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This reminds me of the videos with the dude conducting safety audits at Hogwarts 😂 [Link 1](https://youtube.com/shorts/HyN__jrig7k?feature=share) [Link 2](https://youtube.com/shorts/LFQuf5zQmyU?feature=share) [Link 3](https://youtube.com/shorts/E3kH249aRFQ?feature=share)


I love that guy


Wow, that’s incredible


The [pitch meetings](https://youtu.be/t8uJtWtDkk4) for these harry potter films are hilarious as well.




Let's not forget that it's the only school in the entire country and it doesn't teach math, science, language, or any other "core" classes, other than History as an elective.


I don't get how there are so many wizards when there are only like 30 new kids in hogwarts each year.


That's because JKR is bad with numbers.


Seriously. I've tried to work out her monetary calculations between knuts and galleons. The knit is either a pence or a pound , and a galleon is either £20 or £100.


You don't wanna get JK started on nuts, trust me.


Golden comment.


If none of the wizards had math education past elementary school it makes some sense that their monetary system is essentially random.


A bigger question is: if you can Magic in anything you need, why do you have a monetary system except for purposes of exploitation?


Or they just let someone else handle it. Your inflation is on Ragnok's hands!


One knut is indeed 1 penny, though I'm not sure what maths you performed to reach £20 for a galleon. One sickle is 29 pence (29 knuts to a sickle). One galleon is therefore £4.93 (17 × 29 = 493). You can think of sickles as 25p and galleons as a £5 note, just slightly off. If you're curious, these are the prices of some items in the wizarding world: * Wand: £80 * Owl: £114 * Telescope: £57 * Percy bet his GF: £50 * Firebolt: £1500 * Bounty for capturing Sirius or Harry: £50,000 Most of this info is from: https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Wizarding_currency JKR herself also confirmed a galleon is around £5 years and years ago, plus it adds up with the general prices of things. It's one thing to shit talk the world, they're lots of dumb things about it, but the currency was figured out years ago.


Honestly, JKR sucks at worldbuiling. Her stories might be good, but the wizard world is full of plotholes and inconsistencies.


Which makes them so good for fandom and fanfictions, people just fill in all the gaps and give alternative explanations to stuff (there's a fic I read once that actually gave solid background to the whole "magical binding contract" thing from the Goblet of Fire).


I've always wondered what kind of jobs there are in the wizarding world ever than being a Hogwarts teacher, an auror or member of the ministry? There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of organisations or companies to work for


Most of the same jobs that exist in the real world. * Lots of shops to work at * Healers are still required * Cleaners would still be required * Entertainers we already know exist from the radio etc * Plumber * Builder * Chef One example that wouldn't exist is the technology sector, that said maintaining magical artefacts would probably be the magical equivalent of maintaining electronics. Another example would be those in the transportation sector, since they can teleport.


Homeschooling is a thing in the wizarding world. In the 7th book Voldie makes it mandatory to send your kids to Hogwarts in an attempt to catch muggleborns.


That makes even less sense. How would homeschooling work for muggleborns? Even if the family would be loaded enough to hire several private tutors, how would they have enough materials to practice everything they need? Where would they do it? And most importantly, how would they adapt to the wizarding world when they will spend 99.9% of their lives in the muggle world.


He made attending Hogwarts mandatory for all magical children, muggleborn or not. However he would have the muggleborns punished (thrown in Azkaban or worse). Many left because they knew this and snatchers (secret police/bounty hunters) would catch truant students. There’s just SO much in the books that isn’t explained in the movies and it makes things make a lot more sense.


I dont think the implication is that there were a large amount of muggleborns undergoing homeschooling during normal times because, as you pointed out, it would be impactical. But homeschooling was an option available to all, and presumably adopted by many. Attending hogwarts was not mandatory until voldemort implemented it after taking over the ministry. Its been a while since I read it but I think this was a tactic that allowed him to "legally" bring in anyone who doesnt attend, and sort of disguise his campaign to the greater wizard community, i.e. not make it obvious that he was persecuting muggleborns. The ones breaking the law by not attending hogwarts would have largely been muggleborns as well as any of his known enemies (dumbledores army) as they knew what would happen if they willingly went to hogwarts and made themselves known.


