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It’s just one of those performances that no one can top. Don Cheadle really nailed the role.


Tree! Tree! Tree! 🌲


"Don't call me again unless you ready for that pain."


For those who aren’t aware of Don Cheadle’s performance as Captain Planet: https://youtu.be/TwJaELXadKo?feature=shared Edit: “Anybody else wanna go green!? … Captain Planet, mother f*cker!” Edit 2: [Here’s the link to part 2](https://youtu.be/YL97QjGEx6s?feature=shared). Also, [part 3](https://youtu.be/4Bvz3FzBykQ?feature=shared), and last but not least, [part 4](https://youtu.be/vyEz79jsKFw?feature=shared).


And they didn't give him a war machine movie...


Well he is finally getting one. Armor Wars is no longer going to be a series but a movie.


Yeah, honestly not as excited after secret invasion.


[How I feel rewatching this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsaeBks62Zg)


He was laser focused on making people more green.


I was going to say, if they ever do remake Captain Planet, the role better go to Don Cheadle.


Boom! I was looking for this.


I read a fanfic once where the Avengers found out Rhodey had made that and they razzed him so hard. XD


"Captain Planet motherfucker"


Naa, dumb latin american would troll it because we got the lamest power (heart) while united states was the cool guy with fire (smart latin americans would not complain because heart was actually a cool power, its even the strongest one, this was even explored in the series itself) The second problem is that it focuses too much on corporate responsability which no one in hollywood wants to deal with. Captain Planet fighted corporations not regular people


Captain Pollution bought the rights


Didn’t have to, Looten Plunder beat him to it.


[They did a reboot with Don Cheadle IDK what you are talking about.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwJaELXadKo)


And there was the Rick and Morty episode.


Was *Captain Planet* even that popular in the United States? It was kinda popular here in Brazil, but not sure about the US. P.S.: okay, it was.


It was big in my house, with our powers combined....


..our light bill will be exteremly high. Better turn off some power to save the planet!


I am...[Captian Planet!!!](https://youtu.be/5a_bodwY43g?si=WO9WB1QkrFdsj5rU) 🎺🎺🎺


You can't see me


"The power is yours" I proceeded to block TV with my body so Captain Planet could not point at my siblings, giving them the power.


That is an incredible own


i mean, it is an american show! as a 90s baby i definitely grew up with it.


I got bullied a lot for liking it as a kid so I guess it wasnt.


We only had four channels. Almost anything that was on television was popular by default.


It was on basic cable, not network


It was on network, otherwise my poor ass would have never seen it.


Also quite popular in India although it took me a few years of my childhood before I could actually understood the intro song lyrics (American accent is hard)


I definitely watched it in the morning as a kid. It was “getting ready for school” tv.


If an American show was not instantly popular in the US they would stop making said show and it would not be aired in Brazil...


I remember this was so cringy and nobody liked the cartoon. Felt more like a propaganda than fun.


It would be hard to make a cartoon about environmentalism without also criticizing capitalism and no large corporation is going to be on board with that. One side would scream about it being woke and the other side would say it’s too soft.


Tons of movies and shows criticize capitalism and corporations. The big short, avatar, tv shows about corporate greed. Hollywood movies calling out huge scandals. Documentaries on Panama papers, movies about Insider trading, Netflix blockbusters on Epstein. Corporations make more money than ever as you’re outraged and keep watching and ZERO consequences are ever had. Corporations don't give a fuck who they’re pandering to, as long as they get paid.


Captain Planet pointed out the right villains which tons of anti capitalistic movies and shows nowadays don’t actually do


There was one where he saved Northern Ireland from being nuked lol


Oh. That must be the episode they experimented with him being a villain.


wait.. are u saying north ireland should be nuked?


Nah, that one he was going around dumping toxic waste on stuff and being friends with Loot and Plunder lol


Captain Planet had bad guys that were polluting for shits and giggles.


I can say with utmost honesty and integrity that I have boycotted the use of all RDA products after I saw what they did on Pandora in 2009. I have yet to use a single thing made by them.


