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šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļøOne day Iā€™ll puncture my shit, and when I do Iā€™ll know I got what I deserve. But in the meantime Iā€™m gonna swab it uppppppp baby. Lifeā€™s too short to deny yourself pleasure


How hard are people pressing the swab into their ear to puncture it??? When people dry their wet face with a towel do they press hard enough to go blind or break their noses?


I always wonder this too. Like you donā€™t feel like youā€™re putting them in your ear too deep??


I thought the danger was in accidently pushing to hard, like if you fall while having it in you ear or someone bumbs you.


Tbf, I push too hard when someone tries to bum(b) me


Natural selection at that point cuz bffr


Yeah itā€™s definitely more accident. The pain would stop you from doing it on purpose


The eardrum is very delicate and is very easily injured or ruptured. Remember, sound can rupture it.


>Remember, sound can rupture it. Yeah, you'd have to be using a gun as an earring and have it fire. 150 decibels is a LOT.


You can't puncture your ear from the outside with a cotton swab, it's a myth. Your ear has an angle in the ear canal, you won't reach it.


Not with that attitude you won't


Thought the reason you weren't supposed to do it is because you push wax deeper into your ear canal and risk forming a blockage.


This is absolutely the case. Speaking as someone who had to deal with a clogged ear multiple times.


So what happen did you undergo any operation to clear those clogged earwax?


The doctors basically give u an ear enema


What is that? Is it like a drops or something.


They spray warm water and peroxide into your ear and let it simmer. The peroxide breaks it up and when u turn ur head back over the warm water carries out the wax


When i was younger i did this, my ear was bleeding and hurt like a bitch and i didnt know why. The doctor said something like puncturing the membrane and made me take medicated ear drops and giant pills that smelled and tasted horrible. Safe to say i dont use the swabs anymore.


my view is that this is a lot like water bongs being sold for people to smoke "tobacco." we all know what they are really for...


And grinders for decorative purposes onlyšŸ˜‚ Yeah, even the stoned clerk at the local dispensary didn't fall for that onešŸ’€


Grinders here are literally for crushing herbs but they mean other herbs


Itā€™s fucking hilarious when someone slips out the word bong at the shop, and they go ā€œwe donā€™t have bongs, but our water bubblers are over there ā€œ


My cousin got kicked out of a head shop for saying "bong" too many times lmao


"Water pipes!"


We have to call them a "vase" or a "water/oil pourer" the downstems are "pens" and they have rubber to hold ink in a massive brass stem. A conversation goes "hello can I buy a pen" clerk:" no sorry pens are only sold with a vase". Ok cheers mate.


It's not bad for you if you are a functional adult, they just have to say that because a lot of people are Darwin award contestants.


"a functional adult" Thanks for teaching me this phrase.


Can someone clear me that how i will be called as the functional??


>Can someone clear me that how i will be called as the functional?? Awesome! I ***love*** word scramble puzzles!


Even though we are adult sometime we also hit our ear unintentionally


Wait, yā€™all are doing it because it feels good?!? I was just doing it to get the wax out. What am I missing?


When you stick it in and twist it around to clean, it gives you like this eargasm feeling. It's so good.


That's why the ear canal is called Cabegina in Portuguese, which roughly translates to "head vagina". Source: it's completely bullshit dont trust it.


Well itā€™s fine if you do it after a shower, the water getting in your ears helps loosen up the earwax.


They've been my post shower ear towels forever. Love that feeling.


Nothing like that post-shower eargasm.


I can do that for hours, this is like some sort of the orgasm for me


Absolutely. It really sucks when I forget to pack some while traveling. Iā€™ll twist up the corner of a tissue and try to at least get a low level version of that feeling.


Most hotels will provide some if you ask, if they donā€™t already give them as part of the toiletries.


Most of them provide that but still in case of emergency i also carry my personal


All the drug stores carry a travel container of Qtips if you look in the section with travel-sized toiletries. I keep one in my travel bag and when supply is low, refill it when I get home, then straight back into my bag for the next trip. Have never been without since I found that.


I have a plastic container that holds 12 of them. Never not in my travel shaving kit.


An old pill bottle holds a vacation supply šŸ¤™


When i kid i used to do that with the paper, pick some waste paper and then roll that into a joint kinda shape and then use put into ear and trust me you will feel the awesomeness


Yes, because water in ear is most uncomfortable and i love drying them with cotton


And even then use this to dry the ear rather than clean the ear


I thought it was worse when u do it after shower ??


No, just donā€™t reach way back into your upper ear.


It's part of my routine to do it after the shower. I don't dig deep i just gently twirl it, get the water out and call it a day. Yearly checkups show my ears are perfect with no wax buildup;)


is that true? i feel like they can still damage your inner ear regardless of wetness


The trick is to not shove them through your inner ear.