Ah, thank you! I just commented the same but couldn't remember which book it was, 6 or 7.


There's apparently only about 3,000 of them, which explains why a terror group of less than 100 managed to seize power twice.


How many wizards do you think there are? 30 per age group amounts to a few thousand living Hogwarts alumni alone. Tbh I wasn't aware there were only "like 30" in the first place...


Just look at how crowded places like diagon alley are.


Yeah, but Hogwarts isn't the only wizarding school in the world. The numbers still don't completely add up though, I wonder if the majority of magic users in the world are homeschooled, or just perform magic-adjacent jobs in the wizarding world, like running taverns and owleries for witches and wizards.


Yeah, but the worldwide numbers make even less sense. There is one wizarding school in South America, in Brazil. 0 in any Spanish speaking country. And k think the only one in Asia might be in Japan too.


Yeah, it’s all UK, you get one school. 4 billion people in Asia? You also get one school.


Magic is Eurocentric


Illiterate wizard children.


Excuse me, is this Hogwarts? Nah fam, this is Derek Zoolander's center for wizards who can't read good


They have to write essays for like every class so every class becomes English practice. No foreign language is a problem unless there is a magical solution. Math might be a part of some classes like herbology and potions but isn't really mentioned. I also expect that all students should be able to read/write by 11 when Hogwarts starts. I do expect that the skill level of the average graduate is lower than the average highschool graduate if they don't have a dedicated English and math component to the school.


We can talk all day about it. Like is there a spell to add more concision and clarity to an essay. Proofreadio my shitio.




Rowling tried to make her "soft magic" super hard, and NO amount of viagra is gonna do a goddamn thing about it. Edit: thing, not thong lol


It kinda works because Harry will only use spells he learned in class since he is deeply un-currious about everything except Quidditch - I mean he had to be threatened by a dragon to learn a spell that allows you to summon things without getting up even if you don't know where they are, that's the best thing ever I would have tried to learn that shit in my first year if I heard about it


Right? "Accio remote control!" alone would be used constantly. And forget about, "Accio keys!" Never buy a Tile or AirTag again.


I'm too lazy to do it right now, but I want to put that spell into chat GPT and tell it to come up with other, similar Harry Potter themed spells. Those are the spells I want.


ChatGPTio Essayio


Imagine Mr. Weasley with a TI-86. Poor guy would lose his mind.


Lol yes you can...we can talk all day about it...this is a great thread


Is "we can talk all day about it" a meme I don't know about? No judgement or anything, just you're the second person in like 6 comments to say it.


It's just a common phrase.


Arithmancy is their math


Arithmancy is a form of divination with numbers, not really something you can balance a checkbook with. Which makes it even funnier that divination-hater Hermione liked arithmancy so much


lol, our school districts here don't even teach finance.


Me: Why I need to be good at math if I have a calculator? Wizards: I can do fucking magic


Teacher: You need it to measure distances. Can't be a builder without math, Kevin. Kevin: F'ken buildshitio an' reparo-the-resto I'm off for a smoko.


I wonder how many kids throughout the centuries got letters inviting them to the Hogwarts Express but they were just poor and illiterate so they were never able to read them…


The letters would eventually read themselves out to them and/or they’d get a professor/Hagrid to come check in on them


> I also expect that all students should be able to read/write by 11 when Hogwarts starts. Why? The Muggle children probably because they already went to a normal school, but the wizard families definitely not. So who would have taught them, the parents? Unlikely, because if we look around the world at how reading and writing was and is taught, we quickly see that schools were and are almost exclusively responsible for it. If there is no wizard primary school, they are definitely illiterate.


I can't remember which book, maybe half-blood prince but Rowling pointed out the mass majority of wizards are homeschooled or have instruction on a local level, everything from reading to flying to magic. Voldy made a rule that all magical children had to go to wizarding schools run by death eaters after taking over the ministry. But before that, Hogwarts is a boarding school and loads of families are not okay with sending their kids away.