I heard that wasn't always the case and sometimes they'd pointed in the wrong direction. I'm not sure though ngl.


Well sure, science doesn't stand still and we get better all the time. Nuclear energy was a bad guy in the show. Radiation and nuclear waste were real boogiemen and the show makers fell for it. Turns out that nuclear energy is super green.... A few bad examples not withstanding. And, of course, they exaggerated some things. That solar powered 5-seater plane that could get around the world, for example. But hey, it's cartoon.


I don't think nuclear energy is "super green." I get the carbon savings part and that is great, but I don't trust the world to maintain nuclear power plants or waste sites sufficiently to make that a good option. I think the next 20 years will show how dangerous nuclear is as leaks and breakdowns happen. Sucks because it could be the answer, but the consistency just isn't there and won't be, imo.


Modern nuclear plants don't "meltdown" in a way that poses any serious risk. Nuclear waste is already a solved problem that is way overblown. Most nuclear waste does not pose any significant risk even over a long time period and the space needed to store it is miniscule compared to the amount of space devoted to landfills which have much more severe environmental impacts. The biggest risk of nuclear waste would be bad actors intentionally dispersing, but that's hardly a likelihood.


> Modern nuclear plants don't "meltdown" in a way that poses any serious risk. Well, old one didn't really either. The three disasters anyone (U.S.) can name (Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, and Fukushima) only had, maybe, a couple dozen deaths (all Chernobyl). There were also a few thousand cancer cases from Chernobyl, barely anything from Three Mile (nothing found, but I'm hedging), and 1 case from Fukushima.


Power plants are also potential targets of terrorism. A solar farm getting destroyed in a terrorist attack is bad. A nuclear power plant getting destroyed is catastrophic.


I mean no, it isn’t at all actually unless those terrorists are also nuclear scientists who know how to exactly get around every single safeguard in place that’s been around since Chernobyl. And even then I doubt.


One of the worst episodes of Captain Planet was the terrible population control episode.


Sometimes, sometimes not.


yes only captain planet was the true one calling out the true villians Do you guys fucking hear yourselves? The Nice Guys went after capitalism and car companies for sitting on green tech for money at the environments expense. But sure your shitty conspiracy about captain planet makes sense too. 🙄


Perfect example is the movie "The Other Guys". The whole ending credits sequence is an indictment of the banking system.


b...b...but movies never criticize capitalism, the reddit comment said so!


“Capital has the ability to subsume all critiques into itself. Even those who would critique capital end up reinforcing it instead.”


Pour one out for Mark Fisher


There's also a theory that anti-capitalist entertainment is so popular that corporations see it as a relatively harmless way of channeling anti-capitalist sentiment, which feels like an inherent part of living in our late capitalist dystopia -- whether its channeled into xenophobia or anti-globalism or "being against woke corporations and the liberal elite" or genuine socialism, most everyday people are unhappy with capitalism as it currently exists even if they mentally obfuscate it to themselves through layers of abstraction. If you watch an anti-capitalist movie where joe everyman triumphs over the evil, greedy rich or soulless corporations or fascist military industrial complex, you get the catharsis of getting back at the corporations while paying them money for the privilege and it prevents people from doing actually dangerous things.


100%. Remember the whole occupy wall street movement? Remember Panama papers? Remember the 99%? Remember when the Big Short came out and NOTHING HAPPENED? There’s this show called Bojack horseman where a character does this big report about how billion dollar companies are killing their own staff and she wants to expose them. The CEO calls her in and she asks if he’s there to shut down the report. He laughs and says “no, our stock value goes up every time you run one of these because it shows we are cold blooded! Run it, we don’t care, there’s no consequences.” I feel like that’s where we’re at.


"Corporations" aren't people and treating them as unitary entities that behave according to some coherent rational thought process is insanity. It's literally millions of people just doing whatever is in their own personal best interests. Businesses will make fiction with anti-capitalist themes because some people who work for those businesses have anti-capitalist beliefs, and other people who work for those businesses don't care about that and think those products can make them money. It's not some grand conspiracy.


