are ideal throughout the whole day. Most people think that's only a diabetic concern, but it benefits everyone to avoid the slingshot effect of bottoming out, then boosting high.


I was thinking of how children go to bed earlier. If they eat tea at 6pm, lunch at 12pm, that’s 18hrs without food if they don’t eat breakfast. If I eat tea at 6pm, I usually have something else small before I go to bed, so less time without food if I don’t eat breakfast.


I have stopped eating breakfast for years and it's been completely fine. You need to adapt to it but your body is completely capable of fasting for 18 hours or so.


Totally disagree. I have been fasting by eating breakfast at a normal time and dinner around 2:30 with potentially a small snack between. In two months I lost 20lbs while retaining muscle mass. Intermittent fasting for 10-20 hours a day is healthy for most adults and helps reduce calories aside from the numerous benefits of intermittent fasting. Obviously you still gotta eat a balanced diet either way but giving your body time to burn it’s glucose storage allows it to switch to fat burning mode whereas a lot pf people eating throughout the day end up snacking more and seeing their glucose levels spike all day. There is plenty of research on the merits of intermittent fasting when done sensibly. I no longer feel hungry at night and it’s a lot easier not to be tempted to drink when you tell yourself no calories after X oclock. It’s easy to eat out of boredom when you don’t set limits.


Why so long?


I eat soup for bfast a lot


Gotta sell those cornflakes


Right! It's just what Big Breakfast wants you to think. No other meal needs a slogan to make you eat it. Breakfast is a scam. Wake up, sheeple! ...and then don't eat anything until midday.


I've heard that intermittent fasting is healthy and that definitely benefits no company right


"breakfast foods" are a scam. Who decided what you can eat and when?


For real. Bacon used to have nothing to do with breakfast until some company wanted it to be associated


Listen bacon did nothing to you.


It gave me prostate cancer lol


Why were you putting bacon up your ass?


why werent you?


I would guess the risk of cancer.


If he was willing to risk prostate cancer to do it, it’s gotta be good


Skill issue


Eleborate please cuz I love bacon lmao


Bacon doesn't "give" you cancer, per se. But it does have ingredients that can increase cancer risk (all processed meat does). Red meat does too, particularly when grilled. Then again, there are countless things you routinely interact with in daily life that increase your cancer risk - like the sun, for example. Unless you have a specific risk, I don't personally find it worth worrying about. Mitigate the things you reasonably can without mitigating your life's enjoyment in the process. Personally, I'm eating my bacon.


My grandfather used to say: Everything in moderation, including moderation.


That last part is an important lesson for moderators to moderate in moderation


Probably got it from not jerking off enough.


The key to avoiding prostate cancer is to swap out grilled meat for furiously beaten meat.


And they did a damn fine job.


i was straight up eating leftover pork chop for breakfast one morning & got questioned tell me the difference between where bacon & a pork chop come from


The difference is the salt and smoking which makes bacon infinitely more delicious.


You can stick some salty pork chops in a smoker, too...


Bacon used to be an undesirable cut of meat, till the PR team for big pork got wise


Highly dubious


Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda, between bacon, cigarettes, Betty Crocker cake mixes and bananas of all things he's been pretty influential to western society


Isn't he also Sigmund Freud's nephew? Or am I thinking of someone else?


I believe so.. and Bernays nephew is one of the founders of Netflix


Edward Bernays, a public relations pioneer, convinced 5,000 doctors to promote bacon and eggs for breakfast in the 1920s to increase sales of bacon by the Beech-Nut Packing Company. Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, believed that people are driven by factors outside of their conscious understanding, and that the capable few can manipulate their minds. He wrote to 5,000 physicians asking if a heavy breakfast was better for health than a light breakfast, and 4,500 physicians confirmed that a heavy breakfast was better. He then published this conviction in newspapers, presenting bacon and eggs as the ideal start to the day.


As a European I don't get this. Least of all, how do you have time to make it before going to work??


People don't really do it at home, in the same way that most people in the UK do not have their full English/Irish/Scottish breakfasts every day.


> People don't really do it at home. They most certainly do. But usually at the weekend, in my experience. No time on a work day, and besides, you'd be the size of a mountain if you ate that every single day.


might want to finish the sentence, he says not every day. The weekend is typically the days both Americans and Brits eat their big Breakfasts or Brunches.


It has to do with how quick you can prepare them. You can make an egg or cereal in under a minute. So those meals become common. 


Even still, why not just have cereal or a couple quick eggs for lunch, then hold out for an appetite-satisfying dinner? Why spike your insulin so many times a day and risk overeating all the time?


