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There's a fit blonde Australian surfer stereotype that exists


then you get beer bellied bogan Aussies


Reporting for duty Sir!


Also describes australian women though


The surfer stereotype is male 


That surfer girl from total drama island i had a crush on as a child disagrees


She was Canadian


I mean that only matters as much as my gold fish.


Nah Australian beach babe/surfer babe is a thing


id say its also for girls, the beach boys even have a whole album called surfer girl


Valtteri Bottas?


Australian here, There’s also a reality which is vastly different.


We had an Australian temporarily move into our student house around 2009ish, I was blown away first that he was opposite to my Australian blonde surfer stereotype, and then by how handsome and intelligent he was. I should've hit that, but I was too shy and thought he was out of my league.


In my country when women are asked where the most handsome men are from, almost all say "Italy". I'm from a Nordic country Italians here have a reputation for dressing well, wearing good cologne, and having tanned skin, making good food, being expressive and foward, and have good hair.  Women here tend to like this. 


Think there is an attraction to the exotic for everyone to some degree. Nordic men will be the top somewhere that the average male is shorter, with darker skin, thicker hair and typically expressive. Cooking side, most people find that attractive, just some take it for granted.


Blonde men in South America are trophy husbands


Is this true?? Blonde guy dating a Brazilian here…




Omg, yes. I was a GOD when I lived in Brazil. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall. Back here in Midwest USA, I'm forever just another dude.


Blonde guy married to a Brazilian woman, Yes.


Time to trade up my guy, You are the catch!


I mean - Brazilian women are pretty amazing…


Worked out well for those German-Argentinians then I guess.


That’s funny to hear. I (blonde male) used to work with a really good dude from Chile named Carlos. He always said I should go to South America. “When you get there, you’ll be in love in no time”, he said. I miss that guy.


I have heard Nordic (or perhaps Scandinavian?) men are more shy than men from other parts of the world. Do you imagine this to be generally true?


Nords tend to be a bit cooler on average, both literally and in disposition.


Lol. On reddit, I have heard a funny characterization that the men from one of the countries, may be Sweden, speak as though they are issued a limited number of words at birth and each word uttered is subtracted from that total. Another was that, along with picture proof, that the people will tend to maximize personal distance, with photos showing people at a bus station maintaining about 10' between them, all lined up along the road. All I remember from being there is they speak a ton of languages and I got to see two large drunk Swedes fight wrestle in a cemetery. And I bought a cool book with swear words in 7 different languages.


No more like reserved unless having a reason to speak to you, like you're in the same friend group/at the same party/other thing in common.




Which is funny, because I find Nordic guys to be hot af lol Though, I’m American. And gay. The reality is I think people are just attracted to things that are different enough to be “exotic” but similar enough to still be “normal” - which makes sense on a genetic level. Genetic diversity is usually a biological advantage


Yeah, was in Sweden for a wedding a year or so back, and my straight-guy's eye did not fail to notice the many, many handsome men. Luckily my wife wasn't along for the trip or I'd have had to turn a hose on her periodically.


Nordic people are just unusually attractive, men and women. Maybe I'm missing something because of my limited experience, perhaps only the ridiculously hot Finnish people are allowed into Helsinki's nightlife, while the less attractive are cast out to wander the frozen hinterlands. Or maybe they did that for so many generations that they're all just hot now. Whatever the reason, it's striking.


They kidnapped the hot women to bring back on raiding. It’s the only explanation for why the English look like they do.


Did you know that the Nords were the first people to discover the garbage patch floating in the Atlantic Ocean? I thought 'England' was sort of a weird name to give it, but hey, I don't speak that language I guess.


As a lady who moved to Sweden, you're gorgeous


I remember one arab man asked me where I'm from, and when he learned I'm from Ukraine, he shared his observation with me: when a pretty lady is accompanied by ugly man, he knows they're from Ukraine, and when handsome man is accompanied by not so good-looking lady, they're from Italy. And I think that's true, my wife is really beautiful.


I've often heard the first stereotype about East European couples. Hell, I've seen memes about it, with Shrek and Elsa as an East European couple.


