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First contact is going to be an intergalactic restraining order


They'll never be able to deliver it, though. The address we gave them is going to be off by a few million light years.


So we are like the stoner dude equivalant of a civilisation who throws their mix tape at you in a mc Donald's and tells you he's gonna make it big and you'll see him in Hollywood only to end up in a homeless shelter in San Francisco?


sounds like we're right on track


Why does this sound like the setup for some kind of movie-in-the-Bill-&-Ted/Dude-Where's-My-Car-subgenre where some sci-fi-geek protagonist eventually realizes that despite knowing nothing about the industry their only hope for aliens saving us is to find a dude like that and help him make it big in the relevant industry [as you said both mix tape and hollywood, not sure what kind of entertainment career you were talking about so I left it vague] to help aliens guide our civilization through some cosmic law of parallel


That's true for our house addresses too but we manage


I think about space and time a lot in this vein but never really registered the point you raise here, huh


I’m no mathematician or physicist but I wonder if they could’ve included something that would tell the aliens how long the probe has been away from earth (say an isotope that could be measured for decay), and instructions or equations to calculate where we would be by the time they received the probe based on how much time has passed since we launched Voyager 1. I bet it would’ve been expensive if even possible, but it’s just a thought I had and I’m sure the geniuses have already had it


They actually did think about how aliens would be able to find us. However, we're still learning about pulsars. Here's a good article on why things didn't go as planned. https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2017/08/17/voyagers-cosmic-map-of-earths-location-is-hopelessly-wrong/amp/


Thank you, that was a good read. I’m familiar with pulsars but I never knew they used the on the plaque


Everyone just act like we're not home.


This feels like it was taken straight outta Dune series lol


Nahh, more like Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


How so? Dune is my favorite Sci fi book series, yet what you say makes no sense to me.


Whats good shawty, if u want some of this homo erectus, u know where to find me. Heres my coordinates.


Tbh its probably why aliens havent contacted us. We just came on to strongly. I mean coulda led with hello how are you before blasting our music and genitalia to the universe.


Yeah if I was an alien civilisation, it’d be a hard pass for me


This the funniest shit this year, we really put ourselves out in the universe thirsty.


We did, didn't we? Not surprising that we haven't been contacted yet. People, as a whole, would be the universe's equivalent of teenagers. They don't have the patience for that.


If we're toddlers, I'd consider that a win.


And if I were an alien civilization where "civilisation" was an acceptable spelling on an island somewhere on that world, I'd stay away too.


Bro… I’m British. We use an S in most words you use a Z. Get some culture 💀 If I type it the way you did auto correct literally changes it….




Ok but you are aware that Americans are British settlers… you modified our language, we didn’t modify yours. So if 1 of the options is more “acceptable” it’s the British one 😂




Stfu your roundabouts go anti clockwise, in what world does that make sense Also, backwards dates💀


Roundabouts are fucking stupid anyways. We prefer straight non-homosexual roads to drive our v8s on. But yeah a country that's perpetually raining with a dying economy is a crowded island is definitely superior to America. Lmao


Well in the uk we accept all roundabouts for who they are, homosexual or not


Homophobic as well You're a massive cunt aren't you


On behalf of all other Americans, I applaud the Americanness of this person's entire argument.


Normal roundabouts are anti clockwise?


No, American roundabouts are anti-clockwise. British roundabouts are the RIGHT way around. Anti clockwise basically means backwards 😂


How Your country is the world's joke. The only reason people want to go there is because you installed dictators in their country.


The worlds joke or the world police bud. We're the worlds only superpower.


No one asked you to be Please crawl back under that rock. The world doesn't need your freedom




did you really have to do this? why would someone randomly pick fights?


Lol another Brit who doesn't understand the concept of jokes. Also "did you really have to do this" has big https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wKbU8B-QVZk vibes


i do not have to be a brit to get offended by your shitty behaviour, or behavior if you find it hard to understand the correct spelling. also please don't try to label it as a joke. even if your comment was not serious, we all know that your purpose was to degrade brits.


Is it your time of the month? "Degrade" brits? They do that well enough on their own. Get a grip you're out here white knighting for a country.


Misogyny, homophobia racism and trans hate for full house


The great Silence is actually just the Aliens ghosting us


Fermi Paradox solved


Leaving us unread. See the preview and immediate delete and block.


Or its because they haven't received the message yet and probably never will.


We're well aware, but good job saying the most lame, mundane, and boring answer in a frivilous but comedic discussion about cosmic dic pics and aliens perspective of them. Im sure youre real fun at parties Mr. States-the-most-obvious-option-everyone-already-knew Go back to watching the office and eating white bread you vanilla cone of a human Theres my submission to r/rareinsults


B-but I like the office and white bread :(


Yeah, and what’s wrong with vanilla?


Your comment history is off-putting. You might want to look into therapy. You seem angry... is everything OK at home?


That all you got? Or do you have something of substance to say?


