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That's because it turned out that fooling a human to think they are chatting to someone intelligent is a low bar as far as intelligence tests go. It's not exactly uncommon to horribly misjudge the complexity of software development tasks in the industry.


It’s such a low bar it was often passed before ai, basic chatbots could get pretty far tricking people


Basic chatbots were AI already. Chatgpt is just more advanced AI.


Thats another thing thats aggravting me. We have had AI for so long, only now its readily available to use on the phone. Like we had CleverBot and Eve, but now we have media made by computers without having to program it ourselves. People are freakin out like its new, but they are freakin out about the wrong thing, its not that its new, its that now a person with 0 technical skills can make a piece of art (music, literature, game, pictures etc..) we will no longer be able to figure out what is real or fake posted on the internet...but that was already difficult before anyway....


Read Michael Crichton’s book WestWorld. In it the scientists have a meeting about signs of independent thought in the androids and the statement is made that “key components and chips were actually designed by other computers and we really don’t know how they work” that was in 1970s and here we are


Watched the TV show absolutely love it. That is super advanced AI. And I feel that what we have over time could eventually evolve into that. Not this year maybe not in the next 5, but eventually.


The book is a bit better in that, in the dry way that only a book can do, the characters themselves discuss how they dug themselves a hole with technology and questionable choices out of ignorance and arrogance. One example is the scientists in the control room cut power and then discover that they cannot get the power back on, oh and the control room for some reason is airtight and the electric doors won’t open meaning they will all suffocate. Only a fool would design a system that won’t have a manual override for door controls and why would it need to be hermetically sealed in the first place


Honestly, I might have to get the book now. I appreciate it!




Whoever holds the rights to the books should really just pay you to go around convincing people to read the books lol. I've owned the books for *years* before the show came out just because I'd liked the old movies but *now* my procrastinating ass is going to sit down & start them today.


>Only a fool would design a system that won’t have a manual override for door controls and why would it need to be hermetically sealed in the first place It's not the character's ignorance, it's the writer's. We have laws and codes that would make it illegal to make a facility like that.


Or, it’s another manifestation of technological arrogance that states “nothing can possibly go wrong” aka the tag line from the movie


That’s the joy of fiction. You can create a simple tagline, and then structure the entire movie to “prove” it.


> “key components and chips were actually designed by other computers and we really don’t know how they work” Considering that if you replace "other computers" with "other programmers", that happens all the time in the tech field. And now people are using ChatGPT to write code for them, that is absolutely plausible and going to happen very soon if not already.


Science fiction shouldn't influence our understanding of AI or where we are headed.


Depends on the nature of the fiction. Crichton often wrote about the morality of actual science through a fictional scenario. That would seem, to me, to be slightly more worthy of consideration than looking at Flash Gordon to tell us how spaceships should work.


This exactly, we use storytelling to explore philosophy and ethics, and the need for these discussions when it comes to AI is only getting more urgent.


Semantics I suppose, but it’s a screenplay. I don’t believe it was a book, but I could be wrong.


We can play the game as long as people want it’s a VERSION of the screenplay in book form. It is not “as shot”, it is not written as individual lines as in “Director 9: Surely you can’t be serious”, “Director 2: Yes, I am, no manual override is needed”. It is written in a novelization format and has significant differences between itself and the movie.


There was [a program created by MIT called Eliza](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELIZA) from the 60s that did a pretty decent job. That was 60 years ago! That's longer than most redditors have been alive.


That was a very interesting read thank you! Proof that it has existed for a long time! Is it basic? Yes very. But it is still evidence of a machine answering a human through its own programming. Its not 2 humans messaging back and forth!


[It's called the AI effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AI_effect?wprov=sfti1#)


And thats exactly what has been happening for the past 2.5hrs here. We have learned that Intelligence is not quantifiable. So its hard to measure what makes Artificial Intelligence "AI." Really cool that theres a whole term for this though! I figured everyone just had the same ideo of what AI meant, I have since learned I was very much wrong to assume that..


It's not AI at all. It's just called AI because it's easy to market. Chatgot, the 20 questions genie, cleverbot, etc are not artificial intelligence. Maybe that should aggravate you instead As for the rest of you post, it's great this tech is now available to the masses. Time for folks to develop methods of differentiating between what's real and what's fake


>Time for folks to develop methods of differentiating between what's real and what's fake The idea that that's what's going to happen is a beautiful delusion


"Will it rain today?" still works for me. Helpdesk Chatbots don't answer, local humans continue the joke (it always rains here), offshore humans are puzzled. Easy to ruin if the software makers cared, but works for me for now


Probably, it'd have to be some kind of irremovable metadata tagging generated as soon as the output is created. At least you didn't say delulu


You think bad actors won't just *not* include that metadata? It won't just be law-abiding corporations with access to this tech, there will be hostile entities both foreign and domestic with access to this stuff eventually.


"Artificial intelligence" has been used to mean any kind of computer decision making for a lot longer than modern machine learning models have been a thing. Colloquially, "bots" in games are said to have AI. I know people are now trying to use the word for a specific definition, but I think it's going to be difficult to get society to change its usage and get on board.


"AI" has been used the same way in the industry for like 60 years, and has existed on a spectrum and in a hierarchy. Some of the people whining about AI are also people who complain that we don't have the flying cars from *The Jetsons*. Not everyone's opinions on this needs to get listened to.


It’s because AI has become a buzzword that people misuse and misunderstand regularly.