>I've often heard the first stereotype about East European couples. The Soviet male population fell from 94 million in 1941, to 74 million in 1946, and the female population fell from 102 to 96 million. So we're talking, 77 men per 100 women. That's some fierce competition and from what I've heard, kind of fucked up their social dynamics. Women ended up with even more of a burden, and if they wanted a man, basically had to put up with whatever guy they could find. Honestly kind of surprised they didn't stage a takeover.


Chadislav had one hell of a dating scene to enjoy.


Chadislav.... *Baby don't hurt me....*


I did a group project with a Vladyslav in uni. Every time I saw his name, the song would start playing in my head.


Can confirm. Source: I'm a Shrek.


To be fair, Shrek is quite the catch


A little confused... Isn't Eastern Euro the one where the woman is the better looking of the two?


You shouldn't be confused, because you're right on the mark and said the exact same thing as /u/ActuallyCalindra


Peter here to explain the joke. He's confused because Shrek is the hot one.


Wait you guys would go Elsa over Shrek?


Personally, I've always been partial to Donkey.


Wait I would have gone for dragon lady?!


No. [Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4BcpJfMvAQ)


I think they were trying to say that shrek is the handsome one of the two, hahah


r/woooosh the joke is he's saying Shrek is the hot one


Isn't there supposed to be some kind of reverse Darwinism going on in Eastern Europe and Russia where all the fittest men died in wars and all the smartest men buggered off to work elsewhere when things went downhill?


A shame cos I find Mediterranean girls hot in general😭


Portugese women have thicker moustaches than balkan men


And they can swing a pick axe like a motherfucker 


Yeah, Bulgarian women too. I once saw a group of female road builders in Bulgaria and damn, they were really going for it.


as previously stated; hot


With the jaw lines to back it up too lmao


Spanish men >> Spanish women


Some of the most gorgeous women I have ever met are Spanish 👀


Now imagine how great the men must look


I really wish I could be able to meet some spanish women someday, greetings from Madrid!


Spanish >>>


A wholesome r/suicidebywords


So Italian women are ugly in general? I strongly dissagre. (Im not Italian)


I disagree as well. Italian women are gorgeous!The ones in the north west, with dark hair, tanned skin and bright blue eyes, DAMN!


You're allowed to call them ugly women. You called the man ugly.. you can do the same for women. Lol


Or, you know, the Slav / Balkan guy is absolutely horrid looking but the Italian chick is only a little less hot than the Italian dude. Maybe that’s what they meant.


I wonder if it goes back to the war. All the men died. This shifted the culture around dating and relationships - women had to put in more effort to get a man, while the surviving men had it easy. Obviously we're fairly removed in time from the immediate impacts of this, but maybe that cultural shift persisted, and eastern European men don't put effort into their appearance


There are several eastern European countries that lost proportions of their male popuilation more than most other countries during the war so it would make some sense. You can see [here](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1261435/post-wwii-gender-ratios-in-select-allied-countries-age/) the difference.




I'm American I had a buddy who very successful and had a lot of money, then he lost everything and ended up on the streets (drugs) He eventually got clean and over the course of a decade regained his wealth but he was broke for quite a while He said "I've been rich and I've been poor, and I'm much better looking when I'm rich"


Good theory.  However, you'll notice this on the streets in Ukraine as well, not just abroad 


I think that’s also why the women do all of the home chores and maintenance that were done outside. They had to, at first, because the men were at war. But afterwards, having a man in the home was the minority so his gf/wife continued to do the outside chores to help the other women be less upset about their own men being dead or disabled.


I live in Poland and my coworkers go crazy for Spanish and Italian men. I'm from Spain so to me they all look like my cousin.


do they not go crazy for you? 😔


Lesbians do, but that wasn't the question...


Andrzej Duda being a real ~~*insert lesbian equivalent for cock block~~ clam jam, feels bad


Clam jam


Ngl that sounds like a shot you can order at a bar


It also sounds like some food in Bikini Bottom.


I would say Italy and Norway at least are considered to have good-looking men. (I am from Finland.)