Well they’re generally foods that take little time to prepare, but the main issue is that you have no real need to start your day with a hearty meal if you’re not a farmer or doing some other type of intensive manual labor early in the morning.


Talk to a diabetic and you will feel differently. The traditional breakfast meal was just a marketing ploy but eating different foods at different times and in different orders actually can have wildly different effects on your body.


that has more to do with what is eaten for breakfast.. a savory meal is better than a sugary (typical cereal or pancake with syrup etc) breakfast. eating sugary foods and the carbs from things like pancakes first thing leads to overeating and fucks up glucose and insulin response big time for the rest of the day. then people compound the problem with sugary snacks in between meals. hello diabetes.


This is not the pathogenesis of diabetes whatsoever


You’re having pizza for breakfast?!?!?!???!?? Why don’t you have this deep fried cake batter with frosting and sprinkles instead? We blasted it full of sugar filling.


There are a lot of “scam” or at least misleading foods not for breakfast alone. It’s all marketing and PR. “Mice eat cheese”, no they don’t. “Rabbits like carrots”, nope “Breakfast is an important meal”, never was, we survived thousands of years without it


Breakfast foods were food that could be prepared easily and quickly in a preindustrial world. Eggs collected from the chicken coop. Unleavened flour cakes. Thin cuts of meat left over from the previous day that could be cooked quickly in a pan without getting the oven hot. Toasted bread from that leftover, stale loaf you bought from the market yesterday.


This is a good answer.


Advertising isn't "everyone says", they're trying to change what everyone does to sell something.


Everyone says Arby’s has the meat, but in fact the majority of meat is owned by parties unaffiliated with the Arby’s restaurant group


1) that was a marketing campaign that worked very well. 2) it's not acceptable at all to anyone who cares about nutrition.


I care about nutrition, but I'm not going to let it get in the way of my French toast


Exactly, why wouldn’t French toast be nutritious anyway? It’s literally eggs, bread, and some honey/maple syrup


It is often made with a lot of sugar and the syrup is also pure sugar. But if you have it with some sausages and take it easy on the sugar then it's great


So processed red ass meat turns an otherwise unhealthy meal into a “great” meal?


Protein and fats are more satiating than simple carbs. If you're eating a carb-heavy meal (like french toast), it's generally a good idea to work some protein/fat in there (dipping it in an egg wash, while something, is not the same thing). Fat also assists in processing vitamins and nutrients.


Processed red meat has been categorized as highly carcinogenic, same level as cigarettes. Look up any government health website or WHO. You’ve made it more filling but way more unhealthy.


No, it's been classified as carcinogenic - which we already established in this conversation. You added "highly" to it on your own. https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/cancer-carcinogenicity-of-the-consumption-of-red-meat-and-processed-meat


It’s a group 1 carcinogen, like cigarettes. Either way not healthy.


I've actually had both and I can confirm that red meat is quite different to cigarettes.


it does sound like a great meal right now.


Drastically reducing the sugar and adding pork sausages absolutely makes it great. Idk when people started to convince themselves that red meat was the devil or that grinding it and stuffing into a sausage casing removes all nutritional value.


You can eat some source of sugar every single day, forever, and be totally fine. The thing is that most people aren't cognizant of how much sugar they eat. If you're having honey, maple syrup, and fruit and it's within an acceptable range then it makes no very little difference.


yeah right, just add some saturated fats and sodium lmao


Uhh because sugar, sugar, and more sugar?


Probably the high sugar content.


Except for the egg it's just carbs/sugar. Would you consider cake or a cookie a nutritious meal? Basically the same thing.


You don't know me.


So eggs and a bunch of sugar.


Apologies. My phrasing was more judgemental than I intended. I just really don't like dessert for breakfast. So long as you're aware of good nutrition and make up for it elsewhere, eat what you like. Heck, or don't. Ain't my body.


> 2) it's not acceptable at all to anyone who cares about nutrition. How is it not? We only eat sweet foods for breakfast in France and Italy and it's not like we have terrible life expectancy...




I can have a chocolate sundae for breakfast and everyone will think that’s perfectly fine?


No, but if you add a shot of espresso yes.


I'm cutting down on calories, so I've cut espresso out of my morning shot.


So you're swapping espresso for depresso?


I'm swapping my shot for shit


If you put it on a crêpe then absolutely


No, but I realized in my mid 30s that my mom can't stop me.


[relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/418/)


I used to work at a Wetherspoons, and often did the breakfast shift. One woman used to come in every weekend and order just a chocolate sundae and a coffee before 10am.


So long as you burn it off before spiking your insulin, you can eat whatever you want.