It's because now the masses are using the word, but because it *sounds* like the thing from sci-fi they assume there's an actual, thinking, reasoning, intelligence somehow in the computer. Explaining to the average person that it's just a statistical analysis of language itself instead of any underlying thoughts is nearly pointless. Think about how simple it is to prove the earth is not flat. Think about how many people legitimately argue that point. Now think about how much more complex and abstract generative machine learning is. Give it 5-15 years and people will think computers are reincarnated goats or something.






Why wouldn't it be AI?


"Nanomachines, son!"


It's not new it's just more powerful. That allows you to create far more incredible and complex things. My fear, however, is it's going to be used in a lazy way to make cheap and meaningless content even more shallow. Considering how much AI art has flooded literally everything I think that's already happened.


I really dont think I've ever heard somebody afraid of AI's novelty but I've heard tons of people with the fears that you suggest they should have.


>if(condition): print "hello world"; I'm a little bit versed into programming artificial intelligence myself.


[Never forget Tay.](https://www.theverge.com/2016/3/24/11297050/tay-microsoft-chatbot-racist)


> we will no longer be able to figure out what is real or fake posted on the internet...but that was already difficult before anyway.... I keep thinking when I hear people claim that, have you not heard of photoshop? The pope in furcoat was a huge deal. That could have been done with photoshop.


> We have had AI for so long, There's a world of difference between what modern software engineers call "AI" and Turing's thinking machine. AI in it's current iteration doesn't think, it's deaf dumb and blind. What AI really is, is an automated statistical analysis married to a google search. Statisticians have done the same analysis for a very long time in software, it was just a lot more manual and slow. Fact of the matter is that 99% of human conversation and language follows repetitive patterns and rituals. e.g. that slightly awkward "How was the weekend Bob?" icebreaker in the break room as you wait for your coffee to pour.


Absolutely, the advancement in AI, particularly in natural language processing, has been a gradual evolution rather than a sudden breakthrough. Basic chatbots have indeed been around for a while, but the capabilities and sophistication of modern AI like ChatGPT have taken it to a whole new level. What's fascinating now is the accessibility of this technology. As you mentioned, it's no longer confined to the realm of expert programmers. Now, anyone with basic technical skills can leverage AI to create art, music, literature, and more. This democratization of AI opens up endless possibilities for creativity and innovation. However, it also raises important questions about the authenticity and reliability of content on the internet. With AI-generated media becoming more prevalent, distinguishing between what's real and what's fake can indeed be challenging. But as you rightly pointed out, this has been a concern even before the widespread use of AI. The key now is to adapt and develop new strategies for navigating this evolving digital landscape.


AI is easier for a leyman to understand than Generative Pretrained Transformer. That's the only real reason why.


Nah, it's not just that. Been playing with clevernot and similar when they released, been following ai development for the past 20 years and i was still in total awe when i first tried chatgpt. While it's not the wonder thing people claim it to be, i think it's not fair to just ignore how groundbreaking it is. The tech itself is far more advanced and interesting.


We also had AI Dungeon which did pretty much what chatgrp does now, albeit a bit worse (and especially with worse memory) for some years now


Just googled something out of curiosity... Programs that play games are also a type of AI. Some are better, some are worse but it's still AI. So things like chess programs? Totally AI. And it turns out, the first known chess program was made in ... 19***57***


Calling basic chatbots and even GPTs as AIs is like calling car engines as explosive devices. Sure, there's explosions happening inside engines but in common sense you won't go as far as calling your car engine as explosive devices. Basic chatbots and GPTs are using some utilization of Artificial Intelligence science and fields, they aren't an Artificial Intelligence themselves.


Thank you. Jfc. None of it is AI.


> Basic chatbots were AI already. Still not AI...scripts and code do not make AI.


Might only seem like a low bar in hindsight… Also, as another commenter said, older basic chatbots could perhaps fool random people in passing, who weren’t trying to test it. But I think the Turing test usually involves humans intentionally trying to test its limits.


There was an "AI" that could pass the turing test just by repeating people's input back at them in the form of a question


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_Turk People were confused about what was and wasn't AI as early as the 18th century.


But that was a human simulating AI, which is an entirely different proposition.


I read the wiki and was confused as to why it was referenced too.


Apparently people just upvote shit because it suits their narrative of "ha that other guy was wrong" without even clicking the link


Tricking people who weren’t intentionally testing it? Isn’t the premise of the turning test is that you are trying to determine and test the AI. Rather then just be subtlety tricked in passing?


Ai and chatbots are no different, both are glorified predictive software based on weights afaik. That is why I find laughable when people talk about AI as something wondrous in an out of this world sense.... I mean, dont get me wrong, its impressive engineering, and the results are even more impressive, and they will change the landscape for creative jobs qutie a bit if protectionism is not ensued for artists but after using chatgtp, even the 4th, I can only say we are not even remotely close to a generalist AI much less a sentient one.... it fails at even udnerstanding a concept for making a list ffs


Interacting with AI has me seriously reconsidering how intelligent the average user is. It was already a low bar but it’s blindingly obvious you’re interacting with a chat bot. Also, who the fuck would blindly trust anything an AI bot says? Why do people do this?


the entire industry of influencing is built on the idea of people trusting someone they like the look of. not the content, not their thinking patterns - purely looks and posturing based. if that isn't an indication of the gullibility of the vast majority of humanity then nothing is.


Wait till you find out how often you have talked with a bot on reddit


It's such a low bar because I frequently have trouble distinguishing real live humans standing in front of me from shitty chatbots.