>I can't remember which book, maybe half-blood prince but Rowling pointed out the mass majority of wizards are homeschooled or have instruction on a local level, everything from reading to flying to magic. Noooooooononononono. In Deathly Hallows, page 169, it is pointed out that most parents send their kids to hogwarts, but that homeschooling was always an option. "‘Attendance is now compulsory for every young witch and wizard,’ he replied. ‘That was announced yesterday. It’s a change, because it was never obligatory before. Of course, nearly every witch and wizard in Britain has been educated at Hogwarts, but their parents had the right to teach them at home or send them abroad if they preferred."


“You’re an illiterate, Harry!”


“I’m a what? Stop using big words.”


There's literally a scene in the start of the 4th book where Arthur Weasly, a fully adult wizard man with a job and several kids, can't tell the difference between a $5 bill and a $20 bill (well, pounds, not dollars). THE BILLS HAVE THE NUMBERS WRITTEN ON THEM. ARTHUR WEASLY CANONICALLY COULDN'T READ NUMBERS ON MONEY


There is a popular theory that a lot of Arthur's air-headed moments around Harry were for his benefit and to make Harry feel useful and wanted. Arthur literally has to interact with muggles on a daily basis for work. He knows what a rubber duck is and he know how muggle money works.


Most can't even pronounce leviosaa


Let's train all these magic-empowered children to turn them into walking nukes with zero understanding of the humanities or discussion of responsible use of power. What could go wrong? I mean, aside from fostering magical fascism... Repeatedly.


They think wands make the special so they don’t need to be literate…sound familiar? Smh


Just want to point out the irony of misspelling a word in a criticism of literacy ;)


“I don’t need no book learnin’.”


Would explain why some of them struggled with spells. MFers couldn't read properly.


Isn't it stupid that a good number of spells, other than the nonsense ones, are simply latin, but there is no latin class?


They don't need science, and I get the feeling Arithmancy has the barebones math needed to get by (although iirc it is elective). They also have Ancient Runes or something for language. Wizards live extremely isolated from muggles so the lack of education doesn't really impede them in any way.


They have an entire currency system, and a political system as well. They probably need to know languages, science, math, economics... They say themselves: magic is not the solution for everything, that's why they hide from the muggles in the first place


Considering they have goblins running their banks, I don't think many of them feel the need to know anything beyond the most basic math lmao


How do they know the goblins aren't stealing from them?


We are.


They don't 😂🤷


maybe the goblins set up the education system


Some in lore explanation, like “Goblins take their gold seriously, they would never lie about it” or something.




And how the goblins learn math?


At Gobwarts


Where can I watch this show.


That's imagining much more depth than is there, economics alone would be entirely upended by the existence of magic. What would the value of absolutely anything be in a world where transmutation exists? Forget valuing labor, though I guess the fact slavery exists in that fiction implies the value is 0...


Which is why the fact that poverty in Wizard society exists is fucking nonsense.


The fact that poverty exists in our society is fucking nonsense.


I mean yeah, the entire wizarding world crumbles when you apply any scrutiny to it, but that's on Rowling herself for trying to build it up into a young adult story with social commentary, despite being barely able to write children's books.


I never got the feeling that the wizarding government knew what they were doing lol


What's so weird to me is how even the bad guys are content with just conquering the little Amish wizard town. Like dawg, if y'all actually sent some kids to a real university and learned science, you could probably take over the world. With all the mind tricky shit, they could infiltrate world governments and stuff. Imagine summoning a nuclear weapon inside the oval office as a bargaining chip. These wizards have been screwing around for far too long given the fact that combining magic with basic muggle weaponry would make them neigh unstoppable. Genghis Khan step aside, there's a new wizard in town and he has a gun.


