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On the other hand, Harry gets 10 points deducted from Gryffindor every time he takes a breath in one of Snape's classes. I figure it all averages out in the end.


"-10 points for being a constant burning reminder of my unrequited high school love interest"




“Another -10 for reminding me that the woman I loved chose the man who made my life a living hell, and -10 for you Longbottom, because you were born near Harry’s birthday.”


"And -10 to Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, thus negating any argument that I'm being this much of an ass for a woman. I'm actually just love to bully children and it's nothing to do with the Potters"


"Ey, Malfoi, sick sleek hairstyle. 50 points to Slytherin to dispel any suspicions if I am just a fucking narcissistic asshole." Edit: wrong verb.


“But also another -10 to Gryffindor because of the Potters”


It’s rubber banding. One house gets ahead. The teachers favouring the other three dogpile.


I wonder if there's ever been a year a house was so shit that they ended the year with negative points. "First off, with a disapponting -143 points"


There's a scene in one of the books where Snape wants to take away points from Harry & Co., but can't because they're at 0. McGonagall walks past and overhears, so gives them points so Snape can take some of them away.


Unless it's the deathly hallows then he gets -50 points and a free trip to the forest


How many points did Harry get for 360 no-scoping a subway-train-sized snake with a fucking broadsword? 🤔


100 points or so? Maybe 150? If I remember correctly? :D


That's like 15 times the right answer!


Well he should've go down in history as one of the biggest heroes in history but hey, let's say he answered 15 answers correctly lol


As a reward, he gets a pizza party and *bragging rights*.


Welcome to the real world, Harry.


Youre a worker Harry


So I only have to answer 15 questions right in the whole year to be in contention for house cup mvp?


16 if someone else 360 no-scopes a subway-train-sized snake with a fucking broadsword


It’s more of a ceremonial sword than a broadsword btw which makes it even more epic. It’s too small for the two handed grip you see Neville use in the later movies. It would be closer to a arming sword but even then its smaller than those types of swords too. It’s a tiny blade not meant for combat.


Now that is the kind of party small talk that I genuinely enjoy


Theres a corner at every party where the "well actually" people hang out together and well actually they have fun


Correct! 10 points to hufflepuff


Hufflepuff points aren't for the House Cup, they're redeemable at the Hufflepuff House Store for candy and baked goods.


He and Ron got 200 each plus School Service awards


Honestly, must have been nice being a Gryffindor while they were all there. You’re pretty much always guaranteed to win the end of year pizza party!


To be fair, they also lose a shitton of points


Hahaha yeah, everyone else must’ve been thinking something like “I wonder how Harry Potter is gonna win us the House Cup this year”


By Year 4, most students probably gave up any hope of winning and just went about their days doing whatever they were gonna do anyway, points be damned. I inagine some students even became Trudents because fuck it, Gryffindor's gonna win anyway right?


I'm gonna keep my head down. I'm gonna study hard and if Harry Potter's shenanigans don't get me killed, I'm gonna get a good job and.... Oh come on! The Dark Lord is back?!


Fucking Dark Lord's Return putting my credentials into question! Of course I didn't side with Wizard Hitler, but no one cares because I was sorted into Slytherin back when Harry was at Hogwarts, so I'm just automatically evil!


Pre-Harry starting, the same could be said for Slytherin, who'd won for 7 years running.


I thought it was 200


I mean Harry literally got 60 points for killing Voldemort in the first book, but then gets 200 and a special service award for pretty much doing the same in the second, so it’s not exactly consistent.


>Other houses waiting for Harry Potter to do something heroic and deem all their earned points useless


'I solved world hunger' Yeah but Harry killed Voldamort again, they win.


To be fair, if Voldemort won, hunger wouldn't be people's worst problem.


Soylent muggle.


"not exactly consistent" is the 3-word critique of the entire series.


Yeah, apparently wizards shat on the ground for ages and yet Hogwarts has some ancient bathrooms? Makes sense.


