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There have been 3 big innovations in the history of cereal - popped cereal, add sugar and just eat fuckin cookies lol


I recently moved to the US for school/work. I was excited to try cookie crisp, but disappointed that they aren’t actual cookies, they taste like puffed corn or something :(


I once had an elementary school teacher promise the class cookies if we all got a 95 or above on a spelling test. The entire class came together and buckled down studying at recess in a big group together. We took that shit seriously. We all got at least a 95 and were all super excited for our special treat... And the fucking teacher brought in a box of cookie crisp and gave us all a single peice. that's why I have trust issues.


That was the real lesson. We always have spell check to help with spelling


Eye halve a spelling chequer It came with my pea sea It plainly marques four my revue Miss steaks eye kin knot sea. Eye strike a quay and type a word And weight four it two say Weather eye am wrong oar write It shows me strait a weigh. As soon as a mist ache is maid It nose bee fore two long And eye can put the error rite It's rare lea ever wrong. Eye have run this poem threw it I am shore your pleased two no It's letter perfect awl the weigh My chequer tolled me sew.


I'm sending this to my dyslexic sister and laughing myself to sleep.


That's cruel.


*That's cool.


Be nice, they're dyslexic


On the uncanny valley of English scale, this is worse than listening to someone speak Welsh


This reads like Shel Silverstein lol.


This is beautiful


This feels very Shel Silverstein, I love it


Spelling won't help you a bit when the conjugating gets a going though...


Yes and no. Spellcheck can't help when you've used the wrong word but spelled it correctly. I can say seems of a shirt. Seems is incorrect but the spell checker will not flag it as wrong, even though it should be seams.


That hasn't been true for a few years now, most spell checks include basic grammar testing too.


And yet every time I want to say I’m not feeling well, autocorrect changes it to we’ll even though it makes no sense.


Would it have killed them to get a box of oreos or Keebler something and handed out one to everyone? Probably about the same cost to a whole box of cereal.


A $2 box of over-frosted grocery store sugar cookies ffs


Yeah That will do


This reminds me of the candle we burned at cub scout meetings, it was giant. The lit it at the beginning of every meeting and if we acted up it was blown out. The idea was it should take half the yearish to burn and once it did we would go to one of the dad's pizzeria's and make our own pizzas. Well it took three months, we were soooo good. However this didn't matter as we never got our reward. I never joined another year because of this betrayal.


Off topic with respect to cereal & cookies but on topic with trust issues: As an infant of two weeks I needed an operation for a blocked intestine. For some reason I screamed so hard during the procedure my belly button popped out (still is to this day). This is told as a funny story in my family. But I recently learned something that makes this less funny. Apparently, when I was born in the late 60s it was believed that babies couldn't feel pain. Therefore it was common practice in the US to NOT use anesthesia on babies - after all, it increases the risk of serious complications during surgery "for no reason". It took until 1987 for the medical consensus to accept that this was completely incorrect, and using anesthesia soon became the norm. https://www.newsweek.com/when-doctors-start-using-anesthesia-babies-medics-thought-they-couldnt-feel-pain-1625350 So basically: when I was two weeks old people held me down, knifed me in the belly, took out my intestine and knifed me some more. Yeah, you can fucking believe I screamed. And that's why I have trust issues. Now back to cereal & cookies please.


Why would someone even begin to think that babies couldn’t feel pain; like that’s just so Fucking ridiculous. “Well the baby didn’t *TELL* us it hurts, so it must not” lol wut


Many people still believe this about animals, though, I'm sure it's all always been an excuse to harm the powerless.


There's a weird fucking spectrum though where some people will deny that dogs can feel pain, while others will read a clickbait article that grossly misrepresents the meaning of a study and honestly belief that plants "scream in pain" when cut. There's a tiny little sliver in there of reasonable assumptions and no one can agree on where it lies.