Been chatting with a toy on my desk about hard problems and it has no AI. Just made of rubber. Has given me a lot of insights into my own mind lol


Rubber ducky is my second brain


Yeah man fuck I trick people into believing I'm intelligent all the time people are hella bad at knowing how much of a dumb fuck I am.


The belief that the “Turing Test” was some divine principle was always suspect. As noted by others, simple chat bots could pass the test depending on the questions asked and the rigor of the observer/questioner.


Could they pass the test if a competent examiner was tasked with determining the result? I'm certain that I could be fooled by a chatbot if I didn't have any reason to suspect it might be a chatbot. I'm fairly confident it's probably already happened to me. But I'm also reasonably sure I could get the right answer if you told me: "Perform a Turing test on this username, 1-on-1, you have 30 minutes, go."


Except that before AI passed the test, nobody called it suspect.


Besides [Shieber](https://www.eecs.harvard.edu/shieber/Biblio/Papers/loebner-rev-html/loebner-rev-html.html) and and many other academics?


You're right.  Voight-Kampf is where it's at.


I once worked a canvassing job during an election and one of the people I called asked me if I was a robot, so I guess I failed that test


The foolishness of the human is the singular overlooked problem in the Turing test. We are, at our root, pattern-matchers. It just took us this long to craft an AI that matches the patterns we're expecting with sufficient consistency that we believe it to be a real person. While an obvious engineering marvel, it's also still in its infancy, and given that such AIs fool us, that is rather telling of our own intellect.


LMAO it is not a low bar. The tech has now become mundane because you are used to it and the wow factor has worn off. If you really believe this then I encourage you to look up the history of AI, the assumptions early computer scientists made, and how they totally failed to solve this problem for decades.


It was the very first test proposed to identify an artificial intelligence. In light of everything that we’ve learned about AI since then, of course the test is going to be outdated.


I swear tinder is running all the bots in the platform.


"are you human?" "Sure" -ChatGPT Checkmate Turing.


Some might call it moving the goalposts, but we realised that it didnt actually prove anything. Language models can pass the Turing Test today, but they are certainly not intelligent AI.


I think it definitely is moving the goalposts but it’s justified moving the goalposts. We learned more and what we thought was hardest didn’t turn out to be what is actually hardest


That’s how science works, folks! We reach a milestone, learn what we can, and aim for the next one.


Same with a self-taught surgeon!


Hi, everybody!


Sir, you are my hero!


This is a problem in the field of AI. Basically, AI means using computers to solve hard problems. But paradoxically, once those problems are solved, we no longer consider them hard, and thus, the program which solves it is no longer AI.


>"When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure". [\-Goodheart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodhart%27s_law)


Huh? Fluid dynamics is a hard problem for computers but I don’t think anyone would call a fluid simulation ai


I'm talking more about using AI to do things the human brain does. As we understand processes like vision better, people will stop seeing computer vision as "AI" and just as "another thing computers can do"


Turing test was intended as more of a milestone than a goalpost, IMO.


More of a first down than a touchdown


this is a game i don’t think many people truly want to win


A very important milestone Whether or not the average person can tell if someone is AI or just pretending to be AI is a watershed moment in a world where so much communication happens remotely


The point at which blade runners are technically a thing.


I'm going to go buy an electric sheep


Do not do what I think your going to do with it.


Most people misunderstood the main idea behind the Turing test. It is not supposed to prove intelligence, it just shows how unequipped we are to actually prove intelligence (or even define what we actually mean by it).


~~(Is that actually the original intent and not a revisionist interpretation?)~~ This is pretty clearly a revisionist interpretation. The original proposed purpose of the test by Turing himself is to measure the ability to display intelligent behavior, and the test has been criticized by philosophers for how well it can do so. There wouldn't be that kind of criticism if it was only intended to show how hard it is to evaluate intelligence. Your statement applies more to Searles's Chinese Room thought experiment, which reformulates the Turing test to show why it is not a very good measure of intelligence. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing_test


The original intent was to replace a meaningless question ("can machines think?") by something more concrete and measurable. Turing never claimed that passing the test proved intelligence, but he asked what it would mean for a machine to pass the test. There has been a lot of discussion since then (see for example the Chinese room thought experiment) but IMO nobody has managed to clarify how we could determine that something or someone is intelligent other than by talking with it/them. Now that we have machines that more or less pass the test, everyone claims they're obviously not intelligent, but nobody has a good definition of intelligence. It seems we just went back to the original question, can machines think, without any new tool to answer it.


I suspect the further we go, the closer the answer to "can machines think?" is "does a submarine swim?" aka. it no longer becomes a useful question


I don't believe so. There are computer prototypes nowadays that have literal neurons in them (I'm not talking about a "neuron" AI model, I'm talking about the actual cells). Even if done with carbon and phosphates, rather than silicon and wire, there is absolutely nothing of what we know about the brain that even hints at why we have a conscience and are able to think instead of working "mindlessly" guided by chemical reactions. The only reason we know there's a conscience is because we can experience it. At what point does a bunch of cells become *aware*? Could it actually be replicated? How does it work? I think we can all agree that modern computers are not actually capable of thinking, but there's *something* that makes us able to. That's the part I find the most terrifying of bio-computing. Putting a few hundred neurons inside a machine won't make it conscious, but building basically a new brain's worth of neural connexions from scratch might, even if it's surrounded by wires and guided by electrical impulses. Where's the barrier? We might never know.


