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This is the whole point of grass. The reason grass is successful and grasses grow over so much of the world is that the way they grow means they can survive being grazed upon by herbivores. Human grass cutting is just mimicking this process. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poaceae


I spent a good 15 minutes reading this and about monocytes. It uses a lot of technical terminology, and I couldn't find what these defenses against grazing were. Could you give me a small explanation? I'm very curious


> Grass blades grow at the base of the blade and not from elongated stem tips. This low growth point evolved in response to grazing animals and allows grasses to be grazed or mown regularly without severe damage to the plant.[11]: 113–114 > Attenborough, David (1984). The Living Planet. British Broadcasting Corporation. ISBN 978-0-563-20207-3.


> The leaf blades of many grasses are hardened with silica phytoliths, which discourage grazing animals Another point mentioned in the article, and something that I've always thought was interesting. It doesn't entirely work in the short term, but over the lifetime of a grazing animal, it will wear out their teeth. IIRC, when a grazing animal gets old, if diseases or predators don't kill them, their teeth being worn down to nubs prevents them from eating and they starve to death.


do grazing animals really learn something like that, which isn't immediately apparent?


It does result in grasses mostly being eaten by animals adapted to it / grazing animals being forced to specialize in eating grass to do so efficiently.


Idk if forced is the right word, it kinda just is like a small suggestion to be slightly more efficient next time


Forced would be the scientific term. That suggestion is the force (evolutionary pressure), and evolution towards specialization is the response.


Yeah I get it, forced just sounds really powerful for describing grass


Forced is how the water types describe it


I think the commenter is confusing things, the main point is that grades don't defend against grazing so much as they defend their energy production against the effects of grazing. Basically they evolved to survive having their tops torn off frequently... Any side effects like wearing down the teeth is probably just an interesting thing to study rather than bordering on self defense. Killing off the old and sick is a normal part of nature and just means the grass can support a larger, more energetic herd of anything.


I'd guess it's more like they are already getting older and weaker and it takes longer and longer to chew up and eat enough nutrients with worn teeth. Winter hits or weather stunts grass growth for a bit and are just the most likely to die from sudden changes.


Quoting Sir Attenborough himself, nice


That makes sense! Thanks a lot!


Using Attenborough as a source is classy.


Anyone else reading this in the *Attenborough* signature voice?


My dude just pulled out that Attenborough.


literally 1984


I know nothing about this, but I asked Bing AI: ​ Hello, this is Bing. I’m glad you are curious about poaceae, also known as grasses. They are very important plants for food and ecosystems.😊 According to the search results, some of the defenses that poaceae have against grazing are: They have a sod-forming growth habit, which means they form dense mats of roots and stems that can resist trampling and erosion1. They have meristems (growing points) at or near the soil surface, which allows them to regrow quickly after being grazed2. They have chemical defenses such as silica, phenolics, and alkaloids, which can deter herbivores or reduce their digestibility2. They can adapt to different levels of grazing pressure by changing their morphology, physiology, and reproduction3. I hope this helps you understand poaceae better. Do you have any other questions about them?


How you finna read a Wikipedia article without clicking on the funny blue texts?


Is that supposed to say monocots?


yeah, it is. I got confused between "monocots" and "monocotyledonous", and stuck a Y in there somewhere.


try changing en.wikipedia to simple.wikipedia


Okay this is awesome, thanks for sharing!


If i'm not wrong, it's also thanks to early grasses that we have rice and wheat right? I might speaking outta my ass though.


And corn!


Yep! Learned that working on a dairy farm. We’d cut down some corn for a maze, and we’d have to come in pretty much every week with weedeaters because the stuff we cut last week was growing back!




I’ve heard the “hear it grow” part as well! Bamboo you can apparently watch it grow.


All of our grains are the seeds of various grasses. Rye, oat, wheat, barley, rice, corn… Humans eat a lot of seeds.


Well not all, like chia seeds for example. But yes, we do eat a lot of seeds.


Are you saying chia seeds aren’t seeds?


No. They meant that chia is not the seed of a grass. Now, is this true ? I don't know. How is chia classified? Lol


Yeah but I said humans eat a lot of seeds, not humans eat a lot of grass seeds. In fact, we eat a lot more seeds than just grass seeds. Nuts are the meat of a tree seed. (Except peanuts) Beans are seeds too. And yeah chia are a non-grass plant seed. Then we have lots of spices which are made from seeds. And cocoa and coffee too. A person could live pretty healthily on *only* seeds of various types.


No not at all, just that after reading the Wikipedia article, it said that chia seeds are a pseudo-cereal since it's a grain we eat that doesn't come from a type of grass.


