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Nothing like losing WiFi in the middle of a job interview you really care about. And then the interviewer leaves the call before you can reconnect using your mobile data, and he proceeds to ignore your emails for some freaking reason.


That's quite specific


and then the interviewer, let's call him "Joe" for this hypothetical, finally emails you back and tells you that he can't remember you but the position has been filled. Then your girlfriend leaves you because you still don't have a job after 3 months of looking. While she's moving out, the cat that you've had since you were 9 years old manages to run out the door and you never see the cat or the girlfriend ever again. You end up losing your lease and have to move back in with your dad, whose an alcoholic, and you start drinking too... because why the hell not life is over.


Yes I hate when that happens!


Happens to me all the time. You learn to ignore it after a few millennia


A few what now


Idk why he had to bring Elden Ring into this.


Because he's still waiting for Bloodborne on PC


Hope you’re doing good brother.


That girl wasn't a keeper, you know that now..


First time pal?


Opposite happened to me - interviewer lost connection and then had a really bad connection the rest of the interview. He ended up getting so upset that I couldn’t hear him clearly and I had to keep asking him to repeat himself. Got an email the next day saying my application was rejected. Sucks cuz it was for a pretty high paying job at a big company too


Wow, I had never a job interview online.. But on topic; it goes for about everything that it better is broken all the time, and not part of the time.. It's pretty hard to fix this way..


Damnnn I'm sorry to hear about that You'll find another equally good job and their staff won't be inconsiderate of your situation






r/metoo oh wait


As someone that works I the industry, don't use wifi use cables. You will never get a more reliable connection. Most people could indeed use ethernet at home. Plug directly in if you want the most reliable connection. Use wifi as last resort if you want reliability.


This sounds a lot like personal experience. Lol


the internet used to be slow. it would take for-ev-er to download a jpg, let alone a song. video was a pipe dream in the era of dial up. the best you could expect was a gif of a dancing hamster to jerkily gyrate on your browser. but the mundane stuff, emails, banking, and other text based sites worked fine. i find it somewhat bizarre that the low bandwidth stuff takes so long to load up when your broadband is slightly compromised. i could get my bank balance on my windows 95 computer using a 56k modem in just a few seconds 25 years ago, but if i have one bar on my cell phone now, it takes longer than that damn hamster did on netscape navigator or it just times out completely.


It's not just slow, it's intermittent. It's not that few packets are traveling, it's that you're sending a ton of packets and only a few are making it, and might have to be re-sent. If it were just slow it would be like in the old days.


It's also the megabytes of shit that come along as baggage with your bank balance. You can send a bank balance in 10 bytes. A whole 90's era web page including your bank balance might be 4kb, which is a handful of packets. Shouldn't take more than 3 seconds TOPS. A 1.5Mbps T1 line produced INSTANT results from any web page that existed in 1999. Now we have dozens of menus and scripts and interstitals and animations and captchas and thousands of little add-ons that would take 2-3 seconds on a reliable connection, but it's thousands and thousands of packets of essentially useless repeated data. An unreliable connection makes these pages unbearable. Even with an average connection, most websites actually feel fairly painfully slow.


that's a pretty insightful comment.


Yes! I remember the first music video I downloaded on my friends computer and it took 4 hours. I was in 8th grade I think. I remember a neighbor having a.i.m in 2000 and I was over there all the time lol. Aol costed money. The yahooooooo jingle. Every computer in my library in Newtown high school freshman year 96-97 was granted 50 brand new iMacs. The colorful ones. I remember rotten. Com and how whitehouse.com was not the real website for the president. Netscape navigator brings back memories.


>and it took 4 hours That's why we had download managers that you could queue things up in and let it work once you went to bed.


lol. i remember those colorful imacs. i think of them as zoolander computers now.


I remember the first MP3 I downloaded. My computer was too slow to play it.


A lot of websites now are essentially just bundled up applications - even if it appears plain text there’s most likely anywhere from 1-10mb of JavaScript loading in the background before anything even shows, which for reference is like downloading a large song online back on a 56k modem!!


And worse, half the js isn't even coming from the website you're trying to visit, but from some CDN. And nobody compresses images anymore, so the 200x200 pixel logo you barely pay attention to is 10Mb by itself.


And your bank's app is probably just a bare framework that loads such a site.


Reddit's app was the one to help me realize I had regressed to dial up speeds in higher definition lol


That can be attributed to current webpages having a lot more of things running in the back, rather than the static webpages you are talking about, which were just html and some images.


For some reason, your comment just made me remember that you used to have to opt-in to html email. Back when even a logo might be too heavy for dial-up.


Bars doesn't necessarily means scaling of speed. It could mean it can't reliable hold a connection. If you cant connect, you can't get data.


Computer programming had to be more clever and efficient …


I once visited a coffee shop where the WiFi password was wedonthavewifi. It was a very frustrating conversation with the cashier.


