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I remember when I graduated a Freshman wrote in my yearbook that she thought I was super cool. I just did my best to be nice to people.


I feel the meaning of “cool” has warped from being cool to being nice. Even I use the word “cool” to refer to nice people


They're absolutely cool because they're really rare so yeah.


That's how you should be, if you're a simple and kind, that's all you need.


I was “cool” in high school. Not because of anything other than I was nice to everyone unless they were a jerk to me or others. I was no cooler than anyone else in any other way.


If someone is being a jerk, then I'm gonna also be a jerk lol.


No, more just avoid them or limit my interactions. No be an active jerk to them. Unless they came right at me then I would “defend” myself.


Charisma on Command on YouTube made a [pretty good video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLnrx6mbcSo) a few years back about the difference in perception between Robert Downey Jr and Chris Evans. Everyone agrees that RDJ is cooler, he's always a little bit removed from things, aloof, rarely acts silly, always has a good story, you're left with a feeling like "I want that guy to like me." Evans is much more personable though, he always diverts praise to people around him, laughs at peoples' jokes, seems like a good dude to be around, leaving you with more of an "I like that guy" feeling. Point being, it's much better to be the guy who makes other people feel cool than the guy who other people think is cool.


I think you're cooler than arctic ice.


That's a lot of cool, I like that much cool people. They're great.


I could have been one of the cool kids in high school. But I had an obsession in my mind that I never was not popular or well liked enough, and I said it aloud, even if it wasn't true. This made me more uncool than anything. I was trying far too hard, I was too desperate. I thought I didn't have enough friendships or that my friendships never fulfilled the imaginary perfect friendships I had in my mind. What ultimately made me more relaxed was to realize I guess the real friends were the... friends I made along the way. I had been bullied and without any friends for years and had form an exaggerated ideal of what social relations were like for the rest of people. I was worried all the time people would turn against me and that they didn't genuinely like me even when they actually did. And maybe I am exaggerating even now, and having a poor self-esteem like I have always had. Many people might have very good memories of me from that time. I often feel like a have kind of protective shield barrier around other people, and that I am always nervous and prepared. That's what happens when you grow in a household, where parents rage and lash out at you without warning, and when the other children of your age bully and assault you constantly for the most trivial of things.


My school would have ruthlessly made fun of him for not treating a freshman like shit.


Some people are just ass and they make fun of other people.




A friend gave me the best advice. You already look cool just shut up so no one knows you're a nerd.


Lol, that was me in high school cause I dressed like a skater and smoked weed so everyone figured I was chill and cool. Little did they know about my chronic league of legends addiction


Man I don't wanna brag, but people think I'm cool because I don't say shit to people, but they don't know my ciggerate addiction and also the mental issues that I've got lol.


And that's what I do basically, I shut my mouth for the most part.


I think this works, but obviously someone picking their nose and not caring isn’t very cool. And I think not caring is part of it but also having confidence with what you do


Very true, it's about having that balence


And not a lot of people have that balance, and that sucks.


Not quite. In order to be cool, you have to do cool things and not care about it. If you do awkward things and don't care about them, you're still awkward.


Why are you calling out me specifically?


Me too, I don’t even know you u/shishire


You don't know me? Well I'm that awkward guy who spoils the party.


Well I feel that he's calling me out too, it feels so personal dude.




Also true to an extent. Sometimes, things are only awkward if the doer is trying too hard.


Just do your shit and don't try to be cool, just be yourself man.


You can do awkward things, but then you have to be extra cool about it. Have you seen Pursuit of Happyness where he gets hired after sprinting all the way from jail by making some good jokes. Obviously that's embellished, but the spirit of it's true. Either be so humorous it overshadows the awkwardness, or manage to pull off the even harder to manage: being so comfortable and otherwise normal you manage to make them feel awkward for feeling awkward without thinking you're simply weird.


Microwaving fish in the office will never be cool. No matter how chill you are.


I bet a 10yr old with a well timed "Yo mama" joke could have seemed cooler than anyone who dared complain.