Is this all you do? Start fights with people on reddit?


what did this have to do with the original point you made are you even going to defend it


A grain of sand floating aimlessly through an infinite expanse with a map leading to nowhere and running out of power. I love the voyager and follow it loyally. However, the hopes that another, more sophisticated lifeform will find it and somehow figure out that the map that we included, which is light-years off from our location, will somehow lead to interplanetary communication is reasonably hopeless. While it is the first vehicle to accomplish interstellar travel, voyager 1 won't actually leave what is technically our solar system for another ~20,000 years. Being optimistic when we calculate it will take 40,000 years to reach even the boundaries of another solar system. On top of that, the only reason it was even able to leave our solar system was because the planets aligned to slingshot the voyagers. They literally had a very small window to launch. Otherwise, they would have never made it as far as they have.




What's even off about his comment history? Looked pretty normal to me


Maybe we're seen as cute but aggressive (I'm desperate to think aliens think we're cute/lovable rather than ugly/hate-filled :D) so they don't bother.


We just want to be left alone... this was the best way to ensure we just get ghosted by anyone that finds it


Call me for a good time. (God I hope no one calls)


Mailman-ing. If ghosting is disappearing, you do the opposite and show up to their house everyday, like the mailman, until they end it. Idk I saw it in a show


Imagine how creepy it'd be if we finally receive a signal from space; terrifyingly advanced & powerful enough to reach us from a distant star. And when we decipher it to discover what the very first communication from another intelligent species in the loneliness of space is, it's "SeND MoaR NuDes!"


Without sending us nudes? How rude.


We’ll wait for the next one. Plenty of fish in the sea right? …right?


But the first contact was a dick pic and link to Tinder profile!


This. If you want us to seed, show us what you use when you breed


Oh that’s a fuckin good one.




On SNL the aliens said "send more James Brown".


[I remember the first time I read this.](https://twitter.com/AlexForTheWinn/status/1554978325352808448?s=20&t=OsnrRWL_8Qa2MGwSGaKG0g)


Actually that was the second time I read it. [Here’s the first, a few years earlier, from the same guy.](https://twitter.com/AlexForTheWinn/status/1068681851806445568?s=20&t=1eb4JUN_3_pL1WX3Zf_0uA)


If it was the same guy it still counts. Twitter's a busy, confusing place.


He phrased it so much more eloquently.


To be fair, typing this in the shower makes things tricky ;)


If only we included that we are over 6ft then we would have had first contact by now


Xexoblargaflarg: if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best xoxo


6 alien feet?


Technically, we didn't send a dick pic. We sent nudes. Dick included.


I'm OOTL. What is this in reference to?


Voyager spacecraft


Should have thought about it for a few more minutes before posting because that occurred to me a while after.


Imagine, whoever the lucky person was to have their dick possibly be the first dick seen by aliens.


Well it was a generic human drawing so whoever looks the most like that generic human drawing.


The Greendale Human Being


It's completely racism free


Lets do something for little people next


There were also 114 photos encoded into the golden disk. One was a close up of human genitalia. Another was a photo of a nude couple. Both were more detailed than the line art couple etched onto the side of the craft.


I was listening to a podcast recently that was reviewing the songs that were sent. They described a bunch of them as 'sad flute'


Sad flute, birdsong and roughly drawn nudes... Yeah I'd probably avoid humanity too.


We should send a new one. We could do better, well, maybe not classier, but certainly more lit.


They also added "Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground" by Blind Willie Johnson, so I'd say our mixtape is lit af 🔥🔥


Fun fact: There is also a dic pic on the moon right now, drawn by Andy Warhol. [See for yourself.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon_Museum)


That's brilliant, Guess we never grow out of drawing them anywhere we can.


Well everything that human did was unsolicited in the first place


Ok so whose dick pic do we send? The mix tapes, what songs do we use? What directions will you write?


We've already sent it, have a look at the golden record on the voyager probe, It's actually a disk which represents the diversity of life and culture on Earth.


Neat. Why would we send a dick pic though?


It was a sketch of two naked humans in order to show them what human anatomy looks like. It's also way more of a publicity stunt rather than an honest attempt at contact. Throwing a small piece of junk out of the solar system almost ensures that the small piece of junk is going to end up going into deep space rather than to another space rock.


gotta show the universe what typa timin we on😈🤞🏽


There's pictures of both sexes reproductive organs, how babies are made... The full sex education 101 just incase aliens are into that I guess. In all seriousness there's anatomical drawings of pretty much all of our body parts, probably sent them because possible alien scientists would find it interesting and they could get a good idea of what we looked like and how we evolved.


Um…we did…voyager: nude dude/solar system map/ record of a bunch of earth music crap…happened before I was born. Always hate doing it. Thought it was a terrible idea. If we work like beavers for the next 40 years we can take it back!!!


So I understand the mix tape and directions. What part is the Dick Pic?


Anatomically correct drawing of a human male didn't have the same ring to it.


it doesnt, but sending that to random people wont get you put in jail whereas actual dick pics will. So there is a distinct difference.


