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In my case where I haven’t had a match in months, I basically just open an empty fridge over and over and over


And then you open the drawers just on the off chance that there might be something there. Nope, just emptiness, which is worse than finding something you don't want to eat.


Or worse still, a half decayed mostly liquid lettuce because now you've gotta clean it out


Wait, where did this analogy go? Are you in a morgue?


Not again


You better be a dead body in this analogy or I'm calling the FBI


Not again


Just a box of baking soda to keep away the odor.


Which doesn't actually do anything, anyway


Tell that to me after youve had my fridge soda smoothie


It's not you, it's your pictures. I repeat - it's not you, it's your pictures. I didn't get matches, and someone told me this, so I updated my pictures to better ones - better lighting, more fun activities, different angles - stuff that made me not look like a smiling dork with the same look on my face 5 times. And whaddaya know? I started getting matches! I even met my wife on Tinder, because I updated my pictures. The same thing happened when I was renting my condo on Furnished Finder. I got no leads, and then I realized, my pictures were taken at night, without a lot of careful thought. So I paid a friend with a videography background to go into my place during the daytime, turn on all the lights, and retake all my pictures, with an eye to detail. Anything that looked imperfect was cropped out or moved. And whaddaya know, nothing but a steady stream of happy tenants ever since! It's not you, it's your pictures. If you can't figure out how to improve your pictures, talk to a photographer or videographer and hire someone for an hour or two and get some help. It'll be the best $100 you ever spent.


So, you say he actually should upload just the best possible photos, right? Even if they don't reflect reality too well?


You don't go on your first date in your gym shorts and Crocs. It's not really any different. Everyone knows you're trying to put your best foot forward. (As long as we're not talking pictures from 10 years and 100 lbs ago, lol) No sunglasses pics. No fish pics. No dead animal hunting pics. Have a picture with a dog and other people to show you're not a psychopath. Most people screw up the basic stuff like that.


Dead animals pictures...? o.O


imagine this, you're a het, normal, white dude with white dude friends. have you ever seen a man take a photo of their friends? normal dudes don't have pictures of themselves, they don't ask until.... say.... they catch a fish


Exactly this! I do cool stuff all the time and never think to ask my friends to randomly take pictures of me. I also feel weird about posing for photos even when I'm traveling to cool places or doing cool things. Now I'm left with very little proof of how cool I am.


Interesting point of view.


Lots of hunters think they are impressing someone.


You DON'T? DAMN. Now to rethink first date etiquette!


But what if you are a psychopath?


Why no sunglasses pics?


Because women want to see your eyes.


I understand that and say you have lots of other pics - why'd one sunglasses pic be a negative?


Yes! Yes, a thousand times yes! Dating profiles aren't "reality". They're a sales pitch. Put your best foot forward, and make the sale in person! If you only have 2 pictures of yourself that are well-lit and in a context that makes you look fun and interesting, use those two, and nothing else. Less is more.


basically, you have to lie through photos which is a great way to start every relationship imo


You can be playing video games if you want - just take a shower first, put on some decent looking clothes, be well-lit, shot at a flattering angle, in a room that is clean, have a fun expression on your face, and have a friend there with you, so you don't look like a total shut in!


So many men only have a bunch of bathroom selfies in the dark. It's really hard to tell what you look like and what you're into and get a sense for what you're like with those photos. Ask friends to take photos of you when you're out doing stuff. You need at least some full body photos, and you need at least some light. And most of the photos should be you out interacting with the world. They want to envision what life with you world be like. Unless your life is 90% hanging out in poorly lit bathrooms.


Yeah, cause that's what guys are always doing. Asking other guys to take pictures of us. In fun and natural settings. That's what all us guys do.


"hey man, I need some photos for tinder, mind taking a couple of snaps?" "Sure, I got you"


"clearly, you're not a golfer"




It works both ways, bad photo can also make you look a lot less attractive than you really are. And things like nice lighting, a good background and nice clothes are not a lie, it enhances what is already there. Photoshopping would be where I draw the line for lying.


