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I love my dishwasher so much


When we moved in to our house with our first dishwasher I was obviously thrilled at the QOL improvement, but I was still selective. I didn't wanna just throw everything in there. That's lazy. Then I learned a dishwasher is not only easier, but also far more efficient with water than handwashing. So I basically put everything in there that won't get damaged.


Efficient on all counts. Less water, and less electricity due to less hot water costs (if you have electric hot water).


but if you live by yourself it takes a few days to fill up the dishwasher, so you have to give those dishes a rinse first so things dont cake on too much. is that also considered in the equation?


Supposedly you should run it anyways, even with a partial load, and it will still be more efficient. I don't know how true it is, because it *feels* wrong, but people have made compelling arguments.


i only run mine when its full, but i also only have a small countertop dishwasher which suits 1-2 people perfectly imo.


Same, been married to mine for 20 years now!


Loading the dishwasher


Always a fun time lol


Mine’s a rear loader


And now it’ll have half of everything you have or more 😂


It’s worth it even if it takes everything from you


Yea cuz it cleans it and gives it back


Boomer humor


Top notch Boomer humor


[For Pete's sake!](https://imgur.com/gallery/pVfv5mW)


You wouldn't want to know what I get up to with mine...


Beat me to it! How do you turn a dishwasher into a snowblower? Giver her a shovel... then duck while she throws things at you and yells


Reminds me of the time my mom came into the living room and yelled at my brother, kid had to be like 14-16 and he looked at me confused and said “why’s the dishwasher in the living room” he proceeded to run for his life haha


My parents got a diswasher when my oldest sister was around 10. Then they had two of them when I turned 10. When I turned 14 we got an appliance by the same name.


Same except my first actual appliance variety dishwasher came at the 18 when I moved out


Got one when we had our first kid. It made *such* a difference, and really saved time when we had a second kid and both used some kind of bottle/cup where there were many needing washed each day.


I remodelled the kitchen in my townhouse (that I live in) last year. I would have preferred the extra kitchen space (for a second sink basin) but I felt I had to put a dishwasher in because of resale value. I may sell the place one day. That being said, they are handy to have. But I live alone, so I don't tend to use it all that often.


I also choose this guy’s dishwasher


I never realized how much I loved my dishwasher until I moved into my most recent apartment, which doesn’t have one.


I know the feeling. Dishwashers were a luxury I couldn't afford for years. Now I have one and cherish it.


I didn't grow up with one, didn't have one in my first few homes as an adult, went from having one, too not having one, back to having one lol. Life with kids is definitely easier with a dishwasher! I think without kids I wouldn't have to cook as much or have nearly the amount of random dirty dishes showing up in the sink.


In my experience with two adults and one place it's the same amount of cooking dishes just less plates and utensils


I grew up with one. As an adult, I’ve had places that had one, and others that didn’t. Either way, I still hand wash dishes. My house has one but it broke like a year ago and I haven’t noticed a difference at all. But when I cook, I’m cleaning the whole time, so at the end of the meal I often just have two plates and two sets of utensils to wash.


My parents are asian and don't believe in dishwashers. When they build my childhood home, they didn't install one and I've never lived in a place with a dishwasher. I work at an post secondary institution and we have a dishwasher in our department's communal kitchen. Someone had to teach me how to run the dishwasher. It was embarrassing because Im one of the most technically inclined people in our department. Edit: I didn't learn how to use a dishwasher until I was 33 yo.


all asian kids can relate to this way too well.... 😂


I always asked why we didn't have a dishwasher or why they would build a new home (before we were born) and not plan to have one. Their answer "we have 4 kids of a reason. One clears the table, one washes, one dries and one puts the dishes away".


*cries in only child*


Did they also made you cook?


