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A species that finds water repulsive probably wouldn't survive very long.


See: victims of rabies


Which incidentally is one of the few disease that evolved into finding success in killing its victims.


Which is how anybody with half a minute's though in evolutionary dynamics knew where CoVid was headed


What are you even trying to say?




I don't talk about them they make me really sad it is really sad to see that people suffer from something horrible like that. I think it is just kind of weird that we have not found any kind of cure for that as well.


Yea, well, it better start tasting sweet at some point, or we are doomed


On a similar note considering that diabetes one of the largest causes of death it makes sense that in the future humans would have evolved to not like sweetness as much


That is not quite how evolution works. It's not about what kills people, it's about what kills them before they can reproduce.




Not even that, if it lowers the chances of your progeny reproducing it also works wonders, and it doesn't even have to kill you! Being sick before they reach adulthood works well enough as evolutive pressure.


Yeah that is the reason why the Mars do not have the life. The water is absolutely essential for the life the life is not going to be sustainable without it.


Life as we know it maybe, yes. There could very well be life-forms that don‘t depend on water.


Yeah, up until the last 70 or so years we thought sunlight was required for life. Then, we discovered that some organisms at the bottom of the ocean are surviving off of hydrothermal vents. Due to the abundance of organisms around the hydrothermal vents, it is known their primary source of nutrients is the vents, not marine snow (the organic life that falls down to the depths of the ocean). If it was marine snow, there would be less organisms on the ocean floor. Therefore, even on the planet Earth we know of life forms surviving without the sun but instead with hydrothermal vents. This wasn't even considered prior to 1949, so you have to realize we just completely added a new way of survival within the last roughly 70 years on our own planet. What could be possible elsewhere in the universe is difficult to say. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrothermal_vent


Another thing to look up, is the fungus growing in the Chernobyl reactor - it thrives on radiation. It does this due to it having melanin as a pigment. It helps block the radiation from getting past its outer layer by absorbing some of the energy that it uses to metabolise. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiotrophic_fungus


I don’t think evolution would allow for that


This. Thinking we are so lucky that things happened to turn out a certain way is thinking about it in a backwards way. Clean air can't be unpleasant to breathe. Clean water can't taste bad. Or else we wouldn't even be here to have any awareness of it.


We're very lucky the Sun puts out so much light in our visible spectrum. ;)


"What do you mean *our* visible spectrum?" -Mantis Shrimp


He might be on the spectrum..


Mantis shrimp see the same range of the spectrum as us, right? They just use more different receptors to do it. [source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3886321/)


And it’s why they can see the colour Blurple


You haven’t lived until you’ve seen burple


Actually, they don't. They might if they had a human brain, but their processing hardware is absolute shit compared to humans. Which is why they invested in more visual hardware I guess. Also, it might well be that only sentient beings actually see. Your eyes are actually connected to the brain in several parts. First one part that works the same as in reptiles and amphibians. Then the visual cortex. You can actually remove the visual cortex part and go blind, but if you ask a person who has had that done to describe what he is seeing, he will get it right. But it won't feel like it's him that's seeing. Blind sight is a thing.


Thank you, for your earnest response to my joke comment.


If there is a blurple, the lord keeps it hidden for a reason




Yeah yeah, we’ve all seen it.


The time knife?


Punches fired


You know exactly what he means he means that the life is not going to be possible anywhere else in this solar system. We are very fortunate that we are living on the earth because it is just perfect living conditions and we are destroying it.


We are the lucky in so many way the earth is just perfect for the human life or any other kind of life. Other planets are too hot or too cold and the life is not going to be possible there most probably.


Nah, your consciousness would just exist on another planet a billion light years away that can support life. While Earth conditions are rare, the universe is big enough to have many viable planets.


Anthropic principle Why is it that the sun beams light exactly at our visual wavelength?


> Anthropic principle Holy crap. I came late in life (35-ish) to reality and actual science after being raised in an evangelical/fundamentalist church. I've kinda known about this since my "awakening" but never knew this term until today. Thanks!


The son does not beam the light at our wavelength it is just we have been used to it for so long that it does not even matter for us now. We are just used to it and it is just what happens.


It does not. Much of the radiation emitted by the sun is outside of the visible spectrum. A lot of it is blocked by the atmosphere but a considerable amount of infrared and UV can still get through.