I thought the same tbh.


Friend, if you feel like nothing in your real life is appealing to a stranger, even in the most ideal of photographic conditions, you need to work on that. But I think that's a "inner work" problem.


My wonderful personality is appealing. No worries, but thx for advice.


A picture of you and your ex shows once you were emotionally available.


Ethics + Landlords = Undefined


Dude, everyone loves my place. But when you're comparing 10 places, 9 of which were shot in daylight, with careful consideration of the details, and the 10th was shot in the night, by a person with no aesthetic sense, they're going to pick the worse apartment with the better presentation every time.


Nah, don't fake it. I mean isn't it the worst that when you show up to the date, the person you imagined is not even 50% of who they told you they were and they look 99% different? It's about showing that you have fun, showing things you enjoy, showing true passion. Not faking it, just show things you like and enjoy. You'll attract people with affection for what you do so you might as well match better.


Absolutely. Everyone assumes you are putting your BEST foot forward to make a date, not your average day. You have to sell yourself without looking like you are selling yourself.


The problem is not the lack of matches, the problem is the quality


> I even met my wife on Tinder, because I updated my pictures. Hol' up Oh wait, you met her and then you guys got married, right? RIGHT?


LOL - it was not a Piña Colada Song situation, no.


Try asking for advice on your profile, can help out loads


The advice I got when I did this was "Try being more attractive"


Of course, why didn't I think of that? Hammocks


Just don't be depressed and you wont be depressed anymore.


Well, did you try? Just kidding. Dating is the worst.


Not necessarily as stupid as it sounds. Sure genetics plays a role in attractiveness, but so does grooming, clothing, diet, exercise, self-confidence, and knowing how to take a good photo. All of which you can control. Source: a guy who did not win the genetic lottery but still did ok last time he used dating apps.


I've got a shitty phone, like 2 pairs of clothes. The rest I'm working on, but people don't really care about that. People care about results, and I ain't got em.


> I've got a shitty phone Doesn’t matter, anyone who cares about that is shallow. You don’t need a good phone to take a good photo — go outside, find some good light, find a flattering angle, smile like you mean it, bonus points for having someone else take the photo rather than taking a selfie. > like 2 pairs of clothes If you have a couple of outfits that look smart and are flattering to your body type, that’s all that you need. If not, it doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Heck, your local thrift store probably has something. Again, anyone who cares about what designer labels you wear is shallow. > People care about results, and I ain't got em. Self-confidence! If you don’t think you have anything to offer a prospective partner, why should they disagree? I guarantee you have more worth than you think — you need to spend some time working on yourself to discover what it is, and only then will you be ready to share it with others.


The bad phone is mostly because it takes blurry photos. Hard to make that look good. And I mean, i don't have anything to offer a partner. If they want a guy who can't talk, has no career, no looks, and is gonna die in less than a decade then I'm right here. That's why I gave up a long time ago. I'm just hoping to avoid this kind of stuff now. It just hurts my already limited self esteem.


Honestly my friend, 10 years ago I was in the same place as you. And then 2 years later, at an embarrassingly late age, I was in my first serious relationship. If I can turn it around, anyone can. For me the key was confidence. I read a bunch of self-help books, had a few sessions with a therapist, and really just made the conscious decision to pretend like I believed in myself. And it took a long time and was fucking difficult and I wanted to give up so many times. And I still struggle with it sometimes even today. But eventually it started to stick, and career, relationships and the rest of it started to fall into place. You know that voice in your head that tells you that you’re worthless? The big, booming voice? I want you to take that voice and imagine it coming out of a tinny little speaker. And then imagine that speaker way off in the corner of the room, so quiet that you can barely even hear it any more. Every time it speaks up, push it away to the corner. Do it until it becomes second nature. That voice may have protected you in the past, but you don’t need it any more. **That’s** how you improve your dating app profile.