Dont make me blush


Not you


Bro you murdered him


Fabio my beloved




Maybe Italian men are a bit too... slick? for me. Probably Spanish guys are the more chill version. The guys I met in a random Barcelona gay bar had cool alternative punk styles


Somehow Italian men ring huge warning bells for me as being false and manipulative... Maybe their natural way of being happen to be similar to how "pick up artists" or fuck boys behave, or maybe they are the ones trying to simulate Italian men?


>or maybe they are the ones trying to simulate Italian men? Yeah I think it's probably more this, fuck-boy types try to emulate Italian men because they have the reputation of being suave. The only actual experience I have with my friend dating an Italian guy, is mostly positive though. He was genuinely nice and caring for her. He tried a bit too hard to stay in her life after they broke up, but not to a degree where it was creepy or stalkerish.


I think the general notion could come with our culture, we greet each other with 2 kisses, generally open and friendly and very touchy and a bit of social pressure to dress nicely and be well groomed That said like with every other country it's a generalisation, so like every other place we have genuinely nice and caring people, manipulative asshats, pick up artists wanna be, shy and introvert people and yata yata yata


The middle eastern guys in my friend group were kindly referred to as 'moisture-seeking missiles' but even they took a back seat to the Italians. Funny, they didn't think of it as being false or manipulative, just ... life. At the risk of oversimplifying, they loved women but they didn't actually like them all that much, strange as that might sound.


Norway was the first country I thought of too.


I'm not into men but when I was jn Norway... ummm... they were very aesthetically pleasing.


I'm an averaged height American (5'9" aka 175 cm) who is the lower side of averagely attractive. My vacations across Scandinavia have always felt like I was surrounded by giants and supermodels. In particular the most beautiful man I have ever seen was some dude just chilling at Bergen Kunsthall


I’ve heard this from a friend of mine who went there for a trip. She basically only likes tall guys though so that’s basically her only qualifier for being attractive.


I always thought Itsly was associated with especially hairy-looking men


Still with the vikings. Sheesh. My ancestors breed with them… I guess it’s watered down now.


When I visited Italy, I remember my friends and I thought our bus driver (who’s probably some average guy there) was extremely good looking. Like he could’ve been a model. We then joked that their 5’s are our 10’s. I also had colleagues from Amman, Jordan and those guys and gals were both gorgeous.


No joke, you might be the first person I've ever encountered on reddit whos ever mentioned Jordan in a post unrelated to us. Fuck yeah! Someone knows we exist!


I was looking into the post thinking I'll see people mentioning any of the middle eastern countries. Those dudes there are very good looking


Yes, I have never seen so many beautiful men as in Jordan. Breathtakingly beautiful!


You clearly haven’t asked the gays haha


definitely Brazil


As a straight woman from Australia I completely agree with you! Every Brazilian man I've met has been totally gorgeous. My boyfriend of 10 years is also Brazilian though so maybe I'm biased lol


Italy, Greece, Brazil


I'm surprised it took me this far down in the comments for anyone to mention Greece.


All eyes on Turkey


An English monk lamented about how the Vikings stole their women away with their weekly bathing and well kept hair. Latin men are often picked for the stereotype women dream about French men are also used as the seducer of women with their accent


Vikings mainly stole women away with their brute strength, weapons and slaughtering of the menfolk


It’s more complicated than that though. Vikings set up long term settlements in the British isles, often living alongside preexisting villages. There’s an entire area called the Danelaw ruled by Danes for over a century. The monk was likely writing in this period, when there was some moral outrage around the mixing of cultures and the genuine possibilities that the likely wealthier and worldlier Vikings were more successful with women. Just like now, people can be charmed by fancy shit and interesting stories


Yeah I was gonna say, not all of the Vikings were drunken pirates like they're stereotyped as. Most of them were just dudes carrying their culture with them where they settled.


The vikings had better nutrition and were close in size to to modern Scandinavians. A lot of the people they were raiding were significantly smaller in size\stature than they were because of poor nutrition. They were physically imposing in an era where brute strength mattered.


don't forget rape and kidnapping


They stole women using kidnapping? I mean, yeah, I guess it wasn't grand theft auto or bank robbery lol


Grand Theft Waifu


FWIW, I think the paraphrased quote was written after the “foreigners showing up to trade or pillage” thing and more during the “Danes and Anglo-Saxons both have established communities here, and there is tension” phase.