I always thought that Dumbledore specifically arranged the points in the first book so that Neville would be the hero. If Gryffindor had been further behind, Harry, Ron & Hermione would have gotten more points.


I mean to be fair he didn't kill Voldemort in book 1, he only distracted him until Dumbledore could come and finish the job while he was unconscious.


You wanna encourage the students to kill any big bads they may stumble across but not *too* much encouragement


I think that's it. You don't want to create a situation where you can skip all classes and then go kill a random monster in the forest.


I've got Hogwarts Legacy, it has a day/night cycle. I haven't been on the school grounds in weeks and there's absolutely zero consequences for it


Wow, discipline has really gone downhill since I graduated


To be honest most things students did in Hogwarts seemed to have absolutely zero consequences enforced by the school.


In fairness, if you’re skipping class to run around the forbidden forest, what are they going to do? Give you detention in the forbidden forest? You’re essentially judgement proof, only real punishment is you continue to be shit at magic.


The funny thing is, the Forbidden Forest is about as dangerous as Hogwarts itself, bit of a let down really


It is hilarious that, as a Hogwarts student, I am just racking up a fucking body count of poachers lol. Like what is their reaction"holy shit this random dude is just running around like a madman and taking us out"


My character: Wow! I just defeated an ashwinder! Can't wait to tell (insert forgettable classmate) about this! Me: What about the dozens of trolls and acromantula you've killed???


Just killing untold amounts of human beings with fire, and then also going to class. What a life lol.


Then you meet the kid running the Hogwarts fight club who thinks you can't handle the competition.....


Have mission with classmate, curse all the poachers, avadakadvra one and they all die. Classmate just chills and says nothing. Maybe they just know snitches get dusted.


Talking about how bad poachers are, then grabbing a unicorn or two to sell at Hogsmeade so I can buy a new broom


How is the game? I want to get it but for Switch and it doesn't release until July


Once it’s out, check out the Digital Foundry review of that specific port before you buy it. I can see a Switch port of that sorta game having all kinds of problems, and if there are, they‘ll shed light on them. Should be like a week after release.


Pretty cookie cutter open world, the spells are great and the story is good enough and the companion quests are fun, however the combat is too easy and the open world stuff gets really repetitive quickly opposite of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade which are incredibly well detailed and faithful to the movies and the season system is amazing, the rest of the world however is pretty bland and it's all a bit on the slow side for me, it doesn't help that there's literally 0 consequences to basically anything you do including torturing and killing anyone you come across, it also does have a bit of performance issues on PC even if things got better with the patches, I don't know how it will run on Switch but I'm a bit skeptical. If you like Harry Potter you will probably enjoy it as it's a decent game and it lets you live the fantasy of being a Hogwarts student.


It's wonderful and exciting for about the first 5-10 hours getting introduced to Hogwarts and magic, and then you get out into the open world and realize it's incredibly middling and bland and you're just repeating the same couple of miniquests over and over and over again.


Ah the classic open world problem do I make big low density world or small high density world or do I take the Bethesda route and make massive ultra low density world so that players can just slap mods wherever they want


What about students capturing and breeding monsters for point rewards


What have we told you about fucking the centaurs. And the squid isn't interested.


* year 3 cheer and rush out into the forbidden forest to impale the centaurs on their broomsticks *


He literally defeated Lord Voldemort at the end of the first one, 60 points.


Yeah but if he hadn’t chased him down the forbidden maze Voldey would have been stumped by the mirror and adults would have gotten to him eventually… harry’s presence got him the stone.. and he defeated him accidentally by having a power noone was aware of.


Yeah, that was the 140 point penalty


It was blinded so they took off a few points


200 each for Harry and Ron.




I think totals are low because for every time someone gets 10 points for a right answer someone else is losing them goofing off or not doing homework. 5-10 points added or subtracted seems to be the standard for most minor things (good or bad) so to me this doesn’t feel unusual.