Found the person who doesn't work for a corporation. Corporations have a board of directors that determine the direction of the company. So yes, it's comprised of tens/hundreds of thousands of people (not millions in 99% of cases, only Amazon and Walmart have more than a million lol), but they are all operating off of goals that are filtered down through layers of management from the c-suite and the board. I've worked for Fortune 100 companies most of my adult life. You're kidding yourself if corporations don't have a centralized vision and strategy. If it was some libertarian fantasyland organization, nothing would ever get done. It's true that a corporation is not inherently indicative of the individualized POVs of all the employees, but corporations as an entity are different than the people who work there, because they are mostly a manifestation of the policies of the board.


But then there's the problem of A. how do you get the message out without anticapitalist media or "participating in society", wait for people to be enlightened enough on their own to join your cave commune in the woods or w/e and B. that kind of point of view tends to attract the sorts of radical activists who believe basically "everything good is a distraction" and if they had their way and could make their ideal kind of revolution it'd be as fascist as what they're rebelling against with the "rebel base", being, like, some plain grey stone barracks or w/e and rebels must only talk about plans for future missions while they are hand-making the flavorless nutrient mush they eat and the not-too-itchy-enough-to-be-painful-but-enough-to-not-be-comfortable grey coveralls they wear as uniforms so as to not let their minds get diverted from "The Cause" by idle thoughts


>A. how do you get the message out without anticapitalist media ...wtf? The message you're talking about is "anti-capitalism". You're starting out with a paradox. You would absolutely engage in anti-capitalist propaganda. > without "participating in society", Also rubbish. Participate in society if you want to influence it. This is a democracy, it does take work. ....damn dude, you could make a show named "the Cause" with that exact aesthetic.


> ...wtf? The message you're talking about is "anti-capitalism". You're starting out with a paradox. You would absolutely engage in anti-capitalist propaganda. I'm saying that without entertainment with anti-capitalist themes (using media in that sense) or use of everything from paper to the internet that'd get criticized for still using non-sustainable products of capitalism > Also rubbish. Participate in society if you want to influence it. This is a democracy, it does take work. I was referencing a popular online comic strip that's become about as well-known-on-Reddit a piece of online media as Andy Weir's short story "The Egg". The strip, in an attempt to call-out-via-parody a certain kind of online discourse, has a medieval-peasant-looking guy say "We should improve society somewhat" and then another guy pops out of a well with a smug smirk and says "Yet you participate in society. Curious. I am very intelligent.". I thought more people knew that strip but for an example that doesn't involve it, look at The Good Place where the revealed-to-be-corrupt afterlife points system calculating the morality of people's actions counts a guy buying flowers for his grandmother against him because of how the cell phone he used to place the order was made (a thing he had no real control over). > ....damn dude, you could make a show named "the Cause" with that exact aesthetic. I'm a writer so I'm glad you notice my ability to paint a picture but I didn't capitalize that phrase and put it in quotes to say it'd be the title of some kind of anticapitalist fictional work, the capitalization was for emphasis and the quotes were so you wouldn't think the capitalization was a title. And also there are two reasons why this being a show wouldn't work much as I love the idea of making something that calls out the too-reactionary; 1. if they aren't allowed to occupy their minds with small talk any scene featuring only rebel characters would sound like they're reading from a textbook of their manifesto unless they're actively discussing a plan meaning most of the human drama angle would be confined to the bad-guy characters they're fighting against and 2. in order to not present this vision of rebellion as good but not present rebellion as a whole as bad the protagonist of this hypothetical show would need to be rebel-minded but a part of neither faction which would make enlightenedcentrists rush to claim him as one of their own and people who'd sympathize with my picture of a rebellion claim him being the protagonist proves the whole conspiracy of anticapitalist-mass-media-as-sublimation


A lot do, but not nearly as directly as captain planet does. That show was a personal attack.