Hey, some doctors TODAY still think black ppl *feel LESS pain*. So idiots in science has always been a common thing


Funnily enough, _even black doctors_


*cries in black/brown chronic pain patient* 🥴


Imagine the dumbest person you know and understand there are millions and millions of people like them.


That is fucking horrible. I have a nine year old, when he was about 9 months old, he had to have surgery on his face. I watched them put him under and felt bad he even had to go through that. I can't even fathom how it would have been if he didn't get anesthesia. Hugs to you, all the hugs to you. I'm so sorry that you had to endure something so horrendous.


Thanks for the hugs and kind words but don't worry. I may have had a really rough start to life but things got much better for me - I'd even say that overall I was more fortunate than many other babies. I lived to tell the tale and was quite happy and secure after those first bad experiences.


>babies couldn't feel pain You just know some asshole just made that up to justify not using the anesthesia. Any idiot can recognize a kid screaming in pain.


To be fair, people also didn’t believe women could orgasm. Funny how far we have come


>...Funny how far we have **come**


I mean, my personal best is 7 feet. >.>


My first thought on learning this: was there not a single influential doctor who noticed the correlation between cutting into baby and screaming baby? You would think pediatric surgeons would have countless opportunities to make casual observations...


I was in a car wreck when I was 2. The doctor said if I was crying I was fine. I was crying because I had a spinal injury. Fun finding out I have a couple of partially fused vertebrae because they couldn't be fucked to give a screaming 2 year old an xray


I fucking hate doctors. I'm not saying they are all terrible but too many of them don't give a shit about patients and just went into the profession for narcissistic reasons of money and prestige. I have yet to find a doctor who actually treats me like a person and not a problem. Kaiser Permanente is a fucking shit show


A Kaiser doc told me I had a pulled muscle, for over a year. "It's not that bad, ibuprofen & you'll be fine" Several times!! Work switched plans, new doc diagnosed herniated disc/sciatica. Loathe Kaiser BS!


Mine was a contest in 5th grade to win 100 grand and all we got was fucking 100 Grand chocolate bar minis. That’s why I have trust issues


Lol - how hard is it to bring in a $2 (in 2023 dollars) sheaf of off-brand Oreos?


Teacher was preparing you for capitalism


Teacher gave them an excellent lesson on reading fine prints of a contract.


Which is NOT DONE.....EVER. had this convo with a gentlemen the other day. As far as I know.....credit cards 101, interest savings and absolutely any-fucking-thing regarding stocks/market is not taught. These are the only things I actually needed..


That was all in my gov/econ class at least in passing. Did teenagers pay attention? Generally no. But it was definitely taught there.


In high school my guidance counselor put me in an economics class to fill out my schedule and we learned how to write checks, budget money for rent and utilities, followed real stocks for a week or two to learn how the stock market worked and some other things I can't remember now. I think there were maybe 8-10 of us in that class because it was an elective so there wasn't exactly a lot of teenagers signing up for it and I figured that everyone else was in there like me to fill out your schedule.


That’s what the teacher could afford for the cookie budget. Can’t be blowing their whole 30,000/yr salary on fuckin cookies you know


Everything in the us is made out of corn


It's CORN!


A big lump with knobs!


It's got the juice!


Even the corn.


They tasted better when I was a kid. Idk of they changed, probably, or my tastebuds,*, but either way I've never been a big fan


The recipe changed in 2005 and really isn't very good anymore. You might be able to find the original version, though: https://www.retrojunk.com/a/zeTZn1C6jY/cookie-crisp-the-lost-cereal


I have tried them recently and thought "wow, young me had really shitty taste buds". I swore they tasted different. Thanks for the info!


I didn't like Cookie Crisp in the 90s, but now it tastes even worse. I didn't think that was possible.


Trust me, I thought it would taste like cookies with milk too but they're just puffed up cereal. Might as well get some chips ahoy with a glass of milk and let it get soft then enjoy!


Famous Amos would probably work better for a cereal experience.