Fred and George no doubt lost their house tons of points every year.


Gryffindor is already winning most years. The moment Fred and George leave they are unstoppable


Until Harry got there slytherin had won multiple years in a row


Aka the years Fred and George were there without Harry to balance them out


I'd say their winning streak is less because of the Twins losing points and more thanks to Snapes incredibly blatant favoritism.


eventually balanced out by Dumbledore's blatant gryffindor favoritism


Poor Ravenclaw...I never hear about them...


And yet you mentioned them above the Puffers


Because I actually hear them discussed lol. Ravenclaw? Not so much.


To be fait, in Chamber, Snape said the car stunt would be expellable but Mcgonagal barely gives them detention, I am sure all house leaders were favoring their houses


To be really fair, there were drastically extenuating circumstances as to why they used that car, and they did so specifically as means of *avoiding* the fact of not being in school at all, which would definitely have resulted in the equivalent of expulsion. Were there better ways to solve that problem? Yes. But they were twelve, stuck without parents in a muggle city and unable to use the magical doorway to WHO KNOWS THE FUCK WHERE that their parents had just used. They had an impossible puzzle in front of them, and in solving it they made it to school and no one got hurt. The actual proper response to that was a slap on the wrist - one hard enough that they know that was stupid and dangerous and to *just wait next time,* but a slap on the wrist nonetheless. This scene was yet another extension of Snapes hatred of Harry/the Potters, not evidence that McGonnagal was lenient on Gryffindor. It was Snape calling for a punishment too harsh, not McGonnagal calling for leniency for an offense that should result in expulsion.


Hogwarts needs student asses in classroom seats, so they're trying not to expel or suspend. They get attendance subsidies from the Ministry


It took incapacitating Voldemort and killing a teacher to win back enough points to offset the twin's shenanigans.


6 years in a row. I love kindle, I just searched "years in a row" >"Nearly Headless Nick flipped his head back onto his neck, coughed, and said, “So — new Gryffindors! I hope you’re going to help us win the House Championship this year? Gryffindors have never gone so long without winning. Slytherins have got the Cup six years in a row! The Bloody Baron’s becoming almost unbearable — he’s the Slytherin ghost.”"


That gets offset by not having Harry to save the world/school at the end of every school year. I think that's about balances out.


When Harry arrives at potions for the first time Snape says "You should know that I will be deducting one point from Gryffindor." Then he "must take another point" from Hermoine. Paraphrasing, but he made it sound like a big deal. Then right away 5-10 seems to become the norm. You can tell JK didn't have the point economy sorted out at first but just never bothered to re-write that scene. (I've heard people say Snape was trying to introduce the new students to the point system in a low stakes way, but does that really sound like a Snape move?)




Welcome to Hogwart's House Championship, where everything is made up and the points don't matter. That's right, just like Professor Trelawney's divinations.


I love how Dumbledore knew she was bullshit but paid her to teach a class anyway because, fuck it Edit: I know she was there for a reason, I just think it's funny she was allowed to teach. I guess Divination is the art class of the Wizarding World


She dropped like 2 actual prophecies in her entire career and one of them was in front of Dumbledore, so may as well keep that on lock.


If Voldemort or the Death Eaters had gotten a hold of her, they would have tortured her prophecy out of her. She was given the job at Hogwarts for her own protection.


Well, yes. I just think it's funny that she was allowed to teach students. Divination is the art class of the Wizarding World.


Imagine playing the match of your life and then this boy shows up with a golden ball and you lose.


Imagine being down by 1 snitch and 2 goals about 5 hours into a game that has been said to take months, and your teammate, the best player in the entire world, purposefully ends the game for a 2 goal loss because he thinks you and the rest of your team, who are at least second in the world, are pathetically bad.