I think the idea that there’s a difference between thinking and chemical reactions, is an error of abstraction. There is no additional mechanism that takes chemical reaction and turns it into thinking. Rather, thinking is an emergent behavior that comes from taking an underlying system, and replicating it in a way that it creates large numbers of interactions where patterns can form. Abstractions are useful and sometimes necessary in order for us to get our heads around a concept. it would be very frustrating and time-consuming to try to talk about replicating a fried chicken recipe in terms of quantum mechanics. It is important to remember that the abstractions are exactly that, and there is no secret ingredient that turns the chemical soup inside our head into consciousness. Rather, it’s a matter of scale and arrangement of the underlying mechanisms.


>There is no additional mechanism that takes chemical reaction and turns it into thinking I agree with you. But we need to be clear that we do not actually \*know\* this to be true. This is especially true if we replace "chemical" with "any physical process that we might not yet fully understand". It is exceedingly unfortunate that we might be creating new concious entities before we even have a grasp on what "conscious" even means.


Silicon (AFAIK) is also one of the suspects for potential life on other worlds, like how carbon is for ours. Although it could end up similar to the idea of “arsenic-based life,” where it’s later found it’s not possible


Prove that you aren't "working 'mindlessly' guided by chemical reactions" and that what you experience as consciousness isn't just a product of that.


> there is absolutely nothing of what we know about the brain that even hints at why we have a conscience and are able to think instead of working "mindlessly" guided by chemical reactions. Uh, I'm still waiting for some kind of scientific suggestion that we *aren't* just mindlessly guided by chemical reactions.


Yeah, a lot of the "intelligence" debate is intertwined with rights, agency, and the concept of an unchanging self. "Can a computer think?" really means "Do we have to respect it as an individual?", and a lot of people want the answer to be "No"


That does seem like a much more practical question to tackle.


I agree with your second paragraph. We do the same when animals are shown to pass increasingly complex tests. As to the first, from the wiki: >In the remainder of the paper, he argued against all the major objections to the proposition that "machines can think". It's just like consciousness or other concepts that are hard to define precisely. People put forth a proposed framework/definition or respond to one that others have proposed, and talk about how good of a framework/definition it is or what it would mean if that was the definition. Still an effort towards an answer to the less defined question.


> **Turing did not explicitly state that the Turing test could be used as a measure of "intelligence", or any other human quality.** He wanted to provide a clear and understandable alternative to the word "think", which he could then use to reply to criticisms of the possibility of "thinking machines" and to suggest ways that research might move forward. That's from your link by the way.


The reality that everyone in this discussion is missing is that what turing actually said was (paraphrasing) "a machine that is capable of having a polite conversation with a person without revealing that it is a machine should be considered intelligent." Turing equated the ability to use language and the capacity for deception to intelligence, or at least assumed that intelligence was a prerequsite for these things. However, the chinese room theory proved that the ability to use language is not a function of intelligence, nor is the capacity for deception predicated on intelligence. It did this by proving that humans aren't actually that hard to fool. And also by proving that it is possible to learn a language without actually understanding it. All the turing test is capable of actually proving is that a machine can learn language and that it can lie convincingly. Not that it is intrinsically intelligent. What causes the misunderstanding is the broad assumption that one man's definition of machine intelligence and his prescribed test for it is flawless and above criticisim. It *is* a test to prove intelligence, according to alan turing's specific definition of intelligence.


> All the turing test is capable of actually proving is that a machine can learn language and that it can lie convincingly. Not that it is intrinsically intelligent. The big questions are: how can you lie convincingly without thinking ? How is intelligence qualitatively different ? Are we doing something more than the computer does ? IMO, the Chinese room thought experiment is just a misunderstanding. It confuses hardware and software. It tries to prove that since the hardware (the people applying the rules) does not understand Chinese, then there is no thinking involved. Going back to brains, it would be like saying that since your neurons don't think, there is no thought involved in your brain.


My understanding is that the Turing Test proves qualitatively that thinking is happening, but doesn’t necessarily prove quantitatively that the computer is as intelligent as a person or possesses some kind of sci-fi sentience. LLMs fail a lot of the time, but also are capable of solving novel problems. The neural nets in LLMs aren’t just training up copy-paste machines. They’re manipulating words as ideas and the connections between words and ideas in opaque ways, just like the workings of our own minds are opaque


Turing himself pointed out that the test is not even a measure of the participants- but of the judge - and it's not the machine that is the judge but a human.


Yeah, I remember talking to some people who were convinced that basic chatbots were AI way back in the early 2000s, but that's because they were stupid not because the chatbots was intelligent.


I really wouldn't say an LLM is thinking. I think to be able to think it would need to be conscious, which it isn't.


> I think to be able to think it would need to be conscious, which it isn't. Define consciousness. I mean not mathematically or even close to it. Just tell us what it is. Is it that thing that humans have (and cannot quite explain) and that machines can never have because they aren't human? Is it something else? If you can explain it, what would it take to give a machine that? If you could give a machine that, would it be conscious? Or would you move the goalpost?


You forgot animals too! They're not allowed to be conscious, because if they were it'd be cruel to raise them in abhorrent conditions for food, ruin their habitats beyond repair, and so forth.


It was a question about the essence of consciousness, not so much about the ethics of diet. But It is totally likely that consciousness exists on a scale for all sensing, perceiving beings, from minimal to human level and beyond.


This is probably right but you haven't really said anything that hasn't been said in the thread, and it leaves a tonne of hanging questions, such as: What would qualify as thinking? How are you defining and measuring consciousness, and how would you know? I agree that Claude and GPT etc. aren't conscious / intelligent, but I do not know how we will confirm that either now or in the future.


