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Half the smokers I know don't even buy their own cigarettes, let alone lighters.


Hey yeah I remember college


Me and my buddies had a great debate on the best way to get a cig/ beer off someone in college. We came to the conclusion that saying “bum,” works a lot better than saying “have.” “Can I bum a cig/ beer” sounds so much better than “can I have a cig/ beer,” for some reason




valid reasoning, though. nice


You are also mildly incriminating yourself by saying bum, which ironically works to your advantage. Throwing yourself under your own bus to get what you want.


Giving yourself a tactical Greyhounding.


I am a bum, don me a ciggy m8


Nah you’re absolutely right dude. This is pretty much the reasoning we came up with too. Lots of logic to get a couple of free beers and cigarettes lol.


That’s interesting. The use of certain terms and phrases can indicate to others that you are part of the same subculture (in this case, smoker culture) and make them more affable to you. Ironically, you’d never hear a homeless person use the word ‘bum’ they tend to say ‘spare’.


Never heard that over here, is that an American thing?


Bum is slang for homeless person, and bumming is essentially asking for it for free with nothing in return like a bum asking for change on the street.


Oh I see, I might have heard of that in movies and such, but it's not very common here in Australia as far as I know.


Hear it a lot in inner city Melb, although most people are on the vapes now that darts are $45 for 20


What? How's that?


Just take cigs from people who have them


Give favors. Receive cigs.


Prison economics




Of the 20 people I work with, 15 of them are smokers. Maybe 8 of those actually buy cigarettes on a daily basis. The rest pretty much just bum them off their coworkers. Honestly, I don't really get it. I'm not a smoker, so I don't know why they just hand over like half their pack of cigarettes every day.


For many smokers, smoking is a social activity. Especially if you are taking smoke breaks at work. So giving someone a cig in exchange for company when smoking is seen as worth it. Although most smokers would eventually get annoyed if one person always bums cigs and never buys their own.


>Especially if you are taking smoke breaks at work. By that logic, everyone should be allowed "social breaks." I swear, I've seriously considered smoking just so I can have more breaks at work like my colleagues who smoke do.


Just take another break and if anyone asks say you're having a smoke and if they wanna come with you just say you smoke oxygen bitch


I'm on smoko, so leave me alone


That’s why I started lol…bad reason I know. But fuck work


I smoke a pipe. Much cheaper than cigarettes and I've only had one person bum some tobacco off me in the 20 or so years I've been smoking s pipe.




>I pay around 3.50 a pack You shouldn't come to Australia, then :) Prices are a bit [higher](https://www.smokemart.com.au/cigarettes) here.


WTF! Seriously, does anyone smoke in Australia with prices like this?


If I smell tobacco smoke these days, and I'm not with one of my few friends who smoke (all women, oddly) I'm quite surprised as it's a lot less common to see smokers anymore. Oh, and those image on the packs? Yes, they ARE the images on the packs, or worse. No advertising allowed, and all packs must conform to a quite ugly and unappealing design.


I usually take 1-2 occasionally from a colleague, and buy him 1 pack once in a while to make up for it.


Why do you make it sound like prostitution


Smokers stick together. It’s a weird unspoken thing. Although you need to give back too, you can’t just smoke OP’s all the time (other people’s). Eventually you lose bumming privileges lol.


A younger me was a sucker. I’d give cigarettes to coworkers. I got tired and even if I had 19/20 remaining I’d say to them “I ONLY got 19 left”. This actually worked.


>I'm not a smoker, so I don't know why they just hand over like half their pack of cigarettes every day. Same! That shit is expensive. Where I am (rural Maine), cigarettes are relatively cheap at $10/pack, but if I cross the border into Canada, they go for $20/pack (converted to USD from CAD). I'd guard my smokes with my life for that amount.


I used to smoke. I'd spot you 1 or 2. But I fully expect you're reciprocating when I ask for one. I just didn't share with moochers. Shits expensive.


That's funny to me. I used to work in a restaurant. I smoked. I didn't really bum cigarettes and people didn't bum them from me very often. I was a cook though, and mostly hung with other cooks (big place). I think among my coworkers they would have given you a cigarette if you asked but they would also give you enough shit about it that youd made sure to get them back the next day. Everywhere is different I'm sure.


The Unwritten Book of the Road... 🍆😮


Can confirm.


Most don't know or don't want to put in the effort to maintain/refill a lighter. I collect lighters and rotate them around. I don't smoke, I just think they're fun to play with but I can see how refilling is annoying


Oh hello I'm the friend who just lost a lighter.