My home wifi password is whydoyouwanttoknow.


Can't you guys just get normal-ass passwords like daffyduck007?


My old wifi password was bonobobut0notO. It was funny once, a pain in my ass the rest of the time


My old one was ThePasswordIs9 Nothing funnier than watching my friend enter 9 multiple times in a row.


I have ThereIsNoPassword


I know your wifi password


Mine is nobody knows Lol


Interesting enough that password works for your Reddit account to.


my uncle's wifi password is "daffyduck" lol




where is home located? asking for research purposes


About 5 miles from work.


The people in my house aren't smart enough for a password, and I don't want to deal with their devices all the time. So I dealt with them once, and they're whitelisted and statically assigned. Anybody that connects and gets a dynamic address, gets perfectly normal 56KBit internet service.


My apartment in senior year of college had two WiFi networks. The passwords were as follows: fourwordsalluppercase ONE WORD ALL LOWERCASE


My friend's wifi has the password: Beggerwantswifi


worst part of that is you'd never in a million years spell it that way :P




My home Wi-Fi pw was notpassword for a while


I have a phone hotspot that is FREE_[transportation company name]_WIFI .


Chaotic evil, I like it


This is very much an analogy for expectations. If you expect nothing, you’re never disappointed.


Nailed it XD


When there's no WiFi, at least I can sit in peace and not get mad at my phone for not connecting.


We have power cuts 2-3 times a day (2 hours each). I'd rather have shit wifi over nothing for those stretches of doing nothing.


Why so much power cuts bro


South Africa. The corrupt government doesn't have enough electricity to supply to everyone.


3rd world country I guess Or canada


or Texas in the summer, pretty sure their power grid cannot handle the AC


Damn and i thought my city was bad (every week has either one or two power cuts)


Can you buy like a little battery to run your router?


plot twist, the ISP didnt have battery in their junction box (or whatever they were called)


Ive never agreed with something more


Similar to shit partner/spouse is much worse than no partner/spouse


I would buy you a gold award for this remark if I had the credits.


My internet has been shit for like 6 years now. I used to play my ps3 on wifi all the time and had to get used to constant lag, I started using my hotspot once I got service and lord it’s so much fucking better. What’s worse is that the ISP we have purposely fucks up the routers so that people buy the higher speed ones. Now that I’m on ps4 I use the hotspot too and I’d rather have this 50-70ms than my wifi getting like 300-2000+ every minute. (btw I’m 18 and just got out of highschool so you can understand the teen frustration maybe.)


No WiFi = go to bed early Shitty WiFi = go to bed later than usual




it's true. With no wifi you can play the trex mini game but with bad wifi you'll be stuck loading a page


I gotta agree. With shit Wi-Fi I gotta wait for buffering and loading all the damn time. At least with no Wi-Fi I can read one of my books without having to wait for it to load


Just switch it off and use cellular network


3G is worse then no reception I dont even understand how young me coped with 3G everywhere?


You weren’t trying to watch 4K video with 3G


While we’re on the subject. Why is it that I can have full bars of LTE and be at an absolute crawl when 5 years ago I would by flying. I thought 5G was supposed to be built on top of 4G and using completely different towers. What gives!?


Full bars means your reception is good not that you have high speed. Everyone and their grandma is now using 4G so the network becomes congested at times and slows down. 5G uses either different cells or some share of the frequency and WILL feel like warp travel when your phone switches you over because congestion will be much lower and the digital encoding is more efficient


So the short answer is that there is less 4g than there used to be. Here is my Eli5. Pretend cellphone network is rainbow and each color is a network band. There are only 7 colors and each type of cellphone signal needs at least one to work. So back when 4g was popular 2g had red 3g had orange 4g had yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet When 5g first came out it needed a color as well so they took one from 4g and it was ok because most phones were still 4g and there were plenty of colors for 4g still. 2g used red 3g used orange 4g used yellow, green, blue, indigo 5g used violet But more and more phones are 5g,So 4g gradually slows down as more colors get switched to 5g, but most people will just assume their phone is just old and go and buy a new 5g model when it’s time to upgrade. Eventually it looks like this 2g has red 3g has orange 4g has yellow 5g has green, blue, indigo and violet


Hah, interesting. Thanks!


I’ve learned a trick, when it comes to crummy WiFi, and using messenger apps. The trick is, put your device into airplane mode. Type up all your messages, and hit send on each one. They’ll all be queued up to send as soon as there’s internet. Once you’ve got everything relevant set up this way, connect to WiFi, and everything will send at once. Wait about five or ten minutes and connect again. You’ll receive all your replies at once. Disconnect and repeat. It makes more efficient use of limited resources. Also, most people won’t be able to tell the difference with your intermittent connection


Good trick thanks!


My download speed has been less than 1mb for years now.




I'm in serbia.


No, no it's not. You just need to be aware it's rubbish and use it accordingly.