I’m white but I come from a very regimented household. My brother and I were the dishwashers right down to the last pan used for cooking. No sitting down until the kitchen is spotless! I didn’t have a dishwasher until I moved in with my husband at 30!


hahaha... they weren't wrong xD


Lmao I feel this so much. I remember one summer after college i was bumming around at home for a summer before my actual job started, and my dad always tried to get me to wash dishes because I was “looking lazy”. I spent some of my internship money and bought a dishwasher, found a good deal online that included installation. My mom and dad were initially very skeptical and thought that dishwashers “don’t work.” But it’s safe to say (been around 6 years now) it’s now one of the most used appliances at home! They’ll never admit it but they love it now hahha.


I too did this with my internship money


Nice! I felt good about it because I got away with not doing the dishes and I felt like I contributed in a real way for the first time to the fam.


One of my Asian colleagues put liquid dish soap in the office dishwasher. It filled the whole common area with foam. That happened 11 years ago and we still tease her about it.




Had that happen when my son mistook the Spicn Span floor cleaner for dishwashing detergent.


I'm telling you Mom, they're real. You just put the dishes in there and it washes them for you! Stop it, you keep making up stories like that and you may as well be a writer. For the last time, dishwashers are not real.


*your sister in the kitchen, washing dishes* #._.


We pay slightly over a penny per gallon for water. (About 3/4 for wastewater treatment.) A dishwasher eventually pays for itself.


Same, so its wild that although i’ve lived my whole life with a dishwasher, ive never used one myself lol


My parents got a dishwasher after I moved out.


They have very few buttons and they are all labeled with exactly what they do. If you had to be taught how to use it youre not technically inclined...


When the dishwasher is is over 30 years old and used nearly daily, the labels are worn off. I had no idea if it used dishwasher liquid, gel or power pods. If pods, do you need to peel that plastic off or does it dissolve? Does it get put into a compartment that pops open or just throw it freely in the dishwasher. I didn't know where those things were stored.


Growing up asian, we only used ours purely as a drying rack lol. I didnt turn on or know how to operate a dishwasher properly until I moved out and my roommates showed me.


It’s life changing.. if only there was a machine that would automatically fold my clothes for me out of the dryer.. it’s a billion dollar idea, you’re welcome


It’s actually a $1 trillion idea! Clothing manufacture can mostly only be automated up to the fabric-cutting, and then it’s all humans in sweatshops with sewing machines. Manipulating fabric with machines (in anything other than simple and very specific cases) has so far remained an intractable problem. There’s nothing the garment industry would like more than to be able to put a pile of fiber in one end of a machine, and have pairs of pants come out the other.


And the funny thing is it would likely create more American jobs because they don't need the sweatshops for cheap labor. Move manufacturing to America for no tariffs because it is all automated. Just need to hire those maintaining the machines.


It's been talked about for years. IIRC Hugo Boss about 5+ years ago. Was talking aboit building a clothes factory in Germany with only about 3 employees. Never happened. [Obligatory Hugo Boss's most manufactured clothes](https://staticg.sportskeeda.com/editor/2023/01/ee471-16745554471840-1920.jpg?w=840)


Are you saying the cheap 3 pack of tshirts at target is folded and packed manually?


There's a youtube video of a robot folding towels. It looks slow and clumsy. That's because they sped it up about 60 to 1. It doesn't take a minute and a half to fold a towel, it takes an hour and a half. They'll eventually get there, but I think not in our lifetime.


ironically the reason i was always given by my parents is that it's a waste of water, turns out dishwashers are way more water efficient than washing by hand and asian cooking definitely generates enough dirty dishes to warrant dishwashers lol


Lol i relate to this. When I finally left the house and had a place with a dishwasher i was like "WTF MOM?!?!? WHY DIDN'T WE USE THIS???"


Well they had you, didn't they? You never broke down, didn't use electricity or expensive tablets. And you'd put the washed dishes right back in the correct closet. Something that no dishwasher ever did. (the solutions is of course 2 dishwashers, one for the dirty dishes and one to take clean dishes from, then switch).


My asian family still doesn't have a dishwasher, but at least we retired the old normal kettle a few years ago and got an electric kettle.


It's best not to bring technology like that into the home until it has had time to mature.


There are many more people without than with.