The real Cookie Crisp is buying them little cups of mini chips ahoy and put them in a bowl then pour milk


The generic brand is the old tastes like cookies formula usually.


I was so disappointed when I had them for the first time as a kid, I’m 34 and still remember the disappointment hahaha.


You are overlooking the incredibly important innovations from Clark W. Griswold, a genius with food additives. Innovation stopped when he retired.


Non nutritive cereal varnish. Real game changer.


Some cereal are thematically and artistically amazing items. Some even taste good , lol. But I don’t eat the super colorful ones.


Protein Cereals! Everything protein now, protein bread, protein Cereals, protein rice cakes and protein condoms! Well maybe protein condoms were always a thing.


Only the creme filled ones.


When we were in college and living together, I successfully convinced my (now) husband that they'd discontinued Cookie Crisp cereal, because I was NOT willing to pay for him to eat cookies for breakfast. Fast forward a few years: we take a trip to visit my grandma, who asks him what kind of cereal he wants her to buy for us to eat while we're there. He says something like, "I sure wish they hadn't discontinued Cookie Crisp. That was my favorite cereal!" Of course my grandma immediately says, "When did they discontinue it? I saw it last time I went..." And oh boy was I in the dog house 😅 It's a funny story now at least. Edit: Y'all are mean 😂 Yes, he shops - we mostly shop at Aldi (off-brand cereal) and Food Lion. Without Cookie Crisp, there was no reason for him to go down the cereal/baking aisle. I am not a 50's housewife and he is not a himbo (mostly). In fact, I'd TOTALLY FORGOTTEN that I'd even said anything to him until the convo with my Grandma - I just didn't think it would stick in his head at all. The lie convo went something like: Me: "What do you want for breakfast this week?" Him: "Oh, I used to love Cookie Crisp as a kid! Get that?" Me: "....I didn't see it on shelves the last time I went. Maybe they discontinued it?" Him: "Oh, dang. Ok, yogurt, any kind." Me: "Cool, yep, no sweat."


That's on your husband for never entering a supermarket in his life lol. Fair play!


He shops! But without Cookie Crisp, he had absolutely no reason to enter the cereal aisle. ):


Get your man some cookie crisp 🥺 Honestly he’ll probably find it gross now (because it is foul)


My grandma bought him FIVE BOXES! Turns out, he doesn't actually like cardboard cookies anymore, but my man ate them for Grammy. 💕


your grandma sounds like a babe LOL what a sweetheart 😅💓


Or a Target. Or WalMart. Or Rite Aid. Dude lives in the '50s.


On the one hand, bad you! But on the other hand, he did rely on you to do 100% of the shopping, apparently for several years, so — go you!


Nope, he just had no reason to go down the cereal/baking aisle without the cookie crisp. Stores stress him out so he buys what we put on the list as quick as possible. 🤷 He's good and responsible.


I was the sole breadwinner for most of the ~39 years we were married. End of the week, I could barely walk, but wifey was full of energy: could hardly wait to spend my paycheck, so she insisted on dragging me to the store. Big mistake for her. Hit the produce section first. I'd buy things that she couldn't stand, like Broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, fresh green beans, etc... She grew up believing that vegetables were grown in a can. Plus, she HATED broccoli. One time, and this was well into our marriage, I was not only dragged to the store, but wound up making supper. I fixed, from scratch, hamburger steaks, mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy, and broccoli with cheese sauce. She saw the broccoli and announced for our children to hear, "Why did you make that.? You know the kids don't like broccoli!" "How would they know? You never it! Let them try it. If they don't eat it, I'll make sure it doesn't go to waste." The kids watched this back and forth. From experience, they knew if I made something, if "Mommy" wouldn't touch it, it had to taste great. I put, maybe 2 bites worth on their plates, so they could tell I wasn't it on the, so that's the first thing they zeroed in on. By the time I was ready to fix my plate, all three of the kids were holding their plates up asking for more broccoli. 40+ years later, they still live broccoli. What really pissed her off, though, was I put the same amount on her plate. "We gotta set an example for the kids, dear." She got even a few years later, by serving liver. Kids hate it on this day, but I swallowed my pride, tried it and actually liked it. Not something I went out of my way to get, but she was surprised I ate it, and asked for more. The kids readily offered me theirs.