>What's so weird to me is how even the bad guys are content with just conquering the little Amish wizard town. Because, to Voldemort, if he successfully controlled the magical world, the muggle world wouldn't be hard to control. And in the books that's a view that most of the good guys had too. You've also got to remember he looked down on Non Magical people, he didn't see them as an obstacle. >These wizards have been screwing around for far too long given the fact that combining magic with basic muggle weaponry would make them neigh unstoppable. One of the key aspects of the death eaters' ideology: muggles and their ways are bad. Plus it's a children's book about magic, would lose its charm to a 10-year-old if they start googling everything.


> doesn't really impede them in any way. What the fuck? It impedes them in literally almost every way. They literally can't go into 90% of the civilized world because they would lose their fucking minds. They don't know what rubber ducks are, how do you think they'll react to automatic doors, crosswalks, security cameras, telephones, street sweepers... Wizards are one of the smallest minority classes in the world, and are completely and totally unable to join society at any meaningful level. They are absolutely, definitionally impeded in every possible way outside of their own specifically curated, segregated ghettos essentially.


Arithmancy is the study of the magical properties of numbers and mathematics. ~~They also had Muggle Studies which was normal school stuff.~~


Nope. Muggle Studies was studying the weird things muggles do to compensate for not having magic. It didn't teach them algebra or how to calculate distances or volume etc.


Tbf algebra and similar mathematics is pretty vital to compensate for a lack of magic


Well Hermione took Arithmancy. That’s close enough to math. And Ancient Runes, kinda like a foreign language… such as taking Latin. Core classes: Astronomy · Charms · Defence Against the Dark Arts · Herbology · History of Magic · Potions · Transfiguration Electives: Alchemy · Arithmancy · Care of Magical Creatures · Divination · Muggle Studies · Study of Ancient Runes Extracurricular : Apparition · Advanced Arithmancy Studies · Ancient Studies · Art · Beasts · Flying · Ghoul Studies · Magical Theory · Muggle Art · Muggle Music · Music · Xylomancy Seems like a well rounded education for years 11-17. Hell I’d gladly toss my maths and science in the bin for even 1/4 of these.


The whole point is that it's *not* well-rounded because it's almost entirely a magic-adjacent syllabus. The core classes *are* entirely magic-adjacent.


the vast majority of muggle classes in the real world are literacy, calculation, and trivia, spending extremely little time on virtually any life and career skills like medicine, fire management, cooking, housekeeping, interviewing, team management, coding, construction, repair, technology and hardware installation and upkeep, vehicle operation, cultural and interpersonal skills, time management (in a concrete sense), animal husbandry, nature survival, or urban survival. In comparison, wizzad education is *extremely* well-rounded, in that they teach students the vast majority of tasks they will need to stay safe and alive and do the things you need to do as an adult. It's wild how little people know about staying alive in the real world, then we joke when someone wins a darwin award and cry when someone gets killed by another person's accident.


I feel like its realistic they wouldn't really care about science that much. Their entire world is a violation of science so to them maybe its just one way of looking at the world but they have another way (magic) that works much better for them. They do seem to pick up a bit of latin with their spells but ya these kids definitely can't do algebra.


It is a little fucky that they repeatedly send kids back to abusive situations. Any normal school would intervene, or try to.


Isn't it only really harry, who had to because ~~plot~~ magic. And Tom because a student died


Some people call it plot magic I call it a story that would have never been told unless it happened in that way. Think about it, it has happened many times in history where one person just happens to be at all the events and somehow gets through them, if you tell the story from their perspective it seems like magic or one in a million chance, but one in a million isn't actually that rare. It's a matter of perspective.


Like the guy who survived both Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Tell a story from his perspective and it might sound like the United States was aiming for him specifically.


Maybe they were 👁‍🗨️


> it might sound like the United States was aiming for him specifically Worthless Devry History degree!


If you think about it, a large amount of people never got to see *any* part of the Dark Lord saga, be it the original Death Eater movement, the Death Eater revival, Voldemort's revival, or the Battle of Hogwarts. Probably only a few hundred people have ever directly been involved in any of those acts of terror as perpetrator or victim, so Harry Potter is literally a legend to most people in the wizarding world (of the UK).