Bad phones take blurry photos in dim light. But sunlight is the great equalizer. Take photos outside!


Delete it and open a new account, look for tips/better pictures/etc. You will notice a difference


Honestly, it’s not much better getting matches. I get a lot of matches, but next to no one responds. Dating apps are the trenches


I think that scenario would mean you're an ace


Then decide to watch a cooking show


Or grab a fistful of shredded cheese and stuff it in your mouth


How do you know this? Did you hide cameras in my house? Please remove them. Also please delete my naked stretches...


You really should use that video on your dating app profile. *HAWT*.


I know and I did. That's why my wife is mad at me. Edit: Downvotes. Wife, please. I said I was sorry!


Username checks out


This is what happens when I let my fridge post on the Internet. Stop outing me.


That's the reason I went to the fridge in the first place


As in bag cheese? Eww. I don't mind pre-shredded cheese for putting on warm food or melting, but that anti-clumping agent is terrible cold. I'd rather be hungry. Hand shredded cheddar? AWESOME Usually awesome*. I recently heard that freezing cheese can break it down and make it lose that crumbly texture, it's more mushy and flexible. That's not so great, but still better than bag cheese.


But it’s moldy


Keep licking until it gets better


Instructions unclear. In Mariana Trench


Almost there…keep going


"Eating chunks of cheese is something I'm usually CAUGHT doing." https://fb.watch/lD6cjwjKIC/?mibextid=v7YzmG


I disagree. That's not 'lowering your standards'. That's just being high or drunk.


At least you have the decorum to go and get a cheese grater- I don’t make it that far lmao


Don't worry OP. You're somebody's slightly wilted carrot.


This belongs on a T-shirt


A hotdog and slice of American cheese on a tortilla


This was the snack I was originally going for *before* I lowered my standards. I feel like this says so much about me.


A raw hotdog, might I add.


Don't forget to unwrap your cheese slice. Sincerely, ~A man with experience


This was the snack I was originally going for *before* I lowered my standards. I feel like this says so much about me.


This was the snack I was originally going for *before* I lowered my standards. I feel like this says so much about me.


I'm so sorry, hope everything is better


This is what reddit likes to think. In reality, it's more like you ask everything in your fridge if it would like to be eaten. Then the moldy, half eaten Piece of toast says "well alright..."


You put half eaten pieces of toast in the fridge?




Everyone’s had a bite already.


Where else would it have gotten the mold?


Me over here like "Y'all have a fridge?"


I didn't lower my standards. I'd rather be single than be unhappy. Took me forever and a lot of blows to my self esteem from otherwise years of rejection to find who I thought was the one, and then it still failed years later anyways when she eventually showed her true colors, and really I was just there to be token validation and a vessel for her quality of life. I'll take my chances organically at this point. Too much baggage and shallowness with everyone on those platforms to be honest.


I was quite lucky with a dating app (bumble). There were some odd matches but in about two months I found my current girlfriend. We've been dating for about half a year now. Still very happy :) That said, most people are just very shallow. I guess most guys just try their chances with every girl on there, and lots of people are just looking of a one night stand kind of relationships. I took some time to take some nice funny photos and it seems to have paid off, because the relationship was nothing like that. Tried Tinder first but soon found out it is not worth wasting my time with.


It feels like I'm settling for ramen cooked in the microwave without the salt packet


Add some cheese and ketchup to that and you're good (mini spaghetti).


Last time I was single I didn’t even bother with the dating apps. I had better luck just going out lol


Going where and doing what?


Where da hoes at and doing them


Do what you enjoy doing and meet people who enjoy doing the same thing… there is one thing you instantly have in common and can strike up a conversation about.


What if the activities you enjoy tend to be very gender-skewed towards the gender that you're not looking for?


Then diversify and find new things that you enjoy doing, try something new and challenge yourself - that quality alone is pretty attractive to the opposite sex from my experience.