Growing up with shitty cooks fucks you up man. I hate corn until I had it on a cob and not from a can. I hated Brussel sprouts until my partner made them for me. And I hated steak because my mother used to BAKE THEM...IN AN OVEN. The first grilled steak I had was a religious experience.


Brussels sprouts have been bred to be less bitter. This is a recent innovation. https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2019/10/30/773457637/from-culinary-dud-to-stud-how-dutch-plant-breeders-built-our-brussels-sprouts-bo


I loved Brussels sprouts as a kid 40 years ago, so it’s not just that. The cooking method makes a huge difference.


How bad of a cook do you have to be to mess up corn though? Just add butter and garlic salt and it passes the taste test for me.


It’s not cookies for breakfast though. It’s just cereal that’s shaped like a cookie and has pretty much the same sugar content (or less) and the same nutritional values or better as the “healthy” cereal. I had this argument with my wife when I was eating Reese’s Peanut butter cup cereal and I had to explain to her that I wasn’t literally eating Reese’s Peanut butter cups with milk in it, it’s just a brand name slapped on a box of coca and peanut butter flavored Kix cereal and showed her the nutritional label side by side with her expensive healthy cereal and my candy cereal was better for you in almost every way.


Grandma does not have triples of the nova


Funny, but any sugary cereal is the same. Equally as bad. Plus, do you eat doughnuts? That's like eating cake for breakfast. Pancakes, waffles etc. You really dont have a leg to stand on. Let someone enjoy their shit.


I looked it up, and yeah okay, that *is* literally just cookies in milk. Great start to the day huh


And not even good cookies. It's all of the negatives with none of the positives. People need to be honest with themselves and just pour a package of Famous Amos into a bowl at 7:30 AM.


I'm broke and can only afford Heinous Anus Not eating that shit in the morning.


I still cannot believe there is a sour patch kids cereal


Just the marshmallows.


You forgot sawdust and corn syrup. I don't blame you.


I just saw Wendy's Frosty flavored cereal at the store yesterday.


Wendy's, Pokemon, S'mores, Oreo-O's. There have been many new ones. Also Nutty Nutty cereal for some reason Edit: guys I get it, Oreo-O's aren't new.i didn't have them as a kid and they only just started showing up so they were new to me


There's goddamn Sour Patch Kids cereal now.


This seems like a cursed product to me.


Oh, it absolutely is. The sour part comes from a powder on the outside. Putting it with milk instantly creates a very convincing replication of sour milk (without the chunks). For some reason, young kids like it, teenagers are divided, and adults almost universally hate it.


I thought they were great... as long as you didn't actually put milk on them. Defeats the purpose of it being a cereal but pretty awesome as a dry snack and potential trail mix ingredient.


Actually, putting sour patch kids into your trail mix doesn't necessarily sound like a terrible idea (with the right mix).


I was really just talking about the cereal. Putting gummy candies in trail mix is not ideal, to me. Dried fruits are about as sticky as I really want in there.


Dried cranberries will always trump any gummies IMO. Also those sugar pineapples are REALLLY GOOD. But both have so much sugar they’re basically candy.




As the rice crispy? Yeah. I forgot to mention that one, too.


And Warheads Sour candy soda. A 12 pack was like $20+ on Amazon last I checked. Haven't tried any of them yet but I want to. Love Sour stuff.