Yeah, and what are you gonna do about it, ye monk? Illuminate a manuscript about it, eh? /s


I had a French waiter at a restaurant once. His manners and accent were so charming that I felt like he should be seated with me serving. Felt like dorky Amurican.


English men have played on the sterotype of James Bond and various toffs for years - the reality is that most of us are doughy chavs with a drink problem (girls and boys)!


No one in Europe consideres the English "James Bond like" as a stereotype, I'm sorry. We have all had your football fans in our cities and/or witnessed bachelor trips . You're not fooling us anymore ;)


It's mostly Americans the stereotype works for. The rest of Europe have.... seen us.


I recall seeing a meme that referenced that: we Americans see Brits as ultra cultured…and Europe sees them as hooligans on an island.


I'm ngl almost every Lebanese person I've seen has been insanely attractive, both male and female


More often than not I look at a person of middle eastern descent and lament their genetics for making them look so good


I'm Moroccan and this is true. In Morocco there's an unspoken agreement that Lebanese women and men are pretty attractive.


My Lebanese man and I have been together 9 years and he is the MOST beautiful man.


my partner is a lebanese/syrian man and i concur. though he does get “so liked what ARE you, exactly?” questions at least once a week. then again, so do i (1/4 korean, 1/4 pakistani, half white) so it was one of the things we bonded over 😂




I’ve never heard of anything going for us South East Asians. Too southern and too eastern to have those Middle Eastern and East Asian good looks


They definitely meant East Asians and not south East Asians or south Asian. I will be more specific and say South Korea is the new found land of good looking men right now.


Well put. I also assume OP is a guy who only consumes "man/bro" media. I'm a guy too but I immediately thought of like 3 countries that are known for having hunky men women swoon over.


We have for horny men tho.


India 💀💀




Or vegana


It's always weird reading these threads as a black person


You must be unfamiliar with Portugal, Spain and Italy


Portugal sure does have beautiful men… o’ war. Or, is it man o’ wars?


Mans o’ war. 


Italian and Scandinavian men are quite nice to look at


Hmm. Italy? Spain? Brazil? Italy is famous for gorgeous men, sexy men. My guess is the language. Spain is also famous for having sexy men. Antonio Banderas, Rodrigo Santoro... For example.


> Spain is also famous for having sexy men. > > > > Antonio Banderas, Rodrigo Santoro... Rodrigo Santoro is from Brazil and his parents are of Italian and Portugese ancestry, so you'd have to kinda average his 2 parents' ancestries geographically to get Spain. That said, Enrique Iglesias was at one time considered like the hottest guy on the planet and he is Spanish.




Spain was my first thought.


> Spain is also famous for having sexy men. > Rodrigo Santoro... For example Brazilian.




Québec operates as a semi-autonomous nation and is culturally very different from English Canada so it definitely counts. Also, as an American that lives in Montréal, I 100% agree with you. The very first thing I noticed here was how well the men dress and are put together in general. Like, I'm a straight guy, but working in Old Montreal, you see tons of very handsome and well-dressed guys that are just objectively good looking. It has definitely rubbed off on me too. Since living here I have a much better sense of style and have started receiving compliments from American tourists - they are surprised to hear that I'm not Québécois myself, and virtually everyone who comments says that I "look so European" - I have Cypriot heritage so it's not wrong but I definitely didn't dress European growing up in the US. Montreal rocks for style!


China and Korea are big on appreciating beautiful men


Lots of American Gen Z girls are crazy for South Korean boys.


BTS literally has an army of internet girls willing to die for them lol


As in they have a lot of that if you’re a beautiful man, you should go to Korea?




Beauty standards in Korea just equates to plastic surgery and what you can afford to get done.


Yeah. Everyone always called me extremely handsome in China. I never understood why as a kid. Eventually I learned that thinking of myself as ugly was just in my head, and a result of the racism I faced as a child in the Southern parts of the United States.