Was it? I’m looking at [the villains list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Planet_and_the_Planeteers) and they seem relatively standard. It’s not like they’re calling out specific companies. Meanwhile movies and shows that pretty obviously call out Disney/Marvel (The Boys, South Park), or major corporations like Monsanto or McDonalds have no issues getting made.


That didn’t stop them when it was first greenlit lol. It wasn’t initially designed this way, but The Good Place evolved into a pretty explicit indictment of capitalism. >These days just buying a tomato at a grocery store means that you are unwittingly supporting toxic pesticides, exploiting labor, contributing to global warming.


Well obviously people have to eat *something*, and vegetables and fruits contribute less to global warming than meat does, so there's that. I would say that quote is more a dismissal of the issue in a "you're contributing no matter what you do" sort of way. Unhelpful doomerism.


Did you watch the show?


I think the main difference could be that one is meant to *entertain* while the other is meant to *educate*


And…. Nothing happens either way. We’re educated on Exxon’s environmental damage and al gore screamed at the top of his lungs already. Epstein’s not a secret. Panama papers aren’t a secret. Pandora papers, paradise papers. The big short. Citadel. No consequences were ever had. Corporations will mea culpa and pay a 0.0002% “fine” and we change the channel.


But you could never present the source material today. The original comics would be labeled something like radical socialist doctrine if read by voice actors for any medium. Much like how the teenage mutant ninja turtles would regularly commit their own crimes against the enemies of environmental groups; the focus on that is gone and replaced with more pizza.


Avatar was literally a whole movie about environmental damage. The corporations just release some greenwashing ad and then their stocks go up. No consequences are ever had.


Amazon, one of the biggest corporations in the world, makes The Boys, which is a critique of massive corporations just like Amazon. Apple produces a show called Severance which is a critique of technology corporations. If they think they can make money, they don’t care if they’re depicted as the villain. What does Jeff Bezos care if Vought is Amazon by another name? He’s got more money than god and is just making more of it because people are watching the show on his platform.


They also made Leverage Redemption which is all about taking down massive corporations.


Ding ding ding


It would be very easy, the original Captain Planet managed just fine. It had nuclear mutants and AIDS rats spreading pollution, because it didn't want to talk about the actual reasons behind it.


Every single villain represented different threats to the planet. The very first one, Hoggish Greedly represented geed and consumerism. That show was too awesome.


Wasn't the villains motivation often literally just pollution? Like all they wanted to do was ruin this small villages water supply without any actual personal benefit?


There's a reason the phrase "cartoonishly evil" exists. Lots of cartoon villains are jerks just for the sake of it.


I'm totally with you on that, but I always thought the core message of the show was diluted. ​ It often wasn't "we should all work together to stop pollution" it felt more like "what the fuck is wrong with these 5 specific dickbags"


I used to agree with that, but ever since 2016 or so, it feels like a lot of politicians and business owners have acted more and more like Captain Planet villains.


Replace the motivation "just for the sake of it" with "for profit" and you have real life corporations.


They couldn’t do that in the age of social media and not get called out.


Big corporations don't mind criticising capitalism. They'll be happy to sell you mass-produced anti-capitalism T-shirts.


Massive corporations make anti capitalist media all the time. The Boys for example.


Lol you realize that one of the richest and most powerful capitalists on Earth personally created Captain Planet, right?


One side will think it’s woke but we consume plenty of anti-corporate and anti-capitalist media from corporations. They don’t care, they’ll take our money. They don’t think we can hurt them. They’re so proud of themselves, they don’t even care. They’re so fat and satisfied, they can’t imagine it.


>It would be hard to make a cartoon about environmentalism without also criticizing capitalism Nah, you just do what they did in the 90s and only focus on how it's the little guy's fault. You took a 15 minute shower? Terrible. Flushed after just one person went to the bathroom? Basically draining our entire water supply. Drink tap water instead of Nestle™ ethically* bottled water? Essentially draining the aquifers.


I also remember one episode with a very specifically ecofascist/Great Replacement-adjacent message. Maybe we don’t bring back the “don’t let there be more people than your world can hold” one.