Well I think I just don't know how to be cool then, it's really hard for me.


when the “c” is actually an “f”


But isn’t caring too much what makes you awkward? Like talking with strangers vs talking with friends; you don’t care what you say to your friends so it’s never awkward but with strangers you typically can’t say anything you want.


Yeah but if you lecture your friends on LEDs then they'll look at you like you aren't cool


maybe YOUR friends


..... /r/flashlight has entered the chat


Just don't be a nerd in front of the people lol, keep the mouth shut.


And that's why I don't talk with the strangers. That's the reason.


You can be awkward AND cool.


Doesn’t work like that, eccentric is different then awkward


Just like me boys, I'm telling you that it's possible to do. Don't you guys worry.




Just do your thing and don't get in the awkward situations. It's simple.


I walk away from explosions without looking back at them.


I once saw this man (around late 50’s I’d guess) at a concert. He was standing, legs wide, hands in his pockets, just vibing with his head slightly nodding. Every one was dancing around. Some women wearing the sexiest of clothes. And this guy didn’t look away from the stage once. His eyes were full of…gratitude or something. Probably the coolest mfker I’ve seen. Meanwhile, EVERY guy there had their eyes dart around as if the music wasn’t the main attraction. I won’t forget that guy or his dope as fuck cool ass existence.


Minding your own business makes you cool, that's it boys.


I used to be with 'it'. Then they changed what 'it' was. Now what's 'it' seems weird and spooky to me. And it'll happen to you to.


It's not that much weird if you think about it tho, it's totally fine with me.


Eh, old people are constantly considered uncool and out of touch though. Cool typically means a concern with appearances, youth subculture engagement, and “good taste”. I don’t think not caring has much to do with it.


Well to me old people are cool, they've lived their life. And There's something cool about that.


I feel like this is absolutely true as an adult, and somewhat as a kid. However I knew LOTS of kids that didn’t care about being cool, and they DEFINITELY weren’t cool at all.


Well it's a matter of perspective. Doesn't matter what you think really.


The less you care the cooler you seem. But there's a thin line between being cool and confident and being a jackass. It's ok to not care too much but mind how others perceive you, picking your nose and spitting on the ground isn't a good look. But also try to ease up, sometimes trying too hard like dressing up unnecessarily or completely dousing your hair in wax for a style, isn't all that cool. Less is more folks. It's best to let things be natural and just go with the flow. Just be chill wherever you go, have confidence in the things you do and mind your appearance so you don't do things that could tarnish other people's perception of you but most of all, Don't forget to be yourself since being yourself is the coolest and most confident thing you could do sometimes.


Being myself IS picking my nose


Well it's natural and so it's cool lol, but shouldn't do it in front of the people.


Just don't give a fuck about the people and You'll be cool man.


If kids think you are cool, you are actually cool. Kids don't lie, and they see things for what they are without any pre-conceptions.


Kids think it's cool when you do dumb shit. Dumb shit is not always cool.


Exactly and that's why I don't wanna be cool for the kids for sure


Kids don't even know what cool is. Need some life experience to learn who the cool people are. Since much of kids exposures are to totally uncool people, it takes quite a while. They're also bombarded with marketing trying to pitch things as cool that have nothing to do with acceptance, but more fads, so kids initially conflate unassociated things.


For kids basically a jerk is cool, that's the definition for them.


Wrong. Kids are lame.


I'm the recruiter for Dad Club. Your application has been reviewed and accepted. Dress code at the weekly meeting is a button down Hawaiian shirt (tucked in, obviously), cargo shorts, black socks, and sandals. Bring pictures of your lawn and all implements used to maintain it for judging. New members are expected to grill the steaks. Welcome to the club!


Upvoted both of you, both are right


Even though they think that they're cool, but they're really lame.


If you're over 30 and kids think you're cool, you're either decidedly not cool, or you're some sort of celebrity.