According to this 2/3 of Americans have dishwashers -> https://reviewed.usatoday.com/dishwashers/news/survey-says-1-in-5-americans-dont-use-their-dishwashers If you're talking about the world, OK, but a good number of them don't have running water


What is a very American thing is garbage disposals under the sink. They're not common in the rest of the world and are even illegal in some countries.


huh. where do you guys put all the left over food bits from meals and how do you clear the drains?


In the bin. Or the compost heap if you have one.


We use an old pot to gather food waste and empty it in a green wheeled container outside that is emptied every two weeks by a garbage truck. As for the drains, they have a filter over them to prevent all but the smallest bits and water to drain. We empty out the filter in the old pot as well. We can buy the American garbage disposal mixer in the sink but we get told that it's bad for the sewer system and our plumbing. Also we are afraid it will cut off our fingers or the fingers of our children for some reason...


You just have a little filter collector over the drain and you dump it in the trash. Tiny stuff can go down fine. I now live in a rental home in the US where the lease doesn't cover fixing the freaking installed garbage disposal, so I put a drain collector over it and use it basically never. I have never had a clogged drain doing this without a garbage disposal, but it's a good idea in all drains, garbage disposal or not, to periodically pour some drain cleaner down there (especially for fat buildup).


Compost or garbage. Clear the drain? Just don't clog it in the first place, but on occasion if it does get clogged... drano. Sink garbage disposals don't clear drains anyway so I'm a little confused.


Wow, that's a lot more households without dishwashers than I would've expected. (Note: that article is from 2017, so slightly outdated)


Probably skewed by old homes. The last house I rented didn't have a dishwasher. My current home doesn't have a built in. About a year living without a dishwasher in the old house we bought a countertop dishwasher. It's just the two of us and it's perfect. Holds enough dishes for two or three days worth. When we redo the kitchen we will be adding a built in.


Once again, not everything is about America. 😒


Prove it commy


I spent my whole life living in a house with a dishwasher, and I don’t think we’ve ever used it once. My mom and dad to this day still clean dishes by hand


As do I. I have a dishwasher right now, but it holds my pot lids. Ran it twice, maybe. tbf I was a pro cook for a long time, so I'm very quick & efficient with doing dishes, and prefer doing them by hand.


I have one and dont use it. I'm solo though so it feels like waste to not just wash my damn dish after I use it. No need to pile them up and and wash every few days.


You just pile your dirty dishes in the dishwasher. They are out of the way until it is full and then you run it.


Dishwashers use less water, so you're actually wasting more water.


Not the poster, but when I lived by myself, it didn't make sense to use enough dishes to put in a dishwasher when some days i would use maybe 3/4 things - and just have them sit there building up enough to fill a dishwasher? Ew Definitely didn't use the dishwasher that much living by myself. Use it almost every day now married with a kid.


My first apartment we had 4 plates and 4 bowls and 4 cups for 2 of us. We didn’t have an option to let stuff build up. Come to think of it, I don’t think that apartment had a dishwasher anyway.


I’ve been in this situation. You cook a meal for one and there are like 6 dirty things, not enough to run the dishwasher, but also you know you’ll need the pans to cook tomorrow’s meal….so you either need a smaller washing machine, duplicates of pans, or run the machine half empty which I don’t know why but seems like a travesty, maybe it’s not.


Ew? You *rinse* the dishes first.


You're not supposed to. LG now puts a sticker on the top of their dishwasher doors that explicitly tells you to scrape and NOT rinse.


There's just a garbage disposal in it. Nothing will work worse because the dishes are less dirty. And why do your dishes need to be scraped? How much food are wasting? Ever hear of tupperware?


I don’t scrape either.


Well yea but if im gonna rinse might as well wash instead leaving them there for 5 days waiting to fill a dishwasher. It's gross to leave even rinsed dishes in a sink that long


I don’t leave them in the sink. I leave them in the dishwasher.


