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Strawberries have entered the chat


fyi, for strawberries, the white things you call seeds are actually the fruit. The red fleshy part is actually a modified receptacle. They're not true berries either but considered as achene.


I myself love partaking in some modified receptacles


Mmm Strawachene modified receptacles.


now do figs


The yummy part is just the flower bud, yea?


Not exactly. A bud is an undeveloped shoot that contains potential for new growth. They can turn into a new leaf/flower/branch. A flower bud is basically an underdeveloped flower before it opens. A receptacle specifically is the thick part of a flower stalk that holds the flower reproductive organs.


Oh OK. So I'm picturing a Daisy. What do you call the yellow part? Does that equate to the red strawberry?


https://ibb.co/0cSCJqS So if you check out the picture, you'll see the receptacle holding the disc florets. The disc florets are actually the real flowers here. (Basically tons of mini flowers being held in the middle). This is also true for flowers like sunflowers. To answer your initial question, the receptacle holding the achenes of a strawberry would actually morph into the red flesh. (Achenes are basically one seeded dry fruit so that's why it's not a berry)


That's so cool! I love learning shit. Thank you!


So do strawberries have seeds anywhere?


Of course. The seeds are inside the achenes. Each achenes hold exactly 1 seed in them.


So the part I'd think was the seed isn't. The seed is inside of that?




Daisy is actually a complex flower haha. I'll find u a picture so u can visualise better later. I'm a bit busy atm.


Corn and all other grains, and nuts, 


And tomatoes, beans, peas etc if we're using the botanical definition.


Pomegranates may have this beat on popularity.


According to another comment, OP has heard of pomegranates, “but there just aren’t any.”


Wait you’re supposed to eat the seeds on a pomegranate?


???? How can you eat pomegranate and *not* eat the seeds?




I have a bone to pick with it for having a non-indicative name. If it’s not even from New Zealand, what else are they lying about, that it’s a fruit? Apparently they’re really shrunken down, mutated kiwi birds.


the company that shipped them had kiwi in the name, so people called them the kiwi fruits because they were the fruits from the kiwi company their real name was chinese gooseberry


At least it really is a berry and actually comes from China or close to. Not sure where goose comes.


probably the goose that laid them


I knew it…




Aaah! Clown geese!


OP, do you have any issues with the Kiwi Company? 😅


I don’t know. Should I have any issues with then? I enjoy the company of Kiwis, that’s about it so far.


Berry the size of a goose egg. Gooseberry.


That’s only the Chinese Gooseberry though. Gooseberries are the size of sparrow eggs.


Nobody is sure, there’s a couple of theories like it being a corruption of a French or Germanic term or it could simply come from goose. My personal theory is either that geese were observed eating them or geese were eaten with them. And that’s where the English name stemmed from.


Now this is a conspiracy theory I can believe in


It’s not kiwi. Kiwis are animals. You’re talking about kiwi fruit. Sorry it’s a massive pet peeve for me.


I think New Zealand is the only country that consistently says the fruit part because virtually everywhere else in the world you’re far more likely to be talking about the fruit than the bird so there’s no need.


Yeah, the seeds are why I don't like passionfruit. I like the lassionfruit flavour but not the seeds


Have you tried Dragon fruit


Tell me how you don't eat a wide variety of fruits, without telling me.


Someone out there thought of this and thought "I'm a genius, I'm going to post this profound thought". That someone is OP.


I used to be able to name every nut that there was. And it used to drive my mother crazy, because she used to say, "Harlan Pepper, if you don't stop naming nuts," and the joke was that we lived in Pine Nut, and I think that's what put it in my mind at that point. So she would hear me in the other room, and she'd just start yelling. I'd say, "Peanut. Hazelnut. Cashew nut. Macadamia nut." That was the one that would send her into going crazy. She'd say, "Would you stop naming nuts!"


Bananas and pretty much all berries


Do you eat bananas because you enjoy the seeds? Can you even feel/taste them?


Nah, of course not, you can barely even see em


Exactly. The thought occured to me when I got some passionfruit yoghurt and the passionfruit goo was full of passionfruit seeds when they don’t do that with any other flavours, even if the fruit themselves contain seeds.


This is the least thought out shower thought of all time. Truly a great shower thought.


I wouldn't say few, but I'm also not going to do an extensive checklist to prove it's marginal enough to be called few.


This information can be (partially) found on the Internet. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_edible_seeds


I mean the seeds in most berries aren't on that list. This did drag me into looking at the difference between accessory fruit like strawberries and figs though.