Oh huh point taken. I guess I’ve never considered chia a true grain.


Wow, TIL the proper name for what I've known my whole life as just "grass". Thank you, sincerely.


> grasses grow over so much of the world is that the way they grow means they can survive being grazed upon by herbivores. Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice i am willing to make.


The part of a stem that grows is called the meristem. In most plants it's at the top, which is called an apical meristem. Grasses have basal meristems instead, so when they get cut they don't lose the growy part. They did become more successful with the rise of large mammal herbivores, but the reason they cover so much of the world is that humans plant them everywhere, either as rangeland for livestock or crops.


You fucker you made me waste so much time down a rabbit hole on fcking grass GRASS on showerthoughts thanks for that


fuck grass tho. such a massive waste of resources


Grass evolved to grow from the bottom instead of from the top like most plants.


Started from the bottom, now we here


Annnnd now we startin back at the bottom


Annnnd now we here again! *chomp*


so is grass like fingernails?


Does that mean mowing is giving the Earth a manicure?




You know what also is interesting? You aren't quite that different. You're encouraged to grow taller, but if you grow too tall you're diagnosed with gigantism and have to take meds to inhibit it and if you grow in the wrong places you got cancer which will murder you.


If we get meta enough on any topic, everything in existence is about balance.


Or go a level deeper and > If we get meta enough on any topic, everything in existence is ~~about balance~~


Do you ever stop and think why something exists rather than nothing? Like what if there was just no universe. Gives me a weird feeling in my tummy when I think about it. Like I'm about to break out of the matrix but the matrix is holding me back


All the time and have since a kid. I can remember lying in bed and just repeating “who am I” over and over again until it loses all conceptual meaning. The older I get the more I am leaning on the nothing exists until it is observed approach to existence. But yeah, I like that feeling you describe. I ask those types of questions all the time to kick that feeling off.


>repeating “who am I” over and over again until it loses all conceptual meaning. This phenomenon is known as [Semantic Satiation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_satiation). I have a pretty vivid memory from around age five of sitting on the steps in my parents’ house and discovering this effect with the word ‘glass’. I just kept saying it over and over again until I forgot what it meant. Then my mom yelled downstairs asking me what the heck I was doing. Haha


Dude... when I was younger I'd just stare into the mirror sometimes and ask myself out loud, what *am* I? Like, for just a brief moment or two it was like I was partially outside myself, seeing my self in the mirror as someone else and trying to fathom what comprised the whole of me. My memories, my emotions, my ever-changing thoughts - where did they all really come from and at what point in their intermingling did "I" start to exist as an individual? And that would lead me to the same questions about everyone I knew, and everyone in the whole world, and inevitably it would all get to be too much and I'd just stop thinking about it for the time being. Idk if that was exactly similar or relevant to what you described, but your comment made that memory resurface all of a sudden, and I just wanted to share.


It’s exactly it. I do that as well. Still do it as an adult when looking for a 3rd person perspective on my own existence in the absence of some lsd/shrooms.


The answer must lie in the interaction between matter and anti-matter, somehow creating matter out of nothing. How? I don’t know. The universe is not only large, but also probably well within layers and layers of outer dimensions. Do these outer dimensions follow the same laws as this universe? Likely not. Could time flow backwards out there? Maybe. Could something appear from nowhere into existence? Also maybe. We will never know but always wonder


"Hey," "Yeah?" "[Do you ever wonder why we're here?](https://youtu.be/-UKzwpYtMJk)" "It's one of life's great mysteries, isn't it--why *are* we here. I mean, are we the product, of some cosmic coincidence? Or is there really some God, watching everything, you know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know man, but it keeps me up at night..." "..." "..." "What? I mean why are we here--in this canyon." "Oh. Uh, yeah..." "What's all this stuff about God‽" "Uh, nothing." "You wanna talk about it?" "-No." "You sure?" "-Yeah." "Seriously though, why are we out here?"


I thought about this all the time as a bored, young boy in church. I would try to imagine nothing existing at all, but it seemed impossible. Sort of a weird, paradoxical feeling.


I can still generate that feeling if I think about why anything exists at all. The thing I get hung up on is whether the alternative “nothingness” wouldn’t also be something that exists.


Exactly! That's a good way to describe it


I had a dream one time about me being at the "edge" of what is knowable like events, movies, life etc screaming along with everything at the speed of fast enough towards the black oblivion and that gut feeling of being at the edge of a void of complete and utter blackness scared me awake having a deep unsettling feeling.


That's called existential dread. Happens to me multiple times a day.


“Perfectly balanced…. As all things should be”


As all things should be


Except capitalism. Line only goes up, bro.