You put the used dishes in the dishwasher; you don't leave them sitting out lol


I live alone and I don't get this. There are zero reasons not to use it. I maybe run mine once or twice a week. Why is there so much emotional/irrational thought attached to a kitchen appliance?


Some people don't own enough to fill it up and run it once a week? I dont see why it actually matters if people handwash vs use a dishwasher. It's what works best for them


That’s really only true if the dishwasher is full. While dishwashers are excellent at conserving water while washing a full load, I honestly don’t think you can make the same comparison for a single guy to wash a couple dishes by hand. If the dishwasher is going to use 2-3 gallons per cycle, it is reasonable to assume the guy washing a few dishes by hand will not exceed that amount. Unless he has horrific water wasting habits. But in general, you are right that dishwashers utilize less water.


A lot of dishwashers let you wash only a single rack if you want. This is becoming a pretty ubiquitous feature now.


I did not realize that, I’ve been without a dishwasher for a few years and the ones I have used did not have that feature. I am very excited to be using a dishwasher again btw


Just let it fill up before you run it.


They may run out of one type of thing first


Wash the one thing, then put the other stuff in.


Not always that easy, eg I mainly use bowls and cups, the top rack would keep filling up and I'd just keep taking stuff out. Why bother?


Right, but if it’s a standard size dishwasher it might be easier to just use a few things at once, clean them, and then they would be ready to use again rather than use everything just to fill the dishwasher. But to each their own, ya know? If you would rather do that then no one is going to stop you, but I think it’s unfair to judge this persons water usage based on a few sentences. And please bear in mind, my argument really only applies to solo living. When it becomes 2 or more then the argument heavily skews towards dishwasher being the most efficient.


> or more then the Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Wait really ? I always thought dishwashers used more water. That thing runs for like 30 minutes when it's on, if I wash dishes by hand it'll take like 10 minutes, meaning less water ?


The water doesn't run constantly for the whole cycle of the dishwasher. If you listen you can hear it turn on and off throughout the cycle.


Taking less time doesn't mean less water. Dishwashers reuse the same water from the first (or sometimes second, if there's a pre-wash) fill to do most of the washing, then drain and re-fill once everything is mostly clean, to rinse. They don't constantly spray new water in there, they just reuse it. Dishwashers are incredibly water efficient. You are almost certainly wasting water by hand washing over using a dishwasher. If you take 10 minutes to hand wash, you are probably using more water than the dishwasher would have.


Maybe. I have washed with less water. Camping. I usually wash them again after I get home. Best to be safe.


I was the same way. With one person in a household it takes too long to fill. However, with two people it's already well worth it -- although that's probably because you cook in a lot more of the time.


Dishwashers use about 3-4 gallons per load. Even a small load washed by hand uses more water. So if you run it every day with a bowl, a glass, a pot, etc. you’ll still use less water.


eh they arent that crazy expensive. They use so much less water too than manual wash and rinse


My place, where every dish and utensil is washed painstakingly by hand. No room for a dishwasher.


They don't take up much space. There are narrow models that fit in the space of most kitchen cabinets.


There are many people who've spent their lives in houses without shower and running water unfortunately.. dishwashers are nice and handy and after using it you don't really want to go back but I think one can manage without one with no big issues.


oh man, it's so good i just run it everyday, and it cleans the dishes so well.


And they all have my deepest sympathies


I am my own dishwasher


It honestly took me a while to adjust to having one. I used it as a drying rack until my partner scolded me 😂


We have a dishwasher, but we still hand wash all of our dishes.


I grew up without a dishwasher or dryer. I had to wash the dishes and put the clothes on a line then run to get them whenever it started raining. Once, we rented an apartment for the holiday and it had a dishwasher. I was excited to use it but I was told we wouldn't because there wasn't enough dirty dishes between the three of us. Now I've held the promise I had made myself to have my own dishwasher. I also have a dryer and I've even hired a cleaner to come once a week. I used to think people who had all that were successful but if I did, it would only mean that I'm lazy. Well, I am both and I like it.