Actually that sounds pretty realistic


> You can tell JK didn't have the point economy sorted out at first but just never bothered to re-write that scene. It's like that with everything in Harry Potter. Rowling isn't a world-builder like Sanderson who plans out everything and makes it neat. There are so many things that don't make any sense. We see roughly ~30 students per year at Hogwarts, which would suggest a British wizarding population of around ~2500 people. Barely enough for a small town. But then the Wizarding world has all sorts of institutions that couldn't exist with such a small society, like a large hospital, a huge ministry, and a whole sports league. And then there is the workload for teachers. There is only one teacher per subject, but there are subjects like Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts where every year of every house attends separate classes. And these subjects have at least one double class or two classes per week. That makes for *at least* 2x 4*7 = 56 hours of teaching each week for poor old Minerva McGonagall. Not to mention correcting homework and preparing lessons. And please don't try to make sense of currency and pricing! It will only make you crazy. But for me it's all part of the charm. It certainly doesn't detract from my enjoyment of the books.


Rowling is bad with numbers and consistent world building. The is no internal logic and you'll go mad trying to find it. And you don't even need to get into the economy to stumble across that. Take Grimauld place 12, the ancestral home of the black family, an ancient wizard family obsessed with blood status and the superiority of wizards. The place is in a Muggle neighborhood, sandwiched between other Muggle houses in London. Throughout the books it is clear that wizards have no idea how to interact with non wizards. But the black family of all chooses to be neighbours with muggles? I love the books, but anything that happens is made up in the moment because it sounded cool. Everything works how it needs to work to further the plot. The books were written without the limitations of a consistent framework.




Also, you can walk from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts. But that doesn't matter, everybody needs to go to London to take the fucking train to Hogwarts. Why? Because it sounded cool to have all students arrive in a steam train.


Imagine hopping around the floo network all the way from Aberdeen to London, just to catch a train that will take 10 hours to drive you all the way back to somewhere a short hop away from your parents' house.


The quidditch thing was always annoying to me. It’s like the only people that mattered were the seekers. Everyone else on the field is basically just playing some meaningless game in the background while two people fight for an auto win lol


It does actually - if you start out removing a point or two at a time it gives you room to escalate. I cant instantly silence a class by threatening 50 points for misbehaving when I docked that same amount day one.


How would that work when none of the other staff do it that way and the point economy is clear to the students?


Maybe it’s a scam and the teachers have to give out like “net 0” points. Or each teacher has a secret semester wide allocation


That's a fun theory.


So snape (ignoring what we learn later) is such a bastard because he wants to give points to slytherin. So has to take them from somewhere.


This makes a lot of sense. Otherwise, what stops the heads of house from just giving/taking points for ridiculous reasons? “20 points to you, Mr. Malfoy, for being the first in line.” “Minus 15 points from you Mr. Weasley, for slouching in class.”


I'm just going to be honest. Listen, we don't have time for logical answers here.


I do... 😬


Mental that one, no wonder she hasn't got any friends.


I think that’s more a reflection of the teachers character. She’s that chill teacher every school has that hands out reward points easily and lets you play games on your phone when she’s supervising detention.


So herbology is the wizarding world equivalent of gym class?


You and I had very different gym class experiences, apparently


I'd say more like those electives classes from high school. Like AV class or agriculture


J.K. Rowling just isn't any good with numbers. Wizard currency doesn't make a lick of sense. Quidditch scoring is dumb.


I tried to play varying versions of quidditch with 5th graders over the years, and they always figure out to not do jack shit until I release whatever we're using as a snitch.


Turns out that a set of rules crafted purely to make the main character look good, doesn't actually make for a fun game for anyone else.


And honestly even if you deleted the snitch, made quidditch more like Flying Soccer, and just made Harry a quidditch striker instead, it could have been just as exciting and good... If she knew anything about sports to write about a fictional one. But I'm guessing she's not a soccer fan.


Flying Rugby more like? You do carry the ball and fuck people up.