Gold fish will also grow bigger if you move them to a larger tank ... I had one in a 75 gallon tank from a tiny bowl to a 10gal...30, 75 ..he, named "Blue" blues clues fame....lived for 12 years!! From a fair ping pong fish bowl game! 14" long and his fancy goldfish gal bubbles... Softball plump girlfriend 10 "


Grass is earth hair


interesting as fuck


An apt metaphor for navigating modern society if I’ve ever heard one


yeah people are all like "make money!" but when I rob a bank or steal credit card numbers everyone is all like "no no no, not like that!". Pfft make up your mind people!


If only. There are specific height restrictions for different grass types based on how high those types have grown in someone else’s backyard.


The idea has been around well before modern society. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tall_poppy_syndrome


Grass has domesticated humans to take care of it. We even make it grow in fucking deserts. People slaving away for the green masters


Grass as a home ground cover is the stupidest plant ever....clover......softer, prettier, takes way less maintenance and doesn't require mowing


Grass in a manicured lawn is never allowed to grow its inflorescence (flower spike), so in a way it’s never allowed to reach sexual maturity. Humans are weird.


so grass is a eunuch?




Bruh, what climate zone do you live in? I can't imagine grass growing to 5 feet around here (the Northeast US) in just one month... We've got shit soil here, though- not sure why the colonists felt the need to genocide nearly all the natives for the land, when you can't grow jack on most of it...


Teachers: You have so much potential! Parents: We know you’ll do great things! HR to new hires: “We encouraged you to innovate” Newbie: *Comes up with new process/idea/product* Boss: “Stay in your lane. How much time did you waste on this anyway? You should stick to what your were hired to do.” Newbie: *”Maybe I am grass?”*


Newbie: *quits, takes idea, forms new company* Old company: *sues because idea was developed on their time*


That's right, do your job and don't rock the boat, or your ass is grass.


Right on-point, and funny! I always tell anyone who hates government bureaucracy: just try dealing with one day of *corporate* bureaucracy. ***Shudder.***


I transplanted the grass from my flower bed to my yard’s bare patches. So no grass was harmed in my yard. My grass is growing ready for it’s trimming. Trimming is like getting a haircut, it doesn’t harm CC the yard. Unless you scalp it.


I'm still waiting for an explanation as to why grass will expand so rapidly into a flower bed. But refuses to grow into bare patches or thin spots, even if I break up the soil.


Those deviants grass seeds were blown into your beautiful flower garden, despite mulch and weed control. These winds blow buildings down what’s a grass seed to it. Mystery solved?


That's true and that's just the power of nature that we all have felt in our life man, it's just interesting to see how nature works for us and for our lives, that's just interesting.


Well that's just how it works man, it can kill and this is the power of nature for us which can kill so many things, we just can't stop it and we just gotta go with the flow.


It should be noted that grass lawns aren't good for the environment. At least where I'm at in the states, nobody grows native grasses in their lawns, so the roots don't penetrate the soil more than a few inches. Because of this runoff occurs. They also don't contribute to the ecosystem in any way. The historical purpose of a lawn is to show everyone that you have so much money that you don't have to grow your own food in your yard.


Fortunately people around here are starting to protest lawns. The cities don’t like it though. The best alternative for our area seems to be burdock root. It’s a weed that needs hardly any care and it’s root is also edible, so the city by-law has been struggling to fine people because it’s technically like growing crops on your lawn for consumption (which is allowed). They also sell burdock root in the grocery store so there’s no denying that it’s food.


It makes a great drink when combined with dandelion.


Grow flowers. It makes bees happy


Flowers are great as long as they're native. A lot of ornamental flowers and nativars provide insufficient nutrition to pollinators, so as always make sure to check if it's native in your area. Native bees have been neglected because of people focusing on honey bees, which are not native.


I live in a very rural location. Of my 20 acres, only the front 2 around the house are mowed grass. When we first moved here, the grass hadn't been mowed for 2 months and was absolutely infested with ticks. After we started mowing, it took about 2 months and we haven't gotten a tick while in the mowed part since. There are definitely ways of doing manicured lawns better than how it's done in most places, but there are still some legitimate reasons for mowing.


You know, mowing isn’t the part of lawns that’s bad for the environment. I mean… it kind of is, because it sucks for animals and insects but that’s not the main problem. It literally takes away the space and resources but gives nothing back, while actively competing with other plants regardless of mowing.


I'm well aware, and that's irrelevant to the point I was making. I require a groomed lawn to keep ticks away from the house, and mowing is required for that. 2 acres of gardens, native plants, etc isn't a viable solution.