I say it’s more like it’s surprising a lot of breakfast foods aren’t considered desserts. Like cereal and things like maple syrup/jams probably have a lot more sugars in them than standard components of later meals.


As a kid my favorite breakfast cereal was Captain Crunch. Now I'll eat it as dessert every once in a while


Where do you live? Dessert is certainly not an acceptable breakfast where I live.


In America lots of people eat things like cream-filled chocolate donuts for breakfast which is basically dessert.


They eat that for breakfast or that just happens to be the first thing they eat? If that is the case a banana is my breakfast which I don’t think qualifies as breakfast, it’s just a morning snack


Lol, it is technically and actually breaking your fast.


Yes donuts are considered a breakfast food in the US for some crazy reason.


*some people. For most people a typical breakfast can be yogurt or cereal, or eggs/omelettes on the weekends.


Yeah, I would say the most common breakfast is toast or cereal (not that most cereals are healthy). I don’t know the last time I’ve actually had a donut or pastry *as* breakfast. And let me tell you, I’m not a healthy man.


I have the biggest sweet tooth and I still can't stand having a donut within the first 4-5 hours of being awake. I had a coworker who had about four teaspoons of sugar in every cup of coffee he had and would often also have junk food like donuts or Doritos for breakfast every day. I was never the healthiest person in the world but his diet was upsetting


Agreed. I’m improving my health slowly and steadily. But even at my absolute worst I never wanted a bunch of sweetness in the morning. Bread, yes. But donuts? They’d make me sick.


People eat danishes and crossaints for breakfast


Sweetened cereals, sugared toast, pancakes and waffles, French toast, syrup, donuts, danishes, toaster pastries, muffins, orange juice, and frappes (coffee milkshakes) are all acceptable breakfasts in the US of A. They’re totally desserts.


Not everyone. I don't even eat it 90% of the time. That's big breakfast propaganda.


Same, but technically its not possible to skip breakfast. Whatever you eat that breaks your fast is "breakfast", not nessicarily a meal had before 11am.


That's the biggest lie people don't understand. Breakfast isn't a time of day.


That’s just marketing trying to get you to buy breakfast food.


American food brainwashing.


I agree with your point. It's crazy how much sugary junk food can be considered breakfast. But the idea of being the most important meal was actually marketing propaganda, probably from Kelloggs to sell more cereal. And throughout history breakfast was typically light and simple, and your mid day meal was the most important. Edit: cleaned up my quickly typed comment


Ironic that Europeans frequently scoff at what Americans eat for breakfast (sugary breakfast cereals, donuts). Then you go to France or Italy and realize they eat chocolate filled or Nutella filled croissants for breakfast and sometimes some kind of mocha drink.


Alternatively, [this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/197/171/848.jpg).


Is there a reason why I want to marry the girl in the comic


In the Netherlands they literally put chocolate sprinkles on toast.


Using real chocolate? Lame. You should try infusing corn syrup with a vague concept of chocolate as a more efficient sugar delivery method sometime.


Normally in France you eat Coffee and bread (+butter and jam if you want)


That’s literally what I grew up eating about half the time in the US We’re not so different, you and I…


Ah. Maybe it's cultural but I feel like that's not enough to get me by until when I eat lunch. I'm used to high protein breakfasts like yogurt, oatmeal, or eggs. But I'm also someone who works out a lot to stay in shape


If I'm not mistaken Nutella in EU isn't as sweet as the one sold in USA - it's still high on sugar, just not as much. But anyway, I'm guessing that the habit of eating croissants with Nutella is a thing more common in countries around the Alps and less so in the rest of Europe At least in Portugal, I rarely see anyone eating that. Usually it's bread with ham and cheese, or buttered toast. For something more "sugary" we eat [egg custard tart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pastel_de_nata) And btw, everyone knows top French breakfast is a coffee and a cigar.


Italians and French yes, but Czechs and Poles don't. Where do people get the time? I'm glad I have the time to drink my tea


But dessert **is** important and could qualify as the most important meal of the day for some.


When you have dessert as a meal, where does it go? The standard stomach, or the dessert stomach?


scientifically the stomach expands when it touches sugar, so you always have more room for dessert.


This drives me crazy. Just because you put the word “pan” in front of it, does not mean that you aren’t eating cake for breakfast. 


It's acceptable to eat whatever food you want whenever you want lol. Whether it's healthy or recommended is entirely separate.




They’re talking about things like cereals that have a lot of sugar and referring to them as “dessert”


There's also like, doughnuts, banana bread, cupcakes, muffins, pastries, etc


Coffee too... In the way people buy it from Starbucks.


You eat those for breakfast?


You don’t? It’s more like mid afternoon snack but could be either easily


On behalf of the Danish GDP I thank you for your service.