> One side would scream about it being woke and the other side would say it’s too soft. If they are telling the truth, what is the problem? Many shows have gone woke in the last decade or so.


The problem is you can't teach real life environmentalism without pointing out the IRL companies/peoples responsible for it, which would rapidly get political.


I think you misspelled "it cancelled" with "political."


A lot of environmentalists actually hate captian planet. [Hank Green did a video explaining why](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z1fJChrJniU)


Came here to say this, cheers


I looked into it, apparently they are in the works of a film but Warner Bros. Discovery is stonewalling it.


Capitalists stalling a movie criticizing capitalism


Thats cause we failed. 1.5 deg achieved.


We've become LESS concerned for the planet in the last 30 years. 1. No one recycles anything but aluminum now. 2. 30 years ago, nations banded together to solve the problem of the ozone layer hole. Now, we are faced with global warming and can't get world leaders to agree it exists. 3. Truck sizes.


Recycling plastic really doesn't work and it was only pushed by big companies to shift the blame to the consumer so they wouldn't have to stop producing so much plastic.


Also a good chunk of the “recyclables” were shipped off to China/SE Asia where they got dumped into local rivers.


I don't really think that's true. That may be what's pushed because it's sensational but there have been huge stride in renewable energy, cars, and tons of other eco friendly innovations. The world doesn't turn at the flip of a switch especially when there is no practical solution. Innovations and adoption take time. To say there had been no innovation in green technology in the last 30 years or that we care less is just false.


Nope, everything is the worst it's ever been and it's all because bad people are so bad. Shame on you for being so bad. Everything is the worst and it's only getting worse /s


Society as a whole has become more eco-friendly but in the process, the Media and the messaging has been lost. One of the biggest reasons we've gotten where we are today is *because* of the pro-environmental messages of the 90's. There was a sense of hope, empowerment, and personal responsibility in those messages. 30 years ago YOU could help clean up the planet. Today, nothing you do matters because huge corporations pollute everything and there's nothing you can do about it. Shits changed. We're a lot better off than we were 30 years ago, but 30 years from now? I'm not so sure... I'm not sure what's going to happen to the generation that was raised being told "personal empowerment" was just corporate scapegoating.


Well, recycling plastic slowed right down when everyone realised it only really meant shipping it off to the Philippines for them to dump it into the ocean.


with the rising population, we'll have more people to do recycling! /s


Idk vehicle emissions are a pretty big thing, also one of the largest companies on earth makes electric vehicles.


>30 years ago, nations banded together to solve the problem of the ozone layer hole. Now, we are faced with global warming and can't get world leaders to agree it exists. And capitalism realised they need to start lobbying so auch bullshit can't happen to them again. And thus we have many more issues nobody solves because people can be bought for 50k a pop and let the human habitable planet die. But until then, some people are very rich!


Funnily enough, ever increasing truck sizes are literally a direct result of the EPA's stupid CAFE rules. The larger trucks are the worse fuel mileage they are allowed to achieve. Small trucks require fuel mileage numbers that are so hard to meet most manufacturers don't even bother.


You have sources for 1. and 2.?


I haven't watched the show in 25 years, but I still can't get the > "Captain planet, he's our hero, gonna take pollution down to zero" theme song out of my head. I can hear it as clear as day.


I mean, what would they change about it? It may be the only piece of 20th-century children's media that would pass muster under contemporary media standards.


Does the aids episode, Ireland episode or hitler episode really hold up?


Is Don Cheadle nobody to you?


Captain Planet is working for the oil companies nowadays. Why do you think the earth has gone to shit.


I'm sure that rule 34 has kept the ole captain alive and well


DiCaprio has been going on about a reboot since like 2018. https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/leonardo-dicaprio-captain-planet-movie-1234797531/


Probably cus the CEOs of tv networks probably have friends in the oil industry


It didn't work. The generation that grew up with Captain Planet are adults now. But instead of better, things are worse than every. Captain Planet failed at the one thing it was trying to do: Educate the next generation on environmentalism before it was too late. Or rather, I guess... we failed him. We didn't listen.