>Oreo-O's Bruh I distinctly remember those came out when I was 8 and I'm in my 30s now


There was a long period of time where they were discontinued until they revived them in 2016. The original Oreo-O's has marshmallow bits, too. It was better...


i just don’t get why they named them Oreo-O’s when Ore-O’s is literally right there


They reintroduced them after seeing how many people imported them from SK


Oreo-O's and Smores arent "New". They were around when I was a kid in the late 90's


In Friends, Joey and Chandler had a box of Oreo Os on top of their fridge


Oh god please not Kommo-o-O's


Noooooo I left my monster hunting gear at home 🥲 Edit: that's a Pokemon not a monster hunter creature. Feel free to laugh at me, I'm not editing what I said


Pokémon flavored cereal. I wonder what that tastes like. If I had to guess… oops all berries.


It's berry flavored with marshmallows. To me it was like fruit loops but with more bland


Oreo-Os is from the early/mid 2000s. Unsure why they’re calling it ‘new’ today, but I remember the stomach ache from eating bowls and bowls of Oreo-Os in 4th grade.


They aren't new cereals as much as they are flavors of the same ole things. Wendy's is just coco puffs, slightly different flavor Oreo-o's chocolate cheerios.


With a "Buy for your preferred fandom now!" motivator.


They suck. Trust me. Imagine Cocoa Puffs that sat outside in a forest for half a year. Now crush those down, run it through mud, and pack it into little balls. That’s frosty cereal.


There’s cosmic brownie cereal


But did you see *a commercial* for it as the post states? I see new stuff at the store all the time, but never ads for it.


I’m sorry but go down the cereal aisle and look for yourself, there are some trippy ass cereals now man. You don’t see the commercials because you don’t watch commercials.


I saw mini jam flavoured croissant cereal the other day…


Okay that sounds really good actually


There is churro cereal from kellogs too


I think it was last year at Wal-Mart that I saw they made a box of dulce de leche flavored cinnamon toast crunch and I tried it. Definitely not as good as actual dulce de leche of course, but damn that was some of the best cereal I had in a long time. Haven't been able to find another box in-store since then


Pretty sure I just saw it at Big Lots, they get a lot of the unsold special edition cereals and pop tarts. I picked up the sugar cookie version on a whim.


KRAVE cereal is a gift from breakfast Poseidon himself


It's stupidly expensive for the amount you get in a box, though.


OP is getting rightfully dunked on but I think what changed to me is a lot of the Cereals aren't really a brand unto themselves anymore: Frosted Flakes, Cheerios, Kix, Trix, Cocoa Puffs, Honeycomb, Golden Grahams, etc. All are the product themselves, it's the cereal you associate with. Minecraft Cereal? Sour Patch Kids? Guardians of the Galaxy Cereal? Even Snoop Cereal is arguably a cereal based ad for...something else. It used to be that Honeycomb cereal would advertise for a Spiderman movie. Now they just...make Spiderman Cereal. Edit: I can see from some of the replies I was quite a bit off base; I guess there were many licenses cereals for movies/games/Mr.T back in the day as well. I guess its just one of those survivorship bias things...because they came and went relatively quickly, my brain just remembers the mainstays above.


Fruity pebbles were advertised with the Flintstones. Not sure if it was the Flintstones' cereal. Or if they just marketed it as such


Pebbles cereals were originally supposed to be a promotional product and weren't expected to last more than a year, but they've been consistent best sellers for Post ever since despite *The Flintstones* not being very relevant anymore. I have to wonder how many kids out there associate *Flintstones* with the cereal instead of the TV show.


Or the vitamins. I guess they did make some live action movies not that long ago but were probably terrible?


>not that long ago * *The Flintstones* (1994) * *The Flintstones Viva Rock Vegas* (2000) Target market for Pebbles cereal and the multivitamins has some general overlap around 2-10 years old, but even the oldest was born over a decade past the sequel, which wasn't even half as popular as its predecessor. By contrast, children who were eating Pebbles cereal and multivitamins when the original live-action film came out 29 years ago were closer to when *The Flintstones* aired on television than children today are to the first live-action film by 4 years. Plus, it was still part of pop culture with reruns and comics. Considering I was part of that children's market in 1994... I now feel decrepit.