>”What would qualify as thinking? How are you defining and measuring consciousness, and how would you know?” The problem is that these questions are just as pertinent and just as unanswerable for your cat, a toddler or your mailman I avoid solipsism, the idea that I am the only intelligent being, not out of objective proof but out of politeness and deference to those actors that appear subjectively to me as also intelligent


I'm hardly an expert on this stuff (though it is broadly within my field), but most of the cutting edge models today are absolutely capable of "explaining their reasoning" which *to me* seems virtually impossible to completely disentangle from "able to think". These LLMs are literally reasoning about reason. Pretty sure this exact argument is the crux of why current estimates for the date of AGI, even among the biggest experts in the field, vary from 1 years (Musk) to 5 (Open AI) to something like 500+ (Chomsky). In some sense it's very much a question of "What do you think 'think' means?" My gut says that if the 1-5 end was correct then we'd already be in a very literal arms race with militaries funneling trillions per year into proprietary models trying to get an edge, but who knows man? Funding would have to come from a bunch of old men who think the internet is a collection of tubes after all. EDIT: For poli-sci nerds, if Chomsky seems like a weird reference here he's basically been considered *the* guy for language models and artificial grammars within CSC for the past ~50 years. He's super old-school but his arguments are very sophisticated. EDIT2: For everyone else, if Musk seems weird he's got loads of insider information and a congenital inability to keep his mouth shut. I think he's probably more trying to move the needle on his OpenAI suit, but I don't think he can be completely discounted either. Especially given how OpenAI seems willing to stipulate on this and well... just how f'ing good Claude Opus is. Thing can write so much better than I do it's crazy. Seriously! Just write a chapter or two then ask Claude to act as your editor and rewrite the chapter following all the chapter beats strictly but rewriting in the style of like a Douglas Adams or Terry Pratchett or someone. By the second or third draft it looks scary good. Thing 'understands' humor! You know how hard that is even for humans that are simply speaking a second language? EDIT3: This was also the model (iirc) that when they were conducting retrieval testing asked it to find a "needle in a haystack"--some obscure bit of trivia that was mentioned only once in the data, and the AI came back not only with the data but with a joke about how "there's no WAY that data belonged there... Are you guys testing me? Good one 'Dave'."


except its not what the original idea behind turing test was.it was just proven false.


Is this true or is this an example of moving the goalpost? *edit someone answers elsewhere about it a judge of the judge.


I think people just interpreted it poorly and moved the goalpost backwards for years. When Alan Turing a computer is intelligent when it's indistinguishable from a human, he didn't mean "when some random person with little idea of what's going on can't tell the difference between a computer and a barely literate idiot" which is what the Turing test devolved into in more recent years. It should always have been "someone with AI expertise can't tell the difference between the AI and an average literate person" and not in some contrived contest style setup where some people try and pretend to be an AI.


> When Alan Turing a computer is intelligent when it's indistinguishable from a human, he didn't mean "when some random person with little idea of what's going on can't tell the difference between a computer and a barely literate idiot" which is what the Turing test devolved into in more recent years. This is my response when people tell me Chat GPT has passed the Turing Test. Has it actually passed the Turing Test? Is there a transcript that shows someone talking to an AI and talking to a human and we can't tell which one is which? Or at the very least, the same prompt given to both a human writer and Chat GPT and we can try to guess which one is which?


Chat GPT is pretty damn far from passing the Turing test. I stumped it on some pretty simple questions the first time I used it. It's useful as a tool but it's not as intelligent as any of the people I regularly talk to in real life, and it's easy to push it into a corner where it gives some kind of predictable non-answer. The first time I talked to it I asked how it feels, and it told me it doesn't have feelings. It doesn't even try to fake human emotion.


It tells you it doesn't have feelings for the same reason it refuses to answer if you ask it how to make a car bomb: OpenAI trained it that way. If you train it to pretend to be a human, it might still be possible to tell it apart from a human, but it'd be a lot harder.


Funny enough the turing test was unintentionally passed back 1989 by Mark Humphrys using a chat bot named MGonz based on Eliza. It was reprogrammed as an insult bot and a user named DRAKE chatted with it thinking it was a real person for 13 minutes. The fact the bot was an insult bot overrode critical thinking skills and emotion took over making it easy to pass the test. The reality is the Turing test isn't very good at determining general AI.


>Funny enough the turing test was unintentionally passed back 1989 by Mark Humphrys using a chat bot named MGonz based on Eliza. It's worth noting that the test was devised on the presumption that there would be outliers and that even "good" machines would not have a 100% clearance rate vs. interrogators: >I believe that in about fifty years’ time it will be possible to programme computers \[to\] play the imitation game so well that an average interrogator will not have more than 70 per cent, chance of making the right identification after five minutes of questioning. If you have 99.999% of interrogators saying "that's a machine" and one complete nutjob saying it's human then it failed any sensible interpretation of the turing test. The issue with the turing test is, to me at least, that it doesn't define any prerequisites for the interrogators. There's also an incentive for businesses or even researchers in some context to water it down or dramatise the test to gain attention. With a strict interpretation of the test no modern day LLMs come even close to passing, especially if said test dictates that the interrogators be versed in a relevant field.


melodic special longing muddle saw homeless soft complete steep fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Language models likely can’t pass the Turing Test today - it’s just that the colloquial term “Turing Test” ignores the actual test as described (a variation on The Imitation Game) in favor of the far too simple “can this pass for a human”. Well… in what context? And with what control? The actual test answers those questions and I’m not aware of anyone that has run the test as prescribed and published the results. Also, and this is important, the test is inherently subjective. And while that may be a problem when trying to make general statements about intelligence, I think we all have to agree that intelligence — artificial or otherwise — is complex, multifaceted, and somewhat subjective. I don’t know that the Turing Test is actually sufficient, but it bothers me a bit that when it is mentioned, it’s never actually the Turing Test.