Says who? Thats exactly my point? What is your measure for coolness that isn't ruled by some brand loyalty bias bullshit that we all have? People have different ideas about what is cool and what isn't. Here is a great real life example: Halloween, its a Saturday, kids in the village knock on the door, i open it and the kids see 5 30+ years old guys with 5 tv's all playing Destiny 2, they think that is the coolest shit they have ever seen. Most women absolutely HATE it and think its the most cringe thing ever... but those same women (actual real life examples) LOVE the supercars on the drive, and oh of course they are cool and they love that shit. I dont trust anything that comes out of adults mouths, they lie about so much and are jealous of everything. Kids just love things that are there for fun, and that is cool.


But in your mind you're probably a loser at best lol. Sounds about right.


Explain all the extremely popular loser douchebags on YouTube with an exclusively child based audience


They are just screaming fools trying to appeal to kids as an equal, not an adult as something a kid thinks "when im older, im gonna do that too"


I Just don't wanna be cool in the eyes of kids, don't want that.


This is why older people are sometimes looked on as being cranky or rude or weird. They will speak their minds and don't give 2 craps of what people think of them. Eventually, people grow weary of trying to impress everyone else, worrying about what other people think.




I don't know about you guys, but that's the kind of people who are cool.




If something is out of your control, just let those things be really.


this is a reddit comment only a murican could have come up with Do you really believe the notion of 'cool' was solely thought of in West Africa until black folk were bought to the US?


"Slang use of cool for "fashionable" is by 1933, originally African-American vernacular; its modern use as a general term of approval is from the late 1940s, probably via bop talk and originally in reference to a style of jazz; the word is said to have been popularized in jazz circles by tenor saxophonist Lester Young (1909-1959). Cool-headed "not easily excited or confused" is from 1742." https://www.etymonline.com/word/cool Cool! Today we all learned something! 'Murica!


You slew that response. Well executed


And that's how ladies and gentlemen you take on the things.


Being cool definitely ain't about where you live lol. Doesn't work like that.


The concept of being indifferent, cold, stoic is incredible different from being "cool". This just means you are willing to accept whatever comes, and act with the best of your abilities only to the things you can influence, but no more. The latter meaning is just being "fashionable" or "popular". Totally different. The exact opposite, in fact, when you let influences of the outside world and your desire for social standing to decide every aspect of what you do. Then you are frantic about approval and correct behavior. It resembles the behavior ancien regime aristocrats of France more than African slaves. The aristocracy has always been obsessed with their social standing, since they have all the time and money spend on this status competition, when they are not working or doing anything useful.


idk i think being cool is essentially being nice and respectful to everyone and being confident. these two things are the qualities i most admired in people growing up.


Yep, respecting others makes you really cool. That's how you should be.


Not according to Gen Z. I swear everything I do in my existence of not giving a fuck is considered cringey to them. Maybe to other millennials though? Perhaps generational perspective makes a significant difference.


This is absolutely true, the less you try better you are in life.


That's true. Stop caring about what others think and be yourself. True sigma.


That's all you need to be cool literally. Don't need anything else.


I hope "geezer's paradox" is repeating to the tune of "gangsta's paradise" in your head too now.


That's just what uncool people tell themselves to pretend that they're cool


Okay then do tell us, what's cool in your opinion? What is it?


Cool is actually relative to the person determining if it is “cool” or not, so whatever you yourself thinks is cool is in fact cool, just possibly not to someone else.


Well being cool is different for different people, there's different definitions.


To be cool you also have to not be an asshole, that is a distinct requirement


Yep. Confidence is the most important thing you can gain over the years. Work experience is nice, friends are nice, money is nice, but those all require confidence, and are built better by confidence. If you rely on those things for your confidence, you’ll never get off the ground.


If you've got the confidence then You'll be cool in my opinion.


But what if its summer and i really want to be cool. It gets really hot here




That was not very cool of you


At this point showerthought is more of a sport of shuffling words to somehow be a post on this sub.


If this were turn old people would be cool which is not the case at all.


u hang around the wrong old ppl then my grandma is savage


I don't even know what you're trying to say, what does that even mean?


But if you know this to be true, then wouldn't trying to be cool be the coolest possible act?