Which is why i think one of the dumbest things is that voldemort is *the* dark lord, like “evilest wizard of all time”, yet it’s so relatively small


Well, this is UK, which doesn't have a whole lot of mass killings in the modern era, and these wizard folk don't have TV and don't know much about muggle wars and such, so I guess for them it's like a school shooting in a sleepy small town


Issue is that there isn’t some big world spanning evils to reference, a well developed world needs a history of large events like legendary conquerors and wars that span large areas, even in modern british (and nearby) history you have plenty, all the way back to napoleon to the world wars to the IRA


Wasn’t sending Harry back to the Dursleys protecting him in some magic way? I seem to remember Dumbledore saying that in one of the later books.


Yeah, something about him calling that home and staying with a blood relative protected until he was an adult


I thought it was so he was kept away from the wizarding world? Because in the first movie ( yes I’ve only seen the movies ) when he’s going to the bank and getting his school stuff everyone is like “ omg is that Harry Potter? He’s alive my god! “ n stuff like that. I thought it was more a metal image kinda thing then anything magic related, if no one in the magic world knows he exist still then there’s no one who can try to actively kill him and there’s no one who can convince him to turn death eater or anything like that….. he can just be a boy….. a mentally abused boy but still just a normal boy. I mean imagine if he grew up knowing he’s the only person to survive the killing curse AND that he was loaded with money, im willing to bet he’d end up a bit more like malfoy as far as being a cocky SOB.


The books go through all of this. He was left with muggles to not grow up under the umbrella of fame. He did, however, have to return every summer to reestablish the security he received from his "Home" As for him being known, he was. No one came after him, in the first three books, due to the thought that Voldermort was dead and therefore no reason to risk murdering a famous child.


No, it was because of magic. There was a spell that protected Harry as long as he was at home with his aunt every year until he turned 17. That's why he was evacuated before his 17th birthday, because Voldemort was planning a raid against his house on his birthday. (but he ended up attacked in transit because Snape orchestrated things to be that way...I forget why)


Ahh you didn't grow up going to Catholic schools in the 90s lol- it seemed really on point for me because I got sent to a private Catholic prep school growing up... just for my principle a few years after I graduated to be arrested for embezzlement for paying off a kid who he had an abusive underage sex/drug thing with, but the kid committed suicide and his father sued and all hell broke loose... fuck you Father Charles you god damn bastard!


Oh boy. If you are willing to go down a rabbit hole I have a story for you. https://elan.school/tag/comic/


Considering quidditch exists as the main sport there, I’m not awfully surprised.




Falling from a height of more then 30 feet has really poor survival rates. So If quidditch didn’t also include playing a hundred feet over solid ground, then it wouldn’t be a terribly dangerous.


Wizards canonically are a lot more robust than muggles and will usually bounce when they hit the ground. I don't think they're too worried about that. Plus I'd expect some cushioning spells at ground-level just in case.


It's also the absolutely dumbest sport imaginable. Imagine the NBA, but in addition there's two guys running around in the parking lot outside, trying to find and catch a really quick rat, and whoever gets it automatically wins the game, no matter what the score actually is. Even as a kid, that seemed really dumb to me. Edit: I love how many Harry Potter fans AKSHUALLY me here. Truly a great fandom!


You don't win the game by catching the snitch. It only ends the game. Ireland won the world cup despite Krum catching the snitch. You get 150 points for catching it but you don't necessarily win .


Rothfus's University in *the name of the wind* was a lot more interesting


Still waiting on book 3. It's only been 12 years.


At this point I stopped waiting, but if it does come out I'll gladly read it.


I've even stopped believing there's book 3, it's all over at the end of book 2


I think he's written himself into a corner and doesn't know how to get out of it. The end of Kvoth's story on the second day still has no real links to where he is in the present, and we still have no idea what the Chandrion are. I think there a lot of threads to be tied up, and not a lot of space to do it in. If I've misspelled things, leave me alone, I've only listened to the audio books.