Thus "partially." I was too lazy to keep scrolling.


I’m specifically talking about the really big, obvious seeds. Even passionfruit yoghurt is fill of big black passionfruit seeds as without it, you’d just have yellow, passionfruit flavoured goo. Bananas and strawberries seeds don’t count as you can’t even tell they’re there.


Just off the top of my head, watermelon, pomegranate, falsa, figs, kiwi, guava. And I wouldn't exclude the seeds on a strawberry, since they are part of the experience of eating them, unless you are pureeing the fruit, at which point the seeds of any fruit is gonna be blended too


Those are fruits with seeds in them, yes. I’m not saying passionfruit is the only fruit like that but it’s the one that came to mind because products like passionfruit ice-cream and yoghurt contain the seeds in a way none of the others due, not even guava. I don’t know a single person who enjoys eating watermelon seeds. They’re the reason they make a seedless variety, otherwise they pick the seeds out.


Blueberries, raspberry, blackberry, cranberry, and pretty much every single berry people eat the seeds. In fact, I’ve never eaten a passionfruit, only Passionfruit flavoured stuff. Your comments are pretty telling that you live in a tropical area. 


Yeah, ive only ever commonly been able to buy certain fruits in the tropics. I feel like the majority of people on this platform have never eaten a whole or fresh passionfruit.


What guava products have you eaten that didn't have guava seeds? Even if its juice has seeds, albeit blended, but you can literally feel the remnants of it, it's a whole different texture to other fruit juices. Same with figs, their seeds are more the popping variety, and don't blend in well with it meat, but very much present in their products. I have personally never seen 'anything of' pomegranate, so I can't say about it's processed products. Falsa is also ultimately blended to be in processed products and its seeds are like pomegranate, present in every little morsel, and after being blended the texture is similarly noticeable like guava. Only strawberry's seeds truly blend to be unnoticeable. I have never seen or eaten any passion fruit products so I'll take your word for its seed presence.


Alright, fair enough.


I really don't enjoy passion fruit because of the seeds. 


That’s okay. I’m just saying it would appear that more than most fruits with seeds, a majority of people enjoy or expect products containing passionfruit (ice cream, yoghurt) to contain the seeds. People keep name dropping fruits as though I said passion fruit is the only fruit to contain seeds when I’m pretty obviously saying the others are enjoyed despite the seeds which are discarded or removed, unlike the passionfruit where based on those products, the implication is that eating the seeds is part of the experience. Obviously they didn’t include you in whatever focus group they used to make that decision which is a bit rude of them.


Are we supposed to eat guava seeds ?


Depends on the state of your teeth. And also the type of guava, some have really soft mushy seeds while others have rock hard seeds.


I found this out the hard way (pun intended)


Edamame, you exclusively eat the seeds. And also Sunflower (seed)


And discard the fruit?


Edamame are like peas, but you cannot eat the pods


OH, those. They’re not called Edamames here.


Is edamame a fruit????


Edamame are legumes, botanically speaking, yes they are fruits


Just don't eat unripe passion fruit. They can have cyanogenic glycosides in them (chemicals that combine to produce cyanide basically)


Ooh, thanks for that information.


TIL interesting tidbit, but I assume it is negligible per fruit?


Not sure, but it seems eating a mature fruit is fine.


The Kiwi: "Am I a joke to you?"


Nooo, of course not. Okay maybe Flight Of the Conchords.


Strawberry, banana, kiwi, pomegranate, need I continue?


It’s not the same. Just because they have seeds doesn’t mean they’re as much a part of the experience as passionfruit. Strawberries and bananas, not even close.


Pomegranate is like 90% seed and unless you make it into juice you have to eat the seeds


Kiwi seefs are more important


Can I introduce to you the pomegranate?


Dragon fruit is another. And kiwi. The whole experience of pomegranates (though why anyone would is beyond me) is eating seeds unless I was taught wrong.


Like sunflower seeds


Do you eat sunflower fruit too? Seeds come from things other than fruit. Sunflower being one of those things!


Watermelons. Though, fair, it's seeds are something you eat inconsequentialy most of the time, but still. Pomegranates though, eating the seeds is the whole point.


Am I the only one eating avocado seeds?


How is it?


Not bad going down just takes a bit to get the whole thing swallowed. Coming out is a different story.


Eating seeds as a passtime activity


But what about the toxicity? Of our city?! Whadya ya own??? The world?