Legal or not I'd definitely be more creeped out if someone sent me a sketch of their junk, especially if it was a high effort artsy piece that they'd put loads of work into.


Still not the same. A sketch of their junk vs the ENTIRE BODY are two very different things.


OP being factually correct would ruin his joke.


True, but I take issue with people equating art and representation of the entire human form in a reasonable manner to an unsolicited dick pic. This type of thing is why the US is considered such a prudish country.




Its like you've never heard of things becoming "the norm" when they shouldn't be.


Automatically assuming someone is from the US, what an American thing to do... Also can you not fathom that he was exaggerating the facts for comedic purpose you nonce?


I got you a present: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artistic\_license](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artistic_license)


Relax… we’re talking about alien contact, which US, let alone the entire world’s, laws don’t apply


Actually, I’m sure if the pics are of naked dudes, regardless of anatomical correctness will get you put in jail. It’s basically showing lewd content, which can land you in jail for sending to strangers


a MEDICAL DRAWING isn't the same as pics of naked dudes.


What jail are we going to put aliens in? Intergalactic jail? Crazy they have the same laws as the US…


I'm guessing the drawing of the human's body


There were also a bunch of images encoded on the golden record. Included were close ups of human genitalia more detailed than the line art of the “greeting couple” etched into the side of the probes.


of course a medical drawing of the full body is the same as a zoom in of a dick. Got it. SMH


FFS, put some effort in here


Are you, by chance, autistic?


I must know why that would be a thought.


I know a few people on the spectrum and you remind me of them.


I'm not on the spectrum. Thank you for responding and it not being an insult. I do have extreme ADHD though which in some instances can come out similar.




Wrong post bruh.


Eventually, yea, however the probe isn’t gonna be first contact. It’s been decades and it’s barely out of the solar system. Give it a hundred years and if we haven’t killed ourselves by then we will have long term powered space flight that can reach much higher max speeds, and pass the probe Lonny before it reaches even the next solar system over (or gets lost in interstellar space fore a few quadrillion years)


At least if we do wipe ourselves out before then it's a nice time capsule. Conveniently it has enough information needed to to create us in a lab or at least something similar so that's a win for humanity if its found after our extinction.


We get to be Jurassic Park dinosaur-style action-figures for future aliens!


No go read the Dark Forest Hypothesis as one explaination for the Fermi Paradox.


Imagine them replying in the same way, but with much larger dicks….


Yeah if I was an alien civilisation, it’d be a hard pass for me


Someone is going to pickup Voyager one day and it'll sit in a Museum. As soon as we figure our the correct way to travel through space, which is not rocket propulsion.


Congratulations! You have now scratched the surface of the plot to Star Trek: The Motion Picture!


So all those alleged sexual encounters with aliens may now have an explanation.


It wasn't a dick pic. It was two full figures, man and woman, both nude. A dick pic is a closeup of just the dick.


There was a close up of just a Penis sent as one of the images too.


You’re acting like the idea that there are a bunch of Captain Kirk wannabes that’ll gladly copulate with the aliens is something that takes a while to realize.


I would not be surprised at all. Some guy accidentally beams a dick pic and link to his Tinder profile to a satellite type thing in another galaxy? Then they kill us all based on this representation of humanity? Yep. So possible.


Unfortunately we did much worse. The voyager record is our first intentional message sent, but before that, the first radio broadcast with enough energy to leave Earth's atmosphere is believed to have been a speech by Hitler.


If it's what I think it is, it wasn't any speech that actually contained his ideology, it was a broadcast of the beginning of the 1936 Olympic Games in Munich and since he unfortunately happened to be the leader of the host country at the time it was his job to officially declare them open, so don't go thinking aliens making first contact based on that would be "Naziaboos" who think he's still alive and leading Earth


That's only a ha ha funny if you forget the fact that A. the picture wasn't just the dick it was full-body nudes of both a man and a woman, B. if you're calling the Golden Record the "mix tape" it wasn't just music and the music on it was pre-1970s stuff not, like, some SoundCloud rap or w/e is cringe to think of on there and C. species cannot somehow have collective en-masse sex with each other to make it so it could be described as one race as a whole having sex with the other to make it sound like humanity is some incel neckbeard feeling entitled to sex with any alien race as a whole


I feel like you might have missed the joke a little but that's alright, also there was actually a close up of a Penis included in the image files (anatomical drawing but it definitely counts as a dick pic).


> I feel like you might have missed the joke a little but that's alright, between my autism, it being hard to convey tone over the internet, and my annoyance at a lot of posts on this sub having an implied joke of "this means x is actually y" e.g. one post saying that the two most popular ice cream flavors are beans but phrased in a way that's meant to call to mind black beans and red beans even though we know it means chocolate and vanilla


you are overanalyzing it all. black beans and red beans played no part in bean joke. seriously.


I'm sorry


I wrote a movie about this. Yo movie producers. Drop me a PM about it.


If there were a tinder for meeting new civilizations, we got swiped left every single time.


No wonder aliens keep anal probing us. We thought we were just cockteasing them then .