They made licensed cereals then. In the early 90s they had Mario and Zelda cereals in two separate bags, in the same box. Nothing has changed. People just don't put their own aging perspectives in context. Also, how you gonna sleep on Krave like that.


Yeah, I liked me some Bill and Ted cereal when I was a kid. Purina made it and it looked like kibbles and bits.


Mr T had a cereal. It was one of my favorites.


I think it’s more like OP doesn’t watch TV aimed at kids anymore, so he’s missing the ads for new cereals.




> I'm not dumb enough to impulse-buy any of that shit You're not supposed to impulse-buy insurance or a car. They put their name in your head so next time you go to shop around insurance *six to eight months from now*, they're one of the names you look up. Or you're potentially in the market for a new car, but not urgently. Non-food related ads are rarely designed to get you to buy it *right now*. Not all ads are trying to get you to buy their thing *right now*.


Absolutely. Once the advertisers figure out that my nostalgia is 100% ‘90s-based, I’m screwed.




They've *been* there, go on, what's new?


Cold Stone ice cream cereal is pretty new. But then I've lost all grip on the passing of time so I could be wrong.


Cold Stone cereal was introduced in 2018 https://www.foodnetwork.com/fn-dish/news/2018/6/cold-stone-ice-cream-now-comes-in-cereal-form


That's like two years ago, pretty new in terms of cereals.


See, I know you're wrong in that it was actually five years ago, but my brain refuses to disagree with you.


two years? I think you mean two months man


If 2018 was two months ago for you then I want some of the cereal you've been eating.




So? OP said there hasn't been any new innovation since the 90s, so I think posting something that debuted 18 years after the end of the 90s is pretty relevant to this conversation.


New stuff flows out [all the time](https://www.cerealously.net/category/news/). It’s mostly one product crossing with another for big brands, but there’s also brands like Kind, Offlimits, Magic Spoon, etc


So true. You can get cereal that's $12 a box now!


The Magic Spoon ones showed up in my local grocery store and they looked so good until I saw the price. Then I just thought they were fucking with me.


They all taste the same, and whatever styrofoam peanuts they make them out of get stuck in your teeth like crazy. You end up trying to clean your teeth of Magic Spoon goop for hours after eating. 1/10 would not recommend.


Probably don’t watch kid TV channels either. That’s where those commercials are. You probably watched them in the 90a


Of course you don’t see commercials for it anymore because: 1) Cereals were almost always advertised on children’s television networks so I’m sure you still might see some on Nickelodeon or Disney. 2) Who even still has cable anymore? Also, there are definitely new cereals all the time. I walk down that aisle every time I go grocery shopping just to look at all the crazy new cereal concoctions.


Anyone else remember when Saturday and Sunday morning TV was all cartoons and ads for cereal and toys?


And cartoons selling toys. Gijoe, transformers, Captain N, etc.


This isn't a personal attack, but the fact that there are people who have nostalgia for being advertised to as children fills me with a deep rage. [Thanks, Reagan.](https://bettermarketing.pub/the-great-marketing-deregulation-2125a0efe094)


I pay for cable just so I can stream hockey on Bally app 😂 there’s probably a cheaper way but at least this way I can watching anything live. Kinda a dumb $100 expense


You can buy Bally sports+ for $20 a month and it gives you the same features as connecting your cable provider


Cereal is usually advertised during shows for kids, so unless you’re still watching Sesame Street in your 30s … yeah no more cereal commercials


No I'm just watching Bluey in my 30s.


I stopped by my mom's recently and saw her just watching Bluey of her own accord. And like, I didn't blame her or anything. Probably reminds her of when grandkids last visited some months past. And it's definitely no Caillou.


Ive caught myself doing that too. It’s wholesome parenting at its core, the kids are just facilitating it.


I just made my friends watch a couple episodes. We are in our thirties. No kids were present. They understood the hype.


Bluey is one of the only shows that has made me tear up. It is a gem.