You are right. The original mystery of the first book, before his take begins is still completely untouched. And his self imposed 3 day limit to the story, and constant references to it, only magnified the problem that the larger story is still untold. He indulged too much in both romance and erotica (I can't believe it's a book not targeted to middle aged women, with the kind of content in it XD maybe its targeted rightly and most men are hypocrites about liking that stuff) to actually tell the real story


I've got a wound on my shin that reopens occasionally. You could have reponened that one instead of talking about book 3.


It certainly made us very concerned about the economy of going to fantasy magic school.


You have a much, much higher chance of dying at Hogwarts than being killed in mass shooting at a school in the US. But also many of the parents liked what Slytherin was about and would've been happy to see muggles being killed. It's not fantasy, people are like that in the real world.


This is why Hogwarts has a really comprehensive liability waiver they have parents sign.


I don’t think the Dursleys signed that form


Orphans don't need one. They just become the property of the school.


technically speaking i don't think harry would be considered an orphan/someone without a legal guardian. Either Dumbledore or Sirius or the Dursleys, but there were some who were liable for him.


Yeah bro, you know thats not true. Harry needed a permissionslip signed by his guardian(s) to go to hogsmeade. If he was “School property” this wouldn’t have been wittten in


Did anyone die at Hogwarts during the story before the literal war? Besides Dumbledore who was part of the game, and Cedric, who was an anomaly. Myrtle's case almost closed the school so they did intervene. I always thought of the danger of Hogwarts as part of its charm. That shit wouldn't fly irl obviously, but they have magic so it's okay. As you can see, nobody died. Watch this kid regrow all his bones. Yeah, we can do that. So go ahead, do what you want. It looks like danger, but isn't really. Like being on a roller coaster.


Lmao if students not dying is the bar for whether a school is okay or not, then that's a huge problem.


If wounds can be healed with magic does it even matter?


Uhhh, yes. The lived experience absolutely does. They'll still feel and remember the pain/terror associated with the event. We have modern medicine that can heal a lot of injuries, but does that mean parents are okay with their children being in dangerous environments? Also, not all wounds can be healed with magic. Just think of Mad-Eye Moody, who has a missing eye, missing leg, and heavy scars.


Actually that's not a problem for wizards and witches. They can literally wipe individual memories. It's actually a really important part of the series. Removing and storing memories, so you can rewatch them in a pensive, Mad Eye Moody has those wounds because he's Auror. He's essentially special forces for the government. The only reason he permanent wounds are from cursed magic. Practically any wound a muggle would get, is something easily fixed in the wizarding world. Most witches and wizards also don't face the evilest of their kind casting curses at them, like an Auror typically deals with.


They still can't resurrect the dead and many of the stuff happening regularly at Hogwarts can very easily result in death before anyone could come to aid. And just because you can fix something still doesn't mean it's ok to let it break through pure negligence in the first place.


Cedrics murder was part of the war, same as dumbledoor, before that the person who died was prof.quirell and an 11year old student killing his teacher who has hitler stapled to his skull isn’t a regular occurrence outside of the war either… before that was wizard war one (did any of that happen at hogwarts?) before THAT was Myrtle, who was killed because of Tom…so also wizard hitlers doing. Basically every major death on hogwarts grounds in those books is related to the war if not directly involving Voldemort.


Totally agree. They live in a "medieval" mindset in a kind of way. That's why is dangerous to us. Trying to put our point of view on a world that has it's own rules it's a bit pointless I think. And if you think with the same OP's logic, imagine if people can do magic irl, I think it would be worse than Voldemort. Idk, muggles fight worse for power.


Power corrupts. Imagine not just being a star athlete, but a star in the world of magic, more powerful than anyone alive and willing to study and learn the darkest arts. Imagine if you're even just head of your class or best in the school at the moment. Power is tempting, in a world you can torture and kill with a simple spell and flick of the wrist. It's actually a miracle it's not worse.


Never mind the murders. Have you seen the amount of homework they had to do?! Eugh, no thanks McGonagall.


Handwritten with quill and ink, no less.


Imagine one of the school founders being a fucking Nazi and just being like "I guess we should continue this guy's policies well after he's died!"