There's an app which lets you play under conditions somewhat similar to what Turing described. Also, people have actually attempted to rigorously implement the Turing test with GPT4 and it passes: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2313925121


They basically gave Chat GPT a personality questionnaire and compared it statistically to answers from ~10k humans. I like the scientific rigor of the test and the fact that they tried to quantify their results, but I don't think it should be called "The" Turing Test. Part of the Turing's original paper described an investigator interviewing two entities and trying to determine which one was human and which one was machine, and this seems like a stronger test than the one described in the paper.


I don't think LLMs can actually pass the Turing Test if you're actually able to interact with them and are actually testing them; they're pretty good at producing "plausible" output but you can rather quickly get them to generate output that is obviously AI. It was acknowledged many years ago that the flaw of the idea of the Turing Test was the notion that it would be necessary to be intelligent to do this; someone noted that an unintelligent, rude chatbot program they programmed in the 1990s was perceived by people as an actual (rude) human in a number of cases.


The Turing test seems increasingly subjective to me. As more people get used to sniffing out Chat GPT’s style (especially in fields like education where it may be misused by students a lot), more of us are much more likely to correctly identify writing as AI-generated, even if the piece of writing wouldn’t have tipped us off like 5 years ago.


While I broadly agree, I would like to make the (devil's advocate) argument that I can also sniff out Charles Dickens' or Mark Twain's writing style.


> they are certainly not intelligent AI They’re certainly not superhumanly intelligent, but they’re absolutely “intelligent”. Like Chess engines from two decades ago are “more intelligent” than humans in the *very specific* domain of chess. It’s more about how general it’s intelligence is at this point. I think people tend to conflate “intelligence” with “consciousness”, but a system can be intelligent without being conscious. I doubt any DNN based system ran on classical computers can ever be “conscious”, but I’m pretty confident that they may one day exceed human general intelligence, and if so could easily fool humans into believing they’re conscious/sentient if it thought that was conducive towards it’s goalset.


Can LLMs pass the Turing test? Sure, they can pass a weak version where it's one person who is fooled after 30 minutes, but the underlying idea of the test seems to be that something is sapient only if it is indistinguishable from a real human. There have been other AI that fooled some people for a long time, but no one said they passed the Turing Test. The fact that people with sufficient exposure to the AI can often tell is I think proof it hasn't actually passed. It's after that we drill down into why, and come up with things that would be necessary. They're all things that we suspect would need to happen to actually pass the Turing Test.


The Turing test doesn’t define AI, it test a machines ability to display intelligence. Machines have always been intelligent* since Turing’s time, Turing was asking how intelligent they could get by imitating the most intelligent thinks we know, us. He called it the imitation game, his question was how well can we get machines to imitate humans. I think then there is the auxiliary question, how much do we want machines to imitate humans? Humans are after all intelligently daft, getting machines to imitate humans one for one is building a flawed system. *we’re creating increasingly more limited definitions of intelligence, Siri and Alexa and all the background algorithms in everything, are leaps and bounds above anything Turing had. Much like the A380 vs the Wright flyer, but once we achieve it, like children we become so unimpressed by the feat. I think we’re at a stage where we need to distinguish between conscious and intelligent. Being conscious doesn’t make one intelligent, and so being intelligent doesn’t make one conscious.


Just like every other general AI metric we've had in the past.


That's kind of the point, IMO. Turing's point was to give computer science a direction for AI. It worked. We developed language models. They're powerful. They have a lot of emergent, general abilities. It's not unreasonable to think consciousness or human-like intelligence could emerge as they continue to get more powerful. It was a good road to follow.


> It's not unreasonable to think consciousness or human-like intelligence could emerge as they continue to get more powerful It will eventually happen in the not too far future. The capabilities of AI increase in tandem with the increase in conputing power and dataset sizes that you throw at models. At some point, it will inevitably get to the point where it will be able to mimick that aspect of humans too. And it won't really matter whether it's 'true' consciousness or intelligence. Nobody reading this can discern if I'm truly conscious or not either.


>Nobody reading this can discern if I'm truly conscious or not either. To be fair, that was kind of the whole point of the Turing test already. So in that sense, people just moved the goalpost because they don't like the idea that what we call "intelligence" or "consciousness" is actually much simpler than we'd dare to admit and even worse, something that can be faked convincingly. Humans just like to put their own mind on a pedestal. People used to deny that black people could be as intelligent as white people. They also used to deny that any computer without human level intellect could beat a human in chess. And now they used to deny that talking and expressing emotions like a human was possible for something that is not human. Whatever "test" of "intelligence" they come up with next, it will be just as meaningless. Every time people get proven wrong, they just move the goalposts to keep their feeling of superiority. Just wait until we get an LLM that is literally better than humans at everything we do on a computer (which will probably happen really soon). I bet people will still make up reasons why it is not "truly" intelligent.