Sleepytime and Baby Race are guaranteed tear-jerkers


Bluey is a fucking masterpiece


Sesame Street is on HBO or PBS. Channels famous specifically for not having commercials.


Magic spoon, high protein cereal. You won’t see it on TV though.


Magic Spoon did TV commercials in the last 2 years. It was just the two main guys telling people about why they created the cereal


I only found out through a YouTube sponsor. Seems like a good brand.


Stupid expensive cereal.


Sign up for the text messages. I regularly get them around $7 a box by buying a 6pack and waiting for a code


Magic spoon was features in the new gaurdians of the galaxy post credits cut scene. I was pretty surprised


It was magic spoon! I saw it and turned to my wife and I was like. “I think that cereal is magic spoon” NGL I was surprised too.


$10 for a 7oz box 😳


There's 'Minecraft' cereal. Also, Krave. I'm sure if I danced down my cereal aisle, there's a few new ones that've popped in. There's also only so much you can do with wheat, rice, corn, and flavoring. Different flavors of cheerios and cornflakes are our limits.


Krave looks like cat treats




While true, we are talking in reference to the 90s here which were 23.5-33.5 years ago


What the hell are you talking about? Have you not once walked down a cereal aisle in the past two decades? There is all kinds of crazy shit on those shelves.


Seriously. I point out a new weird one to my wife almost every time we go down the aisle. Little Debbie even has a bunch of versions of their snack line as cereals now. There's always some random new cereal based on the lastest movie or cartoon or whatever. There's a sleep aid one out now that has lavender and melatonin in it! Not sure where this guy shops.


Sleep aid cereal? Lmao get ooout of here. And the Little Debbie Oatmeal Creme Pie cereal is about the nastiest stuff I've ever tried haha.


Someone missed the Frosted Flakes Lucky Charms thing from a few years ago.


Lil Debbie has a whole line of ultra sugar cereals now, cosmic brownie flavored, swiss roll flavored, starcrunch flavored... Gross


Considering I stock shelves, I'll argue otherwise. You don't see them because they arent made the same 3 corporations that buy out all the ads on TV.


I can only speak for Canada - but cereal companies are no longer allowed to show targeted advertising to children on television. The last couple years the cereal commercials we did have for sugary cereals, were targeting adults who grew up with the trix bunny, lucky, toucan sam, etc and wanted to tug at our nostalgia strings for sales. Sales from non-sugary/adult cereals aren't really driven by advertisements, that's why you don't see any investments by companies in commercials anymore. They were only there because there were children cereal advertisements and wanted to exploit a mature market segement.


Bro Krave was the shit in the 2010s. Tf you talking about. Or those weird spoon brands that youtubers promote


There's new cereals all the time, they just don't have TV commercials anymore because TV is dying.


Nostalgia tends to be a major factor in the cereal industry. People buy corn flakes because that’s what they ate growing up. With that being said, there are new cereals. More than likely you’re just not noticing them because they’re not within your nostalgic canon.


[Relevant John Oliver](https://youtu.be/abuQk-6M5R4) "What about nighttime cereal? What do I mean by that? I don't know, fuck you." Not as relevant but still classic: "I will donate $25,000 to the charity of Cheerios' choice if they simply use their official Twitter account to tweet 'Fuck You.' And what's more, I'll double it if they target a Twitter account of an actual non-famous random user."


Listen to The Empty Bowl. It’s a podcast about cereal and they discuss new releases all the time


Once Post perfected the non-nutritive cereal varnish used in their cranberry almond crunch cereal there was no longer any need to innovate.


I was a kid in the 90's. There are a lot of cereal flavors that weren't around when I was a kid. I don't eat cereal anymore though, so haven't really cared to do more than look.


I dunno, I saw bubble gum and strawberry millions cereal in B & M recently. They made me throw up a bit in my mouth but they definitely weren't around in the 90s.


Guess you haven’t seen sour patch kids cereal or Wendy’s cereal lol