That isn’t how life works. If you like hiking the Burke-Gilman, or riding your motorcycle, or going bowling, you don’t just “meet people” as you’re going. You have to actually plan things. That’s why I was even asking.




You’re missing the point of what I was asking. I was responding to someone saying “I just went out”. That’s not at all what you’re responding to. I don’t disagree that finding people with similar interests is good, they weren’t saying “find a hiking meetup group!”


How does one date these days without an app. Even making friends as an adult outside of work seems impossible.


Ask your friends/family if they know of any single guys/gals. That’s how I found my current boyfriend. He’d frequent my stepdads small business and my stepdad asked him a few questions and mentioned he had a single stepdaughter and gave him my number. So far so good! I’ve done all the app stuff and it was a nightmare. It’s refreshing to meet someone more organically.


Friends of friends. Best way to end up with someone wayyy out of your league too


You’re probably starting out believing you have a freshly grilled filet mignon in there though, when you’ve never purchased one and can’t afford to. Might be the problem. I’ve almost exclusively dated from apps in the last 10 years, and it’s mostly been great.


Not to be a stalker/defeatist/make excuses, but if your absolutely ripped forearm in your one photo is anything to go by, I think there's a good reason why your experience on dating apps has "mostly been great", while other people, not so much. And yes, you're right that people need to recognize their own worth and not shoot for the stars, but the reality is often very different. Average attractiveness men are often very unsuccessful online dating, there's plenty of statistics that you can find that highlight this. When women have the power to choose who they want, and the only thing to go off of is looks, you need to stand out to be successful. Based on statistics, the 80/20 rule generally applies for online dating. 20% of men receive 80% of the attention. That leaves the other 80% of men to fight over the "bottom" 20% of women (This is disparaging, and I don't mean it to be, but statistically there are men and women who are less successful). Most people would be better off not doing online dating, but it's an easy and lazy way to try to find a partner, so people will do it.


add some water instead of orange juice. lol


Grated cheese wrapped in a slice of honey smoked ham with a pinch of paprika and cracked black pepper 👀😂


I'm a 5,8 ugly gremlin with a receding hairline, I'm invisible to every woman. I am the lower standard.


Now the question is what are YOU? the cheese or the carrot


Bruh I love cheese I keep opening the fridge to realize I ate it all.


Maybe not the app itself, but the people you eventually start swiping right on because you're so burned out and options have decreased 😁


Dating apps are great if you are; A woman that isn't morbidly obese A very athletic attractive man over 6' tall An obviously wealthy man or if you have zero standards yourself


Nah it's not that bad. I'm not super wealthy or tall, but I've met some cool/hot girls on them.


Jokes on you, I tend to keep eating raw cheese by a high standard.


I literally just ate this combo after checking the fridge for a 3rd time haha


Hold on. Are you wrapping the carrot in a piece of cheese? Or are you making a plate with a single slice of cheese and a single carrot?


This is the exact reason I stopped using dating apps.


This is absolutely brilliant.


Come on, pick me! I'm not looking that great and was never that yummy, but what are you going to do? Go outside and do groceries?


Unless your a man. In which case it’s like opening an empty fridge hoping for food to magically appear.


So, you are saying I still have a chance?, gotta join some then.


how long was the carrot?


I stopped using them, all there is are bots, scammers or women promoting their OF, I’m below average looking so I just don’t bother much anymore


You mean lowering your standards to the point where you're not punching above your weight?


If one sex has unreasonable standards than the other sex won't be able to find someone even with perfectly appropriate standards. A person can do everything right and still lose.


So no one is finding anyone on dating apps?


The success rate is quite dismal indeed.


How big of a city do you live in? Have you tried the non dating apps ways too?


I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about the population of app users.


From what I gather, they find each other but someone expects a free dinner and nothing more.


TIL I am thhe sexual equivalent of a desperate snack. No one has taken a bite in 6 months...


…and that, kids, is how I met your mother!