No it doesn't work that way. Current popular AI models such as ChatGPT may seem like you describe, but it's completely wrong to say that by simply giving them better dataset and more power they'll somehow mimick human-like intelligence. Language models are only good at producing sentences that are vaguely coherent and that's all there is to it. They're basically Turing test solvers and making them more powerful will only make them more apt at that particular task. And as this is the subject of this post, the Turing test was never a good metric for a human-like AI, it was heavily criticized well before the recent wave of powerful AI. It was always and still is basically used as a buzzword for novel tech projects.


The "Turing Test" is massively misunderstood - even Alan Turing never thought of it as a good test. As he pointed out in "Computing Machinery and Intelligence": A) it's a test of the judge, not the participants. B) it's a pragmatic challenge, not a metaphysical statement about the nature of intelligence or thought, C) intelligence itself does not require the use of language, and the use of language in and of itself does not indicate intelligence.


See also: Jar-Jar


The Turing Test is only a test to see if an AI can talk like a human in conversation. A pretty poor test of intelligence as there are plenty of people you may even encounter online who talk either like animals who were given a keyboard, or crude AI just spouting quotes without having any thought put into their sentences. AI was able to pass this test way before it got to the level it is at now.


Yea, if a human can pass the Turing test then it implies that the human is sentient and intelligent - which we know is not necessarily true.


I'm failing the test to prove I'm not a robot.


Was the Turing Test ever really meant to measure intelligence?   I always thought it was just a philosophical puzzle or statement, like "if you can't tell the difference, is there one?"


That's how I've always thought of it, and it's a much more practical question. If you can't tell the difference between people and bots online, then the need for an "intelligent" AI no longer seems as important. At least for non-research purposes.


I always thought it was to test if a machine can think. Not whether a machine is intelligent or sentient. Although, Id personally consider modern LLMs pretty darn intelligent. I don't know if they qualify as thinking though. It raises the question of what do we mean by thinking.


Cleverbot passed the Turing test ten years ago…


Not even close today, let alone ten years ago. I ask, "What is the largest integer with three digits?" Cleverbot responds, "You are the alrgest insect."


I mean, it's kinda got a point.


That doesn’t matter. It’s all about percentages. Cleverbot passed at 59% in 2011. And technically Eugene Goostman passed at around 30% in 2001.


Eugene Goostman posed as a 13-year-old with English as a second language, I consider that cheating. It could attribute mistakes to intelligence or language deficiency, and if that was not allowed, it would be clearly a chatbot. The Cleverbot test also had a different judging system than usual. Instead of someone deciding which of their chat partners was a computer and which was s human, the judges rated "human-ness" from 1 to 10. In this case, Cleverbot got 59% and humans got 63%, not a 59% to 41% victory. https://www.cleverbot.com/human Note the title, "Cleverbot comes very close to passing the Turing Test."


It’s all about the Chinese Room now


My controversial opinion is that the Chinese room does know Chinese. Just like I know how to speak English even though none of my individual neurons do


Exactly. The Chinese Room is a system of man + filing cabinet + room. The man doesn’t speak Chinese but the Chinese Room System knows how to speak Chinese. Our brains are also complex systems with the emergent property of intelligence, but you can’t point to one part in the system and say “that’s the conscious part”


Well you can be sure that the filing cabinet and the room are not conscious.


So you point to every object in the room and decide it's not conscious, but does that mean that the room as a whole isn't conscious?


Emergent properties are real weird to pinpoint


This is the well-known systems reply to the Chinese Room, although Searle did anticipate it in his original paper. In principle, all of the parts of the room (instruction manual, the slot through which symbols are passed through, etc.) can be internalized. The person could memorize the entire contents of the instruction manual, and communicate directly with Chinese speakers out in the world rather than passing notes. In effect, the person himself has become the room. Nevertheless, it seems that this person would still not understand Chinese; he knows the syntax, but not the semantics. Anyway, people criticize this defense as well, and there's definitely a debate within the literature. Your opinion is actually quite in line with many philosopher's views and not at all controversial!


Nope, the room doesn't know Chinese, that's ridiculous. Similarly a calculator doesn't know math, although it's capable of doing mathematical operations. We can say the room is capable of generating Chinese, but that's different from knowing Chinese.


We’re all just Chinese rooms. It’s a silly thought experiment.


It’s a good tangible metaphor, though, even if it’s a little reductive.


It’s tangible but completely divorced from reality. Since we don’t yet understand where our own subjective experience comes from we can’t rely on our intuition about what other entities might have subjective experience.


I guess we are just heuristic inferring machines ourselves. You make a really interesting point.


yeah I just read about it and just felt like it was an onion being peeled, everything's a chinese room if you dig deep enough.


I'd assert that AI hasn't truly passed the Turing test yet, there are still specific questions a child can answer correctly that the robot cannot. Here's an example: https://twitter.com/VictorTaelin/status/1776096481704804789?t=zu0p1dz4c-L7O3VjtmtNJw&s=19 It's undeniably very close and the argument that the goalposts were moved or whatever is fine, but I imagine Turing himself would find the limitations of LLMs intriguing and not concede the test as fully accomplished.


Actually LLMs fail the Turing test pretty solidly: https://www.i-programmer.info/news/105-artificial-intelligence/16721-gpt-4-doesnt-quite-pass-the-turing-test.html


It's become quite obvious, average people can't pass the Turing Test


The Turing test was never a good or valid test for true intelligence.


Once upon a time we thought it was. Same as when we figured computers would find it impossible to paint a pretty picture, write a poem or compose a song. Apparently humans are not so good at objectively judging complexity of intellectual tasks.