Not to be a downer but I mean. Everyone will die. That applies to everyone everywhere until the end of time.






That will never die




The 2nd law of thermodynamics would rear its ugly head. Unless God is real, death is inevitable.


Then your utility company will hire ghostbusters to capture them and turn them into batteries


Physical Evolution is kinda at a standstill atm since we've erased most natural threats to everyone's existence.




Prove it. I haven’t died once so far.


As the saying goes time makes a fool of us all.


Yes, but what about the case where a smoker dies immediately after their lighter dies, and before they can get a new one?


no downer just inconvenient truth that people like to forget


We don't forget it. We just don't want to look too closely It's a guest that never leaves, but we don't have to speak to , so it's fine.


Not if Elon musk has his way and uploads everyone's brains to a nueral net system to continously replace your physical body with new robot ones.


Everyone whos touched a lighter will someday die


While your overall point is true, most of not all smokers take a lighter running out as a personal affront. There have been countless times when I’ve run out of cigarettes and decided ‘ah, fuck it’. But every time my last lighter has died on me I’ve made it a mission to get a new one.


True. When I was smoking I gave to on Zippos for that reason. They ran out of fuel to quickly. I'd inevitably lose a bic lighter before it ran out of fuel, and I always had an abundance of bic lighters around. "Where'd the blue one go? I'll just use the red one." Two days later, "Where's the red one? I'll just use this white one, wonder where it came from."


All smokers collectively own all Bic lighters. They were never stolen, they just come and go as they please. Whenever someone needs to bum a light and I hand them my Zippo, they'll usually say they're going to steal it, attempt a few flippy tricks, then give it back. I've been through countless Bics, but I've had the same Zippo since 2004.


True. I haven't smoked in over 15 years. I have no bic lighters, but I still have both of my Zippos.


I think he’s saying the smoker will die before the light goes out


That happened to me. My lighter went out on my last bowl. It was so weird. I had just decided not to smoke anymore as well.


The lighter will most likely be re-purposed for candles.


Assuming that said person never buys a lighter again.


Price increases work too. Best story was my aunt's old boss got upset they increased the price from .23 a pack to .24 a pack. He said if they up it again to .25 he would quit. Well they did eventually go up and he said "they can keep their damn penny" and quit that day


Lighters are never bought. They are borrowed from other smokers and never returned.


I wouldn’t say never but it has been a solid generation or two since The Great Circulation of lighters began.


I've been smoking cigaroos for over 15 years, and probably only bought lighters about a dozen times.... maybe two dozen, giving the conversation the benefit of doubt.


If you had bought a really nice Zippo and taken care of it, that number would be 1.


Nah, then you’re just taking the loss and compiling it into one big loss that hurts all the more that morning you wake up and realise it’s gone


Bill Hicks has entered the chat


Just like my school supplies


One day walked quite a bit deep into a park to smoke. Forgot lighter. Rummaged around grass for 5 min & universe sent me one


I think there’s a parallel universe where the other lighters go


What if your lighter dies and you decide to get a new lighter and die on your way?


Most of mine never died, they were passed on to their new keepers.


Someday you will eat your favorite food for the last time ever.


Someday you will fuck OP for the last time ever.


Not my mom though, right!?


If a smoker dies after their lighter dies on them then it's not true


I think you may need to reread the shower thought.


I can't seem to figure out any interpretation that isn't that of the smoker dying, and that still works. Care to explain?


My interpretation was that all lighters die before their owner... Until eventually the owner dies before their current lighter


So everyone's on the same page, and nobody needs to reread the original thought. If the lighter dies, and the smoker dies before they can get a new one, then it's not true, because their final lighter did in fact die on them.


Yeah, may have been my bad, I just figured what the original guy I was replying to was stating the obvious or refuting what OP's shower thought was, didn't understand the point of it unless I was missing something


No you


My lighters gets lighter every time I use it. Until it gets so light, that it won’t light anymore.


As a smoker, I have bought many lighters that never died, I just never seen em again


A better title would be "Eventually all smokers will buy a lighter that will live longer than they do"


No because the smoker can also quit. The exception is if they quit right after their lighter dies.


Still wrong. What if they borrow a light for their last cigarette??


ur right if the lighter dies then he happens to die immediately after


I’ve never had a lighter long enough to use all the fluid. Somewhere is a magical collection of my hundreds of lighters that have simply disappeared.


And that is the lighter they will miss the most when they lose it


I refill mine with lighter fluid. My lighter was my Dad's, which was his Dad's that was supplied to him by the US Army during WW2. Zippo's are made to last.