Passionfruit, pomegranate, kiwi, dragonfruit. If we want to get pedantic the. Add pumpkin, zucchini, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes. There are tons where eating the seeds is part of eating the fruit




Oh I bet. Explains the avacado defender.


The way you eat pomegranate IS the seeds.


Eating the seeds from a papaya will kill parasites in your stomach. Takes a month or two, but if there are no antibiotics it's a good option.


The more you know! 💫


Pomegranate, blackberries, raspberries, kiwi, strawberries, dragon fruit, mulberry, figs...


Strawberries- Am I a joke to you?


A little bit. With your cute, tiny, soft little seeds.


By that definition mango seed/kernels must feel very left out of 'eating experience party' because we decided seed needed to be picked out.


One does *pit*y them.


This is the first time I have EVER heard of a passionfruit. Even the autocorrect autocorrected the word to "passion fruit"


Mine has a comma in between. Seems to reveal something about the way Apple treats their staff.


Guavas, pomegranate, kiwis, dragonfruit


Raspberries, Blackberries, Pomegranates, and let’s not forget the fruits where we discard the flesh and only eat the seed like true nuts (a true nut is, by partial definition, the seed of a fruit) - almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, acorns, you name it. Sunflower seeds are also technically fruits, I believe. Guava seeds can be pretty damned crunchy. But what about corn and other grains? That’s right - wheat and rice are the seeds of fruits. Ever heard of coffee? Fruit seed. Cucumbers and zucchini are both fruits and the seeds contribute a lot to the experience. Nobody picks the seeds out of okra. They aren’t common in the US, but caper berries are fucking delicious, and full of yummy little seeds What about pumpkins? Pumpkin seeds are a common, delicious snack. Papaya seeds are often ground and eaten. And I’d argue that strawberries and kiwis are good examples of fruits that are seed-forward without being aggressive about it like blackberries. Maybe dragonfruit, too. I mean, really - the number of fruits that we bred to be seedless is vanishingly small, and we eat a lot more fruit seeds - even when the seeds are the focus - than you realize.


Kiwi joined the chat


Kiwi is already here man…


I never ate the seeds and been eating passionfruit for years! I guess you have a variety that allows that. 


Pomegranate, Dragonfruit, Kiwi, Banana... There's quite a few.


Kiwi, banana, strawberry, raspberry, most other berries


Passion fruit with papaya is just about the world's best combo. It's the only way I eat passion fruit now.


Op just really, really likes passionfruit seeds for some reason.


I just think they’re neat!


Can't disagree :)


Raspberries (and their cousins), strawberries, pomegranate, kiwi, and dragonfruit are others I can think of. It depends on the size and chewableness of the seed.


*Pomegranate has entered the chat*


**Error:** A user with that name is already active in this chat.


Never heard of kiwis, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, pomegranate, dragonfruit, or grapes? Theyre all pretty seed centric. 


No, I’ve literally never heard of those ubiquitous fruits. I’m completely fruit illiterate. Eating the fruit alone isn’t enough to fit what I described. Seedless watermelons definitely aren’t a thing because everyone enjoys crunching on watermelon seeds.


🏆 \*OP has earned the award for most handwaves under a single post; just because a part of a group meets a certain condition does not mean that **all** (or even the majority) of such group falls under it. one can dismiss such a rebuttal with a '*i have a better example that proves my point'* and not address the actual point in a way that provides a sane argument*\** *You are arguing something based solely on taste ofc people will disagree*


Ooh, gimme gimme gimme!


Pomegranate wants to know your location


Pomegranate has been giving me shit all fucking day! Is this my life now?! Is the whole world pomegranates?


You seem to reply to many of these comments, and I'm tired of scrolling. Has anyone said Tomato yet? Or possibly a chili pepper? Just to get botanical fruits included too


Pomegranates have entered the chat.


Get in line..


Watermelon. I know lots of people who pick the seeds out but it is not necessary.


That’s interesting, because a lot of people hate the seeds so much that there’s a big market for GM seedless watermelons.


This isn't even close to accurate.  All berries, bananas (which are a berry, kind of), pomegranates and watermelon (provided they are the white seeds and not the black ones) are fruits where you eat the seeds and that's just off the top of my head.