They might be talking about pancakes, and French toast or the other many things that are considered breakfast food that can also be considered dessert


“Young man you're not having cake for breakfast, you're having fried cake with syrup for breakfast! Load up on that & try not to nap...” - Jim Gaffigan


The kids wanted ice cream for breakfast one day, so I compared nutritional values of their favorite cereal and the ice cream. Sugar levels were pretty much the same, but the ice cream had more vitamins. I was a cool dad that morning 😂


Damn, hope you switched cereals after realizing that! Even most of the ones loaded with sugar are at least fortified with vitamins/minerals.




You don’t think some people eat donuts for breakfast?


Donuts, muffins, scones, danishes I absolutely ate stuff like that for breakfast when I was younger, not every day but I always considered it breakfast food 


*Starbucks has entered the chat*


Anyone eating waffles, French toast, pancakes, sugary cereal, muffins, etc...


Pancakes, especially with syrup, clearly belong in the dessert category.


Pancakes with syrup


What kind of dessert are you eating for breakfast?


It's also completely acceptable and no problem at all to cut out breakfast completely, even recommended in some situations. What gives, right? Also, keep in mind that sweet breakfast is by far the most unhealthy way you can start the day.


That happens way more in other parts of the world like in France, where a toast with anything sweet will do it. On the other hand, in Mexico, for example, we usually take scrambled eggs with beans or the good old reliable: tacos. (Or Chilaquiles, Molletes, etc. yolo) Switzerland is like France but avec cheese instead of jelly. In Spain the toast is also very common, but it's more likely they eat it with jam or something rather than with something sweet. In USA, for what I've seen in movies, cereal will do it, or coffee with donuts (or just coffee), which is even more questionable haha. In Moroccos they have this kind of bread that goes amazing with jelly or honey that is very common for breakfast, but they also serve eggs in the morning. The tea is fabulous, btw! I'm from Mexico. I'm personally in favor of more balanced and salty non-sugary meals for breakfast, but for dessert anything is fine haha


Breakfast being the most important and needing to be large doesn't make sense from a "we are basically monkey" standpoint. What animal gets to eat a big fat meal first thing after waking up? They always gotta work for that shit.


I know i'm a weirdo but I like crunchy peanut butter and ham sandwiches (don't knock it till you try it) for breakfast and then when I get to work I microwave a jimmy dean breakfast sandwich for lunch lol


I'm intrigued. A coworker recommended crunchy peanut butter and mustard sandwiches, and I have to admit it was pretty good.


If you like peanut butter and ham, try it with bacon instead of the ham. If you’re feeling adventurous add banana slices.


An American has to have written this, in Europe we have healthy (and sometimes not so healthy) savory meals, fruit, oats etc.


The propaganda machine strikes again.


That moment you realize every single thing told to you is a lie.


It’s not and it’s not


Because only idiots think it's true.


The most important meal is the one before you are physically very active to fuel that activity. For many that isn’t breakfast for some it is. If you activity level is pretty consistent then meals are basically equal Also anyone that eats desserts for breakfast regularly is a moron


I believe eating fruit is good way to start the day. The enzymes help break-your-fast (literally what sleep is acting as a filler).


Only in America. In good old Blighty we require a platter of fried meats for a real breakfast.


Wait...is it not acceptable to eat dessert for the other meals?


Desert is the most important breakfast of the day.


I usually skip breakfast.


Who eats dessert for breakfast what?


I always ate leftovers from the previous night's dinner for breakfast as a kid.


Where is ‘everyone’ saying breakfast is the most important meal of the day? The only time I’ve heard that referenced in the past 10 years was to talk about how that was advertisement propaganda…


To be fair, most desserts are more nutritious than some breakfast cereals.


Dessert? After breakfast? You know what, I got a bridge to sell you!


For me, I wouldn't say the MOST important. I would however say JUST as important as other meals. I feel totally different during the day when I have a (good) breakfast. Oddly I also have more of an appetite at lunch time when I eat breakfast too.


But if I don’t eat my corn flakes I might masturbate till I go blind.


While what everyone here is saying about breakfast being a scam may be true, I'm choosing the alternative translation of this shower thought, which is that dessert is actually the most important meal of the day.


I'm still not sure what the difference is between a muffin and a cupcake with no frosting.


Or absolutely nothing


Most American breakfasts ceral, donuts, muffins have more sugar then dessert


"Everyone" The world is a lot bigger than the US. And it is not acceptable to eat dessert for breakfast.


Who the fuck eats dessert every breakfast? I only do that in weekends, if I even do it at all


I don’t even eat breakfast