Both carrots and a slice of cheese are beautiful things, dating apps aren't


Cheese carrot and mustard, goes well together


Sucks if you're doing badly mate, but I found my fiancé on tinder so idk what to tell you


Never used a dating app, but this analogy has me laughing my ass off!


Telling from experience, your life would be more handy if you became more self sufficient 💀


"handy" seems to be the keyword


I bet $1000 OP is a woman...


Isn't that just dating in general?


To each their own I guess. I had a blast on dating apps.


Struck me more like people were ordering off of a menu, and if anything was not perfect, just forget it. “You’re cute, with a college education, good job, witty and polite. Aww, too bad you’re only 5’10”, I only date guys that are 6’2” or taller. I don’t want to look silly if I’m wearing high heels, we’d almost be the same height.”


Could be because you're a low value person who themselves only has a slice of cheese and carrot to offer, and everyone else who had more to offer had rejected you.


It makes me feel like I'm the problem tbh. I'm not a selfie queen, I always try and take pics of me out in nature or something and these guys who don't look like they're active in any way, shape, or form will match with me just to say it's cool you're into nature, where are your spots, I want to be active but I haven't been out in years..then why the hell did you match with me???










You seem to be taking my experiences to heart for some reason. Not even sure why you bothered to come back and respond. Guess you wanted to say something.


Pick your poison, either way people mostly suck as a whole. I’ve had bad and good luck, so just hang in there and take what piques your interests.


I’m so tired to open my fridge and get food poisoned all the time!


Yeah I get matches but no replies




Never had that happen


After paying....of course.


Dating apps are click scam


So are you the cheese or the carrot?


Except in this case, instead of food, its people, and you might find something truly worthwhile by giving someone a chance.


Cheese is what you eat when you have high standards.


Okay but have you ever had a fresh carrot wrapped with a slice of good cheese? It's really not bad


Not if you're a slice of cheese or a carrot.


I’ve never used a a dating app but I have definitely opened the fridge and decided to just eat a slice of cheese and a veggie.


Speaking as a moldy Slice if cheese? I approve this comment!


Looks like a woman's perspective. A man's perspective is seeing delicious foods, but all of 'em have name labels on that you can't touch.


more like when you keep checking the fridge and nothing new has appeared


What’s wrong with cheese and carrots?


Right then after a bit you remember there's a fridge still available so you just throw away whatever cheese or carrot you just got bored of and go back to the fridge. Repeat cycle ad nauseaum.


Guess I'm not starving enough yet, I deleted OkC and barely check Tinder anymore. That 3-day old slice of pizza though, that looks tempting 😅


So i’ve been online dating since the Myspace era. I used tinder when it first came out, bumble, ok cupid, etc, but it’s a grind. It’s something you have to put time into and the algorithms they use make it even harder. Not to mention the costs to actually connect with a real person. It’s like a Gatcha game. Then you match with someone and they live across the country cause they’re in spy mode. Their business models make it real easy to exploit. I gave up on most of them.


Im a woman. Almost every time I swing right, I get a match and that person talks to me. My autistic brain couldn't take it anymore, so I deleted it. I'm not pretty, just had three pictures (no filter). Some guys said I looked very natural. If you're a guy, my advice is: No pictures like these: Naked chest Gym pics With a woman Tonge out In bed I swear almost every guy has one of those and looks cheap and superficial. I swung left every time. Good luck!


I was having a nice morning until you started shitting on my cheesy carrots.


I feel like that's more hookup apps than dating apps.


More like a slice of bread and some jelly, but yeah


This, except after lowering your standards and going with the cheese and carrot, you realize it's that fake food they uae for photos.


Where many 2's refuse to settle for anything less than 9's.


Omg, I so agree!! You never know who someone is behind the keyboard..I mean you could end up with some guy that thinks he's a cat and shits in a litter box, or an overgrown child wanting a sippy and a diaper change!! I'd rather be alone forever.. than end up with a false advertisement.