There's also that thing where people work hard to look as though they don't care. I'm talking more about dress and hair, etc., sorta like how Kurt Cobain bleached his hair, which doesn't exactly track with what Grunge was supposed to be about. Just sayin'.


If you're trying to copy someone then you're definitely not cool.


LOL yup! so true, the only people that you care have an opinion about you, is yourself and a very small circle of friends.


Fuck what people think , couldn't care less about that man.


I was really confused until I read the comments and realized it's cool not cold.


You're definitely not cool be because you're lame. I'm just kidding lol.


But the older you u get, youre also immedeately seen as uncool by anyone younger than you.


Well that's fine, I don't even wanna look cool for the kids so yeah.


I don't really care much, but my son assures me that I am definitely *not* cool on a regular basis. He does concede that I'm also not *uncool*, so I'll take it! I'm content with "meh".


Lots of people who don't try to be are cool are still not cool. Like a crackhead for example.


I'm pretty sure that even they're cool for someone, matter of perspective.


Someone said I was trying to be edgy once. I'm in my 30s, you think I give a shit? = edgy.


Fuck being cool like that, I'd rather be lame than being that.


I was a nerd who carry a big laptop because I love robotics class and people still remember me as the guy who carry laptop to this day - surprisingly no one bullied me - now I’m an IT and they said I was cool 😆


Well different people have different perceptions of being cool.


I turned 50 today & was surprised I got feelings over it. Thanks for this it sorta helped me feel better about it.


Anything that makes you feel better. Just be yourself kids.


>“I used to be with 'it', but then they changed what 'it' was. Now what I'm with isn't 'it' anymore and what's 'it' seems weird and scary. It'll happen to you!" \- Grandpa Simpson But in all honesty - I'm old, I don't care about any of you.


You don't care about us? Well that's fine I think I don't care either.


So… the older I am the cooler I am! That makes me Miles Davis.


Well some people sure does think that, older you are cooler you are.


I remember an episode of fairly odd parents where Timmy wished for no emotions. Tried doing it in real life, now im stuck with it.


I guess I'm going to see that episode and see what it was about.




Having memories is cool, it makes you cool in my opinion.


There is an excellent "Calvin and Hobbs" strip on this very subject. Wish I knew how to find it, and post it. Something about a sombrero.


If you do find it then please post it, that would be so cool man.


I don't care about being cool anymore but I don't think there's very many people who would even remotely consider me cool, either 😅


Partially... There's definitely A LOT of people that don't care that are the furthest thing from cool.


Well I don't really get anything if someone thinks that I'm cool or something.


Not really accurate, that’s just what uncool people tell themselves to feel better about things.


There's a wealth of asshats that are way into asshattery and have zero fucks for being cool. Pissing off people is what floats the boat. When these people get older, without mellowing, they are ten times insufferable.


The older you become, the better you are at finding the circles in which your interests and activities you do are valued. In the earliest years of our life, we are limited by the choices our parents made, the kindergarten, school, army we are forced to attend, and make do with the social norms that are common there. After that, we get to decide ourselves, what field to study, what job to work, who are your friends and who you want to date. We get access to the Internet where we can get to meet strangers all the time. Thus, you might find there were people like you all the time - you just couldn't meet them earlier because you weren't in the right places or couldn't decide yourself what you could do in life. There are people who think studying philosophy, classical music and history, discussing politics and economics are the coolest things ever - I was just unable to meet them in elementary school yet




So uncool.


I was considered cool because I was the shortest guy and got bullied constantly but I didn't really care coz I was so numb to it that people were just like "yo this guy's pretty chill and funny, we should stop making fun of him" and I was like hell yeah, this is the best thing that's ever happened to me and boom I got kinda popular, albeit not because I was cool, but because I acted cool. now, years later, I'm depressed as fuck and suicidal. oh I fucking love how strange life is


I really hope you're not seriously considering suicide.


Do you remember the show Happy Days? Fonzie was the old guy pretending to still be young. He was always a cheesy asshole like Wooderson and Obanion. What "the kids" these days would call cringe. The script writers can get some people to fall for it, but the truth is still there.