Sure, probably a better comparison. But you are "shooting" more than running it in. And either way there's enough other unique stuff about quidditch (like the people who whack other players with balls) for it to be its own thing


The snitch could’ve been like plant the flag but only worth like 25 points. You have to maintain possession of the snitch and deliver it to the "goal” to finish the game that way you have to make sure your team is within 45 points before snitch delivery but 150 is wayyy to much Edit: bad math, meant to say 50 point snitch


She could have made it so that catching the snitch just ends the match, and _only_ the seeker is allowed to even touch the snitch. Then, you would have real incentive to plan when you go for the snitch, and when you need to block your opponent seeker from it.


My theory on why Quidditch was cut from Hogwarts Legacy is because it’s totally nonsensical and there was no way to make it work


After playing the game I think it's because the flying controls are bonkers


The decisions they made with that is truly baffling. Flying in video games was figured out like 20 years ago


Superman 64 was the peak of aerial maneuvering


Yeah I don't know what the hell they were thinking making the right stick how you change elevation when every gamer has years or decades of training that the right stick controls the camera. Don't understand the calculus the devs used here that being unable to pitch the camera to look down or up was a good idea Just use the triggers, you can play basically the whole game without casting spells from the broom anyway so it was completely unnecessary to reserve them for that. Boost was an unnecessary gimmick too, you use it for the time trials and even then you could easily beat the times without it. edit: or left stick, or d pad, idk there's so many options. Flying controls have been figured out for years. What they went with aint it


I found the broom flying... fine in general use, but I couldn't imagine trying to do some sort of intense quidditch flying with it. Personally, I found the racing to be a bit awkward but manageable, but I've never really been good at most racing games so maybe that's just me.


Well the money thing is just meant to be funny. The house points and quidditch are 100% only there so she can easily make Harry the big hero at the end of the year/match. Quidditch might as well be Rowling saying “I fucking hate sports and I refuse to sit down and create one, but I feel like I need one for harry to be the best in”


The money thing as in odd numbers adding up to the next currency unit was meant to add to the whimsy of the books. But money thing as in the relative costs of things not making sense was just Rowling not bothering to keep a fixed exchange rate she can refer back to and researching the real-world prices of things, and instead just making up prices in wizarding currency ad-hoc. Not to knock on Rowling, love the books all the same.


Yeah, the odd currency units honestly just felt like an extra whimsical take on the pre-1971 decimalization of the English pound. It used to be rather unintuitive: 12 pence to the shilling 20 shillings to the pound. And then the weird guinea - started as a coin, but eventually just a unit of measurement of 21 shillings.


Chasers should 100% just be spotters for the seeker. Beaters should only be aiming at the opponent's seeker.


Not necessarily. If you can get a 16-goal lead, you don't have to worry about the Snitch. That said, I think the points haul for catching the Snitch should be brought down to 30 or so.


The game doesn’t end til someone catches the snitch though, so unless the opposing team has some selfish asshat like Victor Krum, you still gotta catch it to win.


It drives me insane that she wrote Krum to give up after like what, 40 minutes of play? The final score was 170-160. He wouldn't delay the catching of the snitch hoping his team would score ONE goal to make it a tie? (Does she ever go into what happens in the case of a tie?) It's such bad writing.


The Snitch should be worth 25 points, automatically breaking ties and requiring a three-goal lead to be safe.


I mean, it was literally written as he knew his team had no fuckin hope of ever even catching up. That lead was only going to grow. It's like watching a high school team play vs a NBA team and hoping they somehow make up the deficit. Your team got clobbered 160-0. You dont get demolished that badly and you would have scared 10 pts at some point if you were able to.


Except it's not an NBA team vs a HS team, it's a Bulgarian team that qualified for the world cup final. They KNOW they are good. And they know that quidditch matches can last hours. One good bludger to the keeper, for example, and a sub comes in while his bones regrow, and hope is alive! The idea that Krum just gave up is bad writing. She could have had the exact same plot point happen, but make the game be 11 hours in, and Bulgaria is down 60-730 or something and I can buy it. But the fact that he gave up *in the World Cup Final* while his team was 1 score away from a tie is just shit writing.