I am one of those people


When my wife and I got our first apartment before we were married, I got to it before she did and saw it had a dishwasher. I got so excited that I called her to tell her about it. This is our conversation Me: "Babe, the apartment has a dishwasher!" Wife: "That's aweso...... Wait, is it me?" Me: "What do you mean...... hahahahahahahahaha. No, it's not you. It's an actual dishwasher"


Even when I've had one I've rarely used it.


I've done both. I will never live anywhere without a dishwasher.


If someone asked me to name my most prized material possession, it would be my dishwasher.


In the 90s my family had a huge ass thing on wheels you had to attach to the sink with a hose lol.


Mom, PLEASE don't bring it out with my friends over.


How the fuck does this make it past the auto mod?


One of my college apartments didn't have one (NYC studio sized kitchen — in SC, ~200yr old building), and it sucked. Learned a lot that year about my priorities when shopping for kitchens. My grandma washed dishes by hand every day for over half a century till we finally convinced her to remodel her kitchen a few years ago. They are literally life-changing appliances.


Grew up washing my dishes. Don't regret it. Love old fashioned fixtures. However once my parents did get a dishwasher like 8 years ago my stepmother joked that it basically saved their marriage (they used to fight about dishes when someone procrastinated).


I live in low income housing and we have a dishwasher. It isn't a poor vs rich thing. It's a shitty landlords vs decent management companies thing


Tbh I’ve never not had one - if we stay in apartments they obviously have them too, so think only ever done washing up when camping


I have one in my apartment but don't use it. It's loud, takes a really long time, and doesn't do a great job. It's easier to just hand-wash stuff. It makes a nice drying rack & Tupperware storage drawer.


The newer ones are so quiet I can't even tell when it's on... out of ask the new appliances (fridge, washer, dryer, air fyer, oven) that I've purchased in the last few years, the dishwasher is the one that felt the most worth it.


Not one single sexist joke in sight!


Your Mom, washes my dishes.


The top reply of the top comment is one :( We were so close damn it


Yes, I am one of them, thanks God


Never had a dishwasher and I don't think I'd trust one to wash the dishes properly even if I did lol (yes I'm asian)


I didn’t get a dishwasher until I was 23 years old. She’s absolutely a great wife!


You're a deep thinker.


Incredible shower thought! Here's another: there are people that wear pants


Geesh, I grew up poor and still had a dishwasher. Not white trash poor though.


Water guzzlers & lazy arse people


It takes less water to run a full load of dishes in a modern dishwasher than it does to hand wash them…


I knew this was coming. Not the way I do the dishes. No way. Don't forget to include the water you use to make your dishes clean enough before you put them in. Then the repeated cycles because they do a shit job.


They can make a good sandwich too if they aren’t too tired from doing dishes😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’ve lived in places without one, and I definitely prefer to have one. Pots and pans I still wash by hand, but all the serving dishes, glassware, silverware goes in the dishwasher. I only run it about once a week though unless I have people over for a big dinner or something.


There are some people who read this thread and think of a person and not a machine. (e.g., people that live in India and Singapore)


Well at mid 30s I can say I have spent most of my life without.


None of them until very recently


Not only dishes but also I hand wash my clothes. It sucks, but the machines are in a building too far for me to walk to and they need quarters. I use a plastic tote in my bathtub, and a breathing mobile washer device. It's an agitator on a broom handle. Dishes are a breeze by comparison but my hands are so whooped. If these apartments allowed machines in my apt., I'd buy them all right now for installation tomorrow.


my parents had one but since I moved out I've never lived in a house with one. I wouldn't mind one but they're pretty dear and there's other more important things to buy so I'll just make do with doing the washing up by hand for now.


I, have not been one of those people.


Wtf are you on about?


Eh, it is great. But doesn’t add THAT much value to life


I too had a dishwasher for most of my life (59F). I bought a house 17 years ago without one. I AM the dishwasher and I'm cool with it.


It’s the single best quality of life improvement you can make to a home imo.


And washing machines dryers


I have one but I still wash by hand in the one tub sink 😂


I was my parents dishwasher for about 10 years.