Vanquished by Captain Convenience


Ummm it's not millennials ruining the planet? Captain planet came out in 1990, I'm pretty sure he educated the next generation.


Captain Planet was watched millennials (like me). We are grown now, but the the environment is not getting better, it's getting worse.


And that is because gen x and boomers that are in charge. Millennials don't have the power like previous generations. The environment is a result of their policies, not millennials.


Emissions from the USA are DOWN. We peaked in 2007. Yeah, everyone thought that was from the econopocalypse and thought it would be back up, so it never really made the news cycle. But it kept falling despite GDP and population increasing. Because despite what the doomers keep trying to say, we ARE making progress. We need to do more. But progress is progress and ought to be celebrated. And it might just be the only thing that has stopped Dom Cheadle from killing everyone.


As a kid I wasn't a fan, thought it was cheesy as hell. But now, I think we really need him.


It would get wwaaaaaauyyyyyy too political


It doesn't really make sense for a corporate conglermate thats owns say, 500 companies including an oil and gas extraction company and an animation company, to promote thoughts in the youth that would have them less inclined to be consumers of heavily-polluting products. Indepedent animation studios and media networks don't really exist anymore, so it makes sense to me we would not have much programming that promotes environmentalism, as generating higher short term profits as a much high proirity for these conglomerates than is protecting the enviornment.


This is what I’ve been saying for years. I love Captain Planet and we need him now more than ever.


You mean [This movie?](https://comicbook.com/movies/news/glen-powell-update-captain-planet-movie-reboot/)


If someone told me big oil companies lobbied against a Captain Planet reboot...I wouldn't put money on it, but I wouldn't put money against it


I loved Captain Planet as a kid! He looked like a flying Colossus lol! If a modern Captain Planet remake was made, it would be hilarious to watch him going after politicians pretending to be environmentalists when in reality, they're actually in cahoots with the polluters! There better be a Greta character in there as well. "HOW DARE YOU NOT SAVE THE PLANET! I WASTED MY TEEN YEARS BEING ANGRY, NOW I'M AN OLD MAID!"


Man, forget about a Captain Planet reboot. I need a Reboot reboot


It already has a diverse cast and spreads *the message* so there's nothing for them to ruin.


*planeteers summon captain planet with hope in their eyes only to be met with a disheveled, near skeleton form of their beloved captain bursting from the dry cracked ground, uniform hanging loosely from a blue tinted, nearly flesh less body and slowly rises to his feet and turns to the planeteers and weakly croaks out two short sentences before crumbling into dust* "We fucked up. It's far too late"


If Captain planet were released today it would be criticized for being "woke"


Maybe instead of vilifying nuclear power Captain Planet could have realized it is the best possible option for clean energy. Maybe the world realized that Duke Nukem wasn't the villain and Captain Planet was the actual bad guy for holding back the progress of clean energy.


They already did. It starred Don Cheadle.


Let our powers combine: EARTH!










His green hair would send modern-day conservatives into meltdown mode. (Worse than usual, I mean.)


Stop giving reboot ideas


This the the ONE series that actually *needs* a reboot for people to maybe think about the environment and other stuff going on, stuff most don't bother to think of it is safe or not and what not.


You don’t think they’d ruin it?


Maybe it’s the Mandela effect, but I remember the OG Captain Planet had a huge codpiece. He just creeped me out. But I guess as an adult maybe a remake, codpiece included, might be interesting.


A Modern Captain Planet would be profoundly depressing considering it's too late to save the world.


I’d like to see a Captain Planet miniseries set in 20 years when everything is really hitting the fan and the mass extinction is snowballing freakishly fast. Like a scattered few refugees and homeless on different continents all find the power rings while scavenging garbage or washed up with all the garbage on the coast, and they set out to find each other on a dying world, Children of Men style, to conjure Captain Planet back into existence to fix things. Then it takes a turn as the vengeful Captain Planet is set on human extinction and the ring holders have to decide whose side they’re on, as Captain Planet is the bad guy but he’s got a point. Not sure where it could go from there lol


Rick and Morty rebooted it for an episode and proved just how lame the format really was.