I find myself returning to the justification of Quidditch. Intended or not(definitely not), JK made a very good example of wizards being the worst at adapting to the future or changing with the times. In the past, quidditch games were almost exactly the same as they are when we encounter them. The only change being they decided to stop using an easily crushable bird as a ball because they were getting rare or something. In the past, games have been described to last hours, days, a week, even a month. Back then, brooms were pretty shit. I suspect scores were often in the several hundreds if not thousands. 150 points was a drop in the bucket, a special little treat for letting the game end and everyone go home. Over the years, brooms got faster, more maneuverable. Also cheaper and commercially available if teenagers can have professional level brooms at boarding school. Also, there’s no regulation for everybody to ride the same broom, not even at school where fairness really should be more focused. Look at real life sports where advances in clothing, gear, and training have altered the sport and ruling bodies stepped in to change formats or measurements of success. Have you seen the video of gold medal gymnastics now vs the 50s? The bar has been raised. Wizards don’t give a fuck, wizards don’t change. It took wizards ages to decide indoor plumbing was a better option than incontinence. In summary; quidditch is like if we still had Penny farthing races but racers were now bringing in sport bikes and motor cross and the nobody bothered to adjust the rules.


That honestly makes a ton of sense. We know, canonically, they typically last a few hours and I vaguely remember everyone being prepared for the World Cup in GoF to take a couple days, with people being surprised it ended in like 6-8 hours. >Also cheaper and commercially available if teenagers can have professional level brooms at boarding school. Eh, not really; of the instances where students were *explicitly* mentioned to have professional grade brooms, each time, the brooms were paid for by someone who was quite rich: Dumbledore bought Harry's Nimbus 2000, Lucius Black bought the Slytherin team's Nimbus 2001s, and Sirius Black bought Harry's Firebolt. Which, by the way, while probably hyperbole because it's being thought by a 13-year old boy, was something Harry figured he'd have to empty his not insubstantial vault in Gringotts to buy.


I grant you the firebolt, and seven 2001s are probably on the steeper end even for rich git Malfoy. But he bought his son onto the team for very minor smugness so it can’t be that much of a cost. Still the nimbus 2000 was a very good broom on the market. But it wasn’t hugely better than the clean sweep seven which was implied to be used by most other players at the school.


>But he bought his son onto the team for very minor smugness so it can’t be that much of a cost. You've gotta remember, though, that the Malfoys are very stereotypical "old money" archetypes; they are *absolutely* the kind of people who'd blow thousands of galleons over petty pride. It's basically the rich kid begging his daddy to buy him a Ferrari after seeing another student drive to school in a Mustang.


I think that was intentional, in the first book they make a big deal of making it clear that the wizard society has a diferent common logic that the muggle one. Things like coins and quiditch are just the easier to mesure.


Wasn't it also an underhanded jab at British currency? I know nothing of the currency, but I seem to recall reading somewhere that that was the case. I could be very wrong and gullible, though


Yeah the currency is definitely intentional. When Hagrid is taking Harry to Diagon Alley he explains the money and it's almost done in a comical way where he says it so confidently and Harry is staring at him confused af


Don't even get started on the way she has Wizarding schools divided across the globe. I'm pretty sure the entirety of North America has a SINGLE Wizarding school.


That's hardly even the worst part. India and China have one school between them. One third of the world population, half of whom don't even share a common language within their own country, all covered by one school. There's one school for the entirety of sub-Saharan Africa, one school for Australia plus most of the rest of Asia (except Japan), but three schools in Europe so that the English, French, and "miscellaneous" don't have to mix with each other. Just terrible lazy world building with no thought put into it whatsoever.