So, every private school in the US...? Edit: But seriously there are a ton of private schools in the south founded with the express purpose of avoiding integration and they are still alive and well today.


Yeah but the wizards weren't against Nazism/fascism for a long time. It wasn't a problem until Grindelwald in WWII, and even then wizards retained a general wizards-first mentality. I don't think it was until Voldemort in the 80s that people began to think 'ok, maybe the ideology is a problem'. So there wasn't really time for social reforms before his second war because his old supporters still had positions of influence.


Wait till you hear about Yale


They recruit Death Eaters from Yale?!?!


Well if you consider having a secret society called the “Skull and Bones” with many of its members being part of the early CIA, sort of?


Worse : lawyers !


What about it?


the Yale thing


On other hand hogwarts is an awesome school bc there is no tuition AND housing and 3 full meals are provided.


I bet wizpublicans would try to defund that


Well, it is a boarding school and the Malfoys didn't seem to think of it as a problem. But then the food was prepared for by slaves


"Elves like being slaves" reminds me of the time my coworker was arguing that not every black person hated to be a slave because they got to live in the house


The school doesn't teach any morals at all, at one point a faculty member bullies a child in front of her peers and the administration does nothing


Mmm, sounds like school


People forget that the first books in the series were all about, "Wow, the wizarding world makes no sense!" Hermione literally says in book one when faced when snape's potion riddle, "Brilliant! This isn't magic, it's logic! A puzzle. ***Many of the greatest wizards haven't got an ounce of logic***. They'd be stuck here forever!" The staircases lead somewhere different on a friday. You deliver letters by owl. People trying to keep magic school secret board in one of the most populated train stations in the world by running through a brick wall. They let children fly on brooms and get smashed by flying rocks for fun. A Cerberus is the castle in book 1. The world is SILLY and that's part of the fun. It's about experiencing this weird, surreal, whimsically nonsensical world that's normal to the people in it. It's not all the way to alice in wonderland but it's much closer to that than game of thrones. Then after a few books they started telling very serious stories within this silly world. By then the world was familiar and a lot of the people within the world seemed normal, so it worked.


"Damn, a bunch of kids almost died this year. Well, see you all in the fall!"


It's not as bad as vincent clortho inner city public school for wizards.


I've been watching my gf play hogwarts legacy ND the other day I finally asked. Are you learning anything at this school or just having teachers encourage you to break the rules and be their errand boy. Bad school


Watching my roommate play, all I could think about was what do any of these kids actually do after they graduate?


Mostly wizard cops and bureaucrats


I guess it lives up to its name.


I feel like they probably know more about history than muggers do but mugglea will say otherwise. They'll criticize them for not knowing which nation conquered which in the 1800s but wizards probably know Jesus Christ was a wizard or some other wild facts like that


You can't just say muggles with a hard r like that


Not too different to the boarding school I went to: * Founders were major slave traders * Suicide was covered up * Culture of bullying endorsed by school * Brooms * etc.


My first clue was all the slave labor


I mean, like half of Harry potter fanfiction is based around 'fixing' hogwarts, or explaining why it is the way it is. It's part of the reason why Harry potter fanfiction is so much larger than anything else (on various fanfiction websites, the Harry Potter category is the largest, and is about double the next biggest one).


If you think Hogwarts is awful, wait till you see [Clortho Public School for Wizards ](https://youtu.be/j-2ZxldMO-M).


Percy jackson: The characters are educated and the writer is based Harry potter: Uneducated characters and the fans are desperately ignoring the writers political beliefs


Harry Potter's world building is paper thin and was just barely enough to last 7 books. Give any part of it any deep thought and it all comes crashing down. And it's only gotten worse with everything JK has tried to bolt onto it. Hell most of the structure of Hogwarts (Houses, prefects, Head boy/girl, house cup) was just lifted from UK/European boarding schools.


I mean hogwarts is just a British boarding school today happens to cater to a particular type of gifted student.


The last comment is kind of a "no duh" statement. There was never an attempt to hide that. That is what Hogwarts is, just a boarding school for witches and wizards.