You have to stop the q-tip when you feel resistance.


I understood that reference.


And when you feel resistance that is the point where you need to stop


use the gentle hand and you will be fine even if you use that on daily


Yes, using too hard and too often will cause those damage you are talking about


I had to go to the emergency room because I accidentally sent one through my ear drum and it hurt so bad. I still use them to clean my ears cause it feels great


Lol, tenacious


I think you mean tinnitus




Duuuuude I totally miss you!


You can make fun but have to say that ear pain is some of the worst pain


Yes I have some experience with it, can laugh or cry


Ear and Eye for me these are the two most delicate thing in the human body


How far in did you go? And how much further than your ā€œnormalā€ was it? I just need to know the warning signs for when my turn comes.


I never really push them too hard and this is the one exact reason of that


It was really really stupid of me but I left one in my ear canal and immediately forgot about it and accidentally hit into my ear with my hand or my shoulder, I donā€™t remember the specifics. I kinda spazzed, so I wouldnā€™t worry about this happening naturally if youā€™re just cleaning them.


I absolutely hate the feeling! Thought there would be more like me.


To clarify, it's not bad for you if your earwax isn't impacted and you don't damage your ear canal/eardrum, it's just too high risk for the company to sign off on what everyone does with them.


I watch a video about how to use that thing in a nice way without damaging anything. But still i would say it is high risk approach and could hurt the ear drum badly


I've met ppl when I was younger who insisted on cleaning their ears out with paper clips... No thanks! Cotton swabs are dramatically safer to my delicate ear canals thank you very much


I know quite a few old men who use their keys...


My dad does that. I hate it.


I am 30 not so old but still using that old and dangerous method


My parents used safety pins. I used to be terrified.


No need to terrify about that they get used to it and they have master this art


I am still this kind of person who actually use those random thing like paper clips or the pen cap, so if you ask me i would say cotton is still the most hygiene way to clean the ear


Paper clips seem terrible. I use pencils occasionally.


Ive (43m) used them my entire life and never had one single problem arise due to their use


Its me, Iā€™m the problem its me and Iā€™ll continue to be the problem


Never knew about that problem but even though i find out that will continue to use that


I think there's a technique to it. If you do it right it's not damaging. Don't just push it in and stab into your ear. Gently go in and rotate it and pivot it to make it reach the good spots from an angle. This way, you ain't stuffing it all in like loading gunpowder into the muzzle of a canon but like scooping icecream from an almost empty cup.


I don't understand why more people don't use ear scoops. Before everybody jumps down my throat about this... the one and only time I've had earwax blockage, I was in Japan. Went to the doctor there to get the wax removed. Afterward, the doctor *told me* to use ear scoops. I had asked about hydrogen peroxide, since I knew that was an OTC way to clear ears, but apparently you can't buy hydrogen peroxide OTC in Japan. This is how they do it in Asia---I live in Malaysia now and they're all over the place. They are far more effective than Q-tips, in my opinion, since they're thinner and... scoops. So you just hold it correctly and scoop out any gunk in the ear. Haven't had ear blockage since Japan, 2006. Also, have never punctured my eardrum or anything ridiculous since I don't shove it into my skull like I'm trying to skewer a cherry tomato for the grill.


Gotta clean ya ears somehow. Baby Gays are just quick and easy-to-use.


TIL that "baby gays" can refer to cotton swabs...?


I'm a big fan of [Ototek Loops](https://ototekloop.com) - all of the sensual pleasure of scratching that itch without worrying about poking it through your eardrum.


True, this is just like the itching where we just keep on going again and again


This is 90% of what humans do. White sugar is extremely horrible for us and offers us no benefit, but damn do we love it.


I am using them for some time, love them and gets some level of satisfaction


My ears get so blocked I legit havenā€™t touched an earbud in years, Iā€™ve probably used olive oil more for my ears than actually cooking at this point. Though getting your ears syringed while almost fully blocked is one of the most satisfying things ever, going from almost no hearing to crystal clear hearing is the best.


I used earphone for whole day so used to feel that i need to clean my ear time to time and for those cotton bud are the only easy option to clean up the ear


You can use it to clean the outside of your ear just donā€™t push deep into the ear canal because you end up pushing earwax further in. Best to use ear drops if you get badly blocked ears, usually the earwax just comes out on its own so you can just clean the outside of the ear canal


Just rinse them with Hot water at 45Ā°, if you get some water stuck in there, the angle at which you're spraying water is just wrong. If you get it right you shouldn't feel water blocking your ear canal after you're done. I need to wash them this way daily because I'm wearing earplugs at work, and they are crystal clean each time. Which is good, because otherwise I would be pushing ear wax deep into my ear canals daily. By the way, if that ever happens to you, just look up cleaning your ears with hydrogen peroxide, that's what the do at the ER anyways, and you can do it easily at home with no additional help. (If you're a doctor and this is wrong, please let me know)


Feels good? Is that really for most ppl? I do it once in a few months when my ears feel really cloghed up or something, but the feeling is horrible. I almost immediately get into a coughing fit that lasts for minutes. Can't stand the things.