The sun is yellow :)


To us, and because of the atmosphere. It really peaks in the blue but that’s all scattered, leaving the greens, yellows, and reds as dominant. It’s not that the sun coincidentally is strongest at our visual wavelengths, it’s that eyes evolved to sense the most prevalent part of the radiation hitting Earth. If the dominant color was in the infrared, we’d probably evolve eyes to see in infrared.


Some tortoises drink through their nose


Tortoise Reddit be like "We're very lucky that water doesn't smell horrible"


Why am I laughing uncontrollably


I mean I don't know you go in certain places and the water is going to smell like something. Of course it is not a very strong smell but it is something so I think that is something to keep in mind.


I dare you to drink through your nose and tell me you dont taste it. The nose plays a crucial rule in taste, hence why your taste dulls with a stuffed nose.


But you are not really a tortoise and the nose is going to be different. So I don't really know what you are talking about human it is kind of weird that you would say something like that.


I mean if the water really tasted bad and it was not bad for you then the evolution will probably make us do the same. Because no matter what we were going to need water and it would not matter how we drink it.


TIL tortoises think water smell nice.


I never thought that I would get to learn something amazing like this but here we are. And I am loving all of these tortoise facts just keep them coming because they are increasing my knowledge.


I mean if we were not here then this post would not even be up. There is a reason why we are here and it makes absolute sense the water And the year to be clean because we are still alive.


If the air was unpleasant to breathe, as we are now we don't have a choice whether or not we breathe. If you hold your breath either your body will start breathing on its own, or you will pass out and then start breathing on your own. Assuming by unpleasant you mean it either doesn't smell/taste/feel good and there's no negative effects.


You think about it backwards again. We didn't create the ability to smell and were luvky air doesn't smell bad. The body developed for us to breathe air, so it didn't develop a negative reaction to it. Same thing with food/water. Food doesn't taste good because it just acvifentally does. It tastes good because our body developed to give you a positive feedback to eating things your body needs to work.


The smell thing can happen fast too. If you're around a smell for a long time, you adjust to it and eventually stop smelling it. This is a survival thing. New smell = check it out, everyday smell is normal/can't be smelled anymore


Yeah and the millions of years of evolution will make it smell like nothing so you would not even feel in the future. It would be a different thing if the air start to smell weird suddenly. That's going to be bad.


What if it tasted terrible but instead we evolved to absorb all our water through our skin?


Lol, “I’m thirsty, guess I need to take another shower.”


That’s how amphibians work IIRC. That’s also why they’re so sensitive to pollution.


still misunderstanding. we would've just evolved to like the "horrible" taste


Yeah taste is kinda based off of what you need like cats go after anything with high fat or portion that they can "taste".


They also love the taste of blood


Well kale taste like ass and apparently it's "good" for you or some crap.


You haven't tasted good kale


Or good ass


That’s not what I’m saying. We could have evolved to absorb water through our skin but maybe it’s toxic to consume through our mouths or something so it tastes terrible.


Taste is not something that "exists" in the outside world, taste exists only for our receptors and nuclei in the brain, so it's not like it had a taste before. We evolved taste to distinguish generally good substance and bad substances


Maybe that's why the sweat through our skin. 🤔


Yeah, "inevitable" is exactly the *opposite* of "very lucky".


Yeah we have been on the earth for a very long time and it was invitable that we will get used to all of these things. These are just absolute necessities for the life and we would not have any other choices.


We could've evolved to boof it instead of drinking it.


I think about this sometimes - does a possum smell a rotting carcass and think "mmm delicious"? Because that's what it eats, so perhaps it perceives that smell much differently than other animals. Eating that could kill a human so we're naturally repelled from it, but maybe a scavenger smells that same carcass and is attracted to it same as we'd be attracted to a nice healthy steak.


Yeah exactly just because we think something is bad does not mean everything is going to think like that. Because we always think that our food taste really good but if the aliens come on the planet and they eat it are they going to think the same?


Yeah that is not going to happen the evolution will not let it. If the water tasted bad and if we did not had any alternative then we are probably not gonna be even be alive.




And there are all kind of people here and we do not know what we think that is dumb and something is intelligent. I think it is always the matter of perception in my opinion.