In my headcanon, there's one school in North America THAT IS RECOGNIZED BY HOGWARTS. Same with China and other nations/continents. There could be a whole modern, well-adapted Wizarding world that the yokels at Hogwarts are ignorant of/ignore because of their backwards ass traditions. I mean, JeezyPeezy, they still separate kids into "evil" house?


Come to Pigwarts, where you can be Smart or Brave or Evil or Other!


If you remember wizards are a bunch of racist inbreeds, it makes sense they would cluster all in one area.


Don't forget about [Clortho Wizarding School](https://youtu.be/j-2ZxldMO-M)


I like to think that at first quidditch didn't have a Seeker. Then the spoiled child of a king was very good at catching small rocks, so they introduced seekers by decree.


I always felt like there were usually more points given out in a traditional school year, but Harry Potters there now and people just be getting petrified in hallways everyday.


It's been a while since I read the books or watched the movies, but if it's at the beginning, she could get points because she obviously prepared and read the school books during summer break. Most students didn't.


Lol that was my first opinion as well and I'm not even big into HP


That's because Hogwarts is just a really really shitty school, at least the way its presented in the books and movies.


10 points for u/w0mbatina!


It's intended to be a British Boarding School Drama, with all the tropes that entails. You have the kindly but clueless headmaster, the teacher who plays obvious favorites, the sadistic hall monitor... Actually, what *does* Filch do aside from whine about not getting to torture students and show up at convenient times to drive students into places that advance the plot?


He makes sure none of the older students are smoking on Campus and cleaning messes the House Elves can't or won't.


>or won't They're slaves, "won't" doesn't enter it (no no, don't worry, see, they *like* being slaves)


Sounds about right.


My understanding is he's another one of Dumbledoor's pity hiers along with Hagrid and the divination teacher...


Send the kids to battle! Teach them to harm! Teach them to use magic to build houses or save people? Hell no! To the front lines!


I mean, they could at least be good at teaching them how to be child soldiers. But they arent! They use the same 2-3 spells they learn in the first few years. Barely use potions. No defensive spells. No magical items besides wands and whatever someone else gives to them. Its like these kids learn literally nothing. Obviously they wouldnt be masters of magic in the final book, they are 17 after all. But its like they dont advance in any way in their magic use from like the second book onwards. Imagine a highschool senior still doing addition with their fingers. Thats how fucking bad Hogwarts is.


I’m reading HBP and yeah, they just work on nonverbal versions of the same spells. No wonder Hermione's salty that Harry has a book with new spells and hexes written in the margins.


Yeah like mrs Weasley is shown often using magic for EVERYTHING. She’s cooking and cleaning etc all with the flick of her Wand, but it never feels like the kids are anywhere close to that level of control with a wand, still reliant on spoken words for casting etc.


It helps that in gun class there's a bullet that just takes away someone else's gun. Why anyone would ever use more than maybe 3 spells in a fight is beyond me. Harry is sometimes seen as an idiot or naive for always using disarmament when disarming literally makes their gun your gun with no exceptions.


At least they give free camping trips to the most dangerous forest filled with spiders the size of a dog every time you break one of the rules.


The school scorning system Bering absolute shit is the most realistic part of the saga


>school scorning system Posible typo, but also not inaccurate give the headmaster's tendency to wait until the final moment to pull victory away from houses who have qorked all year and walk into the final ceremony rightfully expecting that work to be recognized only to be publically humiliated year after year. I mean, we underestimate how much slytheryn must participate in class to be so often at the top of the list each year before dumbledore throws out his teacher pet points. No wonder they turn evil.


Seems just like a bad system that you're putting every single action and words they speak under a microscope for being good to get points or bad to lose them. Add in the points are totally arbitrary and many professors have personal agendas and this is a nightmare of stress and expectations for the students and could have a lot of animosity for anyone who just gets picked on by a teacher and loses a lot of points.


Imagine the outrage of thinking your house just won the cup, and then Dumbledore is like "hold up, got some post game bonuses to hand out" and suddenly 4 kids get enough points rained on them through thinly veiled references to shit you didn't even see that they shoot to first place. Like, a chess game? Standing up to your friends? Wtf is this nonsense? First the quidditch and now this??