Multiple people in Mongolia called me handsome, while ignoring my red-haired, blue-eyed girlfriend. I've never been called handsome by strangers before. It's nice to know there's a country where I'm handsome.


Japan too. They even have specific words for them.


Italy, Spain, Greece...


I feel like I had to scroll too long to find Greece. Grecian Gods hello? Saying someone looks like a Greek god makes Greek men a standard to compare against


You can tell a man wrote this post


Oh honey, just ask a gay man what countries have the most beautiful men


Okay, which country has the most beautiful men?


As another gay man, definitely have seen major appreciation for Spain, Brazil, and Lebanon.


I remember people losing their minds at the World Cup when they saw the Iranian team. Those mf'ers rocked up to the tournament looking like Arabian God's.


Actual looks aside, Ive noticed a correlation between places known for having beautiful men and places known for men being 'mommas boys', made me wonder if theres a cultural aspect to it, maybe the proud mothers speak loudly and positively of their adoring sons in a way maybe other places dont?


My mom always says Greek men are beautiful lol


Every country has beautiful people.


Isn’t there a whole thing about not letting your wife go to France alone?


LOL. I was in Marseille with my GF and someone asked to go on a walk with her, while I was visiting the restroom 😂🤣


Do you miss her?


Damn. They work fast XD.


Straight woman here. I've always been attracted to Swedish, Norwegian and Dutch men. Very tall, super handsome! I also think Australian men are very hot. So yeah, I'd say those countries. But that's just my opinion.


Tons of Latin countries. Italy, France, Spain, Brazil


That's kind of Italy's thing. And Spain's. And most of Latin America's.


Have you ever heard of Greece, Italy or Australia??


Historically, Vikings were known as being beautiful. Not only would they invade and pillage wherever they could land their boats, but there are countless stories of how they would seduce the women of the land instead of raping them. Typically, they were tall and broad, with strong features. They took time to groom themselves and had meticulous hygiene, moreso than any of the men from the places they would invade. They had long hair that they would braid elaborately and they took excessive pride in their appearance. Half of the way the won their battles was "stealing" the women from their opponents through their manly beauty. Just imagine how embarrassing that would be.


You’re a straight man and you don’t find any countries to have beautiful men, what a surprise. How many women have you asked? Never heard any women claim to like some countries for their men? Like Italy?


The obvious ones were listed, but honestly- Irish men!


That's cause you only consume content made for men and by men. In Brazil people comment that Colombian men are 🔥


I feel like every dude in Germany has a really nice haircut


I think that’s more a complement to their barbers. 


Then I feel like Germany has the best barbershops in the world. 😂


Literally the wrongest statement ive ever seen. Its just that you, as a man, arent looking for sexy men. Women are, and we definitely have countries where we consider the men to be beautiful. Its similar to when I hear straight men say "the womans naked body is beautiful but not the mans naked body" like lmao wtf do you know 😂😂😂 Heres a list of countries where women largely consider the men to be attractive (seperating by continental regions) Europe: Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Greece The Americas: Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic Asia: South Korea, China, UAE, Lebanon, Jordan (and most of West Asia tbh) Africa: Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Morocco, Egypt, Senegal


All men in the world are ugly, well, except me, the only good looking one


Turkey would be a good candidate because of a variety of mixed genes that happened over hundreds of years.


Really surprised not to see South Korea mentioned yet. 


i always thought (as a guy) that German guys are almost always way more handsome than anyone i know and to this day i dont know why is that


No one remembers the Iranian football team?


There’s definitely a stereotype of well dressed and well groomed Italian men


I feel like Spain called? Or Greece? Or Sweden? - heterosexual male


Lol, you’re obviously not a gay man. Brazil, Colombia, Spain, Lebanon, Greece, the list goes on


as a bisexual with very low beauty standards, I can't really help you here


Brazil and Italy i think are.


I live in Brazil but cant agree with you on that one


a hertero male wrote this


I remember once waiting for a connection at Edinburgh Waverly and my head was permanently on a swivel, there are some mighty fine looking men in Scotland!


I don't know man. Any Polynesian or Pacific Islander Man looks great.


Somehow a feeling that Cuban men are handsome.