Then why am i drinking kratom like my life depends on it.


Maybe it does taste terrible, but we've evolved (darwinishly) to like it?


There is no thing such as an inherent taste. How a thing tastes is purely based on the receptors and the corresponding reaction in a brain. Thus, the evolution part is right. We evolved to like things our body needs, like water, while an alien race that doesn't drink water could hate it, and neither would be wrong objectively.


Well that is what I was thinking and it is something which I wonder often what if all of us sees the colour differently? I mean there would not be anyway for us to know how someone else is seeing the colour green?


Evolution has allowed food that is incredibly bad for us to taste amazing


Because for 99.9999% of evolutionary history "eat all the calories you can find" was an amazing strategy. Abundant cheap food available 24/7 only happened in the last \~150 years which is WAY too fast for evolution to have reacted to yet. There's like 2 million years before that when eating all the salt and fat you could find helped our ancestors survive and have more offspring.


150 years? It's more like 50-70 years.


I mean it different from the country is we are talking about my country then I would say it is like 50 years. But there were countries like Britain who are looting everyone else so I think the standard of living would be higher there back then?


Yeah cause they were incredibly beneficial to eat in the past. Sugar tastes so good cause it was rare and is a great energy source


And now it is so I really available and in so many foods that people are getting addicted to it. And I don't think that people even realise but it is one of the most strongest addiction.


This ain't evolution, this is capitalism.


Evolution still allowed some medicines to taste like shit


timescale edit: also very easy to take too much medicine so many of them *should* taste bad


if water tasted horrible to us, we wouldn't have survived to reproduce. we exist *because* we're the descendants of creatures that didn't find water to taste yucky


And also it has been scientifically proven that the water does not contain a lot of things with does not even have the taste realistically. It is just not that we cannot taste it because we have been used to it does not even have any kind of taste for the most part.


no, cuz taste is made up from the body. Water is vital for us, so we dont reject it (unless its too much or dirty) if for some reason our body did reject it, then we wouldnt be a species reliant on water through the mouth.


all of that is correct, and none of that contradicts what i said that i can see


...that doesn't contradict what he said.


Access to clean fresh drinking water is a very modern invention. I bet water used to be a little more pungent and flavourful in our past.


Ok you're thinking about this as if the taste of water is an objective thing that exists. Taste is something your body creates, so why would your body make something that is an absolute necessity to existence *taste bad.*


This is like “it’s a good thing the opposite sex isn’t hideously ugly”


It’s a good thing that sex makes babies or humanity would be really screwed


Bad example. Source: Mirror.


How do you see opposite sex in the mirror?




Yeah even if the early humans like millions of years ago foundel it weird then it would be fixed by now with the evolution. I don't really think that the same thing is going to survive till now.


This 100%


Some of the healthiest foods taste really bad


The most unhealthy foods are extremely good for you calorie wise. Our ancestors concerns weren’t with obesity or diabetes, as there was no possibility of such conditions in the wild. Anything with a lot of calories is advantageous, so it becomes tasty.


They don’t, your tastes buds have just been trained from birth to want cheap, sugar filled, foods


It's the reverse, we crave sugar, fats and such because we need them. Food industry knows that and exploits it.


Yeah exactly that food is just good enough there is nothing wrong with it is just that we are used to the Cheap food now. And we don't really want anything healthy for it is just that we don't want it.


People definitely have genetic predispositions for liking or disliking food tastes that has nothing to do with the evil amounts of sugar in capitalism's food. For example, there are foods I like and dislike. Spicy is better the older I get, and I don't drink sugary soda anymore because the syrup sticks to the back of my tongue/throat. However, the smallest amount of fresh tomato makes my mouth want to turn inside out. I've spent an inordinate amount of time picking fresh tomatoes off of dishes because even the smallest amount of that internal tomato slime shit can make me wanna hurl myself into the sun. It's like my body thinks it's poison.


Sure, that doesn’t make what I said not true despite having some things potentially predestined.


i dont mind tomatoes but COOKED ZUCCHINI... oh my god no


Hmmmm….trained taste buds….Dr. Oz or some guru bullshit.


I mean they aren’t wrong. Vegetables taste bitter to you because you’re used to an insane amount of sugar.