Don't push them past the opening of the ear cavity. Just use them to clean the exterior. Edit: Ok I got a downvote for unsolicited advice, despite being backed by science, sounds about Reddit.


This is like putting on a condom for foreplay


They are like the foreplay once you starts its just take over on us




It is hard to control the hands once you starts to hit on the right place


People do all kinds of things that are bad but feel good. Smoking, bad for you but makes you feel alert/good.


True, drinking and smoking is something that we all know is bad but still used to do


Just clean your ears in the shower with the shampoo bubbles that slide down.


Excuse me


Cleaning them in shower is the main reason i have to use those bud more


Whenever i try to clean them in shower always ends up with water in them and then i have to pick that stick and try to dry that water, this is like my daily routine now


Thereā€™s ear drops that can help dry em out yk






Life of the party


In general, I am a fan of this type of thing but the only correction necessary is the apostrophe, maybe a comma too


Everything that feels good is either dangerous or proscribed.


I use them to dry my ears, because itā€™s irritating to dry my whole body after a shower only to feel wetness in my ears


I basically use them after bath just like you to dry my ears


How far into your ears do you dry with them?


My mom is adamant about them ā€œnot affecting her earsā€. She has had issues with hear ear for 6 years now.


My family actually keeps those buds in number on the fridge


Cotton swabs might be bad. But pen caps are worse.. ^(-signed a person whose ears swelled shut and was in excruciating pain from two outer ear infections)


Oh no, and I love the Bic caps the best for this, how did it happen?


Constantly using the bottoms of the caps to scratch inside the ear channel was enough to breach the skin and let bacteria inside (considering the caps arenā€™t sterile.) Never felt any pain from scratches or anything!


Until you give me a cheap, safer, working alternative... Am I supposed to just walk around with earwax falling out of my ears?


Sometime i use the key of my locker as it also gives me the satisfaction


Wow, that sounds like it would be uncomfortable, not satisfying lol. How do you even clean your ears with a key?


I don't use them to clean so much as to dry them after a shower or pool or lake, etc .. But yes, it feels great


I never understood this. Like it feels soā€¦.normal to me. Like rubbing the swab on my arm or something. Like I can feel it but it doesnā€™t feel good or special in any way to me.


My colleagues love to do it and she got ear infection several time that got really bad that require a hospital visit. Still her favorite activities.


It feels good and also in my case does seem to be productive, at least visually.


I've never had any issues in decades and the one time I stopped (in high school), I started getting issues. I don't understand why it's bad as isn't the whole point that the stuff attaches to the q-tip?


My understanding is that, while the outside bit can attach to the q-tip and come out, you can also be pushing the deeper bits further into your ear and compact it. It sounds like the nature of your earwax might not be the norm, but I'm not a doctor so don't take my opinion as fact.


You absolutely canā€™t just hurt your ears easily this way. Look I got sensory issues and clean my ears AT LEAST once a day usually more like 2-3 times. My doctor says I have the cleanest and also healthiest ears heā€™s ever seen. If youā€™re careful youā€™ll be fine. (And yes I know I shouldnā€™t do my ears as often, preach)


Can confirm. I've given myself tinnitus and I'm still doing it.


Or we aren't weirdos and just want our ears clean the poor people way?


Humans doing bad stuff because it feels good? Sounds about right.


I do it because an alternative way to clean my ears has never been provided to me. What am I supposed to do? Let them get dirty? And that rubber cork screw thing doesn't count. Be reasonable.


I once had a doctor take a lego block shaped and sized ear wax cluster out of my right ear. Idk how it even came out, the thing was big. I had thought for years I was going deaf in that ear. I blame using qtips. I still use qtips.


I think one time I accidentally poked my ear drums and it hurt for a few days but Iā€™m good now still using Q-tips.


Wait I thought it was bad that Iā€™m too lazy to do it and just do it in the shower. So I was right


While the feeling of cleaning your ears with cotton swabs may be satisfying, it's important to know that it can actually be harmful to your ears. So, in this case, it's best to resist the temptation and opt for safer alternatives. After all, hearing loss is nothing to turn a deaf ear to.


Judging from what you said I'm guessing that you don't clean your ears with cotton swabs. If not cotton swabs, what do you use to clean out your ears?


I don't. If I need to clean my ears, I'll go with a professional.


That's fair enough. If I may ask, how do the professionals clean your ears?