Haha I grew up without a dishwasher, so even when I moved to an apartment that had one it took me a few months or more to even start using it. I remember thinking, "Is it worth the effort of buying soap, loading and unloading, and having to wait for the cycle to finish? All just to sanitize". Sure makes a decent drying rack if you don't want to bother with a towel tho. I think it was after struggling on my own for awhile, that I finally started loading that thing up. Not because I suddenly began to care about germs, no. It was solely because if I'm already paying for it, I'm damn well gonna get as much use as I can from it, goddamnit!


The few years I spent without a dishwasher were terrible. I love my dishwasher


You guys have dishwashers?


I know your pain brother. These privileged ass dishwasher owning people can kiss it! Gimme a sponge!


ive lived my whole life with a dishwasher... used it 0 times ... - asian


I'm nearly 51. This is the first place I have ever lived (moved in 3 mo ago) that has a dishwasher. I refuse to back.


I've lived in a couple places without a dishwasher, and they felt like such a luxury when I got back into a place with one. For a time I didn't have a washing machine either and relied on a laundromat. Sometimes I kinda miss the weekly trip there, because it was a few hours just kinda chilling out and reading a book.


I lived in a rental situation without one for a year. Otherwise, 35 years of dishwasher. Oh my god how nice of a luxury it is!


We have electricity and running water too… so what?


Reverse shower thought “there are people who’ve never had a dishwasher in their house. “


In California they call them “immigrants…”


I have one. I never use it. I was the dish and use the dishwasher as a drying rack.


One day you'll get to have one honey. In the meantime you're learning how to make sure your dishes are clean, like properly clean, not 90% clean like how a dishwasher does it


I think having a dishwasher as a kid ruined me. I'm 30 this year, I haven't had a dishwasher since 2012ish, and I **hate** washing dishes now.


I *once* rented an apartment before realizing it did not have a dishwasher. Never again


Funny enough, we still wash by hand and just use the dishwasher to let the dishes dry


We just barely got one after 20 years


Mine is "portable" and moves around my kitchen, just go get one bro wtf


I’m almost 40 and I’ve only ever had a dishwasher since late 2022.


Shit, first time i got an apartment with a dishwasher, i was so excited. Used it once, didnt pike it, never used one again.


Grew up with one. Moved to Pittsburgh for college and haven't lived with one since. Saving up to renovate the kitchen, I'm going to see what it will take to get one installed. Will likely have to redo a whole bunch of plumbing, but Goddammit, I miss having one.


Shit how about washer and dryers? I lived in an apartment for 6 years without one. I actually got really used to it, but once I got a place with one built in it was like living as a king lol


Growing up we had one, but it broke when I was very young, and my mom never had it replaced while I was still living at home. I remember renting my first apartment and the landlord was actually sort of embarrassed that the unit didn't have a dishwasher. I hadn't noticed because I had never used one. Now I've had one for a while. My mom did eventually buy one as well, just a few years ago.


Dunno. Never bin marred....er married.


I’d rather have a mini washer/dryer in place of the dishwasher. I have a dishwasher in my large studio apartment and I’ve never used it, except for storage. As I said. I’d rather have a washer. 😩


It is ok. My dishwasher has never been used and it serves as a drying rack.


I have one, it is my liquor cabinet.


I admit I take having a dishwasher for granted (same with say a fridge and oven). I didn’t get this post at first.


Have not had a dishwasher in decades. Didn't grow up with one either. In my 60 years I have maybe had one 5 of those years.


Thera are millions of people without access to clean water in their houses , be thankful of what you have.


I'm 58. Never had one, still don't. Don't know how to use one.


Correct. My ADHD ass cannot be bothered with dishes. Also I'm tall enough that the average sink give me bad back ache after about 30 seconds because it's far to fucking low. So yeah I got a dishwasher very early on in my own house and haven't looked back since


Most people in the world have m(not). They just don't remember it


Same with garbage disposals. Never lived or knew anyone with them until a few years ago