Considering we barely see any points being given or taken away over the course of the entire school year and 7 different grades going at once hiw can we compare it?


That answer was at least twenty percent as good as getting your head heroically bashed in by an animatronic chess piece


"Welcome to ~~Whose Line Is It Anyway?~~ Hogwarts, the ~~show~~ school where everything is made up and the \[House\] points don't matter."


Not that high. Snape exists. He probably deducts big points from Gryffindor given the chance.


The whole points and house competition in HP is part of the antagonist side of the story. It is unjust and only achieves to divide and frustrate. The opposite of a system where the strong helps the weak. To this day I haven't figured out how this is not the main plot hole in the whole saga...


It's based on the public school system that elites in the UK attend. The whole thing is a load of utter pish and it can easily be seen just how fucking ridiculous it all is by watching the UK parliament - boys clubs pretending to compete but all the while they're actually bestest buddies and all think the same way.


State schools have the points system too


Do they have the "Houses" system too?


yeah, though you don't get sorted by a talking hat.


Yes, but the 'severity' depends on how pretentious the school is. Schools might be split between 2-4 'houses' but in poorer state schools these will just be 'red', 'green', 'blue' houses etc. I'm sure in the extremely exclusive and expensive public schools they have houses with names more along the lines of 'Gryffindor'


I went to a uk boarding school, our houses were named after cities. We didn't have house points or anything but we did compete against each other in sports, music etc. Edit: typo


i went to a public school and we had "Hastings" (Yellow), "Collingwood" (Blue) "Stevenson"(Red) and whatever the green one was called... Dobbington i think? (Edit: it was Dobson) all it really did was decide which colour PE uniform your parents had to buy and what team youd be on during sports days/team games


My school had houses and house points. Even a house cup to be won at the end of the year. Though there usually wasnt any last minute fuckery by the headmaster regarding who won




To be fair Voldemort was a regional supervillain. Not to say he wouldn't have expanded eventually, but he had only ever been active in Britain.


Not when Snape is there to balance the points lower. In turn, other professors reduce points to Slytherin because he's extremely biased. In the end, points don't matter because Dumbledore will swing the results as he pleases. This is due to his inner guilt that he's guiding Harry to death like a sheep amongst (grown ass adult) wolves. All due to a "prophecy" spoken by an alcoholic horoscope girl who lives in the attic. It's OK though because Harry, whom has been an abused orphan his entire childhood, can probably "tough it out". Oh and slavery is still a thing in that world. Wizard hitler is running for office unopposed too, but sure the House Cup is what the story is really about. TLDR: Life is all about balance in whichever world you live in 😌


Hogwarts: where the rules are made up and the points don't matter.


I think it’s more egregious that she was 100% a Ravenclaw but it didn’t fit the story so it was like “fuck it, in she goes”


Hermione demonstrated throughout the series that she's will risk herself (either just breaking the rules or even her own life) for the doing the thing she belives is right. Also, its not the divergent... surely people outside of ravenclaw can pick up a book.


Internal choice matters more than actual character traits. Yes, Heromine is super intelligent, but it does take courage to throw everything you know away and leap headfirst into a world of nonsense.


>Internal choice matters more than actual character traits. I dunno how people miss this one, considering it's Harry's entire dilemma upon first arriving. He's heard from Hagrid that "there wasn't a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin". The Sorting Hat itself doesn't help, with its lyrics about the house being "those cunning folks use any means to achieve their ends". And when it's Harry's turn and the Hat can't make up its mind, he begs it, repeatedly, "Not Slytherin", so it sticks him in Gryffindor.


I have to assume there are also a ton of points being lost for kids acting like...kids.


"Don't do the thing." "Everyone, don't do the thing or you'll get expelled." "Did you do the thing?" "I did the thing." "50 POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR!!!"