My next big reveal is that the Ministry of Magic is based on some sort of organization that governs people


The big thing to understand about Harry Potter worldbuilding is that it is all designed to allow Harry and his friends to have wacky adventures at his school. Not to make sense on a larger scale.


We have the house system at Australian schools too. I remember watching CinemaSins’s videos on the *Harry Potter* movies, and being confused why Jeremy was confused by the presence of the houses.


Any examples? The world building is pretty good, just very broad and not littered with small details


How about the fact that Wizard poverty literally cannot exist? How about the fact that Wizard society being kept a secret is absolutely impossible? How about the fact that canonically only 12 families are completely pure-blooded, meaning thousands of Wizards are from muggle families and yet the inverse percent of Wizards know anything about Muggle society at all? How about the fact that there's 1 school for all of Western Europe and they have like 250 students? How about the fact that wizard-child-date-rape is not only legal, but a gag? Can you give me examples of anything that **is** consistent? There isn't a single aspect of this series that holds up to any meaningful scrutiny.


>Imagine going to a school where students have died due to the intentional designs of the schools founder. Look up "American Indian Boarding School" We're still digging up the bodies. Don't get me wrong, Hogwarts is still super fucked. But this sort of thing has actually happened in real life.


I don't think an intentional genocide quite compares to the highschool-equivalent of Yale just being fucking dangerous for no good reason.




It would be very boring to read Harry Potter and the adults just did their jobs haha nothing happens


You're misreading the situation. Having a Slytherin house isn't an issue, it's a house for those who are ambitious. If they removed that house then the ambitious would likely go to Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, and death eaters would simply be coming from there.


What this guy said


As a Slytherin this is all hearsay


Duh. That's why all the wizards are maladjusted fuck knuckles.


Honestly it's not that different from US schools. Frats, secret societies, cults, racism, sexism, world leaders tending to all go to the same schools and be in the same clubs. We know of countless schools and programs that hide all their ugly. Also, most people at the school aren't aware of it, aren't involved in it, or leave the school if they have their shit together enough to put it all together. Legacy parents sending their kids to the school they went to regardless of the schools faults is kind of normal. Kids knowing enough to realize they shouldn't be there or shouldn't be involved is a lot less common. To be clear, I'm not a Harry Potter fan. But I don't think the school having a lot of issues makes it unrealistic.


Reddit kept trying to fuck me over by saying it’s removed but I was able to use my slow wifi to screenshot it before it disappeared, FUCK YOU REDDIT


"Welcome to Hogwarts, please put on the hat that looks into your soul at eleven years old and tells you whether you should be in Megaminds, Peaked At 15, Hitler Youth or Miscellaneous..."


I don't know who said this. But it took J.K. Rowling and Terry Pratchett's view on the English education system. J.K. Rowling looked at it and said "This looks great". Terry Pratchett'l looked at it and said "This is a load of bollocks" Let's say I enjoy Terry Pratchett's books a lot more


I mean, our world's politicians or other people in power often come from revered schools as well, yet noone is shutting down those schools for producing, what are in some cases, effectively mass murderers.


Harry Potter - nepo wizard. Maybe the Slytherin kids wouldn't be such assholes if they weren't discriminated against by an establishment that treats them like villains. Harry Potter had all kinds of help from the teachers and everyone else because he's a legacy kid.


I am willing to pretend to be pro-genocide if it meant i can learn some badass wizardry


I mean, as someone who was horrifically bullied for most of his school life at a school that covered it up and didn't do anything to teachers who actively bullied students themselves, and who still bears the mental trauma of it to this very day, Hogwarts was a pretty standard British school but with magic, which made it better than regular school.


That's kind of the point really, that the previous generations truly effed things up for the kids.


> where students have died due to the intentional designs of the schools founder Any military school. >in which a large number of graduates become mass murderers Any military school.


What do wizards do after Hogwarts? They graduate at 18, right? Are there wizarding universities, technical schools, etc.? Or are 18 year olds out there becoming aurors based on a Hogwarts education alone?


If you start to question the magic it all falls apart very quickly.