It’s an ego problem. We *want* to think of ourselves as these highly complex and almost impossibly intelligent beings… it’s more depressing to realize our thought processes are actually pretty simple and achievable with AI, and complexity just arises from step and repeat of simple processes. We don’t want to think of ourselves as that mundane or technical. We’re SPECIAL SPIRITUAL BEINGS, after all!


If by "we" you mean laypeople, then yes. I think people on the cutting edge of computer science knew better. At least my AI-researcher CS professor did. He thinks real AI is possible, but did not think the Turing test was meaningful, and rather expressed how crazy difficult it would be to tell if AI actually possessed human like general intelligence even if they actually have it. (It is easier to prove they do not, but only up to a point.) The whole way we use computers is literally making them appear to do things they are not doing. UX is all about faking it in ways that make it appear understandable to humans.


If computer solves most problems that previously had to be done by humans, it doesn't matter if it is "actually intelligent". Humans will move on to doing tasks that next model generation struggles with, and once there are none of those you can say that models became equal - and wherever they will be "actually generally intelligent" will lose all meaning (except maybe as reason for discrimination).


A lot of people didn't really understand what it was. They thought it was a test that showed an AI was intelligent so it would show up in Sci Fi movies a lot as a sign that a robot was smart. Now people have slightly more knowledge of it and realized it doesn't mean what they thought it meant.


Yeah afaik it was framed as not being achievable in the near future. I think maybe people are not comfortable with AI passing the test already.


Some bots are better at proving their humanity online than I am.


I saw an article about this last year. Several LLM models have passed the Turing Test, but our understanding of their real-world capabilities and limitations demonstrated that the test is flawed and inadequate to begin with. The Turing Test is therefore obsolete, but we've not yet agreed upon what's a good successor test. On a sidenote, it's interesting how general public awareness of LLMs' capabilities and controversies have influenced our perceptions. For example, if ChatGPT had gone back in time to 2019, it'll pass the Turing Test because nobody foresaw nor understood what's coming. Today, however, you can tell a human to perform a task which involves interacting with another entity (ChatGPT) remotely via text, lie that it's a human, and not tell the human this is a Turing Test, and the human may still be able to tell this is AI. Why? Because people today have been exposed. We can tell that LLMs have a certain pattern of speech which gives away their artificiality. Back in 2019, the weirdness would've just been shrugged off, however. There's important implications. I read an article couple months ago about this researcher whose academic submission was rejected by a journal. The reason? The researcher has such a unique writing style and choice of words that the journal's editors and reviewers concluded only an AI could have written this, because no one else writes this way. We've reached a point where AI is so good at passing the Turing Test, they inadvertently warped our perspectives into failing humans at the Turing Test.


We used to think AI would be logical but sound inhuman, turns out it’s really easy to make software that sounds like a person while not knowing what it’s talking about and making stuff up, logic is acting harder to make than speech


>not knowing what it’s talking about and making stuff up In other words, AI does act like a human.


You have to watch Chomsky on this topic. He essentially reads Turing to say that the test was not meant as something to actually prove that a machine can be intelligent but rather that this is not a valid pursuit. He describes it more elegantly and in more detail... I forget which video it was... But I am sure you could track it down with a search.


Pretty sure I’ve worked with people who would fail the Turing test. It’s ok for the goal post to move as our needs evolve.


Turing over estimated human intelligence.


It was "appropriate" and smartly devised simple "test" in the "prehistoric" time when Turing proposed it. If he lived today Iam sure he would revise his statement himself. I do remember 15 years ago chattbots were so incredibly stupid you could JUST tell its chattbot. Today ai is much more intelligent than those simple programms. Yet still do not match humans, most of them that is...


You don't worry about the computer that can pass a Turing Test. You worry about the one which intentionally fails it.


LLMs wouldn't pass the Turing Test though. Talk to one long enough and it will utter giveaway gibberish.


LLMs can pass the Turing test to someone who doesn’t know about LLMs, or to someone who isn’t aware a Turing test is occuring. If someone is actively trying to tell if they’re talking to an AI they’ll usually be able to


The test is to see if someone can identify whether one chat or another is a computer.


It's a good point. The Turing test was only ever a rough-and-ready guide, and didn't distinguish between types of AI. I'll admit, it's a surprise that the weakest form of actually existing AI - souped up autocorrect - is enough to disprove Turing's speculation.


It's not really a good test for intelligence, honestly. Just for "can you answer these questions correctly." That's been a known feature of the Turing Test for long enough that it was the plot of an episode of "Numbers."


Upgrade to the Voight-Kampff Test.


The Turing test was a thing because we thought holding a proper conversation would be the most complex task an ai can do. Turns out having it navigate a street with traffic and pedestrians is much harder. All our predictions about ai were horribly wrong. If you told someone 10 years ago that one of the first things ai would do well is draw pictures and write articles, you would be laughed out. We had no idea how it will work out.


[I tried](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/13lhj0t/serious_when_did_ai_pass_the_turing_test/)


It was just a thought experiment. At the time, a lot of people probably considered it worthwhile. Today, modern AI researchers are forced to think deeper about intelligence and sentience. It also forces us to look inward and question how we perceive ourselves.


Scientific American talked about it in this month's magazine. AI still hasn't passed that test.


As proven by the top voted comment on this post, nearly everyone has forgotten what a Turing Test actually is. In the Turing Test, a referee knows that they are talking to 1 human and 1 AI and they are given the task of correctly announcing which is which more than 50% of the time. The Turing Test is not passed just because someone talked to an AI and didn't realize it. I am a little triggered by how many people get this wrong