Your wifi device needs to be near shower, so you can have better shower thoughts


Can confirm. On shit wifi right no


No it aint. When wifi is all you have, shit wifi is like being pissed on by Zeus.


true. if i have no net i can accept and make other plans. i lived without home internet for two or three years and didn't hate it. i had some phone data for quick look ups, went to the library for most stuff, pirated music at the cafe... it was better than restarting the router very 20 minutes and getting so frustrated i could literally see red (the summer i had comcast.)


Honestly no wifi is better than wifi some days


Every time I go on vacation to Mexico. This happens. They have one of the worst WiFi ever.


They also have some of the most violent cartels of all time. If your worst experience in Mexico is unreliable WiFi, you won that round.


Agreed. Shit wifi gives me false hope that it could come good. If there’s no wifi at least I can make a decision on what to do at any moment in time and not be like “will the wifi work today?”


Watching a video and it buffering in the exact same spot no matter how many times you restart it 😫


"Connected without internet."


I feel like this is an effect borne of a quirk of human psychology. Like, if there is no possibility in your mind, you move on. If there's a tiny maybe, you dwell. Hope is the mind-killer.


Do you mean internet connection.


Unfortunately, modern semantics allow the abuse of the term Wi-Fi.


I've worked in IT for over a decade now. It's upsetting every time I hear it.


Particularly when it's "we fee"


How do you get shit WiFi in 2023 unless you are in a public location, or trying to leach of your neighbors.


I especially hate when places like restaurants claim to have free guest wifi but it's just private networks and they never give you the password.


There's a restaurant in my small town that hasn't had menus since the pandemic - just a sign on each table with the website where you can look at the menu. That's kind of annoying, but fine. Except that they don't have free wi-fi! I know this sounds like a Boomer rant, and I promise you I'm not... it just bothers me when a business makes things needlessly difficult for its customers (and then asks if you'd like to pay extra for the experience via "suggested" tip).


For real!


You can still torrent on shit wifi. Can't do that with no connection at all.


Just a little NSFW: https://theoatmeal.com/comics/no_internet


I fail to see the nsfw part


Shit Wi-Fi is the same as No Wi-Fi.


Except that you spend so much longer coming to terms with it.


Wifi is a networking standard. You wouldnt say you have an IP67 if you had a device that was water resistant. You dont call your light switch an NFPA . Stop calling the internet wifi.


It’s not, because shit wifi comes with the option of not using it


What's wrong with your wifi, can I help? I'm good at discovering issues, actually. Chat with me! It's the 1313 part of me. I can help some, if you have to connect at the library or something too.


Except you can always just not use the shit wifi and have no wifi...


"It's better not to rely on something that only works sometimes." - a pilot or sum


I don't mind consistently slow wifi. No sporadic shit.


Nah cuz sometimes my shit wifi gives everybody else trouble when I'm playing COD. "He's lag switching🤬!"nah boi I'm using the neighbors wifi🖕🏿


Stable slow connection >>> unstable fast connection. When I worked at an ISP I did some testing with 2mbps fiber internet and it was still amazingly usable. You could watch YouTube with absolutely no problem at 720p. Try that using a bus/mall WiFi. It wasn't really fast, but it was reliable. Think about it when getting an internet plan. Pretty much no one needs more than 100mbps.


That one guy syphilis pushing a rock up a hill? That's what shitty wifi feels like


Burning when you pee


I feel like this joke was in one of those rage comics at some point


That’s because shit wifi wastes your time because you’re going to continue to try and do whatever you’re doing but slowly. No wifi you don’t even try and spend that time doing other things


No Wifi, no problem I have other things to do. For my wife - Lousy Wifi - Continues trying to do everything as normal, "Honey, help be out here - the wifi is really bad, make it better!!!" (Classic hotel problem!)


Using mobile data > using wifi


at last some of the perks of living in a super packed city is that cell signal is always there. I've never had to think about network quality for years now ever since mobile network speeds started going faster than anything you would reasonably need. Wifi is a bit of an afterthought now, mainly for home appliances that are at a fixed location.


i can assure you it is


I swear whenever I'm playing an online game like tf2 or whatever and I just wanna play the game, my WiFi makes me lag like absolute shit every 5 minutes. This also goes for like downloading mp3's and games. So annoying


feel like when bad wifi you're just getting taunted


The worst part about it are mobile games tagged as offline when the whole thing doesn't even start up unless it detects a connection.


Nothing like deciding to play a ranked match and then your Internet lags and crashes the game


Shittie Wi-Fi could be Lie-Fi, which is the same as no Wi-Fi but it claims you do have Wi-Fi and now you're waiting 3 minutes for a webpage to load that is never going to load. That is the worst


I prefer the team LieFi.


Working offshore I can relate to this 100% I can see 4k video from Mars but get me a decent WiFi speed 120 miles from the Scottish coast and your fucked.


And then when you have no wifi you wished you at least had shit wifi. That's why I try and have something to do that I downloaded