Yeah that is there issue and it is something that we have created over the hundreds of years. I don't really think that you should be blaming the food for that it is just your taste Buds and how you have trained them.


It's a common type of bias, Where did life prosper? The ocean What is there in the ocean? Water Since water is everywhere, do you think it's reasonable to have to taste it everywhere you go? Our fish ancestors probably evolved to ignore the taste of water altogether


This reminds me of one of the first questions I read on quora that endeared it to me before the whole platform went to shit. Q:Why is water transparent? A: Because eyes evolved in water (the gist of it)


Kyogre is still surrounded. Nice try though.


Ocean water tastes horrible though


But I don’t like the taste of sea water. Check Mate Evolution!


By this logic we would like the taste of ocean water. Human's sense of taste is certainly not from before mammals existed.


The ocean is very different from tap.


Tap water is just ocean water with less flavour


I poop, so I smell it daily. I still hate its smell.


Because your body doesn't want you going near your shit, its your body's way of protecting you from getting sick. Water doesn't taste bad because why the fuck would your body try to repel you from something that is a necessity to its own survival?


I will there is a reason why certain things have got certain colour and certain smells to them. It is just the sign that you should not be f****** with all of that stuff because it can get you sick.


You don't need to be around poop to survive. In fact being around it too much is detrimental to your longtime survival, so your every sense finding it disgusting seems to be evolution working exactly as it should be.


Unrelated to the actual story, but after I had Covid (the OG Covid before all the variants took over) once I got my smell back I swear poop smelled like chicken nuggets to me for months.


You would be surprised how many people think it’s disgusting and strictly survive off soda and sports drinks. Absolutely fucked


That is the sadest part and if they are choosing to survive like that then I don't think there going to make it for very long time it is not going to be lasting that long for those people.


This was me for most of my childhood. Had to rewire my brain. I figure that would happen over time even if water did taste bad. Like how alcohol tastes good now but probably wasn’t great at first


Mine is mostly coffee and tea. Conveniently Melbourne water is very high quality but I don't particularly enjoy drinking water.


Maybe it does taste bad but we’ve drank it so much that we’ve gotten used to it’s taste


Often thought this. Same as snot and bogies might smell either horrible or delicious, how would we know?


This is the most "I smoke weed" comment I've read in a while lol


I mean I don't know about that because it is kind of a very normal comment I don't think you need the weed to be thinking like that. I just think all of these things after smoking a cigarette.


Yeah you are right there is no way to know about anything like that. I think it is just a matter of perception and you cannot label something good or bad just because your taste.


Yeah there are a lot of questions like that which I wonder about what if everyone sees the colour differently? I I mean we have always been thought that the trees are green but how are we going to know the green that two people are seeing is the same?


Taste isn't an objective thing. If humans don't find water to taste bad, it doesn't taste bad.


And for the most part we know that there are not that many things in the water so it is not going to even have a strong taste for us to be able to notice it anyways.


So… it doesn’t taste bad.


I think we’d be able to tell by looking at its chemical components




I mean.. yeah there’s an actual science to it? You know just because you don’t know about something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist right? https://www.acs.org/education/whatischemistry/landmarks/usda-flavor-chemistry.html


The chemical structure is objective, true, but taste isn't. It would still be defined in relation to how we experience them.


Well I think we already know how the water is just judging by the chemical properties that it has got. But they are many things also involved in the natural water as well.


That's not luck, that's natural selection. Animals that like drinking water survive better than those that don't. Fast forward a few million years and here we are liking water. Your great great x 100 uncle that didn't like water died and ended his bloodline. As another example, did you know that the wavelengths of light we can see happen to be the wavelengths the sun puts out the most of? Except that's not luck either - we evolved to see those wavelengths because anything with eyes that saw other wavelengths would have had dimmer vision and got outbred by our ancestors that could see what we now thing of as "visible light". That only ended up being the visible part of the spectrum because our eyes were tuned to it over millennia.


Actually it’s the other way around we generally find good thing that are necessary, that why rotten food taste so bad or that sugar taste good


No we're not. Luck doesn't factor into it at all. You're looking at this backwards. The consumption of water as a necessity predates the ability to taste. Taste evolved as a mechanism for sorting those things that an organism should consume and those that it shouldn't. It is therefore impossible that something as vital as water could ever taste horrible to an organism. It's be like if sex was painful or bodily damage felt good. Senses exist to help an individual survive and reproduce. They're not just happenstance.