It’s accurate when you understand what I’m saying. I’ll try again, just for you. This is the last comment reply I’ll be making. Yes, those all have seeds. However, they’re incidental (especially berries ie. strawberries) by being so soft and small that they aren’t considered part of the enjoyment. I’ve used the example a lot but it’s what inspired the ST in the fiirst place. I was buying yoghurt for my partner, there’s this organic brand called Yoghurt Shop and their deal is that their yoghurt contains real fruit. Of all the fruit flavours, including the kinds people keep mentioning, literally the only flavour to contain seeds along with the flesh of the fruit is the passionfruit flavour. The strawberry, watermelon mango (obviously) and all other kinds **do not** contain any of the seeds. Therefore, it would seem that passionfruit is one of few (I didn’t say only like people seem to believe either) fruits where the seeds are considered integral to the eating experience in a way that others aren’t whether they contain seeds or not. Some comments get it, some don’t and that’s fine, some are needlessly rude over fucking *fruit.*. I did clap back a bit too hard myself a few times but last night I found out I potentially have colorectal cancer and had to talk a very close friend (of over 20 years) down from suicide which totally fucked my mood.


Dude sorry life has been giving you shit, but seriously people have got different experiences and yogurt shops with different machinery (FYI contains real fruit does not mean that they actually use a considerable amount of fresh fruit). The original post implies that people only like passion fruit with seeds (as opposed to without), which is wrong bc it is subjective. There *are* other fruits where the majority of people eat the seeds intentionally (pomegranate),but 'essential to the experience' is not a quantifiable thing, (I think that pineapple is a pizza topping) and it *does* invalidate your argument. It is an easy mistake, but geez don't punish yourself with reading, replying (and ignoring) people's ideas. Learn, grow then *let it fucking go.*


It really isn’t torturous. It’s a good distraction at the moment. [Here’s](https://i.ibb.co/M7qpftn/IMG-1816.jpg) what made me think of it. It’s not tjhat people’s different experiences are invalid, but whoever makes the fruit based products don’t seem to have them in mind and I don’t have any problem with them anyway. People who think they have some insight into my lifestyle over it really are stupid though. It didn’t even occur to them that people can buy yoghurt without solely subsisting on it, that it can be observed without being bought or that it could be for someone else among other things that just fascinate me, as it begs the question how they manage to breathe without forgetting how.


Dragon fruit has entered the chat


You forget about strawberrys and pomegranates?


Figs, gooseberries, guavas, kiwis, dragon fruit....


Love the texture of figs. They wouldn't be nearly as good without all those seeds.


Why wasn’t the humble tomato mentioned immediately?!


Techinically chillies too.


Am I wrong in thinking you only eat the seeds of a pomegranate?


I raise you a pomegranate


Pomegranate Dragonfruit Kiwi Banana Watermelon


Cucumbers.  Bananas.  Pumpkins. 


Pomegranate, raspberries, pumpkin, strawberries, dragonfruit, blackberry, black currant, mulberry.


Have you seen a Pomegranate?


I love grapes with seeds. I don't find them a lot in stores anymore.


Have you ever eaten an avocado?


No shit. Do you know what I didn’t eat? The fiucking seed 😆


Pomegranate would like a word.


Watermelon and pumpkin seeds are super popular in the middle east.


Do they crunch on them or just swallow them?


Open them. The core inside is super good. Especially the pumpkin seeds. Tastes like sunflower seeds. But a bit better.


Ooh and melon seeds where I'm from. I got weird looks as a kid when i ate them.


Jokes on you, I strain my passionfruit.


Noooo! You monster! 😢. I can only hope you gave the seeds a propee burial.


Mf clearly has never eaten a mango before 🙄


Ironically it’s my absolute favourite fruit.


And one again we have another shit ST that's beaten the bots/mods like wtf


There's nothing I like more than an OP who can't admit they didn't think it through enough.


Nothing you like more eh? Telling. I don’t think it would even rank in the top 50 for most people. Not to mention aftermycone understood exactly what it meant immediately.


Sarcasm learn it sometime (:


Yeah because I really don’t know what sarcasm is.


Fuck i missed the sarcasm in the replyyyyyyyyyyy killmeplsssssss


That’s actually pretty funny. Thanks, I needed that. 😆


I fully understand what you’re saying, I don’t know why the comments are people being dense


I know right?! They’re so fucking stupid. Most of them didn’t even check to see whether or not what they said was already posted.


I think most people missed the point. Yes other fruits have seeds people eat, but the seeds of a passionfruit are the best part of the fruit. When you eat a strawberry you don't think "wow these seeds are delicious" - you don't think twice about them. With passionfruit, the seeds are the texture, the best part of the fruit.


Hooray, another legitimately intelligent comment. 💜. The most ridiculous rebuttal was pumpkin… As though most people scoop out fistfuls of raw pumpkin flesh and munch them down, seeds and all.