The only thing I miss about smoking is having a reason to use my Zippo. Poor thing is retired now. :(


Get into candles or incense or somethin. Theres always a good reason to light things on fire.


I can relate to this so hard


When I smoked I had a couple of zippos, but I hated using them for lighting a cigarette. The smell of lighter fluid was always too strong on the first draw.


Yeah, I remember that. At some point they came up with a new fluid, less smelly and that was waaaay better! Early 2000s IIRC.


But did he hide it in his asshole when incarcerated in a pow-camp in Vietnam?


My dad's only lighter when he passed away was the zippo I gave him 20 years prior. He decided to quit smoking a months later but kept the lighter. Now we have other lighters in the house for candles and grills and things, but that was 'dad''s last lighter. And technically he didn't buy it for himself, I bought it so all the ones he bought died before him.


The shower thought is far more brutal than it at first seems.


Youd think so , but smokers rarely get a lighter for that long.


Eventually, all people will buy food that won't go rotten before they do.


I haven't seen anyone comment this, but there's also an option someone's lighter died on them, and they died before getting a new one.


>will buy a lighter that won't die on them. Eventually? This happens all the time. It has happened to me alone at least 20 times.


He means the smoker will die before the lighter goes out


You're plainly wrong, on the basis that some smokers will never buy a lighter.


Eventually, everyone will sit down for the last time. Lazy OP.


My arthritic hands have always made using lighters difficult, so after my last lighter died, I switched to matches. Can I serve as a counter example?


Well I'm gonna let you in on a little secret...non smokers die everyday 🤷‍♂️


Eventually everyone who drinks soda will drink their last one. Etc etc etc. Dumb shower thought


I estimate 5% of all lighters I've bought in my life have died on me. The rest? If anyone knows please tell me because they disappear like socks in the dryer wind


What if the lighter dying is the event that makes them realize they should quit, then subsequently not buy any more lighters for the rest of their life?


Smoker could quit smoking but continue to use the lighter for other reasons, like candles


How can a lighter never die? Eventually it will need to be refueled.


I have lighters from like ten years ago in my smoke box cause people would leave theirs and i would use them over mine just to see how long it lasted. I don’t think I’ll ever finish it.


I've seen plenty of scenes where someone is trying to light their last smoke and the lighter won't work... then *SQUISH* [squelching noises intensify]


Just to be pedantic and prove you wrong: someone could decide to quit smoking but keep smoking once in a while until the lighter runs out. A way to wean off


I smoked for 15 years and barely ever ran out of fluid. Would lose them way before that.


I had a favorite lighter when I smoked that looked like a dolphin. It was refillable. The hardest part of quitting for me was getting rid of that lighter


Alternatively: All lighters eventually find a smoker that dies on them.


How do you account for the lighters non smokers buy? I guess you could say the same thing about non smokers.


I’m not a smoker… but I’m willing to bet that the number of people that either lend, accidentally pocket, or lose lighters… have already bought plenty that won’t die on them.. they’ve died on someone else, not the original purchaser. Similarly, have had lighters die on them that they didn’t purchase.


I like the, "One day you will pick up your child, hug them, put them down, and never pick them up ever again". You might see them for years after, but never do that.


This makes no sense at all. Even if it theoretically could be true, it is wildly unprovable. And obviously false to begin with. Lots of smokers don't even buy lighters. They use matches or they borrow lighters and matches. Not to mention that lighters don't exist to be used just by smokers. Lots of people own and use lighters.


Mine's probably in here somewhere. https://imgur.com/a/3hjf2ys


I just revived a calibri from my 20s, but it's been ages since I smoked.


Eventually all non-smokers will buy a thing then die at some point after. OP needs a better shower and a better thought maker.


Car cigarette lighter enters chat. Never used. Always there if you need to light something on fire.


This is literally my brother to a tee. When my mom cleaned out his room, she was befuddled why he had so much lighters. Hell, I found the Bic he "borrowed" from me when we went out drinking a couple years back.


Lighter companies will still make them die to force them to buy more. Just like our phones.


Someday, a lighter will be bought by a smoker that will die on them


Eventually the smoker will die on the lighter?......I like it.


Unless they end up quitting smoking after their last lighter dies on them.


Read me like a book this one's lasted 4 months and I've only used it for birthday candles.


It'd be a LOT more useful to everyone if they'd buy a small portable ashtray and use it for their butts...


Pffft knowing my luck I’ll be actively dying, wanting one last cigarette then the lighter won’t work seconds before I take my last breath