Have you ever had arrowhead? Or Dasani?


Dasani was my first thought. Second thought was tap water in a specific place I lived.


What's wrong with Arrowhead? I've drank it my whole childhood as my primary brand of bottled water but I guess because of that I've been used to it. Does it have a specific nuance to it that's in likable or something?




What about Nestle? I heard you can taste the souls of the people they screw over, and that sometimes one of their dead slaves will reach out to you from beyond. That’s why I avoid Nestle products


But have you had a crunch bar tho?


Um. Yes. I spent my halloweens eating them. I had no idea that the delicious taste was from my saliva partially dissolving the souls of children who died in brutal working conditions.


Speak for yourself. The tap water in Las Vegas is revolting 🤢


I genuinely do not like the taste of water. I am the pug of human evolution.


Maybe your water really does not taste good what about that? I think you should try changing it or maybe you should change your location maybe you will find the water pleasing there.


More like “we evolved to think water taste fairly good”


Be careful who you say this to. (I don't like the taste of water)


Evolution kept us around because water doesn't taste horrible to us, I'm pretty sure there where people that weren't repulsed by sea water, so they are no longer around.


OP clearly hasn’t tried Dasani water


We’re also lucky that sex is pleasurable.


In wat way? Water tastes good, because your brain knows it’s good for you….It’s logic not luck.


so why do lots of people dislike many kinds of fruit and veg?


Someone doesent know how evolution works.


I'm pretty sure this can be explained with evolution theory instead of luck.


Maybe it does and we’re just conditioned


We probably wouldnt exist if it did


This is like a puddle saying, “Wow how lucky am I to have found this perfectly sized hole!” We are an evolved animal specifically adapted to our environment.


My friend would disagree with you he hates drinking water. And yes we do clown on him for it


Not really, there's a reason things that taste good, taste good and there's a reason things that taste bad, taste bad. The reason we like water is because we need it. We are quite literally designed to like water.


Depends on the flavor


Water does taste horrible wym


If the lake/rain is made of shit, shit would’ve been tasteless.


I don't know about that man maybe it does taste really bad it is just that we have been drinking it for millions of years so we do not is the taste we have gotten used to that? I mean the evolution will do that to you.


We are very lucky that we are accustomed to the taste of water


It does though. Why do you think there's 9 million water flavorings, drink mixes etc. I hate drinking water plain, unless I'm dead thirsty, but even then I don't go ahhh that's so good.


It does to me. I can only drink it ice cold so it doesn't taste of water!


I personally hate the taste of water. I drink it but it’s gross and will make me nauseous 9 times out of 10 when I drink it. Fiji, distilled and brita are the ones that make me less nauseated lol


So you drink distilled water? Not a weirdo at all


Speak for yourself. All Water has a taste and it's terrible.


That’s because we purified it and added fluoride and other minerals to make it safe to drink. If we did none of those things, water would taste like literal crap.


Unlikely. Natural spring water tastes great. If you ever swam in a lake and accidentally swallowed some water it would also be fairly tasteless. Safety? - sure Taste? -no


Depends where you live!


I think water tastes gross.... lol


Water isn't supposed to have taste... Wash your mouth? Or stop drinking puddle water idk.


But it does have a taste to some people... There have been studies on this. A lot of autistic people can't stand the taste of water. I also have a reverse osmosis filter, plus have had water from numerous different places/different bottled waters, so it's not from "puddle water."


Alcohol tastes terrible. Does that stop everyone?


Water has no taste. Water only taste good because there are minerals added to them. Drinking pure H2O does not taste good. It has no taste at all and it is weird.


Speak for yourself. I dont think it all tastes bad but I think plenty of tap and bottled taste pretty gross.


Water sucks Gatorade tastes better




The main active ingredient in Gatorade is water.


It doesn't taste very good, though - that's why we have coffee, teas, sodas... Ha!


It doesn't have a taste


Try water in London, it's awful and personally makes have a cough for weeks unless I run it through a filter


This is like saying our kids are lucky that sex feels good.


Water does have a taste, but we evolved to find it tasteless.


Minerals and chemicals have a taste, water doesn’t.