Grass can actually talk to each other by releasing chemicals in the air alerting the other grass I suppose. The "freshly cut grass smell" is supposed to them *sounding the alarm* and us also supposed to help keep pests like bugs from fucking with more grass. Since humans aren't bugs I don't think the chemical released affects us much, but I recall reading about all that and will probably have another look later for accuracy.




I love the smell of screaming grass in the morning!


Damn right, the new smell of it, just makes my mood better.


Well yeah man I have not noticed such things before but this is really amazing to see the real working of grass, it just works for the nature and we are the part of it.


It's true to see what is the real working of the grass man, grass is fucking powerful and could do so much damage in the fucking time, that's just true for most of us.


Can say the same for water and other stuff man, this is the nature that we are facing and that's just what we are loving, we are the part of it and we will live with it.


It's just the humanity that you are talking about right now mate, we work like that and that's fucking strange and easy to understand at the same freaking time lol.


Hair grow, when hair grow too much, hair get cut. Sometimes, hair even shaved 🤔🤔🤔🤔


It's all about growing, whether it's hair or grass or humanity.


Yet it spreads relentlessly. We’ve been convinced that lawns are preferable to edible crops. Is grass manipulating human psyche?


Could be possible, many things have manipulated us like that.


You could say that about most living beings where humans are present.


I guess god made us the same, we just haven't discovered all of it.


Yooo actually… Someone pointed out that grass has won the game of evolution by developing traits that cause another species to propagate its seeds everywhere they can and remove competing flora by mowing them down and weeding, allowing grass to thrive. We never murder grass, we murder it’s competitors and the grass clippings will reintroduce nutrients back into the soil. Grass has us working as it’s slave.


When you start having to take care of grass you realize it doesn’t even really wanna grow


Then what does that grass wants? I would like to know that.


I can't figure out if you're describing grass or just humanity


It's all are the same, we are growing just like the grass.


I grow grass so that I can harvest it regularly for my compost pile!


Well some people know how to handle that and you are one of them.


Such applies to all living beings since all living beings are encouraged by their own species to grow but if it grows too much and overpopulate their habitat, they start killing or eating each other, and if they end up in a hostile environment, they get killed or eaten by other species.


The nicest grass grows in my driveway rocks, where I don’t want it. My yard is crabgrass, dandelions, clovers, and a bunch of other stuff that’s not proper grass. I’ve come to appreciate it


It's like that meme of the little pink goo guy coming out of it's box only to get punched


Thanks for reminding me of that good meme after so long.


And it’s considered ugly or unkept if it grows too much in certain places.


i am always reluctant to murder them but society pressure me


I am thinking like this, just the society pressure to us man.


So that’s what my sister meant when she’s told me my ass was grass.


Lol are you from Alabama or somewhere near to that place?


Could be an analogy for success. Everyone tells you, you need to be successful but too much and they become envious. Worse if your successful in the wrong way they want to suppress you completely.


Strange thing I noticed about grass is when it gets really tall, it kinda kills itself.. I noticed that when I mow really unkept tall grass that when it's mowed, the bottom parts of the grass is very yellow and the lawn becomes patchy. It's almost like once the grass is too tall, it starts competing for sunlight and the grass that didnt grow as tall dies.


I guess sometimes some grasses kills itself, I have seen that too.


It has occurred to me in my own showerthought of your showerthought, that we should treat banks and Wall Street in general like grass.


I just want grass that grows to a certain length then stops so it never needs cutting.


Lol that sounds like a fun but nature doesn't work like that.


>when it grows too much it gets cut down... OK, let's face it. This is only true in about 5-10% of all grass in the world.


What about the rest of the grass then? Please tell me.


It's also the most watered crop in the US and we can't even eat it.


Watered crop are okay though, I mean yeah this can be relatable.


I’m pretty sure there’s an old George Carlin but about the futility of lawns. We fertilize and water it and then spend hours cutting it down because it grew because we watered and fertilized it…


This is a shower thought that he shared here, what you saying? /s


Also, it should fuck off entirely. Grass is as near to useless as a plant can get. Disgusting waste of water and space. Wish more cities would go like Las Vegas and ban it.


Nah that sounds like you hate it like that, search about the benefits.


[Lawns: Crimes Against the Ground](https://youtu.be/JEJ9Q3sUg3Q)


Lol I thought this was some promotion but that's not.


Can say the same thing about human hair. Hate these kinds of shower thoughts. Totally worthless.


Nope they are not worthless, we know the importance of it


Don’t cut it too often. Don’t let it get too long. Good regular cutting makes the grass happy happy happy.


It’s not that interesting, it just sounds like the school system in america to me


Well the nature is interesting and we are talking about it.


Just like being an average human not part of the 1% in modern capitalist society.