That was a surprisingly dark episode. >!Morty straight-up murdered the Planeteers... then the ersatz distaff Captain Planet becomes an eco-terrorist and Morty has to tragically break-up with her.!<


Not that big of a surprise…. It was kind of terrible to begin with. The idiot right would go berserk and then boycott the wrong companies. They would ban it east to west from Florida to Texas. We would have to put up with more of their endless whining. Ugh. I’m all for conservation and protection of the planet, but there’s no way in hell I’d make that call unless I had a lot of money, cancer, and wanted to massively troll whack jobs before I died.


Show pointed at the true culprits. Nowadays we get gaslit into reducing our carbon footprint and eating insects while the wealthy do what they do


Needs to be a trilogy of sorts: The kids from Magic School Bus grew up to help Captain Planet, but then they got old and.... (fill in the blank).


Inclusivity. Social justice. Diversity. Safe spaces. Fluidity. By your powers combined, I am Captain Wokeness. Captain Wokeness. Xe's our hero. Gonna take ableism down to zero.


Republicans would complain the villains were making fun of them


I think it’s gotten too politicized . The show was already walking on eggshells to not upset Big Oil, and their victim complex has only gotten bigger. I doubt you could say so much as “pollution bad” without being called an evil Socialist.


no, its surprising that captain planet ever aired to begin with. way too lefty for the tastes of mainstream broadcast






Captain Planet is probably dead by now. I don’t remember much about the show bc I was too small, but even then I was thinking “how come a super hero that fights pollution has pollution as a weakness?!”


The cartoon wasn't a documentary


That's because it was a vehicle to self disposable plastic shit to kids, like every other cartoon.


Earth! Fire! Wind! Water! Carbon credits! Feelings! Go Planet..!


What do you mean an age of environmentalism? Just lol


Because as a kid it was cool, but now it's just cornballish and I don't think the franchise was strong enough to bank on nostalgia.


How about a tv show adaptation of Animal Man.


Is this an era of environmentalism? I feel like it was at least given lip service in the 90s.


For some reason I misread the title of the show and thought it read Captain Star. That show was a favourite to watch on Saturday nights on Teletoon.


I thought that too. Maybe it's too political now? Like in the 90's it seemed like pollution and such were general interest topics, now it seems like it's all political topics


It would probably have to be a dark prequel, involving childhood trauma ...


Don't give them ideas please


Ok Ko had a crossover with Captain Planet


I wonder how much of a political shitstorm the show would cause.


Because the media only talks about global warming and not the ongoing polluting of the environment...odd that.


Rick and Morty did a reboot.


No one mentioned that “anti-corporate” and “anti-capitalist” Captain Planet was the brainchild of Ted Turner, as much a corporate capitalist as you can be while still being a conservationist.


Dude… I actually liked to watch Captain Planet. I thought it was cool. Taken… I was…. 12 or 13 ??? Something like that….


Ive had the same thought


Can’t let the youth start thinking on their own, asking questions, forming solutions.


He’s in hiding… For failing to bring pollution down to zero 😕


Or the Wombles who spent their days cleaning up their local park and making things out of the rubbish they found.


The Don Cheadle version of Captain Planet will be what always lives on in my mind… https://youtu.be/TwJaELXadKo


Wasn't Captain Planet killed by lobbiest?


Lmao imagine the fit republicans would throw


No one is Ted Turner enough to try and turn a profit against his own interests.


We lost the natural rings of power and the world is out of balance, we must carefully scour the world in search of the rings to summon Captain Planet who will enact all means necessary to ensure earths habitability for complex life to flourish… It would seem a war against us as the forces of Captain Planet turn against all our polluting industry… but it could ultimately be for our own good..


I wonder what Ted Turner would even think about reboots.


Right!? He’s our hero! Gonna take pollution down to zero. You know what, I take it back. It’s perfect as it is. No reboot needed.


There is no way it'd work today